Roshan Khatri 7519960527
Allows modules to declare new ACL categories. (#12486)
This PR adds a new Module API int RM_AddACLCategory(RedisModuleCtx *ctx, const char *category_name) to add a new ACL command category.

Here, we initialize the ACLCommandCategories array by allocating space for 64 categories and duplicate the 21 default categories from the predefined array 'ACLDefaultCommandCategories' into the ACLCommandCategories array while ACL initialization. Valid ACL category names can only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dashes.

The API when called, checks for the onload flag, category name validity, and for duplicate category name if present. If the conditions are satisfied, the API adds the new category to the trailing end of the ACLCommandCategories array and assigns the acl_categories flag bit according to the index at which the category is added.

If any error is encountered the errno is set accordingly by the API.


Co-authored-by: Madelyn Olson <>
2023-08-30 13:01:24 -07:00

159 lines
7.0 KiB

set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
start_server {tags {"modules acl"}} {
r module load $testmodule
test {test module check acl for command perm} {
# by default all commands allowed
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd set x 5] OK
# block SET command for user
r acl setuser default -set
catch {r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd set x 5} e
assert_match {*DENIED CMD*} $e
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {set}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {command}}
test {test module check acl for key perm} {
# give permission for SET and block all keys but x(READ+WRITE), y(WRITE), z(READ)
r acl setuser default +set resetkeys ~x %W~y %R~z
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "*" x 5] OK
catch {r aclcheck.set.check.key "*" v 5} e
assert_match "*DENIED KEY*" $e
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "~" x 5] OK
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "~" y 5] OK
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "~" z 5] OK
catch {r aclcheck.set.check.key "~" v 5} e
assert_match "*DENIED KEY*" $e
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "W" y 5] OK
catch {r aclcheck.set.check.key "W" v 5} e
assert_match "*DENIED KEY*" $e
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key "R" z 5] OK
catch {r aclcheck.set.check.key "R" v 5} e
assert_match "*DENIED KEY*" $e
test {test module check acl for module user} {
# the module user has access to all keys
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd.module.user set y 5] OK
test {test module check acl for channel perm} {
# block all channels but ch1
r acl setuser default resetchannels &ch1
assert_equal [r ch1 msg] 0
catch {r ch2 msg} e
set e
test {test module check acl in rm_call} {
# rm call check for key permission (x: READ + WRITE)
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call set x 5] OK
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call set x 6 get] 5
# rm call check for key permission (y: only WRITE)
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call set y 5] OK
assert_error {*NOPERM*} {r aclcheck.rm_call set y 5 get}
assert_error {*NOPERM*No permissions to access a key*} {r aclcheck.rm_call_with_errors set y 5 get}
# rm call check for key permission (z: only READ)
assert_error {*NOPERM*} {r aclcheck.rm_call set z 5}
catch {r aclcheck.rm_call_with_errors set z 5} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*No permissions to access a key*} $e
assert_error {*NOPERM*} {r aclcheck.rm_call set z 6 get}
assert_error {*NOPERM*No permissions to access a key*} {r aclcheck.rm_call_with_errors set z 6 get}
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {z}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {key}}
# rm call check for command permission
r acl setuser default -set
assert_error {*NOPERM*} {r aclcheck.rm_call set x 5}
assert_error {*NOPERM*has no permissions to run the 'set' command*} {r aclcheck.rm_call_with_errors set x 5}
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {set}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {command}}
test {test blocking of Commands outside of OnLoad} {
assert_equal [r block.commands.outside.onload] OK
test {test users to have access to module commands having acl categories} {
r acl SETUSER j1 on >password -@all +@WRITE
r acl SETUSER j2 on >password -@all +@READ
assert_equal [r acl DRYRUN j1 aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write] OK
assert_equal [r acl DRYRUN j2] OK
assert_equal [r acl DRYRUN j2] OK
test {Unload the module - aclcheck} {
assert_equal {OK} [r module unload aclcheck]
start_server {tags {"modules acl"}} {
test {test existing users to have access to module commands loaded on runtime} {
r acl SETUSER j3 on >password -@all +@WRITE
assert_equal [r module load $testmodule] OK
assert_equal [r acl DRYRUN j3 aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write] OK
assert_equal {OK} [r module unload aclcheck]
start_server {tags {"modules acl"}} {
test {test existing users without permissions, do not have access to module commands loaded on runtime.} {
r acl SETUSER j4 on >password -@all +@READ
r acl SETUSER j5 on >password -@all +@WRITE
assert_equal [r module load $testmodule] OK
catch {r acl DRYRUN j4 aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write} e
assert_equal {User j4 has no permissions to run the 'aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write' command} $e
catch {r acl DRYRUN j5} e
assert_equal {User j5 has no permissions to run the '' command} $e
test {test users without permissions, do not have access to module commands.} {
r acl SETUSER j6 on >password -@all +@READ
catch {r acl DRYRUN j6 aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write} e
assert_equal {User j6 has no permissions to run the 'aclcheck.module.command.aclcategories.write' command} $e
r acl SETUSER j7 on >password -@all +@WRITE
catch {r acl DRYRUN j7} e
assert_equal {User j7 has no permissions to run the '' command} $e
test {test if foocategory acl categories is added} {
r acl SETUSER j8 on >password -@all +@foocategory
assert_equal [r acl DRYRUN j8] OK
test {test permission compaction and simplification for categories added by a module} {
r acl SETUSER j9 on >password -@all +@foocategory -@foocategory
catch {r ACL GETUSER j9} res
assert_equal {-@all -@foocategory} [lindex $res 5]
assert_equal {OK} [r module unload aclcheck]
start_server {tags {"modules acl"}} {
test {test module load fails if exceeds the maximum number of adding acl categories} {
assert_error {ERR Error loading the extension. Please check the server logs.} {r module load $testmodule 1}