--- id: unityatoms.scenemgmt.editor title: UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.Editor hide_title: true sidebar_label: UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.Editor --- # Namespace - `UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.Editor` ## `SceneFieldDrawer` Customer property drawer for `SceneField`. --- ## `SceneFieldVariableEditor` Variable Inspector of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomVariableEditor` --- ## `SceneFieldEventEditor` Event property drawer of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomEventEditor`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldPairEventEditor` Event property drawer of type `SceneFieldPair`. Inherits from `AtomEventEditor`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldConstantDrawer` Constant property drawer of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomDrawer`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldVariableDrawer` Variable property drawer of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomDrawer`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldPairEventDrawer` Event property drawer of type `SceneFieldPair`. Inherits from `AtomDrawer`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldEventDrawer` Event property drawer of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomDrawer`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. --- ## `SceneFieldValueListDrawer` Value List property drawer of type `SceneField`. Inherits from `AtomDrawer`. Only availble in `UNITY_2019_1_OR_NEWER`. ---