Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
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2021-01-22 02:22:16 -05:00
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Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
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2021-01-22 02:22:16 -05:00
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Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
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2021-01-22 02:22:16 -05:00
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Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
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