Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using UnityEditor ;
using UnityEngine ;
2020-03-01 20:26:06 -05:00
using UnityAtoms.Editor ;
Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
2020-03-01 20:26:06 -05:00
namespace UnityAtoms.BaseAtoms.Editor
Added Variable Instancer, Event Reference, Atom Collection and Atom List (old Atom List renamed to Atom Value List) (#110)
- Added AtomVariableInstancer as an option to AtomReference.
- Added AtomVariableInstancer to generator.
- Added editor icon for AtomVariableInstancer.
- Added an AtomEventReference class (and AtomEventX2Reference). It’s similar to an AtomReference, but for Events. Let’s you pick between an Event, Variable (will select the Changed event) and a VariableInstancer (see above).
- Added AtomEventReference and AtomEventX2Reference to generator.
- Added a drawer for AtomEventReference.
- Listeners are now using AtomEventReference instead of AtomEvent.
- Refactoring of VoidHooks since Listeners are now using AtomEventReference.
- Created an AtomCollection - a collection of Atoms associated with key strings (AtomReferences).
- Added new editor icon for collections.
- Created a SerializableDictionary class, which AtomCollection is using.
- Custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
- SerializableDictionary supports nested structures meaning that a AtomCollection can have a KVP that is pointing to another AtomCollection.
- AtomCollections have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to collection - adding it to the collection when created (using gameObject’s instance id as key) and removing it from the collection when destroyed.
- Renamed old AtomList to AtomValueList
- Added AtomList, like Collection, but a list
- Added new icon for AtomList
- Created a AtomBaseVariableList class, which AtomList is using.
- Custom property drawer for AtomBaseVariableList.
- AtomLists have 3 events: Added, Removed, Cleared.
- Added an option to sync an InstanceVariable to list - adding it to the list when created and removing it from the list when destroyed.
2020-02-22 20:39:43 -05:00
/// <summary>
/// A custom property drawer for SerializableDictionary.
/// </summary>
public abstract class SerializableDictionaryDrawer < K , V , T > : PropertyDrawer
where K : IEquatable < K >
where T : SerializableDictionary < K , V >
static int BUTTON_WIDTH = 24 ;
static GUIContent PLUS_ICON = IconContent ( "Toolbar Plus" , "Add entry" ) ;
static GUIContent MINUS_ICON = IconContent ( "Toolbar Minus" , "Remove entry" ) ;
static float DRAWER_MARGIN = 6f ;
static float LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN = 4f ;
static float GUTTER = 6f ;
static string WARNING_TEXT = "There are 1 or more duplicate keys. Duplicate keys are marked in red, are only shown in the editor and not included in the collection itself." ;
static string SERIALIZED_KEYS_PROPNAME = "_serializedKeys" ;
static string SERIALIZED_VALUES_PROPNAME = "_serializedValues" ;
static string DUPLICATE_KEY_INDICES_PROPNAME = "_duplicateKeyIndices" ;
static string COLLECTION_LABEL_NAME = "Collection" ;
class DrawerData
public bool InvalidKeyExists = false ;
private Dictionary < string , DrawerData > _perPropertyViewData = new Dictionary < string , DrawerData > ( ) ;
private DrawerData GetDrawerData ( string propertyPath )
DrawerData drawerData ;
if ( ! _perPropertyViewData . TryGetValue ( propertyPath , out drawerData ) )
drawerData = new DrawerData ( ) ;
_perPropertyViewData [ propertyPath ] = drawerData ;
return drawerData ;
public override float GetPropertyHeight ( SerializedProperty property , GUIContent label )
var propertyHeight = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN + DRAWER_MARGIN * 2f ;
var keysProperty = property . FindPropertyRelative ( SERIALIZED_KEYS_PROPNAME ) ;
var valuesProperty = property . FindPropertyRelative ( SERIALIZED_VALUES_PROPNAME ) ;
foreach ( var entry in EnumerateEntries ( keysProperty , valuesProperty ) )
var keyProperty = entry . keyProperty ;
var valueProperty = entry . valueProperty ;
float keyPropertyHeight = EditorGUI . GetPropertyHeight ( keyProperty ) ;
float valuePropertyHeight = valueProperty ! = null ? EditorGUI . GetPropertyHeight ( valueProperty ) : 0f ;
float lineHeight = Mathf . Max ( keyPropertyHeight , valuePropertyHeight ) + LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN ;
propertyHeight + = lineHeight ;
if ( GetDrawerData ( property . propertyPath ) . InvalidKeyExists )
propertyHeight + = GetHelpboxHeight ( ) ;
return propertyHeight ;
public override void OnGUI ( Rect position , SerializedProperty property , GUIContent label )
label = EditorGUI . BeginProperty ( position , label , property ) ;
var proColor = new Color ( 83f / 255f , 83f / 255f , 83f / 255f ) ;
var basicColor = new Color ( 174f / 255f , 174f / 255f , 174f / 255f ) ;
EditorGUI . DrawRect ( position , EditorGUIUtility . isProSkin ? proColor : basicColor ) ;
var indent = EditorGUI . indentLevel ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel = 0 ;
EditorGUI . BeginChangeCheck ( ) ;
var keyArrayProperty = property . FindPropertyRelative ( SERIALIZED_KEYS_PROPNAME ) ;
var valueArrayProperty = property . FindPropertyRelative ( SERIALIZED_VALUES_PROPNAME ) ;
var duplicateKeyIndices = property . FindPropertyRelative ( DUPLICATE_KEY_INDICES_PROPNAME ) ;
var restRect = new Rect ( ) ;
var initialPosition = new Rect ( position ) ;
initialPosition . y = initialPosition . y + DRAWER_MARGIN ;
initialPosition . x = initialPosition . x + DRAWER_MARGIN ;
initialPosition . width = initialPosition . width - DRAWER_MARGIN * 2f ;
var labelPosition = IMGUIUtils . SnipRectH ( initialPosition , initialPosition . width - BUTTON_WIDTH , out restRect ) ;
labelPosition . height = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN ;
EditorGUI . PrefixLabel ( initialPosition , new GUIContent ( COLLECTION_LABEL_NAME ) ) ;
var addButtonPosition = IMGUIUtils . SnipRectH ( restRect , restRect . width , out restRect ) ;
addButtonPosition . height = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight ;
var insertIndex = - 1 ;
if ( GUI . Button ( addButtonPosition , PLUS_ICON ) )
insertIndex = keyArrayProperty . arraySize ;
var linePosition = new Rect ( initialPosition ) ;
linePosition . height = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight ;
linePosition . y + = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN ;
var indexToDelete = - 1 ;
var invalidKeyExists = false ;
foreach ( var entry in EnumerateEntries ( keyArrayProperty , valueArrayProperty ) )
var keyProperty = entry . keyProperty ;
var valueProperty = entry . valueProperty ;
var currentIndex = entry . index ;
var isKeyValid = ! duplicateKeyIndices . ArrayContainsInt ( currentIndex ) ;
var keyPosition = IMGUIUtils . SnipRectH ( linePosition , ( linePosition . width - BUTTON_WIDTH - GUTTER * 2 ) / 2 , out restRect , GUTTER ) ;
if ( ! isKeyValid )
invalidKeyExists = true ;
EditorGUI . DrawRect ( keyPosition , Color . red ) ;
EditorGUI . PropertyField ( keyPosition , keyProperty , GUIContent . none , false ) ;
EditorGUI . BeginDisabledGroup ( ! isKeyValid ) ;
var valuePosition = IMGUIUtils . SnipRectH ( restRect , ( linePosition . width - BUTTON_WIDTH - GUTTER * 2 ) / 2 , out restRect , GUTTER ) ;
EditorGUI . PropertyField ( valuePosition , valueProperty , GUIContent . none , false ) ;
EditorGUI . EndDisabledGroup ( ) ;
var removeButtonPosition = new Rect ( restRect ) ;
removeButtonPosition . height = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight ;
if ( GUI . Button ( removeButtonPosition , MINUS_ICON ) )
indexToDelete = currentIndex ;
linePosition . y + = EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight + LINE_BOTTOM_MARGIN ;
var drawerData = GetDrawerData ( property . propertyPath ) ;
drawerData . InvalidKeyExists = invalidKeyExists ;
if ( invalidKeyExists )
linePosition . height = GetHelpboxHeight ( ) ;
EditorGUI . HelpBox ( linePosition , WARNING_TEXT , MessageType . Error ) ;
if ( insertIndex ! = - 1 )
if ( keyArrayProperty ! = null )
keyArrayProperty . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( insertIndex ) ;
if ( valueArrayProperty ! = null )
valueArrayProperty . InsertArrayElementAtIndex ( insertIndex ) ;
if ( indexToDelete ! = - 1 )
if ( keyArrayProperty ! = null )
keyArrayProperty . RemoveArrayElement ( indexToDelete ) ;
if ( valueArrayProperty ! = null )
valueArrayProperty . RemoveArrayElement ( indexToDelete ) ;
if ( EditorGUI . EndChangeCheck ( ) )
property . serializedObject . ApplyModifiedProperties ( ) ;
EditorGUI . indentLevel = indent ;
EditorGUI . EndProperty ( ) ;
static GUIContent IconContent ( string name , string tooltip )
var builtinIcon = EditorGUIUtility . IconContent ( name ) ;
return new GUIContent ( builtinIcon . image , tooltip ) ;
struct EnumerationEntry
public SerializedProperty keyProperty ;
public SerializedProperty valueProperty ;
public int index ;
public EnumerationEntry ( SerializedProperty keyProperty , SerializedProperty valueProperty , int index )
this . keyProperty = keyProperty ;
this . valueProperty = valueProperty ;
this . index = index ;
static IEnumerable < EnumerationEntry > EnumerateEntries ( SerializedProperty keyArrayProperty , SerializedProperty valueArrayProperty , int startIndex = 0 )
if ( keyArrayProperty . arraySize > startIndex )
var index = startIndex ;
var keyProperty = keyArrayProperty . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( startIndex ) ;
var valueProperty = valueArrayProperty ! = null ? valueArrayProperty . GetArrayElementAtIndex ( startIndex ) : null ;
var endProperty = keyArrayProperty . GetEndProperty ( ) ;
yield return new EnumerationEntry ( keyProperty , valueProperty , index ) ;
index + + ;
} while ( keyProperty . Next ( false ) & & ( valueProperty ! = null ? valueProperty . Next ( false ) : true ) & & ! SerializedProperty . EqualContents ( keyProperty , endProperty ) ) ;
private float GetHelpboxHeight ( )
if ( EditorGUIUtility . currentViewWidth < = 388f )
return EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight * 3f ;
return EditorGUIUtility . singleLineHeight * 2f ;