2019-10-15 16:39:42 -04:00
id: unityatoms.scenemgmt
title: UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt
hide_title: true
sidebar_label: UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt
# Namespace - `UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt`
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## `ChangeScene`
Action to change scene.
### Variables
#### `_sceneName`
Scene to change to.
### Methods
#### `Do`
Change the scene.
## `QuitApplication`
Action to quit the application.
### Methods
#### `Do`
Do quit the apllication.
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## `SceneFieldAction`
Action of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomAction<SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldSceneFieldAction`
Action x 2 of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomAction<SceneField, SceneField>` .
## `SetSceneFieldVariableValue`
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Set variable value Action of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `SetVariableValue<SceneField, SceneFieldVariable, SceneFieldConstant, SceneFieldReference, SceneFieldEvent, SceneFieldSceneFieldEvent>` .
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## `SceneFieldConstant`
Constant of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomBaseVariable<SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldEvent`
Event of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomEvent<SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldSceneFieldEvent`
Event x 2 of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomEvent<SceneField, SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldListener`
Listener of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomListener<SceneField, SceneFieldAction, SceneFieldEvent, SceneFieldUnityEvent>` .
## `SceneFieldSceneFieldListener`
Listener x 2 of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomListener<SceneField, SceneField, SceneFieldSceneFieldAction, SceneFieldSceneFieldEvent, SceneFieldSceneFieldUnityEvent>` .
## `SceneFieldList`
List of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomList<SceneField, SceneFieldEvent>` .
## `SceneFieldReference`
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Reference of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `AtomReference<SceneField, SceneFieldVariable, SceneFieldConstant>` .
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2019-10-15 17:31:21 -04:00
## `SceneField`
Struct to hold data about a scene.
### Variables
#### `_sceneAsset`
The scene asset.
#### `_sceneName`
Name of the scene.
#### `_scenePath`
Path to the scene asset.
#### `_buildIndex`
Build index.
### Properties
#### `SceneName`
Scene name as a property.
#### `ScenePath`
Scene path as a property.
#### `BuildIndex`
Build index as a property.
#### `SceneAsset`
Scene asset as a property.
### Methods
#### `Equals(UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.SceneField)`
Checks for equality between 2 `SceneField` s.
##### Parameters
- `other` - The other `SceneFiled` to compare with.
##### Returns
`true` if they are equal, otherwise `false` .
#### `Equals(System.Object)`
Checks for equality using `object` s.
##### Parameters
- `other` - The other scene field as an `object` to compare with.
##### Returns
`true` if they are equal, otherwise `false` .
#### `GetHashCode`
Get an unique hash code for this `SceneField` .
##### Returns
An unique hash.
#### `op_Equality(UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.SceneField,UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.SceneField)`
Equal operator.
##### Parameters
- `sf1` - The first `SceneField` to compare.
- `sf2` - The second `SceneField` to compare.
##### Returns
`true` if eqaul, otherwise `false` .
#### `op_Inequality(UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.SceneField,UnityAtoms.SceneMgmt.SceneField)`
None equality operator.
##### Parameters
- `sf1` - The first `SceneField` to compare.
- `sf2` - The second `SceneField` to compare.
##### Returns
`true` if not eqaul, otherwise `false` .
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## `SceneFieldSceneFieldUnityEvent`
None generic Unity Event x 2 of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `UnityEvent<SceneField, SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldUnityEvent`
None generic Unity Event of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `UnityEvent<SceneField>` .
## `SceneFieldVariable`
Variable of type `SceneField` . Inherits from `EquatableAtomVariable<SceneField, SceneFieldEvent, SceneFieldSceneFieldEvent>` .