Oran Agra f4b5a4d869
Improve testsuite print of log file (#8805)
1. the `dump_logs` option would have printed only logs of servers that were
   spawn before the test proc started, and not ones that the test proc
   started inside it.
2. when a server proc catches an exception it should normally forward the
   exception upwards, specifically when it's an assertion that should be
   caught by a test proc above. however, in `durable` mode, we caught all
   exceptions printed them to stdout and let the code continue,
   this was wrong to do for assertions, which should have still been
   propagated to the test function.
3. don't bother to search for crash log to print if we printed the the
   entire log anyway
4. if no crash log was found, no need to print anything (i.e. the fact it
   wasn't found)
5. rename warnings_from_file to crashlog_from_file
2021-04-18 11:55:54 +03:00

211 lines
6.3 KiB

set ::num_tests 0
set ::num_passed 0
set ::num_failed 0
set ::num_skipped 0
set ::num_aborted 0
set ::tests_failed {}
set ::cur_test ""
proc fail {msg} {
error "assertion:$msg"
proc assert {condition} {
if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $condition]]} {
set context "(context: [info frame -1])"
error "assertion:Expected [uplevel 1 [list subst -nocommands $condition]] $context"
proc assert_no_match {pattern value} {
if {[string match $pattern $value]} {
set context "(context: [info frame -1])"
error "assertion:Expected '$value' to not match '$pattern' $context"
proc assert_match {pattern value} {
if {![string match $pattern $value]} {
set context "(context: [info frame -1])"
error "assertion:Expected '$value' to match '$pattern' $context"
proc assert_failed {expected_err detail} {
if {$detail ne ""} {
set detail "(detail: $detail)"
} else {
set detail "(context: [info frame -2])"
error "assertion:$expected_err $detail"
proc assert_equal {value expected {detail ""}} {
if {$expected ne $value} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be equal to '$expected'" $detail
proc assert_lessthan {value expected {detail ""}} {
if {!($value < $expected)} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be less than '$expected'" $detail
proc assert_lessthan_equal {value expected {detail ""}} {
if {!($value <= $expected)} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be less than or equal to '$expected'" $detail
proc assert_morethan {value expected {detail ""}} {
if {!($value > $expected)} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be more than '$expected'" $detail
proc assert_morethan_equal {value expected {detail ""}} {
if {!($value >= $expected)} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be more than or equal to '$expected'" $detail
proc assert_range {value min max {detail ""}} {
if {!($value <= $max && $value >= $min)} {
assert_failed "Expected '$value' to be between to '$min' and '$max'" $detail
proc assert_error {pattern code} {
if {[catch {uplevel 1 $code} error]} {
assert_match $pattern $error
} else {
error "assertion:Expected an error but nothing was caught"
proc assert_encoding {enc key} {
set dbg [r debug object $key]
assert_match "* encoding:$enc *" $dbg
proc assert_type {type key} {
assert_equal $type [r type $key]
# Wait for the specified condition to be true, with the specified number of
# max retries and delay between retries. Otherwise the 'elsescript' is
# executed.
proc wait_for_condition {maxtries delay e _else_ elsescript} {
while {[incr maxtries -1] >= 0} {
set errcode [catch {uplevel 1 [list expr $e]} result]
if {$errcode == 0} {
if {$result} break
} else {
return -code $errcode $result
after $delay
if {$maxtries == -1} {
set errcode [catch [uplevel 1 $elsescript] result]
return -code $errcode $result
proc test {name code {okpattern undefined} {options undefined}} {
# abort if test name in skiptests
if {[lsearch $::skiptests $name] >= 0} {
incr ::num_skipped
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd skip $name
# abort if only_tests was set but test name is not included
if {[llength $::only_tests] > 0 && [lsearch $::only_tests $name] < 0} {
incr ::num_skipped
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd skip $name
# check if tagged with at least 1 tag to allow when there *is* a list
# of tags to allow, because default policy is to run everything
if {[llength $::allowtags] > 0} {
set matched 0
foreach tag $::allowtags {
if {[lsearch $::tags $tag] >= 0} {
incr matched
if {$matched < 1} {
incr ::num_aborted
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd ignore $name
incr ::num_tests
set details {}
lappend details "$name in $::curfile"
# set a cur_test global to be logged into new servers that are spown
# and log the test name in all existing servers
set prev_test $::cur_test
set ::cur_test "$name in $::curfile"
if {!$::external} {
foreach srv $::servers {
set stdout [dict get $srv stdout]
set fd [open $stdout "a+"]
puts $fd "### Starting test $::cur_test"
close $fd
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd testing $name
if {[catch {set retval [uplevel 1 $code]} error]} {
set assertion [string match "assertion:*" $error]
if {$assertion || $::durable} {
# durable prevents the whole tcl test from exiting on an exception.
# an assertion is handled gracefully anyway.
set msg [string range $error 10 end]
lappend details $msg
if {!$assertion} {
lappend details $::errorInfo
lappend ::tests_failed $details
incr ::num_failed
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd err [join $details "\n"]
if {$::stop_on_failure} {
puts "Test error (last server port:[srv port], log:[srv stdout]), press enter to teardown the test."
flush stdout
gets stdin
} else {
# Re-raise, let handler up the stack take care of this.
error $error $::errorInfo
} else {
if {$okpattern eq "undefined" || $okpattern eq $retval || [string match $okpattern $retval]} {
incr ::num_passed
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd ok $name
} else {
set msg "Expected '$okpattern' to equal or match '$retval'"
lappend details $msg
lappend ::tests_failed $details
incr ::num_failed
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd err [join $details "\n"]
if {$::traceleaks} {
set output [exec leaks redis-server]
if {![string match {*0 leaks*} $output]} {
send_data_packet $::test_server_fd err "Detected a memory leak in test '$name': $output"
set ::cur_test $prev_test