2011-06-20 17:19:36 +02:00

99 lines
3.2 KiB

start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
start_server {} {
test {First server should have role slave after SLAVEOF} {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
after 1000
s -1 role
} {slave}
test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, when blocking against empty list} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd brpoplpush a b 5
r lpush a foo
after 1000
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, list exists} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r lpush c 1
r lpush c 2
r lpush c 3
$rd brpoplpush c d 5
after 1000
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {MASTER and SLAVE dataset should be identical after complex ops} {
createComplexDataset r 10000
after 500
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
test {MASTER and SLAVE consistency with expire} {
createComplexDataset r 50000 useexpire
after 4000 ;# Make sure everything expired before taking the digest
r keys * ;# Force DEL syntesizing to slave
after 1000 ;# Wait another second. Now everything should be fine.
if {[r debug digest] ne [r -1 debug digest]} {
set csv1 [csvdump r]
set csv2 [csvdump {r -1}]
set fd [open /tmp/repldump1.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv1
close $fd
set fd [open /tmp/repldump2.txt w]
puts -nonewline $fd $csv2
close $fd
puts "Master - Slave inconsistency"
puts "Run diff -u against /tmp/repldump*.txt for more info"
assert_equal [r debug digest] [r -1 debug digest]
start_server {tags {"repl"}} {
r set mykey foo
start_server {} {
test {Second server should have role master at first} {
s role
} {master}
test {SLAVEOF should start with link status "down"} {
r slaveof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
s master_link_status
} {down}
test {The role should immediately be changed to "slave"} {
s role
} {slave}
wait_for_sync r
test {Sync should have transferred keys from master} {
r get mykey
} {foo}
test {The link status should be up} {
s master_link_status
} {up}
test {SET on the master should immediately propagate} {
r -1 set mykey bar
r 0 get mykey
} {bar}