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2022-01-30 11:32:05 -05:00
# Tri Inspector [![Github license](](#) [![Unity 2020.3](](#) ![GitHub package.json version](
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
_Advanced inspector attributes for Unity_
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
### Usage
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
using System;
using TriInspector;
using UnityEngine;
2022-01-21 10:15:47 -05:00
public class BasicSample : MonoBehaviour
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
[HideLabel, LabelText("My Label"), LabelWidth(100)]
[GUIColor(0, 1, 0), Space, Indent, ReadOnly]
[Title("My Title"), Header("My Header")]
[PropertySpace(SpaceBefore = 10, SpaceAfter = 20)]
[PropertyTooltip("My Tooltip")]
public float unityField;
2022-01-15 11:25:12 -05:00
public Material mat;
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
2022-01-09 11:16:45 -05:00
public SampleScriptableObject objectReference;
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
[HideInPlayMode, ShowInPlayMode]
[DisableInPlayMode, EnableInPlayMode]
[HideInEditMode, ShowInEditMode]
[DisableInEditMode, EnableInEditMode]
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
public float conditional;
2022-01-19 04:58:33 -05:00
[Button("Click Me!")]
private void CustomButton()
Debug.Log("Button clicked!");
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
public float ReadonlyProperty => 123f;
public float EditableProperty
get => unityField;
set => unityField = value;
[InlineProperty(LabelWidth = 60)]
public Config config = new Config();
public class Config
public Vector3 position;
public float rotation;
[DeclareBoxGroup("header/left", Title = "My Left Box")]
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
[DeclareBoxGroup("header/right/top", Title = "My Right Box")]
2022-01-21 10:15:47 -05:00
public class GroupDemo : MonoBehaviour
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
[Group("header/left")] public bool prop1;
[Group("header/left")] public int prop2;
[Group("header/left")] public string prop3;
[Group("header/left")] public Vector3 prop4;
[Group("header/right/top")] public string rightProp;
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
[Group("body")] public string body1;
[Group("body")] public string body2;
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
[Group("header/right/tabs"), Tab("One")] public float tabOne;
[Group("header/right/tabs"), Tab("Two")] public float tabTwo;
[Group("header/right/tabs"), Tab("Three")] public float tabThree;
2022-01-21 06:22:51 -05:00
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
[Group("header/right"), Button]
public void MyButton()
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
2022-01-30 11:16:17 -05:00
![GroupDemo Preview](
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
### Customization
#### Custom Drawers
<summary>Custom Value Drawer</summary>
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
using TriInspector;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
2022-01-06 12:11:27 -05:00
[assembly: RegisterTriValueDrawer(typeof(BoolDrawer), TriDrawerOrder.Fallback)]
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
public class BoolDrawer : TriValueDrawer<bool>
public override float GetHeight(float width, TriValue<bool> propertyValue, TriElement next)
return EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, TriValue<bool> propertyValue, TriElement next)
var value = propertyValue.Value;
value = EditorGUI.Toggle(position, propertyValue.Property.DisplayNameContent, value);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
propertyValue.Value = value;
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
<summary>Custom Attribute Drawer</summary>
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
using TriInspector;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
2022-01-06 12:11:27 -05:00
[assembly: RegisterTriAttributeDrawer(typeof(LabelWidthDrawer), TriDrawerOrder.Decorator)]
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
public class LabelWidthDrawer : TriAttributeDrawer<LabelWidthAttribute>
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, TriProperty property, TriElement next)
var oldLabelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = Attribute.Width;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = oldLabelWidth;
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
<summary>Custom Group Drawer</summary>
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
using TriInspector;
using TriInspector.Elements;
[assembly: RegisterTriGroupDrawer(typeof(TriBoxGroupDrawer))]
public class TriBoxGroupDrawer : TriGroupDrawer<DeclareBoxGroupAttribute>
public override TriPropertyCollectionBaseElement CreateElement(DeclareBoxGroupAttribute attribute)
// ...
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
#### Validators
<summary>Custom Value Validator</summary>
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
2022-01-15 11:25:12 -05:00
using TriInspector;
[assembly: RegisterTriValueValidator(typeof(MissingReferenceValidator<>))]
public class MissingReferenceValidator<T> : TriValueValidator<T>
where T : UnityEngine.Object
public override TriValidationResult Validate(TriValue<T> propertyValue)
// ...
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
<summary>Custom Attribute Validators</summary>
2022-01-15 11:25:12 -05:00
using TriInspector;
[assembly: RegisterTriAttributeValidator(typeof(RequiredValidator), ApplyOnArrayElement = true)]
public class RequiredValidator : TriAttributeValidator<RequiredAttribute>
public override TriValidationResult Validate(TriProperty property)
// ...
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
#### Property Processors
<summary>Custom Property Hide Processor</summary>
2022-01-15 11:25:12 -05:00
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
using TriInspector;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: RegisterTriPropertyHideProcessor(typeof(HideInPlayModeProcessor))]
public class HideInPlayModeProcessor : TriPropertyHideProcessor<HideInPlayModeAttribute>
public override bool IsHidden(TriProperty property)
return Application.isPlaying;
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
<summary>Custom Property Disable Processor</summary>
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
using TriInspector;
using UnityEngine;
[assembly: RegisterTriPropertyDisableProcessor(typeof(DisableInPlayModeProcessor))]
public class DisableInPlayModeProcessor : TriPropertyDisableProcessor<DisableInPlayModeAttribute>
public override bool IsDisabled(TriProperty property)
return Application.isPlaying;
2022-01-15 12:22:33 -05:00
2022-01-05 08:22:07 -05:00
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
## How to Install
2022-01-21 23:36:15 -05:00
Minimal Unity Version is 2020.3.
2022-01-05 08:14:54 -05:00
Library distributed as git package ([How to install package from git URL](
<br>Git URL: ``
## License
Tri-Inspector is [MIT licensed](./