using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityAtoms
/// Generic base class for Events. Inherits from `AtomEventBase`.
/// The type for this Event.
public class AtomEvent : AtomEventBase
public T InspectorRaiseValue { get => _inspectorRaiseValue; }
/// Retrieve Replay Buffer as a List. This call will allocate memory so use sparsely.
public List ReplayBuffer { get => _replayBuffer.ToList(); }
public int ReplayBufferSize { get => _replayBufferSize; set => _replayBufferSize = value; }
protected event Action _onEvent;
/// The event replays the specified number of old values to new subscribers. Works like a ReplaySubject in Rx.
[Range(0, 10)]
[Tooltip("The number of old values (between 0-10) being replayed when someone subscribes to this Event.")]
private int _replayBufferSize = 1;
private Queue _replayBuffer = new Queue();
private void OnDisable()
// Clear all delegates when exiting play mode
if (_onEvent != null)
var invocationList = _onEvent.GetInvocationList();
foreach (var d in invocationList)
_onEvent -= (Action)d;
/// Used when raising values from the inspector for debugging purposes.
[Tooltip("Value that will be used when using the Raise button in the editor inspector.")]
private T _inspectorRaiseValue = default(T);
/// Raise the Event.
/// The value associated with the Event.
public void Raise(T item)
/// Register handler to be called when the Event triggers.
/// The handler.
public void Register(Action action)
_onEvent += action;
/// Unregister handler that was registered using the `Register` method.
/// The handler.
public void Unregister(Action action)
_onEvent -= action;
/// Unregister all handlers that were registered using the `Register` method.
public void UnregisterAll()
_onEvent = null;
/// Register a Listener that in turn trigger all its associated handlers when the Event triggers.
/// The Listener to register.
public void RegisterListener(IAtomListener listener)
_onEvent += listener.OnEventRaised;
/// Unregister a listener that was registered using the `RegisterListener` method.
/// The Listener to unregister.
public void UnregisterListener(IAtomListener listener)
_onEvent -= listener.OnEventRaised;
#region Observable
/// Turn the Event into an `IObservable<T>`. Makes Events compatible with for example UniRx.
/// The Event as an `IObservable<T>`.
public IObservable Observe()
return new ObservableEvent(Register, Unregister);
#endregion // Observable
protected void AddToReplayBuffer(T item)
if (_replayBufferSize > 0)
while (_replayBuffer.Count >= _replayBufferSize) { _replayBuffer.Dequeue(); }
private void ReplayBufferToSubscriber(Action action)
if (_replayBufferSize > 0 && _replayBuffer.Count > 0)
var enumerator = _replayBuffer.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())