using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityAtoms
/// Postprocessor that enables assigning icons to assets after importing them.
/// You will need to add processor(s) or assigner(s) (to the CommonIconAssigmentProcessor)
/// in order to acutally assign icons. Processors specifies an icon searh filter, its
/// own settings path and assigners. Assigners specifies a function called SelectIcon
/// that receives the asset and a list of icons (from assets filtered by the processors filter)
/// and returns an icon for that asset if it should be applied.
public partial class IconAssignmentPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
/// Add a processor to the postprocessor.
/// The processor to add.
public static void AddProcessor(IconAssignmentProcessor processor)
/// Remove a processor to the postprocessor.
/// The processor to remove.
public static void RemoveProcessor(IconAssignmentProcessor processor)
/// Remove the common assignment postprocessor.
/// The processor to remove.
public static void RemoveCommonIconAssignmentProcessor()
var index = IconAssignmentProcessors.FindIndex((processor) => processor.GetType() == typeof(CommonIconAssignmentProcessor));
if (index != -1)
/// Add an assigner.
/// The assigner to add.
public static void AddCommonAssigner(IIconAssigner iAssigner)
var commonProcessor = IconAssignmentProcessors[0];
/// Remove an assigner.
/// The assigner to remove.
public static void RemoveCommonAssigner(IIconAssigner iAssigner)
var commonProcessor = IconAssignmentProcessors[0];
static List IconAssignmentProcessors
if (_iconAssignmentProcessors == null)
_iconAssignmentProcessors = new List();
return _iconAssignmentProcessors;
static List _iconAssignmentProcessors;
/* Create partial function to be able to apply configuration
* (add / remove processor(s) and / or assigner(s)) before first time processing icons. */
static partial void Configure();
static bool hasAppliedConfiguration = false;
static IconAssignmentPostprocessor()
if (IconAssignmentProcessors.Count == 0)
IconAssignmentProcessors.Add(new CommonIconAssignmentProcessor());
if (!hasAppliedConfiguration)
hasAppliedConfiguration = true;
foreach (var processor in IconAssignmentProcessors)
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths)
foreach (var processor in IconAssignmentProcessors)