2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
namespace UnityAtoms
public class SceneFieldDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private static class HelperMethods
public static Rect SnipRectH(Rect rect, float range)
if (range == 0) return new Rect(rect);
if (range > 0)
return new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, range, rect.height);
return new Rect(rect.x + rect.width + range, rect.y, -range, rect.height);
public static Rect SnipRectH(Rect rect, float range, out Rect rest)
if (range == 0) rest = new Rect();
if (range > 0)
rest = new Rect(rect.x + range, rect.y, rect.width - range, rect.height);
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rest = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width + range, rect.height);
return SnipRectH(rect, range);
public static Rect SnipRectV(Rect rect, float range)
if (range == 0) return new Rect(rect);
if (range > 0)
return new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, range);
return new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + rect.height + range, rect.width, -range);
public static Rect SnipRectV(Rect rect, float range, out Rect rest)
if (range == 0) rest = new Rect();
if (range > 0)
rest = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + range, rect.width, rect.height - range);
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2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
rest = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height + range);
return SnipRectV(rect, range);
private bool HasValidBuildIndex(SerializedProperty property)
var scene = property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneAsset")?.objectReferenceValue;
if (scene == null) return true;
var scenePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(scene);
var buildIndex = SceneUtility.GetBuildIndexByScenePath(scenePath);
return buildIndex != -1;
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property);
OnPropertyGUI(position, property, label);
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
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if (HasValidBuildIndex(property)) return base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label);
2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
return base.GetPropertyHeight(property, label) * 2 + 5;
private void OnPropertyGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
Rect lower;
Rect buttonRect = new Rect();
var scene = property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneAsset")?.objectReferenceValue;
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if (scene == null)
{ // update values cause the build index could've changed
2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneName").stringValue = "";
property.FindPropertyRelative("scenePath").stringValue = "";
property.FindPropertyRelative("buildIndex").intValue = -1;
position = HelperMethods.SnipRectV(position, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight, out lower);
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if (HasValidBuildIndex(property))
if (scene != null)
{ // update values cause the build index could've changed
2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneName").stringValue = scene.name;
property.FindPropertyRelative("scenePath").stringValue = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(scene);
property.FindPropertyRelative("buildIndex").intValue = SceneUtility.GetBuildIndexByScenePath(
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2019-04-17 06:38:10 -04:00
position = HelperMethods.SnipRectH(position, position.width - 70, out buttonRect);
property.FindPropertyRelative("buildIndex").intValue = -1;
// int buildIndex = SceneUtility.GetBuildIndexByScenePath(property.FindPropertyRelative("scenePath").stringValue);
SceneAsset sceneAsset = scene as SceneAsset;
position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label);
scene = EditorGUI.ObjectField(position, scene, typeof(SceneAsset), false);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneAsset").objectReferenceValue = scene;
sceneAsset = scene as SceneAsset;
if (sceneAsset != null)
property.FindPropertyRelative("sceneName").stringValue = scene.name;
property.FindPropertyRelative("scenePath").stringValue = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(scene);
property.FindPropertyRelative("buildIndex").intValue = SceneUtility.GetBuildIndexByScenePath(
if (property.FindPropertyRelative("buildIndex").intValue != -1) return;
if (scene != null && scene is SceneAsset)
EditorGUI.HelpBox(lower, "Scene is not added in the build settings", MessageType.Warning);
if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "Fix Now"))
private void AddSceneToBuildSettings(SceneAsset sceneAsset)
var scenePath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(sceneAsset);
var scenes = EditorBuildSettings.scenes.ToList();
scenes.Add(new EditorBuildSettingsScene(scenePath, true));
EditorBuildSettings.scenes = scenes.ToArray();