using UnityAtoms.BaseAtoms; using UnityAtoms.FSM; using UnityEngine; using UnityAtoms.Tags; namespace UnityAtoms.Examples { /// /// Scipt that listens to the state of the enemy and shoots towards the Player if it's in the correct state. /// public class EnemyShooting : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private StringReference _tagToTarget; [SerializeField] private FiniteStateMachineReference _enemyState; [SerializeField] private GameObject _projectile; void Awake() { Transform target = null; AtomTags.OnInitialization(() => target = AtomTags.FindByTag(_tagToTarget.Value).transform); _enemyState.Machine.OnStateCooldown("ATTACKING", (value) => { if (target) { var spawnPos = transform.position + transform.right; Instantiate(_projectile, spawnPos, transform.rotation); } }, gameObject); } } }