mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 00:28:26 -05:00
interestingly the latency monitor test fails because valgrind is slow enough so that the time inside PEXPIREAT command from the moment of the first mstime() call to get the basetime until checkAlreadyExpired calls mstime() again is more than 1ms, and that test was too sensitive. using this opportunity to speed up the test (unrelated to the failure) the fix is just the longer time passed to PEXPIRE.
289 lines
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289 lines
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source tests/support/cli.tcl
start_server {tags {"cli"}} {
proc open_cli {{opts "-n 9"}} {
set ::env(TERM) dumb
set cmdline [rediscli [srv port] $opts]
set fd [open "|$cmdline" "r+"]
fconfigure $fd -buffering none
fconfigure $fd -blocking false
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set _ $fd
proc close_cli {fd} {
close $fd
proc read_cli {fd} {
set buf [read $fd]
while {[string length $buf] == 0} {
# wait some time and try again
after 10
set buf [read $fd]
set _ $buf
proc write_cli {fd buf} {
puts $fd $buf
flush $fd
# Helpers to run tests in interactive mode
proc format_output {output} {
set _ [string trimright [regsub -all "\r" $output ""] "\n"]
proc run_command {fd cmd} {
write_cli $fd $cmd
set _ [format_output [read_cli $fd]]
proc test_interactive_cli {name code} {
set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
set fd [open_cli]
test "Interactive CLI: $name" $code
close_cli $fd
unset ::env(FAKETTY)
# Helpers to run tests where stdout is not a tty
proc write_tmpfile {contents} {
set tmp [tmpfile "cli"]
set tmpfd [open $tmp "w"]
puts -nonewline $tmpfd $contents
close $tmpfd
set _ $tmp
proc _run_cli {opts args} {
set cmd [rediscli [srv port] [list -n 9 {*}$args]]
foreach {key value} $opts {
if {$key eq "pipe"} {
set cmd "sh -c \"$value | $cmd\""
if {$key eq "path"} {
set cmd "$cmd < $value"
set fd [open "|$cmd" "r"]
fconfigure $fd -buffering none
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set resp [read $fd 1048576]
close $fd
set _ [format_output $resp]
proc run_cli {args} {
_run_cli {} {*}$args
proc run_cli_with_input_pipe {cmd args} {
_run_cli [list pipe $cmd] -x {*}$args
proc run_cli_with_input_file {path args} {
_run_cli [list path $path] -x {*}$args
proc test_nontty_cli {name code} {
test "Non-interactive non-TTY CLI: $name" $code
# Helpers to run tests where stdout is a tty (fake it)
proc test_tty_cli {name code} {
set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
test "Non-interactive TTY CLI: $name" $code
unset ::env(FAKETTY)
test_interactive_cli "INFO response should be printed raw" {
set lines [split [run_command $fd info] "\n"]
foreach line $lines {
assert [regexp {^$|^#|^[a-z0-9_]+:.+} $line]
test_interactive_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key foo"]
test_interactive_cli "Integer reply" {
assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_command $fd "incr counter"]
test_interactive_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key foo
assert_equal "\"foo\"" [run_command $fd "get key"]
test_interactive_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_command $fd "lrange list 0 -1"]
test_interactive_cli "Parsing quotes" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"bar\""]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \" bar \""]
assert_equal " bar " [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\\\"bar\\\"\""]
assert_equal "\"bar\"" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\tbar\t\""]
assert_equal "\tbar\t" [r get key]
# invalid quotation
assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"\"key"]
assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"key\"x"]
# quotes after the argument are weird, but should be allowed
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key\"\" bar"]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_tty_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_tty_cli "Integer reply" {
r del counter
assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_cli incr counter]
test_tty_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
assert_equal "\"tab\\tnewline\\n\"" [run_cli get key]
test_tty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r del list
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
test_tty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
test_tty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
test_nontty_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_nontty_cli "Integer reply" {
r del counter
assert_equal "1" [run_cli incr counter]
test_nontty_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
assert_equal "tab\tnewline" [run_cli get key]
test_nontty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r del list
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "foo\nbar" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe "echo foo" set key]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file $tmpfile set key]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
proc test_redis_cli_rdb_dump {} {
r flushdb
set dir [lindex [r config get dir] 1]
assert_equal "OK" [r debug populate 100000 key 1000]
catch {run_cli --rdb "$dir/cli.rdb"} output
assert_match {*Transfer finished with success*} $output
file delete "$dir/dump.rdb"
file rename "$dir/cli.rdb" "$dir/dump.rdb"
assert_equal "OK" [r set should-not-exist 1]
assert_equal "OK" [r debug reload nosave]
assert_equal {} [r get should-not-exist]
test_nontty_cli "Dumping an RDB" {
# Disk-based master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync no]
# Disk-less master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync yes]
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0]
test_nontty_cli "Connecting as a replica" {
set fd [open_cli "--replica"]
wait_for_condition 200 500 {
[string match {*slave0:*state=online*} [r info]]
} else {
fail "redis-cli --replica did not connect"
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
r set test-key test-value-$i
r client kill type slave
catch {
assert_match {*SET*key-a*} [read_cli $fd]
close_cli $fd
test_nontty_cli "Piping raw protocol" {
set fd [open_cli "--pipe"]
fconfigure $fd -blocking true
# Create a new deferring client and overwrite its fd
set client [redis [srv 0 "host"] [srv 0 "port"] 1 0]
set ::redis::fd($::redis::id) $fd
$client select 9
r del test-counter
for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
$client incr test-counter
$client set large-key [string repeat "x" 20000]
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
$client set very-large-key [string repeat "x" 512000]
close $fd write
set output [read_cli $fd]
assert_equal {10000} [r get test-counter]
assert_match {*All data transferred*errors: 0*replies: 21001*} $output
close_cli $fd