zhugezy 1b0968df46
Remove EVAL script verbatim replication, propagation, and deterministic execution logic (#9812)
# Background

The main goal of this PR is to remove relevant logics on Lua script verbatim replication,
only keeping effects replication logic, which has been set as default since Redis 5.0.
As a result, Lua in Redis 7.0 would be acting the same as Redis 6.0 with default
configuration from users' point of view.

There are lots of reasons to remove verbatim replication.
Antirez has listed some of the benefits in Issue #5292:

>1. No longer need to explain to users side effects into scripts.
    They can do whatever they want.
>2. No need for a cache about scripts that we sent or not to the slaves.
>3. No need to sort the output of certain commands inside scripts
    (SMEMBERS and others): this both simplifies and gains speed.
>4. No need to store scripts inside the RDB file in order to startup correctly.
>5. No problems about evicting keys during the script execution.

When looking back at Redis 5.0, antirez and core team decided to set the config
`lua-replicate-commands yes` by default instead of removing verbatim replication
directly, in case some bad situations happened. 3 years later now before Redis 7.0,
it's time to remove it formally.

# Changes

- configuration for lua-replicate-commands removed
  - created config file stub for backward compatibility
- Replication script cache removed
  - this is useless under script effects replication
  - relevant statistics also removed
- script persistence in RDB files is also removed
- Propagation of SCRIPT LOAD and SCRIPT FLUSH to replica / AOF removed
- Deterministic execution logic in scripts removed (i.e. don't run write commands
  after random ones, and sorting output of commands with random order)
  - the flags indicating which commands have non-deterministic results are kept as hints to clients.
- `redis.replicate_commands()` & `redis.set_repl()` changed
  - now `redis.replicate_commands()` does nothing and return an 1
  - ...and then `redis.set_repl()` can be issued before `redis.replicate_commands()` now
- Relevant TCL cases adjusted
- DEBUG lua-always-replicate-commands removed

# Other changes
- Fix a recent bug comparing CLIENT_ID_AOF to original_client->flags instead of id. (introduced in #9780)

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2021-12-21 08:32:42 +02:00

379 lines
16 KiB

proc show_cluster_status {} {
uplevel 1 {
# The following is the regexp we use to match the log line
# time info. Logs are in the following form:
# 11296:M 25 May 2020 17:37:14.652 # Server initialized
set log_regexp {^[0-9]+:[A-Z] [0-9]+ [A-z]+ [0-9]+ ([0-9:.]+) .*}
set repl_regexp {(master|repl|sync|backlog|meaningful|offset)}
puts "Master ID is $master_id"
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
puts "$j: sync_full: [status $R($j) sync_full]"
puts "$j: id1 : [status $R($j) master_replid]:[status $R($j) master_repl_offset]"
puts "$j: id2 : [status $R($j) master_replid2]:[status $R($j) second_repl_offset]"
puts "$j: backlog : firstbyte=[status $R($j) repl_backlog_first_byte_offset] len=[status $R($j) repl_backlog_histlen]"
puts "$j: x var is : [$R($j) GET x]"
puts "---"
# Show the replication logs of every instance, interleaving
# them by the log date.
# First: load the lines as lists for each instance.
array set log {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
set fd [open $R_log($j)]
while {[gets $fd l] >= 0} {
if {[regexp $log_regexp $l] &&
[regexp -nocase $repl_regexp $l]} {
lappend log($j) $l
close $fd
# To interleave the lines, at every step consume the element of
# the list with the lowest time and remove it. Do it until
# all the lists are empty.
# regexp {^[0-9]+:[A-Z] [0-9]+ [A-z]+ [0-9]+ ([0-9:.]+) .*} $l - logdate
while 1 {
# Find the log with smallest time.
set empty 0
set best 0
set bestdate {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
if {[llength $log($j)] == 0} {
incr empty
regexp $log_regexp [lindex $log($j) 0] - date
if {$bestdate eq {}} {
set best $j
set bestdate $date
} else {
if {[string compare $bestdate $date] > 0} {
set best $j
set bestdate $date
if {$empty == 5} break ; # Our exit condition: no more logs
# Emit the one with the smallest time (that is the first
# event in the time line).
puts "\[$best port $R_port($best)\] [lindex $log($best) 0]"
set log($best) [lrange $log($best) 1 end]
start_server {tags {"psync2 external:skip"}} {
start_server {} {
start_server {} {
start_server {} {
start_server {} {
set master_id 0 ; # Current master
set start_time [clock seconds] ; # Test start time
set counter_value 0 ; # Current value of the Redis counter "x"
# Config
set debug_msg 0 ; # Enable additional debug messages
set no_exit 0 ; # Do not exit at end of the test
set duration 40 ; # Total test seconds
set genload 1 ; # Load master with writes at every cycle
set genload_time 5000 ; # Writes duration time in ms
set disconnect 1 ; # Break replication link between random
# master and slave instances while the
# master is loaded with writes.
set disconnect_period 1000 ; # Disconnect repl link every N ms.
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
set R($j) [srv [expr 0-$j] client]
set R_host($j) [srv [expr 0-$j] host]
set R_port($j) [srv [expr 0-$j] port]
set R_id_from_port($R_port($j)) $j ;# To get a replica index by port
set R_log($j) [srv [expr 0-$j] stdout]
if {$debug_msg} {puts "Log file: [srv [expr 0-$j] stdout]"}
set cycle 0
while {([clock seconds]-$start_time) < $duration} {
incr cycle
test "PSYNC2: --- CYCLE $cycle ---" {}
# Create a random replication layout.
# Start with switching master (this simulates a failover).
# 1) Select the new master.
set master_id [randomInt 5]
set used [list $master_id]
test "PSYNC2: \[NEW LAYOUT\] Set #$master_id as master" {
$R($master_id) slaveof no one
$R($master_id) config set repl-ping-replica-period 1 ;# increase the chance that random ping will cause issues
if {$counter_value == 0} {
$R($master_id) set x $counter_value
# Build a lookup with the root master of each replica (head of the chain).
array set root_master {}
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
set r $j
while {1} {
set r_master_port [status $R($r) master_port]
if {$r_master_port == ""} {
set root_master($j) $r
set r_master_id $R_id_from_port($r_master_port)
set r $r_master_id
# Wait for the newly detached master-replica chain (new master and existing replicas that were
# already connected to it, to get updated on the new replication id.
# This is needed to avoid a race that can result in a full sync when a replica that already
# got an updated repl id, tries to psync from one that's not yet aware of it.
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
([status $R(0) master_replid] == [status $R($root_master(0)) master_replid]) &&
([status $R(1) master_replid] == [status $R($root_master(1)) master_replid]) &&
([status $R(2) master_replid] == [status $R($root_master(2)) master_replid]) &&
([status $R(3) master_replid] == [status $R($root_master(3)) master_replid]) &&
([status $R(4) master_replid] == [status $R($root_master(4)) master_replid])
} else {
fail "Replica did not inherit the new replid."
# Build a lookup with the direct connection master of each replica.
# First loop that uses random to decide who replicates from who.
array set slave_to_master {}
while {[llength $used] != 5} {
while 1 {
set slave_id [randomInt 5]
if {[lsearch -exact $used $slave_id] == -1} break
set rand [randomInt [llength $used]]
set mid [lindex $used $rand]
set slave_to_master($slave_id) $mid
lappend used $slave_id
# 2) Attach all the slaves to a random instance
# Second loop that does the actual SLAVEOF command and make sure execute it in the right order.
while {[array size slave_to_master] > 0} {
foreach slave_id [array names slave_to_master] {
set mid $slave_to_master($slave_id)
# We only attach the replica to a random instance that already in the old/new chain.
if {$root_master($mid) == $root_master($master_id)} {
# Find a replica that can be attached to the new chain already attached to the new master.
# My new master is in the new chain.
} elseif {$root_master($mid) == $root_master($slave_id)} {
# My new master and I are in the old chain.
} else {
# In cycle 1, we do not care about the order.
if {$cycle != 1} {
# skipping this replica for now to avoid attaching in a bad order
# this is done to avoid an unexpected full sync, when we take a
# replica that already reconnected to the new chain and got a new replid
# and is then set to connect to a master that's still not aware of that new replid
set master_host $R_host($master_id)
set master_port $R_port($master_id)
test "PSYNC2: Set #$slave_id to replicate from #$mid" {
$R($slave_id) slaveof $master_host $master_port
# Wait for replica to be connected before we proceed.
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[status $R($slave_id) master_link_status] == "up"
} else {
fail "Replica not reconnecting."
set root_master($slave_id) $root_master($mid)
unset slave_to_master($slave_id)
# Wait for replicas to sync. so next loop won't get -LOADING error
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[status $R([expr {($master_id+1)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+2)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+3)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+4)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up"
} else {
fail "Replica not reconnecting"
# 3) Increment the counter and wait for all the instances
# to converge.
test "PSYNC2: cluster is consistent after failover" {
$R($master_id) incr x; incr counter_value
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[$R($j) get x] == $counter_value
} else {
fail "Instance #$j x variable is inconsistent"
# 4) Generate load while breaking the connection of random
# slave-master pairs.
test "PSYNC2: generate load while killing replication links" {
set t [clock milliseconds]
set next_break [expr {$t+$disconnect_period}]
while {[clock milliseconds]-$t < $genload_time} {
if {$genload} {
$R($master_id) incr x; incr counter_value
if {[clock milliseconds] == $next_break} {
set next_break \
[expr {[clock milliseconds]+$disconnect_period}]
set slave_id [randomInt 5]
if {$disconnect} {
$R($slave_id) client kill type master
if {$debug_msg} {
puts "+++ Breaking link for replica #$slave_id"
# 5) Increment the counter and wait for all the instances
set x [$R($master_id) get x]
test "PSYNC2: cluster is consistent after load (x = $x)" {
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[$R($j) get x] == $counter_value
} else {
fail "Instance #$j x variable is inconsistent"
# wait for all the slaves to be in sync.
set masteroff [status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset]
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[status $R(0) master_repl_offset] >= $masteroff &&
[status $R(1) master_repl_offset] >= $masteroff &&
[status $R(2) master_repl_offset] >= $masteroff &&
[status $R(3) master_repl_offset] >= $masteroff &&
[status $R(4) master_repl_offset] >= $masteroff
} else {
fail "Replicas offsets didn't catch up with the master after too long time."
if {$debug_msg} {
test "PSYNC2: total sum of full synchronizations is exactly 4" {
set sum 0
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
incr sum [status $R($j) sync_full]
if {$sum != 4} {
assert {$sum == 4}
# In absence of pings, are the instances really able to have
# the exact same offset?
$R($master_id) config set repl-ping-replica-period 3600
wait_for_condition 500 100 {
[status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset] == [status $R(0) master_repl_offset] &&
[status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset] == [status $R(1) master_repl_offset] &&
[status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset] == [status $R(2) master_repl_offset] &&
[status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset] == [status $R(3) master_repl_offset] &&
[status $R($master_id) master_repl_offset] == [status $R(4) master_repl_offset]
} else {
fail "Replicas and master offsets were unable to match *exactly*."
# Limit anyway the maximum number of cycles. This is useful when the
# test is skipped via --only option of the test suite. In that case
# we don't want to see many seconds of this test being just skipped.
if {$cycle > 50} break
test "PSYNC2: Bring the master back again for next test" {
$R($master_id) slaveof no one
set master_host $R_host($master_id)
set master_port $R_port($master_id)
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
if {$j == $master_id} continue
$R($j) slaveof $master_host $master_port
# Wait for replicas to sync. it is not enough to just wait for connected_slaves==4
# since we might do the check before the master realized that they're disconnected
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[status $R($master_id) connected_slaves] == 4 &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+1)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+2)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+3)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up" &&
[status $R([expr {($master_id+4)%5}]) master_link_status] == "up"
} else {
fail "Replica not reconnecting"
test "PSYNC2: Partial resync after restart using RDB aux fields" {
# Pick a random slave
set slave_id [expr {($master_id+1)%5}]
set sync_count [status $R($master_id) sync_full]
set sync_partial [status $R($master_id) sync_partial_ok]
set sync_partial_err [status $R($master_id) sync_partial_err]
catch {
$R($slave_id) config rewrite
restart_server [expr {0-$slave_id}] true false
set R($slave_id) [srv [expr {0-$slave_id}] client]
# note: just waiting for connected_slaves==4 has a race condition since
# we might do the check before the master realized that the slave disconnected
wait_for_condition 50 1000 {
[status $R($master_id) sync_partial_ok] == $sync_partial + 1
} else {
puts "prev sync_full: $sync_count"
puts "prev sync_partial_ok: $sync_partial"
puts "prev sync_partial_err: $sync_partial_err"
puts [$R($master_id) info stats]
fail "Replica didn't partial sync"
set new_sync_count [status $R($master_id) sync_full]
assert {$sync_count == $new_sync_count}
if {$no_exit} {
while 1 { puts -nonewline .; flush stdout; after 1000}