A description of the Atom made for developers to document their Atoms.
## `AtomEvent`
None generic base class for Events. Inherits from `BaseAtom` and `ISerializationCallbackReceiver`.
### Methods
#### `Register(System.Action)`
Register handler to be called when the Event triggers.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
#### `Unregister(System.Action)`
Unregister handler that was registered using the `Register` method.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
## `AtomEvent<T>`
#### Type Parameters
-`T` - The type for this Event.
Generic base class for Events. Inherits from `AtomEvent`.
### Methods
#### `Raise(item)`
Raise the Event.
##### Parameters
-`item` - The value associated with the Event.
#### `Register(del)`
Register handler to be called when the Event triggers.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
#### `Unregister(del)`
Unregister handler that was registered using the `Register` method.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
#### `RegisterListener(listener)`
Register a Listener that in turn trigger all its associated handlers when the Event triggers.
##### Parameters
-`listener` - The Listenr to register.
#### `UnregisterListener(listener)`
Unregister a listener that was registered using the `RegisterListener` method.
##### Parameters
-`listener` - The Listenr to unregister.
#### `Observe`
Turn the Event into an `IObservable<T>`. Makes Events compatible with for example UniRx.
##### Returns
The Event as an `IObservable<T>`.
## `AtomEvent<T1,T2>`
#### Type Parameters
-`T1` - The first type for this Event.
-`T2` - The second type for this Event.
Generic base class for Events. Inherits from `AtomEvent`.
### Methods
#### `Raise(item1,item2)`
Raise the Event.
##### Parameters
-`item1` - The first value associated with the Event.
-`item2` - The second value associated with the Event.
#### `Register(del)`
Register handler to be called when the Event triggers.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
#### `Unregister(del)`
Unregister handler that was registered using the `Register` method.
##### Parameters
-`del` - The handler.
#### `RegisterListener(listener)`
Register a Listener that in turn trigger all its associated handlers when the Event triggers.
##### Parameters
-`listener` - The Listenr to register.
#### `UnregisterListener(listener)`
Unregister a listener that was registered using the `RegisterListener` method.
##### Parameters
-`listener` - The Listenr to unregister.
#### `Observe<M>(resultSelector)`
Turn the Event into an `IObservable<M>`. Makes Events compatible with for example UniRx.
#### Type Parameters
-`M` - The result selector type.
##### Parameters
-`resultSelector` - Takes `T1` and `T2` and returns a new type of type `M`.abstract Most of the time this is going to be combination of T1 and T2, eg. `ValueTuple<T1, T2>`
##### Returns
The Event as an `IObservable<M>`.
## `AtomFunction<R>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call`
Call the Function.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R>`.
## `AtomFunction<R,T1>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
-`T1` - The parameter type for this Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call(t1)`
Call the Function.
##### Parameters
-`t1` - The first parameter.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<T1, R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<T1, R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R, T1>`.
## `AtomFunction<R,T1,T2>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
-`T1` - The first parameter type for this Function.
-`T2` - The second parameter type for this Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call(t1,t2)`
Call the Function.
##### Parameters
-`t1` - The first parameter.
-`t2` - The second parameter.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<T1, T2, R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<T1, T2, R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R, T1, T2>`.
## `AtomFunction<R,T1,T2,T3>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
-`T1` - The first parameter type for this Function.
-`T2` - The second parameter type for this Function.
-`T3` - The third parameter type for this Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call(t1,t2,t3)`
Call the Function.
##### Parameters
-`t1` - The first parameter.
-`t2` - The second parameter.
-`t3` - The third parameter.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<T1, T2, T3, R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<T1, T2, T3, R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R, T1, T2, T3>`.
## `AtomFunction<R,T1,T2,T3,T4>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
-`T1` - The first parameter type for this Function.
-`T2` - The second parameter type for this Function.
-`T3` - The third parameter type for this Function.
-`T4` - The fourth parameter type for this Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call(t1,t2,t3,t4)`
Call the Function.
##### Parameters
-`t1` - The first parameter.
-`t2` - The second parameter.
-`t3` - The third parameter.
-`t4` - The fourth parameter.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<T1, T2, T3, T4 R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R, T1, T2, T3, T4>`.
## `AtomFunction<R,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5>`
#### Type Parameters
-`R` - The type to return from the Function.
-`T1` - The first parameter type for this Function.
-`T2` - The second parameter type for this Function.
-`T3` - The third parameter type for this Function.
-`T4` - The fourth parameter type for this Function.
-`T5` - The fifth parameter type for this Function.
Generic abstract base class for Functions. Inherits from `BaseAtom`.
### Variables
#### `Func`
The actual function.
### Methods
#### `Call(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5)`
Call the Function.
##### Parameters
-`t1` - The first parameter.
-`t2` - The second parameter.
-`t3` - The third parameter.
-`t4` - The fourth parameter.
-`t5` - The fifth parameter.
##### Returns
Whatever the function decides to return of type `R`.
#### `SetFunc(func)`
Set the Function providing a `Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 R>`.
##### Parameters
-`func` - The `Func<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>` to set.
##### Returns
An `AtomFunction<R, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>`.
## `AtomListener<T,GA,E,UER>`
#### Type Parameters
-`T` - undefined
-`GA` - undefined
-`E` - undefined
-`UER` - undefined
Generic base class for Listeners. Inherits from `MonoBehaviour` and `IAtomListener<T>`