mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 00:28:26 -05:00
Starting redis 6.0 and the changes we made to the diskless master to be
suitable for TLS, I made the master avoid reaping (wait3) the pid of the
child until we know all replicas are done reading their rdb.
I did that in order to avoid a state where the rdb_child_pid is -1 but
we don't yet want to start another fork (still busy serving that data to
It turns out that the solution used so far was problematic in case the
fork child was being killed (e.g. by the kernel OOM killer), in that
case there's a chance that we currently disabled the read event on the
rdb pipe, since we're waiting for a replica to become writable again.
and in that scenario the master would have never realized the child
exited, and the replica will remain hung too.
Note that there's no mechanism to detect a hung replica while it's in
rdb transfer state.
The solution here is to add another pipe which is used by the parent to
tell the child it is safe to exit. this mean that when the child exits,
for whatever reason, it is safe to reap it.
Besides that, i'm re-introducing an adjustment to REPLCONF ACK which was
part of #6271 (Accelerate diskless master connections) but was dropped
when that PR was rebased after the TLS fork/pipe changes (5a47794
Now that RdbPipeCleanup no longer calls checkChildrenDone, and the ACK
has chance to detect that the child exited, it should be the one to call
it so that we don't have to wait for cron (server.hz) to do that.
755 lines
32 KiB
755 lines
32 KiB
proc log_file_matches {log pattern} {
set fp [open $log r]
set content [read $fp]
close $fp
string match $pattern $content
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set slave [srv 0 client]
set slave_host [srv 0 host]
set slave_port [srv 0 port]
set slave_log [srv 0 stdout]
start_server {} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
# Configure the master in order to hang waiting for the BGSAVE
# operation, so that the slave remains in the handshake state.
$master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 1000
# Use a short replication timeout on the slave, so that if there
# are no bugs the timeout is triggered in a reasonable amount
# of time.
$slave config set repl-timeout 5
# Start the replication process...
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
test {Slave enters handshake} {
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[string match *handshake* [$slave role]]
} else {
fail "Replica does not enter handshake state"
# But make the master unable to send
# the periodic newlines to refresh the connection. The slave
# should detect the timeout.
$master debug sleep 10
test {Slave is able to detect timeout during handshake} {
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[log_file_matches $slave_log "*Timeout connecting to the MASTER*"]
} else {
fail "Replica is not able to detect timeout"
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set A [srv 0 client]
set A_host [srv 0 host]
set A_port [srv 0 port]
start_server {} {
set B [srv 0 client]
set B_host [srv 0 host]
set B_port [srv 0 port]
test {Set instance A as slave of B} {
$A slaveof $B_host $B_port
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[lindex [$A role] 0] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$A info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
test {INCRBYFLOAT replication, should not remove expire} {
r set test 1 EX 100
r incrbyfloat test 0.1
after 1000
assert_equal [$A debug digest] [$B debug digest]
test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, when blocking against empty list} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd brpoplpush a b 5
r lpush a foo
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[$A debug digest] eq [$B debug digest]
} else {
fail "Master and replica have different digest: [$A debug digest] VS [$B debug digest]"
test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, list exists} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r lpush c 1
r lpush c 2
r lpush c 3
$rd brpoplpush c d 5
after 1000
assert_equal [$A debug digest] [$B debug digest]
test {BLPOP followed by role change, issue #2473} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd blpop foo 0 ; # Block while B is a master
# Turn B into master of A
$A slaveof no one
$B slaveof $A_host $A_port
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[lindex [$B role] 0] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$B info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
# Push elements into the "foo" list of the new replica.
# If the client is still attached to the instance, we'll get
# a desync between the two instances.
$A rpush foo a b c
after 100
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[$A debug digest] eq [$B debug digest] &&
[$A lrange foo 0 -1] eq {a b c} &&
[$B lrange foo 0 -1] eq {a b c}
} else {
fail "Master and replica have different digest: [$A debug digest] VS [$B debug digest]"
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
r set mykey foo
start_server {} {
test {Second server should have role master at first} {
s role
} {master}
test {SLAVEOF should start with link status "down"} {
r slaveof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
s master_link_status
} {down}
test {The role should immediately be changed to "replica"} {
s role
} {slave}
wait_for_sync r
test {Sync should have transferred keys from master} {
r get mykey
} {foo}
test {The link status should be up} {
s master_link_status
} {up}
test {SET on the master should immediately propagate} {
r -1 set mykey bar
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[r 0 get mykey] eq {bar}
} else {
fail "SET on master did not propagated on replica"
test {FLUSHALL should replicate} {
r -1 flushall
if {$::valgrind} {after 2000}
list [r -1 dbsize] [r 0 dbsize]
} {0 0}
test {ROLE in master reports master with a slave} {
set res [r -1 role]
lassign $res role offset slaves
assert {$role eq {master}}
assert {$offset > 0}
assert {[llength $slaves] == 1}
lassign [lindex $slaves 0] master_host master_port slave_offset
assert {$slave_offset <= $offset}
test {ROLE in slave reports slave in connected state} {
set res [r role]
lassign $res role master_host master_port slave_state slave_offset
assert {$role eq {slave}}
assert {$slave_state eq {connected}}
foreach mdl {no yes} {
foreach sdl {disabled swapdb} {
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set master [srv 0 client]
$master config set repl-diskless-sync $mdl
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 1
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
set slaves {}
start_server {} {
lappend slaves [srv 0 client]
start_server {} {
lappend slaves [srv 0 client]
start_server {} {
lappend slaves [srv 0 client]
test "Connect multiple replicas at the same time (issue #141), master diskless=$mdl, replica diskless=$sdl" {
# start load handles only inside the test, so that the test can be skipped
set load_handle0 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 9 100000000]
set load_handle1 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 11 100000000]
set load_handle2 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 12 100000000]
set load_handle3 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 8]
set load_handle4 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 4]
after 5000 ;# wait for some data to accumulate so that we have RDB part for the fork
# Send SLAVEOF commands to slaves
[lindex $slaves 0] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl
[lindex $slaves 1] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl
[lindex $slaves 2] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl
[lindex $slaves 0] slaveof $master_host $master_port
[lindex $slaves 1] slaveof $master_host $master_port
[lindex $slaves 2] slaveof $master_host $master_port
# Wait for all the three slaves to reach the "online"
# state from the POV of the master.
set retry 500
while {$retry} {
set info [r -3 info]
if {[string match {*slave0:*state=online*slave1:*state=online*slave2:*state=online*} $info]} {
} else {
incr retry -1
after 100
if {$retry == 0} {
error "assertion:Slaves not correctly synchronized"
# Wait that slaves acknowledge they are online so
# we are sure that DBSIZE and DEBUG DIGEST will not
# fail because of timing issues.
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[lindex [[lindex $slaves 0] role] 3] eq {connected} &&
[lindex [[lindex $slaves 1] role] 3] eq {connected} &&
[lindex [[lindex $slaves 2] role] 3] eq {connected}
} else {
fail "Slaves still not connected after some time"
# Stop the write load
stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle0
stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle1
stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle2
stop_write_load $load_handle3
stop_write_load $load_handle4
# Make sure that slaves and master have same
# number of keys
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[$master dbsize] == [[lindex $slaves 0] dbsize] &&
[$master dbsize] == [[lindex $slaves 1] dbsize] &&
[$master dbsize] == [[lindex $slaves 2] dbsize]
} else {
fail "Different number of keys between master and replica after too long time."
# Check digests
set digest [$master debug digest]
set digest0 [[lindex $slaves 0] debug digest]
set digest1 [[lindex $slaves 1] debug digest]
set digest2 [[lindex $slaves 2] debug digest]
assert {$digest ne 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000}
assert {$digest eq $digest0}
assert {$digest eq $digest1}
assert {$digest eq $digest2}
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
start_server {} {
test "Master stream is correctly processed while the replica has a script in -BUSY state" {
set load_handle0 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 3]
set slave [srv 0 client]
$slave config set lua-time-limit 500
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
# Wait for the slave to be online
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[lindex [$slave role] 3] eq {connected}
} else {
fail "Replica still not connected after some time"
# Wait some time to make sure the master is sending data
# to the slave.
after 5000
# Stop the ability of the slave to process data by sendig
# a script that will put it in BUSY state.
$slave eval {for i=1,3000000000 do end} 0
# Wait some time again so that more master stream will
# be processed.
after 2000
# Stop the write load
stop_write_load $load_handle0
# number of keys
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[$master debug digest] eq [$slave debug digest]
} else {
fail "Different datasets between replica and master"
test {slave fails full sync and diskless load swapdb recovers it} {
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set slave [srv 0 client]
set slave_host [srv 0 host]
set slave_port [srv 0 port]
set slave_log [srv 0 stdout]
start_server {} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
# Put different data sets on the master and slave
# we need to put large keys on the master since the slave replies to info only once in 2mb
$slave debug populate 2000 slave 10
$master debug populate 200 master 100000
$master config set rdbcompression no
# Set master and slave to use diskless replication
$master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0
$slave config set repl-diskless-load swapdb
# Set master with a slow rdb generation, so that we can easily disconnect it mid sync
# 10ms per key, with 200 keys is 2 seconds
$master config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000
# Start the replication process...
$slave slaveof $master_host $master_port
# wait for the slave to start reading the rdb
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 loading] eq 1
} else {
fail "Replica didn't get into loading mode"
# make sure that next sync will not start immediately so that we can catch the slave in betweeen syncs
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 5
# for faster server shutdown, make rdb saving fast again (the fork is already uses the slow one)
$master config set rdb-key-save-delay 0
# waiting slave to do flushdb (key count drop)
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
2000 != [scan [regexp -inline {keys\=([\d]*)} [$slave info keyspace]] keys=%d]
} else {
fail "Replica didn't flush"
# make sure we're still loading
assert_equal [s -1 loading] 1
# kill the slave connection on the master
set killed [$master client kill type slave]
# wait for loading to stop (fail)
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 loading] eq 0
} else {
fail "Replica didn't disconnect"
# make sure the original keys were restored
assert_equal [$slave dbsize] 2000
test {diskless loading short read} {
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set replica [srv 0 client]
set replica_host [srv 0 host]
set replica_port [srv 0 port]
start_server {} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
# Set master and replica to use diskless replication
$master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
$master config set rdbcompression no
$replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb
$master config set hz 500
$replica config set hz 500
$master config set dynamic-hz no
$replica config set dynamic-hz no
# Try to fill the master with all types of data types / encodings
set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
for {set k 0} {$k < 3} {incr k} {
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
r set "$k int_$i" [expr {int(rand()*10000)}]
r expire "$k int_$i" [expr {int(rand()*10000)}]
r set "$k string_$i" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]]
r hset "$k hash_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] 0[string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]]
r hset "$k hash_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10000)}]] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]]
r sadd "$k set_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]]
r sadd "$k set_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]]
r zadd "$k zset_small" [expr {rand()}] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]]
r zadd "$k zset_large" [expr {rand()}] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]]
r lpush "$k list_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]]
r lpush "$k list_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]]
for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
r xadd "$k stream" * foo "asdf" bar "1234"
r xgroup create "$k stream" "mygroup_$i" 0
r xreadgroup GROUP "mygroup_$i" Alice COUNT 1 STREAMS "$k stream" >
if {$::verbose} {
set end [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set duration [expr $end - $start]
puts "filling took $duration ms (TODO: use pipeline)"
set start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
# Start the replication process...
set loglines [count_log_lines -1]
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0
$replica replicaof $master_host $master_port
# kill the replication at various points
set attempts 100
if {$::accurate} { set attempts 500 }
for {set i 0} {$i < $attempts} {incr i} {
# wait for the replica to start reading the rdb
# using the log file since the replica only responds to INFO once in 2mb
set res [wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 2000 1]
set loglines [lindex $res 1]
# add some additional random sleep so that we kill the master on a different place each time
after [expr {int(rand()*50)}]
# kill the replica connection on the master
set killed [$master client kill type replica]
set res [wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Internal error in RDB*" "*Finished with success*" "*Successful partial resynchronization*"} $loglines 1000 1]
if {$::verbose} { puts $res }
set log_text [lindex $res 0]
set loglines [lindex $res 1]
if {![string match "*Internal error in RDB*" $log_text]} {
# force the replica to try another full sync
$master multi
$master client kill type replica
$master set asdf asdf
# the side effect of resizing the backlog is that it is flushed (16k is the min size)
$master config set repl-backlog-size [expr {16384 + $i}]
$master exec
# wait for loading to stop (fail)
wait_for_condition 1000 1 {
[s -1 loading] eq 0
} else {
fail "Replica didn't disconnect"
if {$::verbose} {
set end [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set duration [expr $end - $start]
puts "test took $duration ms"
# enable fast shutdown
$master config set rdb-key-save-delay 0
# get current stime and utime metrics for a thread (since it's creation)
proc get_cpu_metrics { statfile } {
if { [ catch {
set fid [ open $statfile r ]
set data [ read $fid 1024 ]
::close $fid
set data [ split $data ]
;## number of jiffies it has been scheduled...
set utime [ lindex $data 13 ]
set stime [ lindex $data 14 ]
} err ] } {
error "assertion:can't parse /proc: $err"
set mstime [clock milliseconds]
return [ list $mstime $utime $stime ]
# compute %utime and %stime of a thread between two measurements
proc compute_cpu_usage {start end} {
set clock_ticks [exec getconf CLK_TCK]
# convert ms time to jiffies and calc delta
set dtime [ expr { ([lindex $end 0] - [lindex $start 0]) * double($clock_ticks) / 1000 } ]
set utime [ expr { [lindex $end 1] - [lindex $start 1] } ]
set stime [ expr { [lindex $end 2] - [lindex $start 2] } ]
set pucpu [ expr { ($utime / $dtime) * 100 } ]
set pscpu [ expr { ($stime / $dtime) * 100 } ]
return [ list $pucpu $pscpu ]
# test diskless rdb pipe with multiple replicas, which may drop half way
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set master [srv 0 client]
$master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 1
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
set master_pid [srv 0 pid]
# put enough data in the db that the rdb file will be bigger than the socket buffers
# and since we'll have key-load-delay of 100, 20000 keys will take at least 2 seconds
# we also need the replica to process requests during transfer (which it does only once in 2mb)
$master debug populate 20000 test 10000
$master config set rdbcompression no
# If running on Linux, we also measure utime/stime to detect possible I/O handling issues
set os [catch {exec unamee}]
set measure_time [expr {$os == "Linux"} ? 1 : 0]
foreach all_drop {no slow fast all} {
test "diskless $all_drop replicas drop during rdb pipe" {
set replicas {}
set replicas_alive {}
# start one replica that will read the rdb fast, and one that will be slow
start_server {} {
lappend replicas [srv 0 client]
lappend replicas_alive [srv 0 client]
start_server {} {
lappend replicas [srv 0 client]
lappend replicas_alive [srv 0 client]
# start replication
# it's enough for just one replica to be slow, and have it's write handler enabled
# so that the whole rdb generation process is bound to that
set loglines [count_log_lines -1]
[lindex $replicas 0] config set repl-diskless-load swapdb
[lindex $replicas 0] config set key-load-delay 100
[lindex $replicas 0] replicaof $master_host $master_port
[lindex $replicas 1] replicaof $master_host $master_port
# wait for the replicas to start reading the rdb
# using the log file since the replica only responds to INFO once in 2mb
wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 800 10
if {$measure_time} {
set master_statfile "/proc/$master_pid/stat"
set master_start_metrics [get_cpu_metrics $master_statfile]
set start_time [clock seconds]
# wait a while so that the pipe socket writer will be
# blocked on write (since replica 0 is slow to read from the socket)
after 500
# add some command to be present in the command stream after the rdb.
$master incr $all_drop
# disconnect replicas depending on the current test
set loglines [count_log_lines -2]
if {$all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "fast"} {
exec kill [srv 0 pid]
set replicas_alive [lreplace $replicas_alive 1 1]
if {$all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "slow"} {
exec kill [srv -1 pid]
set replicas_alive [lreplace $replicas_alive 0 0]
# wait for rdb child to exit
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[s -2 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 0
} else {
fail "rdb child didn't terminate"
# make sure we got what we were aiming for, by looking for the message in the log file
if {$all_drop == "all"} {
wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, last replica dropped, killing fork child*"} $loglines 1 1
if {$all_drop == "no"} {
wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, done reading from pipe, 2 replicas still up*"} $loglines 1 1
if {$all_drop == "slow" || $all_drop == "fast"} {
wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, done reading from pipe, 1 replicas still up*"} $loglines 1 1
# make sure we don't have a busy loop going thought epoll_wait
if {$measure_time} {
set master_end_metrics [get_cpu_metrics $master_statfile]
set time_elapsed [expr {[clock seconds]-$start_time}]
set master_cpu [compute_cpu_usage $master_start_metrics $master_end_metrics]
set master_utime [lindex $master_cpu 0]
set master_stime [lindex $master_cpu 1]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "elapsed: $time_elapsed"
puts "master utime: $master_utime"
puts "master stime: $master_stime"
if {$all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "slow"} {
assert {$master_utime < 70}
assert {$master_stime < 70}
if {$all_drop == "none" || $all_drop == "fast"} {
assert {$master_utime < 15}
assert {$master_stime < 15}
# verify the data integrity
foreach replica $replicas_alive {
# Wait that replicas acknowledge they are online so
# we are sure that DBSIZE and DEBUG DIGEST will not
# fail because of timing issues.
wait_for_condition 150 100 {
[lindex [$replica role] 3] eq {connected}
} else {
fail "replicas still not connected after some time"
# Make sure that replicas and master have same
# number of keys
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[$master dbsize] == [$replica dbsize]
} else {
fail "Different number of keys between master and replicas after too long time."
# Check digests
set digest [$master debug digest]
set digest0 [$replica debug digest]
assert {$digest ne 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000}
assert {$digest eq $digest0}
test "diskless replication child being killed is collected" {
# when diskless master is waiting for the replica to become writable
# it removes the read event from the rdb pipe so if the child gets killed
# the replica will hung. and the master may not collect the pid with wait3
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
set master_pid [srv 0 pid]
$master config set repl-diskless-sync yes
$master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0
# put enough data in the db that the rdb file will be bigger than the socket buffers
$master debug populate 20000 test 10000
$master config set rdbcompression no
start_server {} {
set replica [srv 0 client]
set loglines [count_log_lines 0]
$replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb
$replica config set key-load-delay 1000000
$replica replicaof $master_host $master_port
# wait for the replicas to start reading the rdb
wait_for_log_messages 0 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 800 10
# wait to be sure the eplica is hung and the master is blocked on write
after 500
# simulate the OOM killer or anyone else kills the child
set fork_child_pid [get_child_pid -1]
puts "fork child is $fork_child_pid"
exec kill -9 $fork_child_pid
# wait for the parent to notice the child have exited
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 0
} else {
fail "rdb child didn't terminate"
test {replicaof right after disconnection} {
# this is a rare race condition that was reproduced sporadically by the psync2 unit.
# see details in #7205
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
set replica1 [srv 0 client]
set replica1_host [srv 0 host]
set replica1_port [srv 0 port]
set replica1_log [srv 0 stdout]
start_server {} {
set replica2 [srv 0 client]
set replica2_host [srv 0 host]
set replica2_port [srv 0 port]
set replica2_log [srv 0 stdout]
start_server {} {
set master [srv 0 client]
set master_host [srv 0 host]
set master_port [srv 0 port]
$replica1 replicaof $master_host $master_port
$replica2 replicaof $master_host $master_port
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica1 info replication]] &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica2 info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
set rd [redis_deferring_client -1]
$rd debug sleep 1
after 100
# when replica2 will wake up from the sleep it will find both disconnection
# from it's master and also a replicaof command at the same event loop
$master client kill type replica
$replica2 replicaof $replica1_host $replica1_port
$rd read
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica2 info replication]]
} else {
fail "role change failed."
# make sure psync succeeded, and there were no unexpected full syncs.
assert_equal [status $master sync_full] 2
assert_equal [status $replica1 sync_full] 0
assert_equal [status $replica2 sync_full] 0