Meir Shpilraien (Spielrein) 885f6b5ceb
Redis Function Libraries (#10004)
# Redis Function Libraries

This PR implements Redis Functions Libraries as describe on:

Libraries purpose is to provide a better code sharing between functions by allowing to create multiple
functions in a single command. Functions that were created together can safely share code between
each other without worrying about compatibility issues and versioning.

Creating a new library is done using 'FUNCTION LOAD' command (full API is described below)

This PR introduces a new struct called libraryInfo, libraryInfo holds information about a library:
* name - name of the library
* engine - engine used to create the library
* code - library code
* description - library description
* functions - the functions exposed by the library

When Redis gets the `FUNCTION LOAD` command it creates a new empty libraryInfo.
Redis passes the `CODE` to the relevant engine alongside the empty libraryInfo.
As a result, the engine will create one or more functions by calling 'libraryCreateFunction'.
The new funcion will be added to the newly created libraryInfo. So far Everything is happening
locally on the libraryInfo so it is easy to abort the operation (in case of an error) by simply
freeing the libraryInfo. After the library info is fully constructed we start the joining phase by
which we will join the new library to the other libraries currently exist on Redis.
The joining phase make sure there is no function collision and add the library to the
librariesCtx (renamed from functionCtx). LibrariesCtx is used all around the code in the exact
same way as functionCtx was used (with respect to RDB loading, replicatio, ...).
The only difference is that apart from function dictionary (maps function name to functionInfo
object), the librariesCtx contains also a libraries dictionary that maps library name to libraryInfo object.

## New API
Create a new library with the given parameters:
* ENGINE - REPLACE Engine name to use to create the library.
* LIBRARY NAME - The new library name.
* REPLACE - If the library already exists, replace it.
* DESCRIPTION - Library description.
* CODE - Library code.

Return "OK" on success, or error on the following cases:
* Library name already taken and REPLACE was not used
* Name collision with another existing library (even if replace was uses)
* Library registration failed by the engine (usually compilation error)

## Changed API
Command was modified to also allow getting libraries code (so `FUNCTION INFO` command is no longer
needed and removed). In addition the command gets an option argument, `LIBRARYNAME` allows you to
only get libraries that match the given `LIBRARYNAME` pattern. By default, it returns all libraries.

Added number of libraries to `INFO MEMORY`

### Commands flags
`DENYOOM` flag was set on `FUNCTION LOAD` and `FUNCTION RESTORE`. We consider those commands
as commands that add new data to the dateset (functions are data) and so we want to disallows
to run those commands on OOM.

## Removed API
* FUNCTION CREATE - Decided on
* FUNCTION INFO - Decided on

## Lua engine changes
When the Lua engine gets the code given on `FUNCTION LOAD` command, it immediately runs it, we call
this run the loading run. Loading run is not a usual script run, it is not possible to invoke any
Redis command from within the load run.
Instead there is a new API provided by `library` object. The new API's: 
* `redis.log` - behave the same as `redis.log`
* `redis.register_function` - register a new function to the library

The loading run purpose is to register functions using the new `redis.register_function` API.
Any attempt to use any other API will result in an error. In addition, the load run is has a time
limit of 500ms, error is raise on timeout and the entire operation is aborted.

### `redis.register_function`
`redis.register_function(<function_name>, <callback>, [<description>])`
This new API allows users to register a new function that will be linked to the newly created library.
This API can only be called during the load run (see definition above). Any attempt to use it outside
of the load run will result in an error.
The parameters pass to the API are:
* function_name - Function name (must be a Lua string)
* callback - Lua function object that will be called when the function is invokes using fcall/fcall_ro
* description - Function description, optional (must be a Lua string).

### Example
The following example creates a library called `lib` with 2 functions, `f1` and `f1`, returns 1 and 2 respectively:
local function f1(keys, args)
    return 1

local function f2(keys, args)
    return 2

redis.register_function('f1', f1)
redis.register_function('f2', f2)

Notice: Unlike `eval`, functions inside a library get the KEYS and ARGV as arguments to the
functions and not as global.

### Technical Details

On the load run we only want the user to be able to call a white list on API's. This way, in
the future, if new API's will be added, the new API's will not be available to the load run
unless specifically added to this white list. We put the while list on the `library` object and
make sure the `library` object is only available to the load run by using [lua_setfenv]( API. This API allows us to set
the `globals` of a function (and all the function it creates). Before starting the load run we
create a new fresh Lua table (call it `g`) that only contains the `library` API (we make sure
to set global protection on this table just like the general global protection already exists
today), then we use [lua_setfenv](
to set `g` as the global table of the load run. After the load run finished we update `g`
metatable and set `__index` and `__newindex` functions to be `_G` (Lua default globals),
we also pop out the `library` object as we do not need it anymore.
This way, any function that was created on the load run (and will be invoke using `fcall`) will
see the default globals as it expected to see them and will not have the `library` API anymore.

An important outcome of this new approach is that now we can achieve a distinct global table
for each library (it is not yet like that but it is very easy to achieve it now). In the future we can
decide to remove global protection because global on different libraries will not collide or we
can chose to give different API to different libraries base on some configuration or input.

Notice that this technique was meant to prevent errors and was not meant to prevent malicious
user from exploit it. For example, the load run can still save the `library` object on some local
variable and then using in `fcall` context. To prevent such a malicious use, the C code also make
sure it is running in the right context and if not raise an error.
2022-01-06 13:39:38 +02:00

481 lines
15 KiB

source tests/support/cli.tcl
if {$::singledb} {
set ::dbnum 0
} else {
set ::dbnum 9
start_server {tags {"cli"}} {
proc open_cli {{opts ""} {infile ""}} {
if { $opts == "" } {
set opts "-n $::dbnum"
set ::env(TERM) dumb
set cmdline [rediscli [srv host] [srv port] $opts]
if {$infile ne ""} {
set cmdline "$cmdline < $infile"
set mode "r"
} else {
set mode "r+"
set fd [open "|$cmdline" $mode]
fconfigure $fd -buffering none
fconfigure $fd -blocking false
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set _ $fd
proc close_cli {fd} {
close $fd
proc read_cli {fd} {
set ret [read $fd]
while {[string length $ret] == 0} {
after 10
set ret [read $fd]
# We may have a short read, try to read some more.
set empty_reads 0
while {$empty_reads < 5} {
set buf [read $fd]
if {[string length $buf] == 0} {
after 10
incr empty_reads
} else {
append ret $buf
set empty_reads 0
return $ret
proc write_cli {fd buf} {
puts $fd $buf
flush $fd
# Helpers to run tests in interactive mode
proc format_output {output} {
set _ [string trimright [regsub -all "\r" $output ""] "\n"]
proc run_command {fd cmd} {
write_cli $fd $cmd
set _ [format_output [read_cli $fd]]
proc test_interactive_cli {name code} {
set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
set fd [open_cli]
test "Interactive CLI: $name" $code
close_cli $fd
unset ::env(FAKETTY)
# Helpers to run tests where stdout is not a tty
proc write_tmpfile {contents} {
set tmp [tmpfile "cli"]
set tmpfd [open $tmp "w"]
puts -nonewline $tmpfd $contents
close $tmpfd
set _ $tmp
proc _run_cli {host port db opts args} {
set cmd [rediscli $host $port [list -n $db {*}$args]]
foreach {key value} $opts {
if {$key eq "pipe"} {
set cmd "sh -c \"$value | $cmd\""
if {$key eq "path"} {
set cmd "$cmd < $value"
set fd [open "|$cmd" "r"]
fconfigure $fd -buffering none
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set resp [read $fd 1048576]
close $fd
set _ [format_output $resp]
proc run_cli {args} {
_run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum {} {*}$args
proc run_cli_with_input_pipe {mode cmd args} {
if {$mode == "x" } {
_run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list pipe $cmd] -x {*}$args
} elseif {$mode == "X"} {
_run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list pipe $cmd] -X tag {*}$args
proc run_cli_with_input_file {mode path args} {
if {$mode == "x" } {
_run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list path $path] -x {*}$args
} elseif {$mode == "X"} {
_run_cli [srv host] [srv port] $::dbnum [list path $path] -X tag {*}$args
proc run_cli_host_port_db {host port db args} {
_run_cli $host $port $db {} {*}$args
proc test_nontty_cli {name code} {
test "Non-interactive non-TTY CLI: $name" $code
# Helpers to run tests where stdout is a tty (fake it)
proc test_tty_cli {name code} {
set ::env(FAKETTY) 1
test "Non-interactive TTY CLI: $name" $code
unset ::env(FAKETTY)
test_interactive_cli "INFO response should be printed raw" {
set lines [split [run_command $fd info] "\n"]
foreach line $lines {
if {![regexp {^$|^#|^[^#:]+:} $line]} {
fail "Malformed info line: $line"
test_interactive_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key foo"]
test_interactive_cli "Integer reply" {
assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_command $fd "incr counter"]
test_interactive_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key foo
assert_equal "\"foo\"" [run_command $fd "get key"]
test_interactive_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_command $fd "lrange list 0 -1"]
test_interactive_cli "Parsing quotes" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"bar\""]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \" bar \""]
assert_equal " bar " [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\\\"bar\\\"\""]
assert_equal "\"bar\"" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key \"\tbar\t\""]
assert_equal "\tbar\t" [r get key]
# invalid quotation
assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"\"key"]
assert_equal "Invalid argument(s)" [run_command $fd "get \"key\"x"]
# quotes after the argument are weird, but should be allowed
assert_equal "OK" [run_command $fd "set key\"\" bar"]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_tty_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_tty_cli "Integer reply" {
r del counter
assert_equal "(integer) 1" [run_cli incr counter]
test_tty_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
assert_equal "\"tab\\tnewline\\n\"" [run_cli get key]
test_tty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r del list
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "1) \"foo\"\n2) \"bar\"" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
test_tty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe x "echo foo" set key]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe X "echo foo" set key2 tag]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key2]
test_tty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file x $tmpfile set key]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file X $tmpfile set key2 tag]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key2]
file delete $tmpfile
test_nontty_cli "Status reply" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli set key bar]
assert_equal "bar" [r get key]
test_nontty_cli "Integer reply" {
r del counter
assert_equal "1" [run_cli incr counter]
test_nontty_cli "Bulk reply" {
r set key "tab\tnewline\n"
assert_equal "tab\tnewline" [run_cli get key]
test_nontty_cli "Multi-bulk reply" {
r del list
r rpush list foo
r rpush list bar
assert_equal "foo\nbar" [run_cli lrange list 0 -1]
if {!$::tls} { ;# fake_redis_node doesn't support TLS
test_nontty_cli "ASK redirect test" {
# Set up two fake Redis nodes.
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
set script "tests/helpers/fake_redis_node.tcl"
set port1 [find_available_port $::baseport $::portcount]
set port2 [find_available_port $::baseport $::portcount]
set p1 [exec $tclsh $script $port1 \
"SET foo bar" "-ASK 12182$port2" &]
set p2 [exec $tclsh $script $port2 \
"ASKING" "+OK" \
"SET foo bar" "+OK" &]
# Make sure both fake nodes have started listening
wait_for_condition 50 50 {
[catch {close [socket "" $port1]}] == 0 && \
[catch {close [socket "" $port2]}] == 0
} else {
fail "Failed to start fake Redis nodes"
# Run the cli
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_host_port_db "" $port1 0 -c SET foo bar]
test_nontty_cli "Quoted input arguments" {
r set "\x00\x00" "value"
assert_equal "value" [run_cli --quoted-input get {"\x00\x00"}]
test_nontty_cli "No accidental unquoting of input arguments" {
run_cli --quoted-input set {"\x41\x41"} quoted-val
run_cli set {"\x41\x41"} unquoted-val
assert_equal "quoted-val" [r get AA]
assert_equal "unquoted-val" [r get {"\x41\x41"}]
test_nontty_cli "Invalid quoted input arguments" {
catch {run_cli --quoted-input set {"Unterminated}} err
assert_match {*exited abnormally*} $err
# A single arg that unquotes to two arguments is also not expected
catch {run_cli --quoted-input set {"arg1" "arg2"}} err
assert_match {*exited abnormally*} $err
test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from pipe" {
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe x "echo foo" set key]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_pipe X "echo foo" set key2 tag]
assert_equal "foo\n" [r get key2]
test_nontty_cli "Read last argument from file" {
set tmpfile [write_tmpfile "from file"]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file x $tmpfile set key]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key]
assert_equal "OK" [run_cli_with_input_file X $tmpfile set key2 tag]
assert_equal "from file" [r get key2]
file delete $tmpfile
proc test_redis_cli_rdb_dump {functions_only} {
r flushdb
r function flush
set dir [lindex [r config get dir] 1]
assert_equal "OK" [r debug populate 100000 key 1000]
assert_equal "OK" [r function load lua lib1 "redis.register_function('func1', function() return 123 end)"]
if {$functions_only} {
set args "--functions-rdb $dir/cli.rdb"
} else {
set args "--rdb $dir/cli.rdb"
catch {run_cli {*}$args} output
assert_match {*Transfer finished with success*} $output
file delete "$dir/dump.rdb"
file rename "$dir/cli.rdb" "$dir/dump.rdb"
assert_equal "OK" [r set should-not-exist 1]
assert_equal "OK" [r function load lua should_not_exist_func "redis.register_function('should_not_exist_func', function() return 456 end)"]
assert_equal "OK" [r debug reload nosave]
assert_equal {} [r get should-not-exist]
assert_equal {{library_name lib1 engine LUA description {} functions {{name func1 description {}}}}} [r function list]
if {$functions_only} {
assert_equal 0 [r dbsize]
} else {
assert_equal 100000 [r dbsize]
foreach {functions_only} {no yes} {
test "Dumping an RDB - functions only: $functions_only" {
# Disk-based master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync no]
test_redis_cli_rdb_dump $functions_only
# Disk-less master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync yes]
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0]
test_redis_cli_rdb_dump $functions_only
} {} {needs:repl needs:debug}
} ;# foreach functions_only
test "Scan mode" {
r flushdb
populate 1000 key: 1
# basic use
assert_equal 1000 [llength [split [run_cli --scan]]]
# pattern
assert_equal {key:2} [run_cli --scan --pattern "*:2"]
# pattern matching with a quoted string
assert_equal {key:2} [run_cli --scan --quoted-pattern {"*:\x32"}]
proc test_redis_cli_repl {} {
set fd [open_cli "--replica"]
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[string match {*slave0:*state=online*} [r info]]
} else {
fail "redis-cli --replica did not connect"
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
r set test-key test-value-$i
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[string match {*test-value-99*} [read_cli $fd]]
} else {
fail "redis-cli --replica didn't read commands"
fconfigure $fd -blocking true
r client kill type slave
catch { close_cli $fd } err
assert_match {*Server closed the connection*} $err
test "Connecting as a replica" {
# Disk-based master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync no]
# Disk-less master
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync yes]
assert_match "OK" [r config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0]
} {} {needs:repl}
test "Piping raw protocol" {
set cmds [tmpfile "cli_cmds"]
set cmds_fd [open $cmds "w"]
set cmds_count 2101
if {!$::singledb} {
puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand select 9]
incr cmds_count
puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand del test-counter]
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand incr test-counter]
puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand set large-key [string repeat "x" 20000]]
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
puts $cmds_fd [formatCommand set very-large-key [string repeat "x" 512000]]
close $cmds_fd
set cli_fd [open_cli "--pipe" $cmds]
fconfigure $cli_fd -blocking true
set output [read_cli $cli_fd]
assert_equal {1000} [r get test-counter]
assert_match "*All data transferred*errors: 0*replies: ${cmds_count}*" $output
file delete $cmds
test "Options -X with illegal argument" {
assert_error "*-x and -X are mutually exclusive*" {run_cli -x -X tag}
assert_error "*Unrecognized option or bad number*" {run_cli -X}
assert_error "*tag not match*" {run_cli_with_input_pipe X "echo foo" set key wrong_tag}
test "DUMP RESTORE with -x option" {
set cmdline [rediscli [srv host] [srv port]]
exec {*}$cmdline DEL set new_set
exec {*}$cmdline SADD set 1 2 3 4 5 6
assert_equal 6 [exec {*}$cmdline SCARD set]
assert_equal "OK" [exec {*}$cmdline -D "" --raw DUMP set | \
{*}$cmdline -x RESTORE new_set 0]
assert_equal 6 [exec {*}$cmdline SCARD new_set]
assert_equal "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6" [exec {*}$cmdline SMEMBERS new_set]
test "DUMP RESTORE with -X option" {
set cmdline [rediscli [srv host] [srv port]]
exec {*}$cmdline DEL zset new_zset
exec {*}$cmdline ZADD zset 1 a 2 b 3 c
assert_equal 3 [exec {*}$cmdline ZCARD zset]
assert_equal "OK" [exec {*}$cmdline -D "" --raw DUMP zset | \
{*}$cmdline -X dump_tag RESTORE new_zset 0 dump_tag REPLACE]
assert_equal 3 [exec {*}$cmdline ZCARD new_zset]
assert_equal "a\n1\nb\n2\nc\n3" [exec {*}$cmdline ZRANGE new_zset 0 -1 WITHSCORES]