1. Go to [Releases](https://github.com/passivestar/godot-minimal-theme/releases) and download the `.tres` file for your version. Use the high ppi file if you're using in-engine display scale of over **100%** (for example if you're using a laptop with a high pixel density display)
2. In Godot open `Editor Settings -> Interface -> Theme`, and choose the downloaded theme in the `Custom Theme` field
3. Set the theme settings like in the [Recommended settings](https://github.com/passivestar/godot-minimal-theme?tab=readme-ov-file#recommended-settings) below
> You can experiment with different values but keep in mind that some UI elements will look out of place if you use a different `Base Color`, especially a non-monochrome one. `Accent Color`, `Icon Saturation` and `Font` are safe to change to any value. `Corner Radius` needs to be set to `4` for the nested resources to match the corner radius of the theme. It's not customizable. This is a limitation of Godot theming capabilities.