guybe7 5df070ba39
COMMAND: Use underscores instead of hyphens in attributes (#9959)
some languages can build a json-like object by parsing a textual json,
but it works poorly when attributes contain hyphens

example in JS:
let j = JSON.parse(json)
j['key-name'] <- works
j.key-name <= illegal syntax
2021-12-18 09:00:42 +02:00

67 lines
3.6 KiB

set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
r module load $testmodule
test "Module key specs: Legacy" {
set reply [r command info kspec.legacy]
# Verify (first, last, step)
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 4] 2
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 5] 1
# create a dict for easy lookup
unset -nocomplain mydict
foreach {k v} [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 7] {
dict append mydict $k $v
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [dict get $mydict key-specs]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags read begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags write begin_search {type index spec {index 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
test "Module key specs: Complex specs, case 1" {
set reply [r command info kspec.complex1]
# Verify (first, last, step)
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 4] 1
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 5] 1
# create a dict for easy lookup
unset -nocomplain mydict
foreach {k v} [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 7] {
dict append mydict $k $v
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [dict get $mydict key-specs]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags write begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword STORE startfrom 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 2] {flags read begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword KEYS startfrom 2}} find_keys {type keynum spec {keynumidx 0 firstkey 1 keystep 1}}}
test "Module key specs: Complex specs, case 2" {
set reply [r command info kspec.complex2]
# Verify (first, last, step)
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 4] 2
assert_equal [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 5] 1
# create a dict for easy lookup
unset -nocomplain mydict
foreach {k v} [lindex [lindex $reply 0] 7] {
dict append mydict $k $v
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [dict get $mydict key-specs]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags write begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword STORE startfrom 5}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags read begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 2] {flags read begin_search {type index spec {index 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 3] {flags write begin_search {type index spec {index 3}} find_keys {type keynum spec {keynumidx 0 firstkey 1 keystep 1}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 4] {flags write begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword MOREKEYS startfrom 5}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey -1 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
test "Module command list filtering" {
;# Note: we piggyback this tcl file to test the general functionality of command list filtering
set reply [r command list filterby module keyspecs]
assert_equal [lsort $reply] {kspec.complex1 kspec.complex2 kspec.legacy}