where E2 : AtomEvent
where F : AtomFunction
where VI : AtomVariableInstancer
/// Get or set the value for the Reference.
/// The value of type `T`.
public T Value
switch (_usage)
case (AtomReferenceUsage.CONSTANT): return _constant == null ? default(T) : _constant.Value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE): return _variable == null ? default(T) : _variable.Value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER): return _variableInstancer == null ? default(T) : _variableInstancer.Value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE):
return _value;
switch (_usage)
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE):
_variable.Value = value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE):
_value = value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER):
_variableInstancer.Value = value;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.CONSTANT):
throw new NotSupportedException("Can't reassign constant value");
/// True if the `Usage` is an AtomType and is unassigned. False otherwise.
public bool IsUnassigned
switch (_usage)
case (AtomReferenceUsage.CONSTANT): return _constant == null;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE): return _variable == null;
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER): return _variableInstancer == null;
return false;
/// Value used if `Usage` is set to `Value`.
private T _value = default(T);
/// Constant used if `Usage` is set to `Constant`.
private C _constant = default(C);
/// Variable used if `Usage` is set to `Variable`.
private V _variable = default(V);
/// Variable Instancer used if `Usage` is set to `VariableInstancer`.
private VI _variableInstancer = default(VI);
protected AtomReference()
_usage = AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE;
protected AtomReference(T value) : this()
_usage = AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE;
_value = value;
public static implicit operator T(AtomReference reference)
return reference.Value;
protected abstract bool ValueEquals(T other);
public bool Equals(AtomReference other)
if (other == null)
return false;
return ValueEquals(other.Value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return Value == null ? 0 : Value.GetHashCode();
/// Get event by type.
/// The event.
public E GetEvent() where E : AtomEventBase
switch (_usage)
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE):
return _variable.GetEvent();
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER):
return _variableInstancer.GetEvent();
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE):
case (AtomReferenceUsage.CONSTANT):
throw new Exception($"Can't retrieve Event when usages is set to '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(_usage)}'! Usage needs to be set to '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE)}' or '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER)}'.");
/// Set event by type.
/// The new event value.
public void SetEvent(E e) where E : AtomEventBase
switch (_usage)
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE):
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER):
case (AtomReferenceUsage.VALUE):
case (AtomReferenceUsage.CONSTANT):
throw new Exception($"Can't set Event when usages is set to '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(_usage)}'! Usage needs to be set to '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE)}' or '{AtomReferenceUsage.DisplayName(AtomReferenceUsage.VARIABLE_INSTANCER)}'.");