guybe7 3330ea1864
RM_CreateCommand should not set CMD_KEY_VARIABLE_FLAGS automatically (#11320)
The original idea behind auto-setting the default (first,last,step) spec was to use
the most "open" flags when the user didn't provide any key-spec flags information.

While the above idea is a good approach, it really makes no sense to set
CMD_KEY_VARIABLE_FLAGS if the user didn't provide the getkeys-api flag:
in this case there's not way to retrieve these variable flags, so what's the point?

Internally in redis there was code to ignore this already, so this fix doesn't change
redis's behavior, it only affects the output of COMMAND command.
2022-09-28 14:15:07 +03:00

161 lines
9.1 KiB

set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
start_server {tags {"modules"}} {
r module load $testmodule
test "Module key specs: No spec, only legacy triple" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.none] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and not movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] -1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 2
# Verify key-spec auto-generated from the legacy triple
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [llength $keyspecs] 1
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RW access update} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey -1 keystep 2 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.none key1 val1 key2 val2] {key1 key2}
test "Module key specs: No spec, only legacy triple with getkeys-api" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.nonewithgetkeys] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module movablekeys}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] -1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 2
# Verify key-spec auto-generated from the legacy triple
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [llength $keyspecs] 1
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RW access update variable_flags} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey -1 keystep 2 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.nonewithgetkeys key1 val1 key2 val2] {key1 key2}
test "Module key specs: Two ranges" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.tworanges] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and not movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] 2
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 1
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type index spec {index 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.tworanges foo bar baz quux] {foo bar}
test "Module key specs: Two ranges with gap" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.tworangeswithgap] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module movablekeys}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 1
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type index spec {index 3}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.tworangeswithgap foo bar baz quux] {foo baz}
test "Module key specs: Keyword-only spec clears the legacy triple" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.keyword] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module movablekeys}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 0
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] 0
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 0
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword KEYS startfrom 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey -1 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.keyword foo KEYS bar baz] {bar baz}
test "Module key specs: Complex specs, case 1" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.complex1] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module movablekeys}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 1
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags RO begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword STORE startfrom 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 2] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword KEYS startfrom 2}} find_keys {type keynum spec {keynumidx 0 firstkey 1 keystep 1}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.complex1 foo dummy KEYS 1 bar baz STORE quux] {foo quux bar}
test "Module key specs: Complex specs, case 2" {
set reply [lindex [r command info kspec.complex2] 0]
# Verify (first, last, step) and movablekeys
assert_equal [lindex $reply 2] {module movablekeys}
assert_equal [lindex $reply 3] 1
assert_equal [lindex $reply 4] 2
assert_equal [lindex $reply 5] 1
# Verify key-specs
set keyspecs [lindex $reply 8]
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 0] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword STORE startfrom 5}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 1] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type index spec {index 1}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 2] {flags {RO access} begin_search {type index spec {index 2}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey 0 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 3] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type index spec {index 3}} find_keys {type keynum spec {keynumidx 0 firstkey 1 keystep 1}}}
assert_equal [lindex $keyspecs 4] {flags {RW update} begin_search {type keyword spec {keyword MOREKEYS startfrom 5}} find_keys {type range spec {lastkey -1 keystep 1 limit 0}}}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.complex2 foo bar 2 baz quux banana STORE dst dummy MOREKEYS hey ho] {dst foo bar baz quux hey ho}
test "Module command list filtering" {
;# Note: we piggyback this tcl file to test the general functionality of command list filtering
set reply [r command list filterby module keyspecs]
assert_equal [lsort $reply] {kspec.complex1 kspec.complex2 kspec.keyword kspec.none kspec.nonewithgetkeys kspec.tworanges kspec.tworangeswithgap}
assert_equal [r command getkeys kspec.complex2 foo bar 2 baz quux banana STORE dst dummy MOREKEYS hey ho] {dst foo bar baz quux hey ho}
test {COMMAND GETKEYSANDFLAGS correctly reports module key-spec without flags} {
r command getkeysandflags kspec.none key1 val1 key2 val2
} {{key1 {RW access update}} {key2 {RW access update}}}
test {COMMAND GETKEYSANDFLAGS correctly reports module key-spec with flags} {
r command getkeysandflags kspec.nonewithgetkeys key1 val1 key2 val2
} {{key1 {RO access}} {key2 {RO access}}}
test {COMMAND GETKEYSANDFLAGS correctly reports module key-spec flags} {
r command getkeysandflags kspec.keyword keys key1 key2 key3
} {{key1 {RO access}} {key2 {RO access}} {key3 {RO access}}}
# user that can only read from "read" keys, write to "write" keys, and read+write to "RW" keys
r ACL setuser testuser +@all %R~read* %W~write* %RW~rw*
test "Module key specs: No spec, only legacy triple - ACL" {
# legacy triple didn't provide flags, so they require both read and write
assert_equal "OK" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.none rw val1]
assert_equal "This user has no permissions to access the 'read' key" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.none read val1]
assert_equal "This user has no permissions to access the 'write' key" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.none write val1]
test "Module key specs: tworanges - ACL" {
assert_equal "OK" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.tworanges read write]
assert_equal "OK" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.tworanges rw rw]
assert_equal "This user has no permissions to access the 'read' key" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.tworanges rw read]
assert_equal "This user has no permissions to access the 'write' key" [r ACL DRYRUN testuser kspec.tworanges write rw]
foreach cmd {kspec.none kspec.tworanges} {
test "$cmd command will not be marked with movablekeys" {
set info [lindex [r command info $cmd] 0]
assert_no_match {*movablekeys*} [lindex $info 2]
foreach cmd {kspec.keyword kspec.complex1 kspec.complex2 kspec.nonewithgetkeys} {
test "$cmd command is marked with movablekeys" {
set info [lindex [r command info $cmd] 0]
assert_match {*movablekeys*} [lindex $info 2]
test "Unload the module - keyspecs" {
assert_equal {OK} [r module unload keyspecs]