using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
/// <summary>
/// This will store away all of our utility functions during this little game jam of mine.
/// </summary>
namespace GameUtils
/// Collision point class containing relevant collision data: point(world space), contact normal, intensity (how hard?)
public class CollisionPoint : IComparable<CollisionPoint>
public Vector3 point, normal;
public float intensity;
public int CompareTo(CollisionPoint other)
// Sort by whichever contact normal is closest to pointing straight up.
return Vector3.Angle(normal, Vector3.up).CompareTo(Vector3.Angle(other.normal, Vector3.up));
public interface ISceneObject
void ObjectUpdate();
void Initialize();
public enum GameInput
JUMP // Add more as needed
public static class Utilities
public static Vector2 Vec2(Vector3 input)
return new Vector2(input.x, input.y);
// Game State Enumerator
public enum GameState
TITLE, // index 0
MAINMENU // index 1
// ... this goes on to define levels, most useful if kept in the same loading order that is to be used during build.