using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; namespace UnityAtoms { /// /// A Variable Instancer is a MonoBehaviour that takes a variable as a base and creates an in memory copy of it OnEnable. /// This is handy when you want to use atoms for prefabs that are instantiated at runtime. Use together with AtomCollection to /// react accordingly when a prefab with an assoicated atom is added or deleted to the scene. /// /// Variable of type T. /// IPair of type `T`. /// The value type. /// Event of type T. /// Event x 2 of type T. /// Function of type T => T [EditorIcon("atom-icon-hotpink")] [DefaultExecutionOrder(Runtime.ExecutionOrder.VARIABLE_INSTANCER)] public abstract class AtomVariableInstancer : MonoBehaviour, IGetEvent, ISetEvent where V : AtomVariable where P : struct, IPair where E1 : AtomEvent where E2 : AtomEvent

where F : AtomFunction where CO : IGetValue where L : IGetValue { ///

/// Getter for retrieving the in memory runtime variable. /// public V Variable { get => _inMemoryCopy; } /// /// Getter for retrieving the value of the in memory runtime variable. /// public T Value { get => _inMemoryCopy.Value; set => _inMemoryCopy.Value = value; } public virtual V Base { get => _base; } [SerializeField] [ReadOnly] protected V _inMemoryCopy = default(V); /// /// The variable that the in memory copy will be based on when created at runtime. /// [SerializeField] protected V _base = null; /// /// If assigned the in memory copy variable will be added to the collection on Start using the gameObject's instance id as key. The value will also be removed from the collection OnDestroy. /// [SerializeField] private CO _syncToCollection = default(CO); /// /// If assigned the in memory copy variable will be added to the list on Start. The value will also be removed from the list OnDestroy. /// [SerializeField] private L _syncToList = default(L); /// /// Override to add implementation specific setup on `OnEnable`. /// protected virtual void ImplSpecificSetup() { } private void OnEnable() { Assert.IsNotNull(Base); _inMemoryCopy = Instantiate(Base); if (Base.Changed != null) { _inMemoryCopy.Changed = Instantiate(Base.Changed); } if (Base.ChangedWithHistory != null) { _inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory = Instantiate(Base.ChangedWithHistory); } ImplSpecificSetup(); } void Start() { // Adding to the collection on Start instead of OnEnable because of timing issues that otherwise occurs when listeners register themselves OnEnable. // This is an issue when a Game Object has a Variable Instancer attached to it when the scene starts and at the same time their is an AtomBaseListener listening to the associated Added event to a Collection. if (_syncToCollection != null) { _syncToCollection.GetValue().Add(GetInstanceID().ToString(), _inMemoryCopy); } if (_syncToList != null) { _syncToList.GetValue().Add(_inMemoryCopy); } } private void OnDestroy() { if (_syncToCollection != null) { _syncToCollection.GetValue().Remove(GetInstanceID().ToString()); } if (_syncToList != null) { _syncToList.GetValue().Remove(_inMemoryCopy); } } /// /// Get event by type. /// /// /// The event. public E GetEvent() where E : AtomEventBase { if (typeof(E) == typeof(E1)) return (_inMemoryCopy.Changed as E); if (typeof(E) == typeof(E2)) return (_inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory as E); throw new Exception($"Event type {typeof(E)} not supported! Use {typeof(E1)} or {typeof(E2)}."); } /// /// Set event by type. /// /// The new event value. /// public void SetEvent(E e) where E : AtomEventBase { if (typeof(E) == typeof(E1)) { _inMemoryCopy.Changed = (e as E1); return; } if (typeof(E) == typeof(E2)) { _inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory = (e as E2); return; } throw new Exception($"Event type {typeof(E)} not supported! Use {typeof(E1)} or {typeof(E2)}."); } } }