sundb 3ba2281f96
Improve dbid range check for SELECT, MOVE, COPY (#8085)
SELECT used to read the index into a `long` variable, and then pass it to a function
that takes an `int`, possibly causing an overflow before the range check.

Now all these commands use better and cleaner range check, and that also results in
a slight change of the error response in case of an invalid database index.

in the past it would have returned either `-ERR invalid DB index` (if not a number),
or `-ERR DB index is out of range` (if not between 1..16 or alike).
now it'll return either `-ERR value is out of range` (if not a number), or
`-ERR value is out of range, value must between -2147483648 and 2147483647`
(if not in the range for an int), or `-ERR DB index is out of range`
(if not between 0..16 or alike)

in the past it would only fail with `-ERR index out of range` no matter the reason.
now return the same errors as the new ones for SELECT mentioned above.
(i.e. unlike for SELECT even for a value like 17 we changed the error message)

doesn't really matter how it behaved in the past (new command), new behavior is
like the above two.
2020-12-01 21:41:26 +02:00

483 lines
14 KiB

start_server {tags {"keyspace"}} {
test {DEL against a single item} {
r set x foo
assert {[r get x] eq "foo"}
r del x
r get x
} {}
test {Vararg DEL} {
r set foo1 a
r set foo2 b
r set foo3 c
list [r del foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4] [r mget foo1 foo2 foo3]
} {3 {{} {} {}}}
test {KEYS with pattern} {
foreach key {key_x key_y key_z foo_a foo_b foo_c} {
r set $key hello
lsort [r keys foo*]
} {foo_a foo_b foo_c}
test {KEYS to get all keys} {
lsort [r keys *]
} {foo_a foo_b foo_c key_x key_y key_z}
test {DBSIZE} {
r dbsize
} {6}
test {DEL all keys} {
foreach key [r keys *] {r del $key}
r dbsize
} {0}
test "DEL against expired key" {
r debug set-active-expire 0
r setex keyExpire 1 valExpire
after 1100
assert_equal 0 [r del keyExpire]
r debug set-active-expire 1
test {EXISTS} {
set res {}
r set newkey test
append res [r exists newkey]
r del newkey
append res [r exists newkey]
} {10}
test {Zero length value in key. SET/GET/EXISTS} {
r set emptykey {}
set res [r get emptykey]
append res [r exists emptykey]
r del emptykey
append res [r exists emptykey]
} {10}
test {Commands pipelining} {
set fd [r channel]
puts -nonewline $fd "SET k1 xyzk\r\nGET k1\r\nPING\r\n"
flush $fd
set res {}
append res [string match OK* [r read]]
append res [r read]
append res [string match PONG* [r read]]
format $res
} {1xyzk1}
test {Non existing command} {
catch {r foobaredcommand} err
string match ERR* $err
} {1}
test {RENAME basic usage} {
r set mykey hello
r rename mykey mykey1
r rename mykey1 mykey2
r get mykey2
} {hello}
test {RENAME source key should no longer exist} {
r exists mykey
} {0}
test {RENAME against already existing key} {
r set mykey a
r set mykey2 b
r rename mykey2 mykey
set res [r get mykey]
append res [r exists mykey2]
} {b0}
test {RENAMENX basic usage} {
r del mykey
r del mykey2
r set mykey foobar
r renamenx mykey mykey2
set res [r get mykey2]
append res [r exists mykey]
} {foobar0}
test {RENAMENX against already existing key} {
r set mykey foo
r set mykey2 bar
r renamenx mykey mykey2
} {0}
test {RENAMENX against already existing key (2)} {
set res [r get mykey]
append res [r get mykey2]
} {foobar}
test {RENAME against non existing source key} {
catch {r rename nokey foobar} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {RENAME where source and dest key are the same (existing)} {
r set mykey foo
r rename mykey mykey
} {OK}
test {RENAMENX where source and dest key are the same (existing)} {
r set mykey foo
r renamenx mykey mykey
} {0}
test {RENAME where source and dest key are the same (non existing)} {
r del mykey
catch {r rename mykey mykey} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
test {RENAME with volatile key, should move the TTL as well} {
r del mykey mykey2
r set mykey foo
r expire mykey 100
assert {[r ttl mykey] > 95 && [r ttl mykey] <= 100}
r rename mykey mykey2
assert {[r ttl mykey2] > 95 && [r ttl mykey2] <= 100}
test {RENAME with volatile key, should not inherit TTL of target key} {
r del mykey mykey2
r set mykey foo
r set mykey2 bar
r expire mykey2 100
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -1 && [r ttl mykey2] > 0}
r rename mykey mykey2
r ttl mykey2
} {-1}
test {DEL all keys again (DB 0)} {
foreach key [r keys *] {
r del $key
r dbsize
} {0}
test {DEL all keys again (DB 1)} {
r select 10
foreach key [r keys *] {
r del $key
set res [r dbsize]
r select 9
format $res
} {0}
test {COPY basic usage for string} {
r set mykey foobar
set res {}
r copy mykey mynewkey
lappend res [r get mynewkey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r copy mykey mynewkey DB 10
r select 10
lappend res [r get mynewkey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r select 9
format $res
} [list foobar 2 foobar 1]
test {COPY for string does not replace an existing key without REPLACE option} {
r set mykey2 hello
catch {r copy mykey2 mynewkey DB 10} e
set e
} {0}
test {COPY for string can replace an existing key with REPLACE option} {
r copy mykey2 mynewkey DB 10 REPLACE
r select 10
r get mynewkey
} {hello}
test {COPY for string ensures that copied data is independent of copying data} {
r flushdb
r select 9
r set mykey foobar
set res {}
r copy mykey mynewkey DB 10
r select 10
lappend res [r get mynewkey]
r set mynewkey hoge
lappend res [r get mynewkey]
r select 9
lappend res [r get mykey]
r select 10
r flushdb
r select 9
format $res
} [list foobar hoge foobar]
test {COPY for string does not copy data to no-integer DB} {
r set mykey foobar
catch {r copy mykey mynewkey DB notanumber} e
set e
} {ERR value is not an integer or out of range}
test {COPY can copy key expire metadata as well} {
r set mykey foobar ex 100
r copy mykey mynewkey REPLACE
assert {[r ttl mynewkey] > 0 && [r ttl mynewkey] <= 100}
assert {[r get mynewkey] eq "foobar"}
test {COPY does not create an expire if it does not exist} {
r set mykey foobar
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -1}
r copy mykey mynewkey REPLACE
assert {[r ttl mynewkey] == -1}
assert {[r get mynewkey] eq "foobar"}
test {COPY basic usage for list} {
r del mylist mynewlist
r lpush mylist a b c d
r copy mylist mynewlist
set digest [r debug digest-value mylist]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value mynewlist]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount mylist]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount mynewlist]
r del mylist
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value mynewlist]
test {COPY basic usage for intset set} {
r del set1 newset1
r sadd set1 1 2 3
assert_encoding intset set1
r copy set1 newset1
set digest [r debug digest-value set1]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newset1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount set1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newset1]
r del set1
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newset1]
test {COPY basic usage for hashtable set} {
r del set2 newset2
r sadd set2 1 2 3 a
assert_encoding hashtable set2
r copy set2 newset2
set digest [r debug digest-value set2]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newset2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount set2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newset2]
r del set2
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newset2]
test {COPY basic usage for ziplist sorted set} {
r del zset1 newzset1
r zadd zset1 123 foobar
assert_encoding ziplist zset1
r copy zset1 newzset1
set digest [r debug digest-value zset1]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newzset1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount zset1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newzset1]
r del zset1
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newzset1]
test {COPY basic usage for skiplist sorted set} {
r del zset2 newzset2
set original_max [lindex [r config get zset-max-ziplist-entries] 1]
r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries 0
for {set j 0} {$j < 130} {incr j} {
r zadd zset2 [randomInt 50] ele-[randomInt 10]
assert_encoding skiplist zset2
r copy zset2 newzset2
set digest [r debug digest-value zset2]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newzset2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount zset2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newzset2]
r del zset2
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newzset2]
r config set zset-max-ziplist-entries $original_max
test {COPY basic usage for ziplist hash} {
r del hash1 newhash1
r hset hash1 tmp 17179869184
assert_encoding ziplist hash1
r copy hash1 newhash1
set digest [r debug digest-value hash1]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newhash1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount hash1]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newhash1]
r del hash1
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newhash1]
test {COPY basic usage for hashtable hash} {
r del hash2 newhash2
set original_max [lindex [r config get hash-max-ziplist-entries] 1]
r config set hash-max-ziplist-entries 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 64} {incr i} {
r hset hash2 [randomValue] [randomValue]
assert_encoding hashtable hash2
r copy hash2 newhash2
set digest [r debug digest-value hash2]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newhash2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount hash2]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newhash2]
r del hash2
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value newhash2]
r config set hash-max-ziplist-entries $original_max
test {COPY basic usage for stream} {
r del mystream mynewstream
for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
r XADD mystream * item 2 value b
r copy mystream mynewstream
set digest [r debug digest-value mystream]
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value mynewstream]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount mystream]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount mynewstream]
r del mystream
assert_equal $digest [r debug digest-value mynewstream]
test {COPY basic usage for stream-cgroups} {
r del x
r XADD x 100 a 1
set id [r XADD x 101 b 1]
r XADD x 102 c 1
r XADD x 103 e 1
r XADD x 104 f 1
r XADD x 105 g 1
r XGROUP SETID x g1 $id
r XDEL x 103
r copy x newx
set info [r xinfo stream x full]
assert_equal $info [r xinfo stream newx full]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount x]
assert_equal 1 [r object refcount newx]
r del x
assert_equal $info [r xinfo stream newx full]
r flushdb
test {MOVE basic usage} {
r set mykey foobar
r move mykey 10
set res {}
lappend res [r exists mykey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r select 10
lappend res [r get mykey]
lappend res [r dbsize]
r select 9
format $res
} [list 0 0 foobar 1]
test {MOVE against key existing in the target DB} {
r set mykey hello
r move mykey 10
} {0}
test {MOVE against non-integer DB (#1428)} {
r set mykey hello
catch {r move mykey notanumber} e
set e
} {ERR value is not an integer or out of range}
test {MOVE can move key expire metadata as well} {
r select 10
r flushdb
r select 9
r set mykey foo ex 100
r move mykey 10
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -2}
r select 10
assert {[r ttl mykey] > 0 && [r ttl mykey] <= 100}
assert {[r get mykey] eq "foo"}
r select 9
test {MOVE does not create an expire if it does not exist} {
r select 10
r flushdb
r select 9
r set mykey foo
r move mykey 10
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -2}
r select 10
assert {[r ttl mykey] == -1}
assert {[r get mykey] eq "foo"}
r select 9
test {SET/GET keys in different DBs} {
r set a hello
r set b world
r select 10
r set a foo
r set b bared
r select 9
set res {}
lappend res [r get a]
lappend res [r get b]
r select 10
lappend res [r get a]
lappend res [r get b]
r select 9
format $res
} {hello world foo bared}
test {RANDOMKEY} {
r flushdb
r set foo x
r set bar y
set foo_seen 0
set bar_seen 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
set rkey [r randomkey]
if {$rkey eq {foo}} {
set foo_seen 1
if {$rkey eq {bar}} {
set bar_seen 1
list $foo_seen $bar_seen
} {1 1}
test {RANDOMKEY against empty DB} {
r flushdb
r randomkey
} {}
test {RANDOMKEY regression 1} {
r flushdb
r set x 10
r del x
r randomkey
} {}
test {KEYS * two times with long key, Github issue #1208} {
r flushdb
r set dlskeriewrioeuwqoirueioqwrueoqwrueqw test
r keys *
r keys *
} {dlskeriewrioeuwqoirueioqwrueoqwrueqw}