Oran Agra 1cf33a46d5 tests: find_available_port start search from next port
i.e. don't start the search from scratch hitting the used ones again.
this will also reduce the likelihood of collisions (if there are any
left) by increasing the time until we re-use a port we did use in the
2020-05-27 16:12:35 +03:00

438 lines
12 KiB

proc randstring {min max {type binary}} {
set len [expr {$min+int(rand()*($max-$min+1))}]
set output {}
if {$type eq {binary}} {
set minval 0
set maxval 255
} elseif {$type eq {alpha}} {
set minval 48
set maxval 122
} elseif {$type eq {compr}} {
set minval 48
set maxval 52
while {$len} {
append output [format "%c" [expr {$minval+int(rand()*($maxval-$minval+1))}]]
incr len -1
return $output
# Useful for some test
proc zlistAlikeSort {a b} {
if {[lindex $a 0] > [lindex $b 0]} {return 1}
if {[lindex $a 0] < [lindex $b 0]} {return -1}
string compare [lindex $a 1] [lindex $b 1]
# Return all log lines starting with the first line that contains a warning.
# Generally, this will be an assertion error with a stack trace.
proc warnings_from_file {filename} {
set lines [split [exec cat $filename] "\n"]
set matched 0
set logall 0
set result {}
foreach line $lines {
if {[string match {*REDIS BUG REPORT START*} $line]} {
set logall 1
if {[regexp {^\[\d+\]\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \#} $line]} {
set matched 1
if {$logall || $matched} {
lappend result $line
join $result "\n"
# Return value for INFO property
proc status {r property} {
if {[regexp "\r\n$property:(.*?)\r\n" [{*}$r info] _ value]} {
set _ $value
proc waitForBgsave r {
while 1 {
if {[status r rdb_bgsave_in_progress] eq 1} {
if {$::verbose} {
puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background save to finish... "
flush stdout
after 1000
} else {
proc waitForBgrewriteaof r {
while 1 {
if {[status r aof_rewrite_in_progress] eq 1} {
if {$::verbose} {
puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background AOF rewrite to finish... "
flush stdout
after 1000
} else {
proc wait_for_sync r {
while 1 {
if {[status $r master_link_status] eq "down"} {
after 10
} else {
proc wait_for_ofs_sync {r1 r2} {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[status $r1 master_repl_offset] eq [status $r2 master_repl_offset]
} else {
fail "replica didn't sync in time"
proc wait_for_log_message {srv_idx pattern last_lines maxtries delay} {
set retry $maxtries
set stdout [srv $srv_idx stdout]
while {$retry} {
set result [exec tail -$last_lines < $stdout]
set result [split $result "\n"]
foreach line $result {
if {[string match $pattern $line]} {
return $line
incr retry -1
after $delay
if {$retry == 0} {
fail "log message of '$pattern' not found"
# Random integer between 0 and max (excluded).
proc randomInt {max} {
expr {int(rand()*$max)}
# Random signed integer between -max and max (both extremes excluded).
proc randomSignedInt {max} {
set i [randomInt $max]
if {rand() > 0.5} {
set i -$i
return $i
proc randpath args {
set path [expr {int(rand()*[llength $args])}]
uplevel 1 [lindex $args $path]
proc randomValue {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomSignedInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomSignedInt 2000000000} {randomSignedInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomSignedInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 0 256 alpha} \
{randstring 0 256 compr} \
{randstring 0 256 binary}
proc randomKey {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 1 256 alpha} \
{randstring 1 256 compr}
proc findKeyWithType {r type} {
for {set j 0} {$j < 20} {incr j} {
set k [{*}$r randomkey]
if {$k eq {}} {
return {}
if {[{*}$r type $k] eq $type} {
return $k
return {}
proc createComplexDataset {r ops {opt {}}} {
for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {
set k [randomKey]
set k2 [randomKey]
set f [randomValue]
set v [randomValue]
if {[lsearch -exact $opt useexpire] != -1} {
if {rand() < 0.1} {
{*}$r expire [randomKey] [randomInt 2]
randpath {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
randpath {set d +inf} {set d -inf}
set t [{*}$r type $k]
if {$t eq {none}} {
randpath {
{*}$r set $k $v
} {
{*}$r lpush $k $v
} {
{*}$r sadd $k $v
} {
{*}$r zadd $k $d $v
} {
{*}$r hset $k $f $v
} {
{*}$r del $k
set t [{*}$r type $k]
switch $t {
{string} {
# Nothing to do
{list} {
randpath {{*}$r lpush $k $v} \
{{*}$r rpush $k $v} \
{{*}$r lrem $k 0 $v} \
{{*}$r rpop $k} \
{{*}$r lpop $k}
{set} {
randpath {{*}$r sadd $k $v} \
{{*}$r srem $k $v} \
set otherset [findKeyWithType {*}$r set]
if {$otherset ne {}} {
randpath {
{*}$r sunionstore $k2 $k $otherset
} {
{*}$r sinterstore $k2 $k $otherset
} {
{*}$r sdiffstore $k2 $k $otherset
{zset} {
randpath {{*}$r zadd $k $d $v} \
{{*}$r zrem $k $v} \
set otherzset [findKeyWithType {*}$r zset]
if {$otherzset ne {}} {
randpath {
{*}$r zunionstore $k2 2 $k $otherzset
} {
{*}$r zinterstore $k2 2 $k $otherzset
{hash} {
randpath {{*}$r hset $k $f $v} \
{{*}$r hdel $k $f}
proc formatCommand {args} {
set cmd "*[llength $args]\r\n"
foreach a $args {
append cmd "$[string length $a]\r\n$a\r\n"
set _ $cmd
proc csvdump r {
set o {}
for {set db 0} {$db < 16} {incr db} {
{*}$r select $db
foreach k [lsort [{*}$r keys *]] {
set type [{*}$r type $k]
append o [csvstring $db] , [csvstring $k] , [csvstring $type] ,
switch $type {
string {
append o [csvstring [{*}$r get $k]] "\n"
list {
foreach e [{*}$r lrange $k 0 -1] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
set {
foreach e [lsort [{*}$r smembers $k]] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
zset {
foreach e [{*}$r zrange $k 0 -1 withscores] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
hash {
set fields [{*}$r hgetall $k]
set newfields {}
foreach {k v} $fields {
lappend newfields [list $k $v]
set fields [lsort -index 0 $newfields]
foreach kv $fields {
append o [csvstring [lindex $kv 0]] ,
append o [csvstring [lindex $kv 1]] ,
append o "\n"
{*}$r select 9
return $o
proc csvstring s {
return "\"$s\""
proc roundFloat f {
format "%.10g" $f
set ::last_port_attempted 0
proc find_available_port {start count} {
set port [expr $::last_port_attempted + 1]
for {set attempts 0} {$attempts < $count} {incr attempts} {
if {$port < $start || $port >= $start+$count} {
set port $start
if {[catch {set fd1 [socket $port]}] &&
[catch {set fd2 [socket [expr $port+10000]]}]} {
set ::last_port_attempted $port
return $port
} else {
catch {
close $fd1
close $fd2
incr port
error "Can't find a non busy port in the $start-[expr {$start+$count-1}] range."
# Test if TERM looks like to support colors
proc color_term {} {
expr {[info exists ::env(TERM)] && [string match *xterm* $::env(TERM)]}
proc colorstr {color str} {
if {[color_term]} {
set b 0
if {[string range $color 0 4] eq {bold-}} {
set b 1
set color [string range $color 5 end]
switch $color {
red {set colorcode {31}}
green {set colorcode {32}}
yellow {set colorcode {33}}
blue {set colorcode {34}}
magenta {set colorcode {35}}
cyan {set colorcode {36}}
white {set colorcode {37}}
default {set colorcode {37}}
if {$colorcode ne {}} {
return "\033\[$b;${colorcode};49m$str\033\[0m"
} else {
return $str
# Execute a background process writing random data for the specified number
# of seconds to the specified Redis instance.
proc start_write_load {host port seconds} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
exec $tclsh tests/helpers/gen_write_load.tcl $host $port $seconds $::tls &
# Stop a process generating write load executed with start_write_load.
proc stop_write_load {handle} {
catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle}
proc K { x y } { set x }
# Shuffle a list. From Tcl wiki. Originally from Steve Cohen that improved
# other versions. Code should be under public domain.
proc lshuffle {list} {
set n [llength $list]
while {$n>0} {
set j [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
lappend slist [lindex $list $j]
incr n -1
set temp [lindex $list $n]
set list [lreplace [K $list [set list {}]] $j $j $temp]
return $slist
# Execute a background process writing complex data for the specified number
# of ops to the specified Redis instance.
proc start_bg_complex_data {host port db ops} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
exec $tclsh tests/helpers/bg_complex_data.tcl $host $port $db $ops $::tls &
# Stop a process generating write load executed with start_bg_complex_data.
proc stop_bg_complex_data {handle} {
catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle}