This is a followup work for #10278, and a discussion about #10279
The changes:
- fix failed_calls in command stats for blocked clients that got error.
including CLIENT UNBLOCK, and module replying an error from a thread.
- fix latency stats for XREADGROUP that filed with -NOGROUP
Theory behind which errors should be counted:
- error stats represents errors returned to the user, so an error handled by a
module should not be counted.
- total error counter should be the same.
- command stats represents execution of commands (even with RM_Call, and if
they fail or get rejected it counts these calls in commandstats, so it should
also count failed_calls)
Some thoughts about Scripts:
for scripts it could be different since they're part of user code, not the infra (not an extension to redis)
we certainly want commandstats to contain all calls and errors
a simple script is like mult-exec transaction so an error inside it should be counted in error stats
a script that replies with an error to the user (using redis.error_reply) should also be counted in error stats
but then the problem is that a plain `return"SET")` should not be counted twice (once for the SET
and once for EVAL)
so that's something left to be resolved in #10279