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synced 2025-01-23 00:28:26 -05:00
* Fix race condition where node loses its last slot and turns into replica
When a node has lost its last slot and finds out from the SETSLOT command
before the cluster bus PONG from the new owner arrives. In this case, the
node didn't turn itself into a replica of the new slot owner.
This commit adds the same logic to the SETSLOT command as already exists
for the cluster bus PONG processing.
* Revert "Fix new / failing cluster slot migration test (#10482)"
This reverts commit 0b21ef8d49
In this test, the old slot owner finds out that it has lost its last
slot in a nondeterministic way. Either the cluster bus PONG from the
new slot owner and sometimes in a SETSLOT command from redis-cli. In
both cases, the result should be the same and the old owner should
turn itself into a replica of the new slot owner.
317 lines
11 KiB
317 lines
11 KiB
# Primitive tests on cluster-enabled redis using redis-cli
source tests/support/cli.tcl
proc cluster_info {r field} {
if {[regexp "^$field:(.*?)\r\n" [$r cluster info] _ value]} {
set _ $value
# Provide easy access to CLUSTER INFO properties. Same semantic as "proc s".
proc csi {args} {
set level 0
if {[string is integer [lindex $args 0]]} {
set level [lindex $args 0]
set args [lrange $args 1 end]
cluster_info [srv $level "client"] [lindex $args 0]
# make sure the test infra won't use SELECT
set old_singledb $::singledb
set ::singledb 1
# cluster creation is complicated with TLS, and the current tests don't really need that coverage
tags {tls:skip external:skip cluster} {
# start three servers
set base_conf [list cluster-enabled yes cluster-node-timeout 1]
start_multiple_servers 3 [list overrides $base_conf] {
set node1 [srv 0 client]
set node2 [srv -1 client]
set node3 [srv -2 client]
set node3_pid [srv -2 pid]
set node3_rd [redis_deferring_client -2]
test {Create 3 node cluster} {
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster create \
|[srv 0 port] \
|[srv -1 port] \
|[srv -2 port]
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
test "Run blocking command on cluster node3" {
# key9184688 is mapped to slot 10923 (first slot of node 3)
$node3_rd brpop key9184688 0
$node3_rd flush
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -2 blocked_clients] eq {1}
} else {
fail "Client not blocked"
test "Perform a Resharding" {
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster reshard[srv -2 port] \
--cluster-to [$node1 cluster myid] \
--cluster-from [$node3 cluster myid] \
--cluster-slots 1
test "Verify command got unblocked after resharding" {
# this (read) will wait for the node3 to realize the new topology
assert_error {*MOVED*} {$node3_rd read}
# verify there are no blocked clients
assert_equal [s 0 blocked_clients] {0}
assert_equal [s -1 blocked_clients] {0}
assert_equal [s -2 blocked_clients] {0}
test "Wait for cluster to be stable" {
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[catch {exec src/redis-cli --cluster \
check[srv 0 port] \
}] == 0
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
set node1_rd [redis_deferring_client 0]
test "Sanity test push cmd after resharding" {
assert_error {*MOVED*} {$node3 lpush key9184688 v1}
$node1_rd brpop key9184688 0
$node1_rd flush
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s 0 blocked_clients] eq {1}
} else {
puts "Client not blocked"
puts "read from blocked client: [$node1_rd read]"
fail "Client not blocked"
$node1 lpush key9184688 v2
assert_equal {key9184688 v2} [$node1_rd read]
$node3_rd close
test "Run blocking command again on cluster node1" {
$node1 del key9184688
# key9184688 is mapped to slot 10923 which has been moved to node1
$node1_rd brpop key9184688 0
$node1_rd flush
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s 0 blocked_clients] eq {1}
} else {
fail "Client not blocked"
test "Kill a cluster node and wait for fail state" {
# kill node3 in cluster
exec kill -SIGSTOP $node3_pid
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {fail} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {fail}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't fail"
test "Verify command got unblocked after cluster failure" {
assert_error {*CLUSTERDOWN*} {$node1_rd read}
# verify there are no blocked clients
assert_equal [s 0 blocked_clients] {0}
assert_equal [s -1 blocked_clients] {0}
exec kill -SIGCONT $node3_pid
$node1_rd close
} ;# stop servers
# Test redis-cli -- cluster create, add-node, call.
# Test that functions are propagated on add-node
start_multiple_servers 5 [list overrides $base_conf] {
set node4_rd [redis_client -3]
set node5_rd [redis_client -4]
test {Functions are added to new node on redis-cli cluster add-node} {
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster create \
|[srv 0 port] \
|[srv -1 port] \
|[srv -2 port]
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
# upload a function to all the cluster
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster call[srv 0 port] \
FUNCTION LOAD LUA TEST {redis.register_function('test', function() return 'hello' end)}
# adding node to the cluster
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster add-node \
|[srv -3 port] \
|[srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -3 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
# make sure 'test' function was added to the new node
assert_equal {{library_name TEST engine LUA description {} functions {{name test description {} flags {}}}}} [$node4_rd FUNCTION LIST]
# add function to node 5
assert_equal {OK} [$node5_rd FUNCTION LOAD LUA TEST {redis.register_function('test', function() return 'hello' end)}]
# make sure functions was added to node 5
assert_equal {{library_name TEST engine LUA description {} functions {{name test description {} flags {}}}}} [$node5_rd FUNCTION LIST]
# adding node 5 to the cluster should failed because it already contains the 'test' function
catch {
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster add-node \
|[srv -4 port] \
|[srv 0 port]
} e
assert_match {*node already contains functions*} $e
} ;# stop servers
# Test redis-cli --cluster create, add-node.
# Test that one slot can be migrated to and then away from the new node.
test {Migrate the last slot away from a node using redis-cli} {
start_multiple_servers 4 [list overrides $base_conf] {
# Create a cluster of 3 nodes
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster create \
|[srv 0 port] \
|[srv -1 port] \
|[srv -2 port]
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
# Insert some data
assert_equal OK [exec src/redis-cli -c -p [srv 0 port] SET foo bar]
set slot [exec src/redis-cli -c -p [srv 0 port] CLUSTER KEYSLOT foo]
# Add new node to the cluster
exec src/redis-cli --cluster-yes --cluster add-node \
|[srv -3 port] \
|[srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -3 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
set newnode_r [redis_client -3]
set newnode_id [$newnode_r CLUSTER MYID]
# Find out which node has the key "foo" by asking the new node for a
# redirect.
catch { $newnode_r get foo } e
assert_match "MOVED $slot *" $e
lassign [split [lindex $e 2] :] owner_host owner_port
set owner_r [redis $owner_host $owner_port 0 $::tls]
set owner_id [$owner_r CLUSTER MYID]
# Move slot to new node using plain Redis commands
assert_equal OK [$newnode_r CLUSTER SETSLOT $slot IMPORTING $owner_id]
assert_equal OK [$owner_r CLUSTER SETSLOT $slot MIGRATING $newnode_id]
assert_equal {foo} [$owner_r CLUSTER GETKEYSINSLOT $slot 10]
assert_equal OK [$owner_r MIGRATE [srv -3 port] "" 0 5000 KEYS foo]
assert_equal OK [$newnode_r CLUSTER SETSLOT $slot NODE $newnode_id]
assert_equal OK [$owner_r CLUSTER SETSLOT $slot NODE $newnode_id]
# Using --cluster check make sure we won't get `Not all slots are covered by nodes`.
# Wait for the cluster to become stable make sure the cluster is up during MIGRATE.
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[catch {exec src/redis-cli --cluster check[srv 0 port]}] == 0 &&
[catch {exec src/redis-cli --cluster check[srv -1 port]}] == 0 &&
[catch {exec src/redis-cli --cluster check[srv -2 port]}] == 0 &&
[catch {exec src/redis-cli --cluster check[srv -3 port]}] == 0 &&
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -3 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
# Move the only slot back to original node using redis-cli
exec src/redis-cli --cluster reshard[srv -3 port] \
--cluster-from $newnode_id \
--cluster-to $owner_id \
--cluster-slots 1 \
# The empty node will become a replica of the new owner before the
# `MOVED` check, so let's wait for the cluster to become stable.
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[csi 0 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -1 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -2 cluster_state] eq {ok} &&
[csi -3 cluster_state] eq {ok}
} else {
fail "Cluster doesn't stabilize"
# Check that the key foo has been migrated back to the original owner.
catch { $newnode_r get foo } e
assert_equal "MOVED $slot $owner_host:$owner_port" $e
# Check that the empty node has turned itself into a replica of the new
# owner and that the new owner knows that.
wait_for_condition 1000 50 {
[string match "*slave*" [$owner_r CLUSTER REPLICAS $owner_id]]
} else {
fail "Empty node didn't turn itself into a replica."
} ;# tags
set ::singledb $old_singledb