Unity Atoms is a [monorepo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monorepo). Basically that means that there are several packages / projects contained in one repository.
- Examples - this folder is a Unity project folder that contains examples. This folder is not included in the distribution of Unity Atoms.
The reason for this project structure is that we want to include examples in the repo (needing a Unity project), but there are at the same time currently some restrictions when using the UPM regarding how to import it to your project.
- excluding files (using property "files" in package.json) when importing locally using the file syntax (eg. "com.unity-atoms.unity-atoms-core": "file:../../Packages/Core").
The github layout makes it difficult to contribute to Atoms from inside a Unity project. However, there are a few steps one can take to alleviate this issue.
1. Clone the atoms repository and place it where you want your Unity project to be.
2. Create a new Unity project (name it whatever, it won't matter) and wait for Unity to load.
3. Close Unity and drag all the files of your newly created Unity project inside your atoms repository.
4. Inside the Unity Hub, add the atoms repository to your Projects and open it.
5. Inside Unity, go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools. Toggle "Embedded Packages" and click the "Regenerate Project Files" button.
You now have the atoms repository inside a Unity project and can easily make changes to it. However, this approach will lead to all kinds of changes in the repository you don't want to push (for example the Assets folder). So we will take a couple of extra steps to supress those.
1. Open your repository folder and enable hidden items to be shown (this may be dependant on your OS).
2. Go to .git > info > exclude.
3. Paste the following:
Now your Atoms contributing experience will be as smooth as butter on ice.
If you are still confused, you can also [watch this step-by-step](https://youtu.be/BV22qR921Sw) guide on how to set it up.
- Mark closed types as sealed to enable proper devirtualization (see [here](https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/07/26/il2cpp-optimizations-devirtualization/) for more info).
- Avoid LINQ usage for runtime usage except where absolutely possible (`ToList` or `ToArray` for example) and avoid using `ForEach`. Using these methods creates easily avoidable garbage. Editor usage is another story as performance is not as generally important.
There is an `.editorconfig` at the root of the repository located [here](/.editorconfig) that can be used by most IDEs to help ensure these settings are automatically applied.
- Follow good encapsulation principles and try to limit exposing fields directly as public; unless necessary everything should be marked as private/protected unless necessary. Where public access to a field is needed, use a public property instead.
- Where classes or methods are not intended for use by a user, mark these as `internal`.
- Order class structure like so:
- Namespace
- Internal classes
- Properties (Public/Private)
- Fields (Public/Private)
- Unity Methods
- Primary Methods
- Helper Methods
- Lines of code that are generally longer than 120-130 characters should generally be broken out into multiple lines. For example, instead of:
All new features added to the project should be documented using [C# XML comments](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/codedoc). There is a node.js script included in this project to auto generate documentation for the website based on the C# XML comments. This is something needed for a PR to be accepted.
**Prerequisites for running documentation generation script:**
- Install [csc](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/compiler-options/command-line-building-with-csc-exe) (C# compiler) included in for example [.NET Framework](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework).
- Run `npm install` in the root of the project to install necessary dependencies.
When you are all setup you simply run `npm run generate:docs` in the root of the project and voila, fresh documentation is generated for you!