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id: unityatoms.editor
title: UnityAtoms.Editor
hide_title: true
sidebar_label: UnityAtoms.Editor
# Namespace - `UnityAtoms.Editor`
## `EditorIconPostProcessor`
Postprocessor that processes all scripts using the EditorIcon attribute and assigns the matching icon guid (matching the icon query name) to the script's meta. It's a very simple solution (and very hacky), but works really great.
### Methods
#### `OnPostprocessAllAssets(System.String[],System.String[],System.String[],System.String[])`
Called when new assets are imported, deleted or moved.
##### Parameters
- `importedAssets` - Imported assets.
- `deletedAssets` - Deleted assets.
- `movedAssets` - Moved assets.
- `movedFromAssetPaths` - Moved from asset paths.
## `RegenereateAllAtoms`
Internal utility class to regenerate all Atoms. Reachable via top menu bar and `Tools/Unity Atoms/Regenerate All Atoms`.
### Methods
#### `Regenereate`
Create the editor window.
## `Templating`
Internal class used for templating when generating new Atoms using the `Generator`.
### Methods
#### `ResolveConditionals(System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String})`
Resolve conditionals from the provided tempalte.
##### Parameters
- `template` - Template to resolve the conditionals from.
- `trueConditions` - A list of conditionals that are `true`.
##### Returns
A new template string resolved and based on the provided `template`.
#### `ResolveVariables(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)`
Resolve variables in the provided string.
##### Parameters
- `templateVariables` - Dictionay mapping template variables and their resolutions.
- `toResolve` - The string to resolve.
##### Returns
A new template string resolved and based on the provided `toResolve` string.
## `GeneratorEditor`
Editor class for the `Generator`. Use it via the top window bar at _Tools / Unity Atoms / Generator_. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`.
### Methods
#### `Init`
Create the editor window.
#### `AddAtomTypeToGenerate(UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomType)`
Add provided `AtomType` to the list of Atom types to be generated.
##### Parameters
- `atomType` - The `AtomType` to be added.
#### `RemoveAtomTypeToGenerate(UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomType)`
Remove provided `AtomType` from the list of Atom types to be generated.
##### Parameters
- `atomType` - The `AtomType` to be removed.
#### `SetWarningText(UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomType,System.Collections.Generic.List{UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomType})`
Set and display warning text in the editor.
##### Parameters
- `atomType` - `AtomType` to generate the warning for.
- `disabledDeps` - List of disabled deps.
#### `OnEnable`
Called when editor is enabled.
#### `CreateDivider`
Helper method to create a divider.
##### Returns
The divider (`VisualElement`) created.
#### `CreateAtomTypeToGenerateToggleRow(UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomType)`
Helper to create toogle row for a specific `AtomType`.
##### Parameters
- `atomType` - The provided `AtomType`.
##### Returns
A new toggle row (`VisualElement`).
## `AtomReceipe`
Internal module class that holds that regarding an Atom type.
## `AtomType`
Internal module class that holds that regarding an Atom type.
## `Generator`
Generator that generates new Atom types based on the input data. Used by the `GeneratorEditor`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`.
### Methods
#### `Generate(UnityAtoms.Editor.AtomReceipe,System.String,System.String[],System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})`
Generate new Atoms based on the input data.
##### Parameters
- `valueType` - The type of Atom to generate.abstract Eg. double, byte, MyStruct, MyClass.
- `baseWritePath` - Base write path (relative to the Asset folder) where the Atoms are going to be written to.
- `isEquatable` - Is the `type` provided implementing `IEquatable`?
- `atomTypesToGenerate` - A list of `AtomType`s to be generated.
- `typeNamespace` - If the `type` provided is defined under a namespace, provide that namespace here.
- `subUnityAtomsNamespace` - By default the Atoms that gets generated will be under the namespace `UnityAtoms`. If you for example like it to be under `UnityAtoms.MyNamespace` you would then enter `MyNamespace` in this field.
##### Examples
namespace MyNamespace
public struct MyStruct
public string Text;
public int Number;
var generator = new Generator();
generator.Generate("MyStruct", "", false, new List<AtomType>() { AtomTypes.ACTION }, "MyNamespace", ""); // Generates an Atom Action of type MyStruct
#### `RemoveDuplicateNamespaces(System.String)`
Removes duplicate namespaces, given content from a template.
##### Parameters
- `template` - The content template to remove namespace from.
##### Returns
A copy of `content`, but without duplicate namespaces.
## `AtomTypes`
Internal static class holding predefined static `AtomType`s.
### Variables
Containes all common atom types that are usually generated for a type.
Graph explaining all the dependencies between Atoms.
## `AtomEventReferenceDrawer`
A custom property drawer for Event References. Makes it possible to choose between an Event, Event Instancer, Variable or a Variable Instancer.
## `AtomDrawer<T>`
#### Type Parameters
- `T` - The type of Atom the property drawer should apply to.
The base Unity Atoms property drawer. Makes it possible to create and add a new Atom via Unity's inspector. Only availble in `UNITY_2018_4_OR_NEWER`.
## `AtomReferenceDrawer`
A custom property drawer for References. Makes it possible to choose between a Value, Variable, Constant or a Variable Instancer.
## `AtomBaseReferenceDrawer`
A custom property drawer for References (Events and regular). Makes it possible to reference a resources (Variable or Event) through multiple options.
## `ReadOnlyDrawer`
Make property read only by using the abbtribute `[ReadOnly]`. Solution taken from: https://answers.unity.com/questions/489942/how-to-make-a-readonly-property-in-inspector.html
## `AtomListAttributeDrawer`
A custom property drawer for properties using the `AtomList` attribute.
## `AtomVariableEditor`2`
Custom editor for Variables. Provides a better user workflow and indicates when which variables can be edited
## `AtomEventEditor<T,E>`
#### Type Parameters
- `T` - The type of this event..
- `E` - Event of type T.
Custom editor for Events. Adds the possiblity to raise an Event from Unity's Inspector.