Oliver Biwer 72f17db03f Canary/generator fix (#44)
* Moved Generator.cs into Editor folder under AtomsEditor.asmdef

Generator.cs must not be outside of the Editor Assembly Definition because it uses UnityEditor and thus would prevent games from building

* - cleaned up unused imports
- fixed a potential bug in Templating.cs because IndexOf is culture specific
    - at least warnings in Rider are now eliminated
- cleaned up the logic of Templating.cs
    - the while condition had never changed, it contained a redundant true
    - using an early return if the list is null

* Replaced ResolveConditionals in Templating.cs to allow nested IF-blocks
fixed typos
2019-06-17 23:09:42 +02:00

77 lines
2.8 KiB

#if UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
namespace UnityAtoms.Editor
public class GeneratorEditor : EditorWindow
private Generator generator;
[MenuItem("Tools/Unity Atoms/Generator")]
static void Init()
var window = GetWindow<GeneratorEditor>(false, "Generator");
window.position = new Rect(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2, 300, 100);
private string _type = "";
private bool _isEquatable = true;
private static string _writePath = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory.Contains("unity-atoms/UnityAtomsTestsAndExamples")
? "../Source/" : "Assets/Atoms/";
private void OnEnable()
generator = generator == null ? new Generator() : generator;
var root = this.rootVisualElement;
var inlineVE = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row } };
inlineVE.Add(new Label() { text = "Relative Write Path", style = { width = 100 } });
var textfield = new TextField() { value = _writePath, style = { flexGrow = 1 } };
textfield.RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<string>>(evt => _writePath = evt.newValue);
inlineVE = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row } };
inlineVE.Add(new Label() { text = "Type Name", style = { width = 100 } });
textfield = new TextField() { value = _type, style = { flexGrow = 1 } };
textfield.RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<string>>(evt => _type = evt.newValue);
inlineVE = new VisualElement() { style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row } };
inlineVE.Add(new Label() { text = "Is Type Equatable?", style = { width = 100 } });
var toggle = new Toggle() { value = _isEquatable, style = { flexGrow = 1 } };
toggle.RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<bool>>(evt => _isEquatable = evt.newValue);
inlineVE = new VisualElement()
style = { flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row }
var button1 = new Button(Close)
text = "Close",
style = { flexGrow = 1 }
var button2 = new Button(() => generator.Generate(type: _type, writePath: _writePath, isEquatable: _isEquatable))
text = "Generate",
style = { flexGrow = 1 }