where E2 : AtomEvent
where F : AtomFunction
/// Override to add implementation specific setup on `OnEnable`.
protected override void ImplSpecificSetup()
if (Base.Changed != null)
_inMemoryCopy.Changed = Instantiate(Base.Changed);
if (Base.ChangedWithHistory != null)
_inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory = Instantiate(Base.ChangedWithHistory);
/// Get event by type.
/// The event.
public E GetEvent() where E : AtomEventBase
if (typeof(E) == typeof(E1))
return (_inMemoryCopy.Changed as E);
if (typeof(E) == typeof(E2))
return (_inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory as E);
throw new Exception($"Event type {typeof(E)} not supported! Use {typeof(E1)} or {typeof(E2)}.");
/// Set event by type.
/// The new event value.
public void SetEvent(E e) where E : AtomEventBase
if (typeof(E) == typeof(E1))
_inMemoryCopy.Changed = (e as E1);
if (typeof(E) == typeof(E2))
_inMemoryCopy.ChangedWithHistory = (e as E2);
throw new Exception($"Event type {typeof(E)} not supported! Use {typeof(E1)} or {typeof(E2)}.");