antirez 331de6930a Test: fixed osx msg passing issue in testing framework.
The Redis test uses a server-clients model in order to parallelize the
execution of different tests. However in recent versions of osx not
setting the channel to a binary encoding caused issues even if AFAIK no
binary data is really sent via this channel. However now the channels
are deliberately set to a binary encoding and this solves the issue.

The exact issue was the test not terminating and giving the impression
of running forever, since test clients or servers were unable to
exchange the messages to continue.
2014-01-31 16:27:03 +01:00

525 lines
16 KiB

# Redis test suite. Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo
# This softare is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
# more information.
package require Tcl 8.5
set tcl_precision 17
source tests/support/redis.tcl
source tests/support/server.tcl
source tests/support/tmpfile.tcl
source tests/support/test.tcl
source tests/support/util.tcl
set ::all_tests {
# Index to the next test to run in the ::all_tests list.
set ::next_test 0
set ::host
set ::port 21111
set ::traceleaks 0
set ::valgrind 0
set ::verbose 0
set ::quiet 0
set ::denytags {}
set ::allowtags {}
set ::external 0; # If "1" this means, we are running against external instance
set ::file ""; # If set, runs only the tests in this comma separated list
set ::curfile ""; # Hold the filename of the current suite
set ::accurate 0; # If true runs fuzz tests with more iterations
set ::force_failure 0
# Set to 1 when we are running in client mode. The Redis test uses a
# server-client model to run tests simultaneously. The server instance
# runs the specified number of client instances that will actually run tests.
# The server is responsible of showing the result to the user, and exit with
# the appropriate exit code depending on the test outcome.
set ::client 0
set ::numclients 16
proc execute_tests name {
set path "tests/$name.tcl"
set ::curfile $path
source $path
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd done "$name"
# Setup a list to hold a stack of server configs. When calls to start_server
# are nested, use "srv 0 pid" to get the pid of the inner server. To access
# outer servers, use "srv -1 pid" etcetera.
set ::servers {}
proc srv {args} {
set level 0
if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
set property [lindex $args 1]
} else {
set property [lindex $args 0]
set srv [lindex $::servers end+$level]
dict get $srv $property
# Provide easy access to the client for the inner server. It's possible to
# prepend the argument list with a negative level to access clients for
# servers running in outer blocks.
proc r {args} {
set level 0
if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
[srv $level "client"] {*}$args
proc reconnect {args} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
if {[string length $level] == 0 || ![string is integer $level]} {
set level 0
set srv [lindex $::servers end+$level]
set host [dict get $srv "host"]
set port [dict get $srv "port"]
set config [dict get $srv "config"]
set client [redis $host $port]
dict set srv "client" $client
# select the right db when we don't have to authenticate
if {![dict exists $config "requirepass"]} {
$client select 9
# re-set $srv in the servers list
lset ::servers end+$level $srv
proc redis_deferring_client {args} {
set level 0
if {[llength $args] > 0 && [string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
# create client that defers reading reply
set client [redis [srv $level "host"] [srv $level "port"] 1]
# select the right db and read the response (OK)
$client select 9
$client read
return $client
# Provide easy access to INFO properties. Same semantic as "proc r".
proc s {args} {
set level 0
if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
status [srv $level "client"] [lindex $args 0]
proc cleanup {} {
if {!$::quiet} {puts -nonewline "Cleanup: may take some time... "}
flush stdout
catch {exec rm -rf {*}[glob tests/tmp/redis.conf.*]}
catch {exec rm -rf {*}[glob tests/tmp/server.*]}
if {!$::quiet} {puts "OK"}
proc find_available_port start {
for {set j $start} {$j < $start+1024} {incr j} {
if {[catch {
set fd [socket $j]
}]} {
return $j
} else {
close $fd
if {$j == $start+1024} {
error "Can't find a non busy port in the $start-[expr {$start+1023}] range."
proc test_server_main {} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
# Open a listening socket, trying different ports in order to find a
# non busy one.
set port [find_available_port 11111]
if {!$::quiet} {
puts "Starting test server at port $port"
socket -server accept_test_clients -myaddr $port
# Start the client instances
set ::clients_pids {}
set start_port [expr {$::port+100}]
for {set j 0} {$j < $::numclients} {incr j} {
set start_port [find_available_port $start_port]
set p [exec $tclsh [info script] {*}$::argv \
--client $port --port $start_port &]
lappend ::clients_pids $p
incr start_port 10
# Setup global state for the test server
set ::idle_clients {}
set ::active_clients {}
array set ::active_clients_task {}
array set ::clients_start_time {}
set ::clients_time_history {}
set ::failed_tests {}
# Enter the event loop to handle clients I/O
after 100 test_server_cron
vwait forever
# This function gets called 10 times per second, for now does nothing but
# may be used in the future in order to detect test clients taking too much
# time to execute the task.
proc test_server_cron {} {
# Do some work here.
after 100 test_server_cron
proc accept_test_clients {fd addr port} {
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary
fileevent $fd readable [list read_from_test_client $fd]
# This is the readable handler of our test server. Clients send us messages
# in the form of a status code such and additional data. Supported
# status types are:
# ready: the client is ready to execute the command. Only sent at client
# startup. The server will queue the client FD in the list of idle
# clients.
# testing: just used to signal that a given test started.
# ok: a test was executed with success.
# err: a test was executed with an error.
# exception: there was a runtime exception while executing the test.
# done: all the specified test file was processed, this test client is
# ready to accept a new task.
proc read_from_test_client fd {
set bytes [gets $fd]
set payload [read $fd $bytes]
foreach {status data} $payload break
if {$status eq {ready}} {
if {!$::quiet} {
puts "\[$status\]: $data"
signal_idle_client $fd
} elseif {$status eq {done}} {
set elapsed [expr {[clock seconds]-$::clients_start_time($fd)}]
set all_tests_count [llength $::all_tests]
set running_tests_count [expr {[llength $::active_clients]-1}]
set completed_tests_count [expr {$::next_test-$running_tests_count}]
puts "\[$completed_tests_count/$all_tests_count [colorstr yellow $status]\]: $data ($elapsed seconds)"
lappend ::clients_time_history $elapsed $data
signal_idle_client $fd
set ::active_clients_task($fd) DONE
} elseif {$status eq {ok}} {
if {!$::quiet} {
puts "\[[colorstr green $status]\]: $data"
set ::active_clients_task($fd) "(OK) $data"
} elseif {$status eq {err}} {
set err "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
puts $err
lappend ::failed_tests $err
set ::active_clients_task($fd) "(ERR) $data"
} elseif {$status eq {exception}} {
puts "\[[colorstr red $status]\]: $data"
foreach p $::clients_pids {
catch {exec kill -9 $p}
exit 1
} elseif {$status eq {testing}} {
set ::active_clients_task($fd) "(IN PROGRESS) $data"
} else {
if {!$::quiet} {
puts "\[$status\]: $data"
# A new client is idle. Remove it from the list of active clients and
# if there are still test units to run, launch them.
proc signal_idle_client fd {
# Remove this fd from the list of active clients.
set ::active_clients \
[lsearch -all -inline -not -exact $::active_clients $fd]
if 0 {
# The following loop is only useful for debugging tests that may
# enter an infinite loop. Commented out normally.
foreach x $::active_clients {
if {[info exist ::active_clients_task($x)]} {
puts "$x => $::active_clients_task($x)"
} else {
puts "$x => ???"
# New unit to process?
if {$::next_test != [llength $::all_tests]} {
if {!$::quiet} {
puts [colorstr bold-white "Testing [lindex $::all_tests $::next_test]"]
set ::active_clients_task($fd) "ASSIGNED: $fd ([lindex $::all_tests $::next_test])"
set ::clients_start_time($fd) [clock seconds]
send_data_packet $fd run [lindex $::all_tests $::next_test]
lappend ::active_clients $fd
incr ::next_test
} else {
lappend ::idle_clients $fd
if {[llength $::active_clients] == 0} {
# The the_end funciton gets called when all the test units were already
# executed, so the test finished.
proc the_end {} {
# TODO: print the status, exit with the rigth exit code.
puts "\n The End\n"
puts "Execution time of different units:"
foreach {time name} $::clients_time_history {
puts " $time seconds - $name"
if {[llength $::failed_tests]} {
puts "\n[colorstr bold-red {!!! WARNING}] The following tests failed:\n"
foreach failed $::failed_tests {
puts "*** $failed"
exit 1
} else {
puts "\n[colorstr bold-white {\o/}] [colorstr bold-green {All tests passed without errors!}]\n"
exit 0
# The client is not even driven (the test server is instead) as we just need
# to read the command, execute, reply... all this in a loop.
proc test_client_main server_port {
set ::test_server_fd [socket localhost $server_port]
fconfigure $::test_server_fd -encoding binary
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd ready [pid]
while 1 {
set bytes [gets $::test_server_fd]
set payload [read $::test_server_fd $bytes]
foreach {cmd data} $payload break
if {$cmd eq {run}} {
execute_tests $data
} else {
error "Unknown test client command: $cmd"
proc send_data_packet {fd status data} {
set payload [list $status $data]
puts $fd [string length $payload]
puts -nonewline $fd $payload
flush $fd
proc print_help_screen {} {
puts [join {
"--valgrind Run the test over valgrind."
"--accurate Run slow randomized tests for more iterations."
"--quiet Don't show individual tests."
"--single <unit> Just execute the specified unit (see next option)."
"--list-tests List all the available test units."
"--clients <num> Number of test clients (16)."
"--force-failure Force the execution of a test that always fails."
"--help Print this help screen."
} "\n"]
# parse arguments
for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $argv]} {incr j} {
set opt [lindex $argv $j]
set arg [lindex $argv [expr $j+1]]
if {$opt eq {--tags}} {
foreach tag $arg {
if {[string index $tag 0] eq "-"} {
lappend ::denytags [string range $tag 1 end]
} else {
lappend ::allowtags $tag
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--valgrind}} {
set ::valgrind 1
} elseif {$opt eq {--quiet}} {
set ::quiet 1
} elseif {$opt eq {--host}} {
set ::external 1
set ::host $arg
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--port}} {
set ::port $arg
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--accurate}} {
set ::accurate 1
} elseif {$opt eq {--force-failure}} {
set ::force_failure 1
} elseif {$opt eq {--single}} {
set ::all_tests $arg
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--list-tests}} {
foreach t $::all_tests {
puts $t
exit 0
} elseif {$opt eq {--client}} {
set ::client 1
set ::test_server_port $arg
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--clients}} {
set ::numclients $arg
incr j
} elseif {$opt eq {--help}} {
exit 0
} else {
puts "Wrong argument: $opt"
exit 1
proc attach_to_replication_stream {} {
set s [socket [srv 0 "host"] [srv 0 "port"]]
fconfigure $s -translation binary
puts -nonewline $s "SYNC\r\n"
flush $s
# Get the count
set count [gets $s]
set prefix [string range $count 0 0]
if {$prefix ne {$}} {
error "attach_to_replication_stream error. Received '$count' as count."
set count [string range $count 1 end]
# Consume the bulk payload
while {$count} {
set buf [read $s $count]
set count [expr {$count-[string length $buf]}]
return $s
proc read_from_replication_stream {s} {
fconfigure $s -blocking 0
set attempt 0
while {[gets $s count] == -1} {
if {[incr attempt] == 10} return ""
after 100
fconfigure $s -blocking 1
set count [string range $count 1 end]
# Return a list of arguments for the command.
set res {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
read $s 1
set arg [::redis::redis_bulk_read $s]
if {$j == 0} {set arg [string tolower $arg]}
lappend res $arg
return $res
proc assert_replication_stream {s patterns} {
for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $patterns]} {incr j} {
assert_match [lindex $patterns $j] [read_from_replication_stream $s]
proc close_replication_stream {s} {
close $s
# With the parallel test running multiple Redis instances at the same time
# we need a fast enough computer, otherwise a lot of tests may generate
# false positives.
# If the computer is too slow we revert the sequential test without any
# parallelism, that is, clients == 1.
proc is_a_slow_computer {} {
set start [clock milliseconds]
for {set j 0} {$j < 1000000} {incr j} {}
set elapsed [expr [clock milliseconds]-$start]
expr {$elapsed > 200}
if {$::client} {
if {[catch { test_client_main $::test_server_port } err]} {
set estr "Executing test client: $err.\n$::errorInfo"
if {[catch {send_data_packet $::test_server_fd exception $estr}]} {
puts $estr
exit 1
} else {
if {[is_a_slow_computer]} {
puts "** SLOW COMPUTER ** Using a single client to avoid false positives."
set ::numclients 1
if {[catch { test_server_main } err]} {
if {[string length $err] > 0} {
# only display error when not generated by the test suite
if {$err ne "exception"} {
puts $::errorInfo
exit 1