πŸ’₯ = Breaking changes πŸ› = Bug fixes πŸ“ = Documentation 🏠 = Internal πŸƒβ€β™€= Performance πŸ’… = Polish πŸš€ = New feature # [Unreleased] - # 2.0.0 (October 24, 2019) _The release notes were introduced halfway through the work with version `2.0.0`. The list below might therefore not me 100% complete._ ## πŸ› Bug fixes - Fix indent and ui state issues of the `AtomDrawer<T>` ## πŸ’₯ Breaking changes - The repo has been split up to 6 different packages: core, mobile, mono-hooks, scene-mgmt, tags and ui - Changed name on Atomic Tags to Atom Tags. ## πŸ“ Documentation - New website launched - https://adamramberg.github.io/unity-atoms - Improved / added documentation (READMEs). - Automatic generation of API docs in markdown format from C# XML comments. ## 🏠 Internal - Added internal tool to regenerate all existing Atoms. Nifty when doing changes that requires you to update all types of Atoms. - Removed all `FormerlySerializedAs` attributes. ## πŸ’… Polish - Improved examples. ## πŸš€ New features - Events can now be turned into IObservables making it possible to subscribe to them. this also makes Atoms compatible with UniRx. - None generic base classes for all atoms - Generator to generate new atoms with ease. Could be found under Tools / Unity Atoms / Generator. - Custom icons for all atoms. - Custom property drawers for all atoms. - Variables now discards play mode changes. - Public method `Reset` added to Variables. # 1.0.0 (Mars 17, 2019) - Unity Atoms is now using UPM (Unity Package Manager) - see the README on the new and improved way to use and depend on Unity Atoms - Conditional Functions - Check a condition before executing an action. - Molecules - Larger constructs / sets of atoms and other ScriptableObjects. First Molecule added is the Timer. - Moved editor scripts to separate folder - Rearranged the structure of Unity Atoms. Scripts are now on the highest level separated on type (int, float, etc.) instead of on concept (Game Event, Variables, etc.). This seems like a more natural way of structuring the project and makes it easier for developers to include / exclude the relevant stuff for their project. - New type called TouchUserInput that keeps track of a user’s touch input. There is also a possibility to detect tap / double tap. - Added new MonoHooks, for example OnPointerDownHook, OnButtonClickHook, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerEnter. - Added SetStringVariableValue - Added type Collider - Added UIContainer - AtomicTags - Use tags the Unity Atoms way. # 1.0.0 Beta (December 12, 2018) - Conditional Functions -> Check a condition before executing an action. - Molecules - Larger constructs / sets of atoms and other ScriptableObjects. First Molecule added is the Timer. - Moved editor scripts to separate folder - Rearranged the structure of Unity Atoms. Scripts are now on the highest level separated on type (int, float, etc.) instead of on concept (Game Event, Variables, etc.). This seems like a more natural way of structuring the project and makes it easier for developers to include / exclude the relevant stuff for their project. - New type called TouchUserInput that keeps track of a user’s touch input. There is also a possibility to detect tap / double tap. - Added new MonoHooks. For example OnPointerDownHook, OnButtonClickHook, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerEnter. - New types added. - Added SetStringVariableValue. # 0.1.2 (November 30, 2018) - fileName and order of CreateAssetMenu for better usability - 181426f # 0.1.1 (November 16, 2018) - Converted ColorVariable, Vector2Variable and Vector3Variable to ScriptableObjectVariable from EquatableScriptableObjectVariable. Before fix older versions of Unity complaint about issues with boxing conversion. # 0.0.1 (November 13, 2018) - Initial release of Unity Atoms