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synced 2025-01-23 08:38:27 -05:00
When redis responds with tracking-redir-broken push message (RESP3), it was responding with a broken protocol: an array of 3 elements, but only pushes 2 elements. Some bugs in the test make this pass. Read the push reply will consume an extra reply, because the reply length is 3, but there are only two elements, so the next reply will be treated as third element. So the test is corrected too. Other changes: * checkPrefixCollisionsOrReply success should return 1 instead of -1, this bug didn't have any implications. * improve client tracking tests to validate more of the response it reads.
340 lines
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340 lines
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# Tcl client library - used by the Redis test
# Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Salvatore Sanfilippo
# Released under the BSD license like Redis itself
# Example usage:
# set r [redis 6379]
# $r lpush mylist foo
# $r lpush mylist bar
# $r lrange mylist 0 -1
# $r close
# Non blocking usage example:
# proc handlePong {r type reply} {
# puts "PONG $type '$reply'"
# if {$reply ne "PONG"} {
# $r ping [list handlePong]
# }
# }
# set r [redis]
# $r blocking 0
# $r get fo [list handlePong]
# vwait forever
package require Tcl 8.5
package provide redis 0.1
namespace eval redis {}
set ::redis::id 0
array set ::redis::fd {}
array set ::redis::addr {}
array set ::redis::blocking {}
array set ::redis::deferred {}
array set ::redis::reconnect {}
array set ::redis::callback {}
array set ::redis::state {} ;# State in non-blocking reply reading
array set ::redis::statestack {} ;# Stack of states, for nested mbulks
proc redis {{server} {port 6379} {defer 0} {tls 0} {tlsoptions {}}} {
if {$tls} {
package require tls
::tls::init \
-cafile "$::tlsdir/ca.crt" \
-certfile "$::tlsdir/client.crt" \
-keyfile "$::tlsdir/client.key" \
set fd [::tls::socket $server $port]
} else {
set fd [socket $server $port]
fconfigure $fd -translation binary
set id [incr ::redis::id]
set ::redis::fd($id) $fd
set ::redis::addr($id) [list $server $port]
set ::redis::blocking($id) 1
set ::redis::deferred($id) $defer
set ::redis::reconnect($id) 0
set ::redis::tls $tls
::redis::redis_reset_state $id
interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {} ::redis::__dispatch__ $id
# This is a wrapper to the actual dispatching procedure that handles
# reconnection if needed.
proc ::redis::__dispatch__ {id method args} {
set errorcode [catch {::redis::__dispatch__raw__ $id $method $args} retval]
if {$errorcode && $::redis::reconnect($id) && $::redis::fd($id) eq {}} {
# Try again if the connection was lost.
# FIXME: we don't re-select the previously selected DB, nor we check
# if we are inside a transaction that needs to be re-issued from
# scratch.
set errorcode [catch {::redis::__dispatch__raw__ $id $method $args} retval]
return -code $errorcode $retval
proc ::redis::__dispatch__raw__ {id method argv} {
set fd $::redis::fd($id)
# Reconnect the link if needed.
if {$fd eq {}} {
lassign $::redis::addr($id) host port
if {$::redis::tls} {
set ::redis::fd($id) [::tls::socket $host $port]
} else {
set ::redis::fd($id) [socket $host $port]
fconfigure $::redis::fd($id) -translation binary
set fd $::redis::fd($id)
set blocking $::redis::blocking($id)
set deferred $::redis::deferred($id)
if {$blocking == 0} {
if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
error "Please provide a callback in non-blocking mode"
set callback [lindex $argv end]
set argv [lrange $argv 0 end-1]
if {[info command ::redis::__method__$method] eq {}} {
set cmd "*[expr {[llength $argv]+1}]\r\n"
append cmd "$[string length $method]\r\n$method\r\n"
foreach a $argv {
append cmd "$[string length $a]\r\n$a\r\n"
::redis::redis_write $fd $cmd
if {[catch {flush $fd}]} {
catch {close $fd}
set ::redis::fd($id) {}
return -code error "I/O error reading reply"
if {!$deferred} {
if {$blocking} {
::redis::redis_read_reply $id $fd
} else {
# Every well formed reply read will pop an element from this
# list and use it as a callback. So pipelining is supported
# in non blocking mode.
lappend ::redis::callback($id) $callback
fileevent $fd readable [list ::redis::redis_readable $fd $id]
} else {
uplevel 1 [list ::redis::__method__$method $id $fd] $argv
proc ::redis::__method__blocking {id fd val} {
set ::redis::blocking($id) $val
fconfigure $fd -blocking $val
proc ::redis::__method__reconnect {id fd val} {
set ::redis::reconnect($id) $val
proc ::redis::__method__read {id fd} {
::redis::redis_read_reply $id $fd
proc ::redis::__method__write {id fd buf} {
::redis::redis_write $fd $buf
proc ::redis::__method__flush {id fd} {
flush $fd
proc ::redis::__method__close {id fd} {
catch {close $fd}
catch {unset ::redis::fd($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::addr($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::blocking($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::deferred($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::reconnect($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::state($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::statestack($id)}
catch {unset ::redis::callback($id)}
catch {interp alias {} ::redis::redisHandle$id {}}
proc ::redis::__method__channel {id fd} {
return $fd
proc ::redis::__method__deferred {id fd val} {
set ::redis::deferred($id) $val
proc ::redis::redis_write {fd buf} {
puts -nonewline $fd $buf
proc ::redis::redis_writenl {fd buf} {
redis_write $fd $buf
redis_write $fd "\r\n"
flush $fd
proc ::redis::redis_readnl {fd len} {
set buf [read $fd $len]
read $fd 2 ; # discard CR LF
return $buf
proc ::redis::redis_bulk_read {fd} {
set count [redis_read_line $fd]
if {$count == -1} return {}
set buf [redis_readnl $fd $count]
return $buf
proc ::redis::redis_multi_bulk_read {id fd} {
set count [redis_read_line $fd]
if {$count == -1} return {}
set l {}
set err {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
if {[catch {
lappend l [redis_read_reply $id $fd]
} e] && $err eq {}} {
set err $e
if {$err ne {}} {return -code error $err}
return $l
proc ::redis::redis_read_map {id fd} {
set count [redis_read_line $fd]
if {$count == -1} return {}
set d {}
set err {}
for {set i 0} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
if {[catch {
set k [redis_read_reply $id $fd] ; # key
set v [redis_read_reply $id $fd] ; # value
dict set d $k $v
} e] && $err eq {}} {
set err $e
if {$err ne {}} {return -code error $err}
return $d
proc ::redis::redis_read_line fd {
string trim [gets $fd]
proc ::redis::redis_read_null fd {
gets $fd
return {}
proc ::redis::redis_read_reply {id fd} {
set type [read $fd 1]
switch -exact -- $type {
_ {redis_read_null $fd}
: -
+ {redis_read_line $fd}
, {expr {double([redis_read_line $fd])}}
- {return -code error [redis_read_line $fd]}
$ {redis_bulk_read $fd}
> -
~ -
* {redis_multi_bulk_read $id $fd}
% {redis_read_map $id $fd}
default {
if {$type eq {}} {
catch {close $fd}
set ::redis::fd($id) {}
return -code error "I/O error reading reply"
return -code error "Bad protocol, '$type' as reply type byte"
proc ::redis::redis_reset_state id {
set ::redis::state($id) [dict create buf {} mbulk -1 bulk -1 reply {}]
set ::redis::statestack($id) {}
proc ::redis::redis_call_callback {id type reply} {
set cb [lindex $::redis::callback($id) 0]
set ::redis::callback($id) [lrange $::redis::callback($id) 1 end]
uplevel #0 $cb [list ::redis::redisHandle$id $type $reply]
::redis::redis_reset_state $id
# Read a reply in non-blocking mode.
proc ::redis::redis_readable {fd id} {
if {[eof $fd]} {
redis_call_callback $id eof {}
::redis::__method__close $id $fd
if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == -1} {
set line [gets $fd]
if {$line eq {}} return ;# No complete line available, return
switch -exact -- [string index $line 0] {
: -
+ {redis_call_callback $id reply [string range $line 1 end-1]}
- {redis_call_callback $id err [string range $line 1 end-1]}
$ {
dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk \
[expr [string range $line 1 end-1]+2]
if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk] == 1} {
# We got a $-1, hack the state to play well with this.
dict set ::redis::state($id) bulk 2
dict set ::redis::state($id) buf "\r\n"
::redis::redis_readable $fd $id
* {
dict set ::redis::state($id) mbulk [string range $line 1 end-1]
# Handle *-1
if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
redis_call_callback $id reply {}
default {
redis_call_callback $id err \
"Bad protocol, $type as reply type byte"
} else {
set totlen [dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]
set buflen [string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]]
set toread [expr {$totlen-$buflen}]
set data [read $fd $toread]
set nread [string length $data]
dict append ::redis::state($id) buf $data
# Check if we read a complete bulk reply
if {[string length [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf]] ==
[dict get $::redis::state($id) bulk]} {
if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == -1} {
redis_call_callback $id reply \
[string range [dict get $::redis::state($id) buf] 0 end-2]
} else {
dict with ::redis::state($id) {
lappend reply [string range $buf 0 end-2]
incr mbulk -1
set bulk -1
if {[dict get $::redis::state($id) mbulk] == 0} {
redis_call_callback $id reply \
[dict get $::redis::state($id) reply]