sundb 3ca6972ecd
Replace all usage of ziplist with listpack for t_zset (#9366)
Part two of implementing #8702 (zset), after #8887.

## Description of the feature
Replaced all uses of ziplist with listpack in t_zset, and optimized some of the code to optimize performance.

## Rdb format changes

## Rdb loading improvements:
1) Pre-expansion of dict for validation of duplicate data for listpack and ziplist.
2) Simplifying the release of empty key objects when RDB loading.
3) Unify ziplist and listpack data verify methods for zset and hash, and move code to rdb.c.

## Interface changes
1) New `zset-max-listpack-entries` config is an alias for `zset-max-ziplist-entries` (same with `zset-max-listpack-value`).
2) OBJECT ENCODING will return listpack instead of ziplist.

## Listpack improvements:
1) Add `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` functions to delete a range of entries from listpack.
2) Improve the performance of `lpCompare`, converting from string to integer is faster than converting from integer to string.
3) Replace `snprintf` with `ll2string` to improve performance in converting numbers to strings in `lpGet()`.

## Zset improvements:
1) Improve the performance of `zzlFind` method, use `lpFind` instead of `lpCompare` in a loop.
2) Use `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` instead of `lpDelete` twice to delete a element of zset.

## Tests
1) Add some unittests for `lpDeleteRange` and `lpDeleteRangeWithEntry` function.
2) Add zset RDB loading test.
3) Add benchmark test for `lpCompare` and `ziplsitCompare`.
4) Add empty listpack zset corrupt dump test.
2021-09-09 18:18:53 +03:00

331 lines
9.0 KiB

start_server {tags {"scan network"}} {
test "SCAN basic" {
r flushdb
populate 1000
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys [lsort -unique $keys]
assert_equal 1000 [llength $keys]
test "SCAN COUNT" {
r flushdb
populate 1000
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur count 5]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys [lsort -unique $keys]
assert_equal 1000 [llength $keys]
test "SCAN MATCH" {
r flushdb
populate 1000
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur match "key:1??"]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys [lsort -unique $keys]
assert_equal 100 [llength $keys]
test "SCAN TYPE" {
r flushdb
# populate only creates strings
populate 1000
# Check non-strings are excluded
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur type "list"]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
assert_equal 0 [llength $keys]
# Check strings are included
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur type "string"]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
assert_equal 1000 [llength $keys]
# Check all three args work together
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur type "string" match "key:*" count 10]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
assert_equal 1000 [llength $keys]
foreach enc {intset hashtable} {
test "SSCAN with encoding $enc" {
# Create the Set
r del set
if {$enc eq {intset}} {
set prefix ""
} else {
set prefix "ele:"
set elements {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
lappend elements ${prefix}${j}
r sadd set {*}$elements
# Verify that the encoding matches.
assert_encoding $enc set
# Test SSCAN
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r sscan set $cur]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys [lsort -unique $keys]
assert_equal 100 [llength $keys]
foreach enc {listpack hashtable} {
test "HSCAN with encoding $enc" {
# Create the Hash
r del hash
if {$enc eq {listpack}} {
set count 30
} else {
set count 1000
set elements {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
lappend elements key:$j $j
r hmset hash {*}$elements
# Verify that the encoding matches.
assert_encoding $enc hash
# Test HSCAN
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r hscan hash $cur]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys2 {}
foreach {k v} $keys {
assert {$k eq "key:$v"}
lappend keys2 $k
set keys2 [lsort -unique $keys2]
assert_equal $count [llength $keys2]
foreach enc {listpack skiplist} {
test "ZSCAN with encoding $enc" {
# Create the Sorted Set
r del zset
if {$enc eq {listpack}} {
set count 30
} else {
set count 1000
set elements {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
lappend elements $j key:$j
r zadd zset {*}$elements
# Verify that the encoding matches.
assert_encoding $enc zset
# Test ZSCAN
set cur 0
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r zscan zset $cur]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
set keys2 {}
foreach {k v} $keys {
assert {$k eq "key:$v"}
lappend keys2 $k
set keys2 [lsort -unique $keys2]
assert_equal $count [llength $keys2]
test "SCAN guarantees check under write load" {
r flushdb
populate 100
# We start scanning here, so keys from 0 to 99 should all be
# reported at the end of the iteration.
set keys {}
while 1 {
set res [r scan $cur]
set cur [lindex $res 0]
set k [lindex $res 1]
lappend keys {*}$k
if {$cur == 0} break
# Write 10 random keys at every SCAN iteration.
for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
r set addedkey:[randomInt 1000] foo
set keys2 {}
foreach k $keys {
if {[string length $k] > 6} continue
lappend keys2 $k
set keys2 [lsort -unique $keys2]
assert_equal 100 [llength $keys2]
test "SSCAN with integer encoded object (issue #1345)" {
set objects {1 a}
r del set
r sadd set {*}$objects
set res [r sscan set 0 MATCH *a* COUNT 100]
assert_equal [lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]] {a}
set res [r sscan set 0 MATCH *1* COUNT 100]
assert_equal [lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]] {1}
test "SSCAN with PATTERN" {
r del mykey
r sadd mykey foo fab fiz foobar 1 2 3 4
set res [r sscan mykey 0 MATCH foo* COUNT 10000]
lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]
} {foo foobar}
test "HSCAN with PATTERN" {
r del mykey
r hmset mykey foo 1 fab 2 fiz 3 foobar 10 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d
set res [r hscan mykey 0 MATCH foo* COUNT 10000]
lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]
} {1 10 foo foobar}
test "ZSCAN with PATTERN" {
r del mykey
r zadd mykey 1 foo 2 fab 3 fiz 10 foobar
set res [r zscan mykey 0 MATCH foo* COUNT 10000]
lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]
test "ZSCAN scores: regression test for issue #2175" {
r del mykey
for {set j 0} {$j < 500} {incr j} {
r zadd mykey 9.8813129168249309e-323 $j
set res [lindex [r zscan mykey 0] 1]
set first_score [lindex $res 1]
assert {$first_score != 0}
test "SCAN regression test for issue #4906" {
for {set k 0} {$k < 100} {incr k} {
r del set
r sadd set x; # Make sure it's not intset encoded
set toremove {}
unset -nocomplain found
array set found {}
# Populate the set
set numele [expr {101+[randomInt 1000]}]
for {set j 0} {$j < $numele} {incr j} {
r sadd set $j
if {$j >= 100} {
lappend toremove $j
# Start scanning
set cursor 0
set iteration 0
set del_iteration [randomInt 10]
while {!($cursor == 0 && $iteration != 0)} {
lassign [r sscan set $cursor] cursor items
# Mark found items. We expect to find from 0 to 99 at the end
# since those elements will never be removed during the scanning.
foreach i $items {
set found($i) 1
incr iteration
# At some point remove most of the items to trigger the
# rehashing to a smaller hash table.
if {$iteration == $del_iteration} {
r srem set {*}$toremove
# Verify that SSCAN reported everything from 0 to 99
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
if {![info exists found($j)]} {
fail "SSCAN element missing $j"