Yossi Gottlieb 6223355cf3
Use cross-platform-actions for FreeBSD support. (#12732)
This change overcomes many stability issues experienced with the
vmactions action.

We need to limit VMs to 8GB for better stability, as the 13GB default
seems to hang them occasionally.

Shell code has been simplified since this action seem to use `bash -e`
which will abort on non-zero exit codes anyway.
2023-11-06 18:07:14 +02:00

374 lines
17 KiB

proc cmdstat {cmd} {
return [cmdrstat $cmd r]
proc errorstat {cmd} {
return [errorrstat $cmd r]
proc latency_percentiles_usec {cmd} {
return [latencyrstat_percentiles $cmd r]
start_server {tags {"info" "external:skip"}} {
start_server {} {
test {latencystats: disable/enable} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking no
r set a b
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r set a b
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
test {latencystats: configure percentiles} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r SET a b
r GET a
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec get]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "0.0 50.0 100.0"
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] {latency-tracking-info-percentiles {0 50 100}}
assert_match {*p0=*,p50=*,p100=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
assert_match {*p0=*,p50=*,p100=*} [latency_percentiles_usec get]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
test {latencystats: bad configure percentiles} {
r config resetstat
set configlatencyline [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles]
catch {r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "10.0 50.0 a"} e
assert_match {ERR CONFIG SET failed*} $e
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] $configlatencyline
catch {r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "10.0 50.0 101.0"} e
assert_match {ERR CONFIG SET failed*} $e
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] $configlatencyline
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {latencystats: blocking commands} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0 99.0 99.9"
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r del list1{t}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r lpush list1{t} a
assert_equal [$rd read] {list1{t} a}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r lpush list1{t} b
assert_equal [$rd read] {list1{t} b}
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec blpop]
$rd close
test {latencystats: subcommands} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0 99.0 99.9"
r client id
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec client\\|id]
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec config\\|set]
test {latencystats: measure latency} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0"
r DEBUG sleep 0.05
r SET k v
set latencystatline_debug [latency_percentiles_usec debug]
set latencystatline_set [latency_percentiles_usec set]
regexp "p50=(.+\..+)" $latencystatline_debug -> p50_debug
regexp "p50=(.+\..+)" $latencystatline_set -> p50_set
assert {$p50_debug >= 50000}
assert {$p50_set >= 0}
assert {$p50_debug >= $p50_set}
} {} {needs:debug}
test {errorstats: failed call authentication error} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
catch {r auth k} e
assert_match {ERR AUTH*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat auth]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: failed call within MULTI/EXEC} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
r multi
r set a b
r auth a
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {ERR AUTH*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat auth]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat exec]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
# MULTI/EXEC command errors should still be pinpointed to him
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {ERR EXEC without MULTI} $e
assert_match {*calls=2,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat exec]
assert_match {*count=2*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
test {errorstats: failed call within LUA} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
catch {r eval {redis.pcall('XGROUP', 'CREATECONSUMER', 's1', 'mygroup', 'consumer') return } 0} e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat xgroup\\|createconsumer]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat eval]
# EVAL command errors should still be pinpointed to him
catch {r eval a} e
assert_match {ERR wrong*} $e
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat eval]
assert_match {*count=2*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
test {errorstats: failed call NOSCRIPT error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
catch {r evalsha NotValidShaSUM 0} e
assert_match {NOSCRIPT*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat evalsha]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
test {errorstats: failed call NOGROUP error} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOGROUP]
r del mystream
r XADD mystream * f v
catch {r XGROUP CREATECONSUMER mystream mygroup consumer} e
assert_match {NOGROUP*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOGROUP]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat xgroup\\|createconsumer]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOGROUP]
test {errorstats: rejected call unknown command} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
catch {r asdf} e
assert_match {ERR unknown*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: rejected call within MULTI/EXEC} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
r multi
catch {r set} e
assert_match {ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command} $e
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat EXECABORT]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat multi]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat exec]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: rejected call due to wrong arity} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
catch {r set k} e
assert_match {ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
# ensure that after a rejected command, valid ones are counted properly
r set k1 v1
r set k2 v2
assert_match {calls=2,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
test {errorstats: rejected call by OOM error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat OOM]
r config set maxmemory 1
catch {r set a b} e
assert_match {OOM*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat OOM]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat OOM]
r config set maxmemory 0
test {errorstats: rejected call by authorization error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat NOPERM]
r ACL SETUSER alice on >p1pp0 ~cached:* +get +info +config
r auth alice p1pp0
catch {r set a b} e
assert_match {NOPERM*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOPERM]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOPERM]
r auth default ""
test {errorstats: blocking commands} {
r config resetstat
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd client id
set rd_id [$rd read]
r del list1{t}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r client unblock $rd_id error
assert_error {UNBLOCKED*} {$rd read}
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat UNBLOCKED]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat blpop]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
$rd close
test {stats: eventloop metrics} {
set info1 [r info stats]
set cycle1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_cycles]
set el_sum1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_sum]
set cmd_sum1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_cmd_sum]
assert_morethan $cycle1 0
assert_morethan $el_sum1 0
assert_morethan $cmd_sum1 0
after 110 ;# default hz is 10, wait for a cron tick.
set info2 [r info stats]
set cycle2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_cycles]
set el_sum2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_sum]
set cmd_sum2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_cmd_sum]
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics cycle1: $cycle1, cycle2: $cycle2" }
assert_morethan $cycle2 $cycle1
assert_lessthan $cycle2 [expr $cycle1+10] ;# we expect 2 or 3 cycles here, but allow some tolerance
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics el_sum1: $el_sum1, el_sum2: $el_sum2" }
assert_morethan $el_sum2 $el_sum1
assert_lessthan $el_sum2 [expr $el_sum1+30000] ;# we expect roughly 100ms here, but allow some tolerance
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics cmd_sum1: $cmd_sum1, cmd_sum2: $cmd_sum2" }
assert_morethan $cmd_sum2 $cmd_sum1
assert_lessthan $cmd_sum2 [expr $cmd_sum1+15000] ;# we expect about tens of ms here, but allow some tolerance
test {stats: instantaneous metrics} {
r config resetstat
set retries 0
for {set retries 1} {$retries < 4} {incr retries} {
after 1600 ;# hz is 10, wait for 16 cron tick so that sample array is fulfilled
set value [s instantaneous_eventloop_cycles_per_sec]
if {$value > 0} break
assert_lessthan $retries 4
if {$::verbose} { puts "instantaneous metrics instantaneous_eventloop_cycles_per_sec: $value" }
assert_morethan $value 0
assert_lessthan $value [expr $retries*15] ;# default hz is 10
set value [s instantaneous_eventloop_duration_usec]
if {$::verbose} { puts "instantaneous metrics instantaneous_eventloop_duration_usec: $value" }
assert_morethan $value 0
assert_lessthan $value [expr $retries*22000] ;# default hz is 10, so duration < 1000 / 10, allow some tolerance
test {stats: debug metrics} {
# make sure debug info is hidden
set info [r info]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info eventloop_duration_aof_sum] {}
set info_all [r info all]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info_all eventloop_duration_aof_sum] {}
set info1 [r info debug]
set aof1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_aof_sum]
assert {$aof1 >= 0}
set cron1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_cron_sum]
assert {$cron1 > 0}
set cycle_max1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_cmd_per_cycle_max]
assert {$cycle_max1 > 0}
set duration_max1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_max]
assert {$duration_max1 > 0}
after 110 ;# hz is 10, wait for a cron tick.
set info2 [r info debug]
set aof2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_aof_sum]
assert {$aof2 >= $aof1} ;# AOF is disabled, we expect $aof2 == $aof1, but allow some tolerance.
set cron2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_cron_sum]
assert_morethan $cron2 $cron1
set cycle_max2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_cmd_per_cycle_max]
assert {$cycle_max2 >= $cycle_max1}
set duration_max2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_max]
assert {$duration_max2 >= $duration_max1}
test {stats: client input and output buffer limit disconnections} {
r config resetstat
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_query_buffer_limit_disconnections] {0}
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_output_buffer_limit_disconnections] {0}
# set qbuf limit to minimum to test stat
set org_qbuf_limit [lindex [r config get client-query-buffer-limit] 1]
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 1048576
catch {r set key [string repeat a 1048576]}
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_query_buffer_limit_disconnections] {1}
r config set client-query-buffer-limit $org_qbuf_limit
# set outbuf limit to just 10 to test stat
set org_outbuf_limit [lindex [r config get client-output-buffer-limit] 1]
r config set client-output-buffer-limit "normal 10 0 0"
r set key [string repeat a 100000] ;# to trigger output buffer limit check this needs to be big
catch {r get key}
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_output_buffer_limit_disconnections] {1}
r config set client-output-buffer-limit $org_outbuf_limit
} {OK} {logreqres:skip} ;# same as obuf-limits.tcl, skip logreqres