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synced 2025-01-23 00:28:26 -05:00
Creating fork (or even a foreground SAVE) during a transaction breaks the atomicity of the transaction. In addition to that, it could mess up the propagated transaction to the AOF file. This change blocks SAVE, PSYNC, SYNC and SHUTDOWN from being executed inside MULTI-EXEC. It does that by adding a command flag, so that modules can flag their commands with that flag too. Besides it changes BGSAVE, BGREWRITEAOF, and CONFIG SET appendonly, to turn the scheduled flag instead of forking righ taway. Other changes: * expose `protected`, `no-async-loading`, and `no_multi` flags in COMMAND command * add a test to validate propagation of FLUSHALL inside a transaction. * add a test to validate how CONFIG SET that errors reacts in a transaction Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <oran@redislabs.com>
827 lines
22 KiB
827 lines
22 KiB
proc wait_for_dbsize {size} {
set r2 [redis_client]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[$r2 dbsize] == $size
} else {
fail "Target dbsize not reached"
$r2 close
start_server {tags {"multi"}} {
test {MUTLI / EXEC basics} {
r del mylist
r rpush mylist a
r rpush mylist b
r rpush mylist c
r multi
set v1 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
set v2 [r ping]
set v3 [r exec]
list $v1 $v2 $v3
} {QUEUED QUEUED {{a b c} PONG}}
test {DISCARD} {
r del mylist
r rpush mylist a
r rpush mylist b
r rpush mylist c
r multi
set v1 [r del mylist]
set v2 [r discard]
set v3 [r lrange mylist 0 -1]
list $v1 $v2 $v3
} {QUEUED OK {a b c}}
test {Nested MULTI are not allowed} {
set err {}
r multi
catch {[r multi]} err
r exec
set _ $err
test {MULTI where commands alter argc/argv} {
r sadd myset a
r multi
r spop myset
list [r exec] [r exists myset]
} {a 0}
test {WATCH inside MULTI is not allowed} {
set err {}
r multi
catch {[r watch x]} err
r exec
set _ $err
test {EXEC fails if there are errors while queueing commands #1} {
r del foo1{t} foo2{t}
r multi
r set foo1{t} bar1
catch {r non-existing-command}
r set foo2{t} bar2
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e
list [r exists foo1{t}] [r exists foo2{t}]
} {0 0}
test {EXEC fails if there are errors while queueing commands #2} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r del foo1{t} foo2{t}
r multi
r set foo1{t} bar1
$rd config set maxmemory 1
assert {[$rd read] eq {OK}}
catch {r lpush mylist{t} myvalue}
$rd config set maxmemory 0
assert {[$rd read] eq {OK}}
r set foo2{t} bar2
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e
$rd close
list [r exists foo1{t}] [r exists foo2{t}]
} {0 0} {needs:config-maxmemory}
test {If EXEC aborts, the client MULTI state is cleared} {
r del foo1{t} foo2{t}
r multi
r set foo1{t} bar1
catch {r non-existing-command}
r set foo2{t} bar2
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e
r ping
} {PONG}
test {EXEC works on WATCHed key not modified} {
r watch x{t} y{t} z{t}
r watch k{t}
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {EXEC fail on WATCHed key modified (1 key of 1 watched)} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r set x 40
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {EXEC fail on WATCHed key modified (1 key of 5 watched)} {
r set x{t} 30
r watch a{t} b{t} x{t} k{t} z{t}
r set x{t} 40
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {EXEC fail on WATCHed key modified by SORT with STORE even if the result is empty} {
r flushdb
r lpush foo bar
r watch foo
r sort emptylist store foo
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {} {cluster:skip}
test {EXEC fail on lazy expired WATCHed key} {
r flushall
r debug set-active-expire 0
r del key
r set key 1 px 2
r watch key
after 100
r multi
r incr key
assert_equal [r exec] {}
r debug set-active-expire 1
} {OK} {needs:debug}
test {After successful EXEC key is no longer watched} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r multi
r ping
r exec
r set x 40
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {After failed EXEC key is no longer watched} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r set x 40
r multi
r ping
r exec
r set x 40
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {It is possible to UNWATCH} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r set x 40
r unwatch
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {UNWATCH when there is nothing watched works as expected} {
r unwatch
} {OK}
test {FLUSHALL is able to touch the watched keys} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r flushall
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {FLUSHALL does not touch non affected keys} {
r del x
r watch x
r flushall
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {FLUSHDB is able to touch the watched keys} {
r set x 30
r watch x
r flushdb
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {FLUSHDB does not touch non affected keys} {
r del x
r watch x
r flushdb
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {PONG}
test {SWAPDB is able to touch the watched keys that exist} {
r flushall
r select 0
r set x 30
r watch x ;# make sure x (set to 30) doesn't change (SWAPDB will "delete" it)
r swapdb 0 1
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {} {singledb:skip}
test {SWAPDB is able to touch the watched keys that do not exist} {
r flushall
r select 1
r set x 30
r select 0
r watch x ;# make sure the key x (currently missing) doesn't change (SWAPDB will create it)
r swapdb 0 1
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {} {singledb:skip}
test {WATCH is able to remember the DB a key belongs to} {
r select 5
r set x 30
r watch x
r select 1
r set x 10
r select 5
r multi
r ping
set res [r exec]
# Restore original DB
r select 9
set res
} {PONG} {singledb:skip}
test {WATCH will consider touched keys target of EXPIRE} {
r del x
r set x foo
r watch x
r expire x 10
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {WATCH will consider touched expired keys} {
r flushall
r del x
r set x foo
r expire x 1
r watch x
# Wait for the keys to expire.
wait_for_dbsize 0
r multi
r ping
r exec
} {}
test {DISCARD should clear the WATCH dirty flag on the client} {
r watch x
r set x 10
r multi
r discard
r multi
r incr x
r exec
} {11}
test {DISCARD should UNWATCH all the keys} {
r watch x
r set x 10
r multi
r discard
r set x 10
r multi
r incr x
r exec
} {11}
test {MULTI / EXEC is not propagated (single write command)} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r set foo bar
r exec
r set foo2 bar
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
{set foo2 bar}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI / EXEC is propagated correctly (multiple commands)} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r set foo{t} bar
r get foo{t}
r set foo2{t} bar2
r get foo2{t}
r set foo3{t} bar3
r get foo3{t}
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo{t} bar}
{set foo2{t} bar2}
{set foo3{t} bar3}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI / EXEC is propagated correctly (multiple commands with SELECT)} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r select 1
r set foo{t} bar
r get foo{t}
r select 2
r set foo2{t} bar2
r get foo2{t}
r select 3
r set foo3{t} bar3
r get foo3{t}
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo{t} bar}
{select *}
{set foo2{t} bar2}
{select *}
{set foo3{t} bar3}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl singledb:skip}
test {MULTI / EXEC is propagated correctly (empty transaction)} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r exec
r set foo bar
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI / EXEC is propagated correctly (read-only commands)} {
r set foo value1
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r get foo
r exec
r set foo value2
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo value2}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI / EXEC is propagated correctly (write command, no effect)} {
r del bar
r del foo
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r del foo
r exec
# add another command so that when we see it we know multi-exec wasn't
# propagated
r incr foo
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{incr foo}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI / EXEC with REPLICAOF} {
# This test verifies that if we demote a master to replica inside a transaction, the
# entire transaction is not propagated to the already-connected replica
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r set foo bar
r multi
r set foo2 bar
r replicaof localhost 9999
r set foo3 bar
r exec
catch {r set foo4 bar} e
assert_match {READONLY*} $e
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
r replicaof no one
} {OK} {needs:repl cluster:skip}
test {DISCARD should not fail during OOM} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd config set maxmemory 1
assert {[$rd read] eq {OK}}
r multi
catch {r set x 1} e
assert_match {OOM*} $e
r discard
$rd config set maxmemory 0
assert {[$rd read] eq {OK}}
$rd close
r ping
} {PONG} {needs:config-maxmemory}
test {MULTI and script timeout} {
# check that if MULTI arrives during timeout, it is either refused, or
# allowed to pass, and we don't end up executing half of the transaction
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set r2 [redis_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
r set xx 1
$rd1 eval {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch { $r2 multi; } e
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
r script kill
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
catch { $r2 exec; } e
assert_match {EXECABORT*previous errors*} $e
set xx [r get xx]
# make sure that either the whole transcation passed or none of it (we actually expect none)
assert { $xx == 1 || $xx == 3}
# check that the connection is no longer in multi state
set pong [$r2 ping asdf]
assert_equal $pong "asdf"
$rd1 close; $r2 close
test {EXEC and script timeout} {
# check that if EXEC arrives during timeout, we don't end up executing
# half of the transaction, and also that we exit the multi state
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set r2 [redis_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
r set xx 1
catch { $r2 multi; } e
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
$rd1 eval {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
catch { $r2 exec; } e
assert_match {EXECABORT*BUSY*} $e
r script kill
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
set xx [r get xx]
# make sure that either the whole transcation passed or none of it (we actually expect none)
assert { $xx == 1 || $xx == 3}
# check that the connection is no longer in multi state
set pong [$r2 ping asdf]
assert_equal $pong "asdf"
$rd1 close; $r2 close
test {MULTI-EXEC body and script timeout} {
# check that we don't run an incomplete transaction due to some commands
# arriving during busy script
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set r2 [redis_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
r set xx 1
catch { $r2 multi; } e
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
$rd1 eval {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
r script kill
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
catch { $r2 exec; } e
assert_match {EXECABORT*previous errors*} $e
set xx [r get xx]
# make sure that either the whole transcation passed or none of it (we actually expect none)
assert { $xx == 1 || $xx == 3}
# check that the connection is no longer in multi state
set pong [$r2 ping asdf]
assert_equal $pong "asdf"
$rd1 close; $r2 close
test {just EXEC and script timeout} {
# check that if EXEC arrives during timeout, we don't end up executing
# actual commands during busy script, and also that we exit the multi state
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set r2 [redis_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
r set xx 1
catch { $r2 multi; } e
catch { $r2 incr xx; } e
$rd1 eval {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch { $r2 exec; } e
assert_match {EXECABORT*BUSY*} $e
r script kill
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
set xx [r get xx]
# make we didn't execute the transaction
assert { $xx == 1}
# check that the connection is no longer in multi state
set pong [$r2 ping asdf]
assert_equal $pong "asdf"
$rd1 close; $r2 close
test {exec with write commands and state change} {
# check that exec that contains write commands fails if server state changed since they were queued
set r1 [redis_client]
r set xx 1
r multi
r incr xx
$r1 config set min-replicas-to-write 2
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {*EXECABORT*NOREPLICAS*} $e
set xx [r get xx]
# make sure that the INCR wasn't executed
assert { $xx == 1}
$r1 config set min-replicas-to-write 0
$r1 close
} {0} {needs:repl}
test {exec with read commands and stale replica state change} {
# check that exec that contains read commands fails if server state changed since they were queued
r config set replica-serve-stale-data no
set r1 [redis_client]
r set xx 1
# check that GET and PING are disallowed on stale replica, even if the replica becomes stale only after queuing.
r multi
r get xx
$r1 replicaof localhsot 0
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {*EXECABORT*MASTERDOWN*} $e
# reset
$r1 replicaof no one
r multi
r ping
$r1 replicaof localhsot 0
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {*EXECABORT*MASTERDOWN*} $e
# check that when replica is not stale, GET is allowed
# while we're at it, let's check that multi is allowed on stale replica too
r multi
$r1 replicaof no one
r get xx
set xx [r exec]
# make sure that the INCR was executed
assert { $xx == 1 }
$r1 close
} {0} {needs:repl cluster:skip}
test {EXEC with only read commands should not be rejected when OOM} {
set r2 [redis_client]
r set x value
r multi
r get x
r ping
# enforcing OOM
$r2 config set maxmemory 1
# finish the multi transaction with exec
assert { [r exec] == {value PONG} }
# releasing OOM
$r2 config set maxmemory 0
$r2 close
} {0} {needs:config-maxmemory}
test {EXEC with at least one use-memory command should fail} {
set r2 [redis_client]
r multi
r set x 1
r get x
# enforcing OOM
$r2 config set maxmemory 1
# finish the multi transaction with exec
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*OOM*} $e
# releasing OOM
$r2 config set maxmemory 0
$r2 close
} {0} {needs:config-maxmemory}
test {Blocking commands ignores the timeout} {
r xgroup create s{t} g $ MKSTREAM
set m [r multi]
r blpop empty_list{t} 0
r brpop empty_list{t} 0
r brpoplpush empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t} 0
r blmove empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t} LEFT LEFT 0
r bzpopmin empty_zset{t} 0
r bzpopmax empty_zset{t} 0
r xread BLOCK 0 STREAMS s{t} $
r xreadgroup group g c BLOCK 0 STREAMS s{t} >
set res [r exec]
list $m $res
} {OK {{} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}}}
test {MULTI propagation of PUBLISH} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r multi
r publish bla bla
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{publish bla bla}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl cluster:skip}
test {MULTI propagation of SCRIPT LOAD} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
# make sure that SCRIPT LOAD inside MULTI isn't propagated
r multi
r script load {redis.call('set', KEYS[1], 'foo')}
r set foo bar
set res [r exec]
set sha [lindex $res 0]
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI propagation of EVAL} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
# make sure that EVAL inside MULTI is propagated in a transaction in effects
r multi
r eval {redis.call('set', KEYS[1], 'bar')} 1 bar
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set bar bar}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MULTI propagation of SCRIPT FLUSH} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
# make sure that SCRIPT FLUSH isn't propagated
r multi
r script flush
r set foo bar
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set foo bar}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
tags {"stream"} {
test {MULTI propagation of XREADGROUP} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r XADD mystream * foo bar
r XADD mystream * foo2 bar2
r XADD mystream * foo3 bar3
r XGROUP CREATE mystream mygroup 0
# make sure the XCALIM (propagated by XREADGROUP) is indeed inside MULTI/EXEC
r multi
r XREADGROUP GROUP mygroup consumer1 COUNT 2 STREAMS mystream ">"
r XREADGROUP GROUP mygroup consumer1 STREAMS mystream ">"
r exec
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{xadd *}
{xadd *}
{xadd *}
{xgroup CREATE *}
{xclaim *}
{xclaim *}
{xclaim *}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
foreach {cmd} {SAVE SHUTDOWN} {
test "MULTI with $cmd" {
r del foo
r multi
r set foo bar
catch {r $cmd} e1
catch {r exec} e2
assert_match {*Command not allowed inside a transaction*} $e1
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e2
r get foo
} {}
set forks [s total_forks]
r multi
r set foo bar
set res [r exec]
assert_match "*rewriting scheduled*" [lindex $res 1]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s total_forks] > $forks
} else {
fail "aofrw didn't start"
waitForBgrewriteaof r
} {} {external:skip}
test "MULTI with config set appendonly" {
set lines [count_log_lines 0]
set forks [s total_forks]
r multi
r set foo bar
r config set appendonly yes
r exec
verify_log_message 0 "*AOF background was scheduled*" $lines
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s total_forks] > $forks
} else {
fail "aofrw didn't start"
waitForBgrewriteaof r
} {} {external:skip}
test "MULTI with config error" {
r multi
r set foo bar
r config set maxmemory bla
# letting the redis parser read it, it'll throw an exception instead of
# reply with an array that contains an error, so we switch to reading
# raw RESP instead
r readraw 1
set res [r exec]
assert_equal $res "*2"
set res [r read]
assert_equal $res "+OK"
set res [r read]
r readraw 1
set _ $res
} {*CONFIG SET failed*}
start_server {overrides {appendonly {yes} appendfilename {appendonly.aof} appendfsync always} tags {external:skip}} {
test {MULTI with FLUSHALL and AOF} {
set aof [get_last_incr_aof_path r]
r multi
r set foo bar
r flushall
r exec
assert_aof_content $aof {
{select *}
{set *}
r get foo
} {}