Binbin 3f8756a06a
Fix set with duplicate elements causes sdiff to hang (#11530)
This payload produces a set with duplicate elements (listpack encoding):
restore _key 0 "\x14\x25\x25\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x00\x06\x01\x82\x5F\x35\x03\x04\x01\x82\x5F\x31\x03\x82\x5F\x33\x03\x00\x01\x82\x5F\x39\x03\x82\x5F\x33\x03\x08\x01\x02\x01\xFF\x0B\x00\x31\xBE\x7D\x41\x01\x03\x5B\xEC"

smembers key
1) "6"
2) "_5"
3) "4"
4) "_1"
5) "_3"  ---> dup
6) "0"
7) "_9"
8) "_3"  ---> dup
9) "8"
10) "2"

This kind of sets will cause SDIFF to hang, SDIFF generated a broken
protocol and left the client hung. (Expected ten elements, but only
got nine elements due to the duplication.)

If we set `sanitize-dump-payload` to yes, we will be able to find
the duplicate elements and report "ERR Bad data format".

Discovered and discussed in #11290.

This PR also improve prints when corrupt-dump-fuzzer hangs, it will
print the cmds and the payload, an example like:
Testing integration/corrupt-dump-fuzzer
[TIMEOUT]: clients state report follows.
sock6 => (SPAWNED SERVER) pid:28884
Killing still running Redis server 28884
commands caused test to hang:
SDIFF __key 
payload that caused test to hang: "\x14\balabala"

Co-authored-by: Oran Agra <>
2022-11-22 11:20:24 +02:00

1086 lines
32 KiB

proc randstring {min max {type binary}} {
set len [expr {$min+int(rand()*($max-$min+1))}]
set output {}
if {$type eq {binary}} {
set minval 0
set maxval 255
} elseif {$type eq {alpha} || $type eq {simplealpha}} {
set minval 48
set maxval 122
} elseif {$type eq {compr}} {
set minval 48
set maxval 52
while {$len} {
set num [expr {$minval+int(rand()*($maxval-$minval+1))}]
set rr [format "%c" $num]
if {$type eq {simplealpha} && ![string is alnum $rr]} {continue}
if {$type eq {alpha} && $num eq 92} {continue} ;# avoid putting '\' char in the string, it can mess up TCL processing
append output $rr
incr len -1
return $output
# Useful for some test
proc zlistAlikeSort {a b} {
if {[lindex $a 0] > [lindex $b 0]} {return 1}
if {[lindex $a 0] < [lindex $b 0]} {return -1}
string compare [lindex $a 1] [lindex $b 1]
# Return all log lines starting with the first line that contains a warning.
# Generally, this will be an assertion error with a stack trace.
proc crashlog_from_file {filename} {
set lines [split [exec cat $filename] "\n"]
set matched 0
set logall 0
set result {}
foreach line $lines {
if {[string match {*REDIS BUG REPORT START*} $line]} {
set logall 1
if {[regexp {^\[\d+\]\s+\d+\s+\w+\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \#} $line]} {
set matched 1
if {$logall || $matched} {
lappend result $line
join $result "\n"
# Return sanitizer log lines
proc sanitizer_errors_from_file {filename} {
set log [exec cat $filename]
set lines [split [exec cat $filename] "\n"]
foreach line $lines {
# Ignore huge allocation warnings
if ([string match {*WARNING: AddressSanitizer failed to allocate*} $line]) {
# GCC UBSAN output does not contain 'Sanitizer' but 'runtime error'.
if {[string match {*runtime error*} $log] ||
[string match {*Sanitizer*} $log]} {
return $log
return ""
proc getInfoProperty {infostr property} {
if {[regexp -lineanchor "^$property:(.*?)\r\n" $infostr _ value]} {
return $value
# Return value for INFO property
proc status {r property} {
set _ [getInfoProperty [{*}$r info] $property]
proc waitForBgsave r {
while 1 {
if {[status $r rdb_bgsave_in_progress] eq 1} {
if {$::verbose} {
puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background save to finish... "
flush stdout
after 50
} else {
proc waitForBgrewriteaof r {
while 1 {
if {[status $r aof_rewrite_in_progress] eq 1} {
if {$::verbose} {
puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background AOF rewrite to finish... "
flush stdout
after 50
} else {
proc wait_for_sync r {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[status $r master_link_status] eq "up"
} else {
fail "replica didn't sync in time"
proc wait_replica_online r {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[string match "*slave0:*,state=online*" [$r info replication]]
} else {
fail "replica didn't online in time"
proc wait_for_ofs_sync {r1 r2} {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[status $r1 master_repl_offset] eq [status $r2 master_repl_offset]
} else {
fail "replica offset didn't match in time"
proc wait_done_loading r {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[catch {$r ping} e] == 0
} else {
fail "Loading DB is taking too much time."
proc wait_lazyfree_done r {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[status $r lazyfree_pending_objects] == 0
} else {
fail "lazyfree isn't done"
# count current log lines in server's stdout
proc count_log_lines {srv_idx} {
set _ [string trim [exec wc -l < [srv $srv_idx stdout]]]
# returns the number of times a line with that pattern appears in a file
proc count_message_lines {file pattern} {
set res 0
# exec fails when grep exists with status other than 0 (when the pattern wasn't found)
catch {
set res [string trim [exec grep $pattern $file 2> /dev/null | wc -l]]
return $res
# returns the number of times a line with that pattern appears in the log
proc count_log_message {srv_idx pattern} {
set stdout [srv $srv_idx stdout]
return [count_message_lines $stdout $pattern]
# verify pattern exists in server's sdtout after a certain line number
proc verify_log_message {srv_idx pattern from_line} {
incr from_line
set result [exec tail -n +$from_line < [srv $srv_idx stdout]]
if {![string match $pattern $result]} {
error "assertion:expected message not found in log file: $pattern"
# wait for pattern to be found in server's stdout after certain line number
# return value is a list containing the line that matched the pattern and the line number
proc wait_for_log_messages {srv_idx patterns from_line maxtries delay} {
set retry $maxtries
set next_line [expr $from_line + 1] ;# searching form the line after
set stdout [srv $srv_idx stdout]
while {$retry} {
# re-read the last line (unless it's before to our first), last time we read it, it might have been incomplete
set next_line [expr $next_line - 1 > $from_line + 1 ? $next_line - 1 : $from_line + 1]
set result [exec tail -n +$next_line < $stdout]
set result [split $result "\n"]
foreach line $result {
foreach pattern $patterns {
if {[string match $pattern $line]} {
return [list $line $next_line]
incr next_line
incr retry -1
after $delay
if {$retry == 0} {
if {$::verbose} {
puts "content of $stdout from line: $from_line:"
puts [exec tail -n +$from_line < $stdout]
fail "log message of '$patterns' not found in $stdout after line: $from_line till line: [expr $next_line -1]"
# write line to server log file
proc write_log_line {srv_idx msg} {
set logfile [srv $srv_idx stdout]
set fd [open $logfile "a+"]
puts $fd "### $msg"
close $fd
# Random integer between 0 and max (excluded).
proc randomInt {max} {
expr {int(rand()*$max)}
# Random integer between min and max (excluded).
proc randomRange {min max} {
expr {int(rand()*[expr $max - $min]) + $min}
# Random signed integer between -max and max (both extremes excluded).
proc randomSignedInt {max} {
set i [randomInt $max]
if {rand() > 0.5} {
set i -$i
return $i
proc randpath args {
set path [expr {int(rand()*[llength $args])}]
uplevel 1 [lindex $args $path]
proc randomValue {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomSignedInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomSignedInt 2000000000} {randomSignedInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomSignedInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 0 256 alpha} \
{randstring 0 256 compr} \
{randstring 0 256 binary}
proc randomKey {} {
randpath {
# Small enough to likely collide
randomInt 1000
} {
# 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
} {
# 64 bit
randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
} {
# Random string
randpath {randstring 1 256 alpha} \
{randstring 1 256 compr}
proc findKeyWithType {r type} {
for {set j 0} {$j < 20} {incr j} {
set k [{*}$r randomkey]
if {$k eq {}} {
return {}
if {[{*}$r type $k] eq $type} {
return $k
return {}
proc createComplexDataset {r ops {opt {}}} {
set useexpire [expr {[lsearch -exact $opt useexpire] != -1}]
if {[lsearch -exact $opt usetag] != -1} {
set tag "{t}"
} else {
set tag ""
for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {
set k [randomKey]$tag
set k2 [randomKey]$tag
set f [randomValue]
set v [randomValue]
if {$useexpire} {
if {rand() < 0.1} {
{*}$r expire [randomKey] [randomInt 2]
randpath {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
set d [expr {rand()}]
} {
randpath {set d +inf} {set d -inf}
set t [{*}$r type $k]
if {$t eq {none}} {
randpath {
{*}$r set $k $v
} {
{*}$r lpush $k $v
} {
{*}$r sadd $k $v
} {
{*}$r zadd $k $d $v
} {
{*}$r hset $k $f $v
} {
{*}$r del $k
set t [{*}$r type $k]
switch $t {
{string} {
# Nothing to do
{list} {
randpath {{*}$r lpush $k $v} \
{{*}$r rpush $k $v} \
{{*}$r lrem $k 0 $v} \
{{*}$r rpop $k} \
{{*}$r lpop $k}
{set} {
randpath {{*}$r sadd $k $v} \
{{*}$r srem $k $v} \
set otherset [findKeyWithType {*}$r set]
if {$otherset ne {}} {
randpath {
{*}$r sunionstore $k2 $k $otherset
} {
{*}$r sinterstore $k2 $k $otherset
} {
{*}$r sdiffstore $k2 $k $otherset
{zset} {
randpath {{*}$r zadd $k $d $v} \
{{*}$r zrem $k $v} \
set otherzset [findKeyWithType {*}$r zset]
if {$otherzset ne {}} {
randpath {
{*}$r zunionstore $k2 2 $k $otherzset
} {
{*}$r zinterstore $k2 2 $k $otherzset
{hash} {
randpath {{*}$r hset $k $f $v} \
{{*}$r hdel $k $f}
proc formatCommand {args} {
set cmd "*[llength $args]\r\n"
foreach a $args {
append cmd "$[string length $a]\r\n$a\r\n"
set _ $cmd
proc csvdump r {
set o {}
if {$::singledb} {
set maxdb 1
} else {
set maxdb 16
for {set db 0} {$db < $maxdb} {incr db} {
if {!$::singledb} {
{*}$r select $db
foreach k [lsort [{*}$r keys *]] {
set type [{*}$r type $k]
append o [csvstring $db] , [csvstring $k] , [csvstring $type] ,
switch $type {
string {
append o [csvstring [{*}$r get $k]] "\n"
list {
foreach e [{*}$r lrange $k 0 -1] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
set {
foreach e [lsort [{*}$r smembers $k]] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
zset {
foreach e [{*}$r zrange $k 0 -1 withscores] {
append o [csvstring $e] ,
append o "\n"
hash {
set fields [{*}$r hgetall $k]
set newfields {}
foreach {k v} $fields {
lappend newfields [list $k $v]
set fields [lsort -index 0 $newfields]
foreach kv $fields {
append o [csvstring [lindex $kv 0]] ,
append o [csvstring [lindex $kv 1]] ,
append o "\n"
if {!$::singledb} {
{*}$r select 9
return $o
proc csvstring s {
return "\"$s\""
proc roundFloat f {
format "%.10g" $f
set ::last_port_attempted 0
proc find_available_port {start count} {
set port [expr $::last_port_attempted + 1]
for {set attempts 0} {$attempts < $count} {incr attempts} {
if {$port < $start || $port >= $start+$count} {
set port $start
set fd1 -1
if {[catch {set fd1 [socket -server $port]}] ||
[catch {set fd2 [socket -server [expr $port+10000]]}]} {
if {$fd1 != -1} {
close $fd1
} else {
close $fd1
close $fd2
set ::last_port_attempted $port
return $port
incr port
error "Can't find a non busy port in the $start-[expr {$start+$count-1}] range."
# Test if TERM looks like to support colors
proc color_term {} {
expr {[info exists ::env(TERM)] && [string match *xterm* $::env(TERM)]}
proc colorstr {color str} {
if {[color_term]} {
set b 0
if {[string range $color 0 4] eq {bold-}} {
set b 1
set color [string range $color 5 end]
switch $color {
red {set colorcode {31}}
green {set colorcode {32}}
yellow {set colorcode {33}}
blue {set colorcode {34}}
magenta {set colorcode {35}}
cyan {set colorcode {36}}
white {set colorcode {37}}
default {set colorcode {37}}
if {$colorcode ne {}} {
return "\033\[$b;${colorcode};49m$str\033\[0m"
} else {
return $str
proc find_valgrind_errors {stderr on_termination} {
set fd [open $stderr]
set buf [read $fd]
close $fd
# Look for stack trace (" at 0x") and other errors (Invalid, Mismatched, etc).
# Look for "Warnings", but not the "set address range perms". These don't indicate any real concern.
# corrupt-dump unit, not sure why but it seems they don't indicate any real concern.
if {[regexp -- { at 0x} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {^(?=.*Warning)(?:(?!set address range perms).)*$} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {Invalid} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {Mismatched} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {uninitialized} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {has a fishy} $buf] ||
[regexp -- {overlap} $buf]} {
return $buf
# If the process didn't terminate yet, we can't look for the summary report
if {!$on_termination} {
return ""
# Look for the absence of a leak free summary (happens when redis isn't terminated properly).
if {(![regexp -- {definitely lost: 0 bytes} $buf] &&
![regexp -- {no leaks are possible} $buf])} {
return $buf
return ""
# Execute a background process writing random data for the specified number
# of seconds to the specified Redis instance.
proc start_write_load {host port seconds} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
exec $tclsh tests/helpers/gen_write_load.tcl $host $port $seconds $::tls &
# Stop a process generating write load executed with start_write_load.
proc stop_write_load {handle} {
catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle}
proc wait_load_handlers_disconnected {{level 0}} {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
![string match {*name=LOAD_HANDLER*} [r $level client list]]
} else {
fail "load_handler(s) still connected after too long time."
proc K { x y } { set x }
# Shuffle a list with Fisher-Yates algorithm.
proc lshuffle {list} {
set n [llength $list]
while {$n>1} {
set j [expr {int(rand()*$n)}]
incr n -1
if {$n==$j} continue
set v [lindex $list $j]
lset list $j [lindex $list $n]
lset list $n $v
return $list
# Execute a background process writing complex data for the specified number
# of ops to the specified Redis instance.
proc start_bg_complex_data {host port db ops} {
set tclsh [info nameofexecutable]
exec $tclsh tests/helpers/bg_complex_data.tcl $host $port $db $ops $::tls &
# Stop a process generating write load executed with start_bg_complex_data.
proc stop_bg_complex_data {handle} {
catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $handle}
# Write num keys with the given key prefix and value size (in bytes). If idx is
# given, it's the index (AKA level) used with the srv procedure and it specifies
# to which Redis instance to write the keys.
proc populate {num {prefix key:} {size 3} {idx 0}} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client $idx]
for {set j 0} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
$rd set $prefix$j [string repeat A $size]
for {set j 0} {$j < $num} {incr j} {
$rd read
$rd close
proc get_child_pid {idx} {
set pid [srv $idx pid]
if {[file exists "/usr/bin/pgrep"]} {
set fd [open "|pgrep -P $pid" "r"]
set child_pid [string trim [lindex [split [read $fd] \n] 0]]
} else {
set fd [open "|ps --ppid $pid -o pid" "r"]
set child_pid [string trim [lindex [split [read $fd] \n] 1]]
close $fd
return $child_pid
proc process_is_alive pid {
if {[catch {exec ps -p $pid} err]} {
return 0
} else {
if {[string match "*<defunct>*" $err]} { return 0 }
return 1
proc cmdrstat {cmd r} {
if {[regexp "\r\ncmdstat_$cmd:(.*?)\r\n" [$r info commandstats] _ value]} {
set _ $value
proc errorrstat {cmd r} {
if {[regexp "\r\nerrorstat_$cmd:(.*?)\r\n" [$r info errorstats] _ value]} {
set _ $value
proc latencyrstat_percentiles {cmd r} {
if {[regexp "\r\nlatency_percentiles_usec_$cmd:(.*?)\r\n" [$r info latencystats] _ value]} {
set _ $value
proc generate_fuzzy_traffic_on_key {key duration} {
# Commands per type, blocking commands removed
# TODO: extract these from COMMAND DOCS, and improve to include other types
set commands [dict create string $string_commands hash $hash_commands zset $zset_commands list $list_commands set $set_commands stream $stream_commands]
set type [r type $key]
set cmds [dict get $commands $type]
set start_time [clock seconds]
set sent {}
set succeeded 0
while {([clock seconds]-$start_time) < $duration} {
# find a random command for our key type
set cmd_idx [expr {int(rand()*[llength $cmds])}]
set cmd [lindex $cmds $cmd_idx]
# get the command details from redis
if { [ catch {
set cmd_info [lindex [r command info $cmd] 0]
} err ] } {
# if we failed, it means redis crashed after the previous command
return $sent
# try to build a valid command argument
set arity [lindex $cmd_info 1]
set arity [expr $arity < 0 ? - $arity: $arity]
set firstkey [lindex $cmd_info 3]
set lastkey [lindex $cmd_info 4]
set i 1
if {$cmd == "XINFO"} {
lappend cmd "STREAM"
lappend cmd $key
lappend cmd "FULL"
incr i 3
if {$cmd == "XREAD"} {
lappend cmd "STREAMS"
lappend cmd $key
randpath {
lappend cmd \$
} {
lappend cmd [randomValue]
incr i 3
if {$cmd == "XADD"} {
lappend cmd $key
randpath {
lappend cmd "*"
} {
lappend cmd [randomValue]
lappend cmd [randomValue]
lappend cmd [randomValue]
incr i 4
for {} {$i < $arity} {incr i} {
if {$i == $firstkey || $i == $lastkey} {
lappend cmd $key
} else {
lappend cmd [randomValue]
# execute the command, we expect commands to fail on syntax errors
lappend sent $cmd
if { ! [ catch {
r {*}$cmd
} err ] } {
incr succeeded
} else {
set err [format "%s" $err] ;# convert to string for pattern matching
if {[string match "*SIGTERM*" $err]} {
puts "commands caused test to hang:"
foreach cmd $sent {
foreach arg $cmd {
puts -nonewline "[string2printable $arg] "
puts ""
# Re-raise, let handler up the stack take care of this.
error $err $::errorInfo
# print stats so that we know if we managed to generate commands that actually made sense
#if {$::verbose} {
# set count [llength $sent]
# puts "Fuzzy traffic sent: $count, succeeded: $succeeded"
# return the list of commands we sent
return $sent
proc string2printable s {
set res {}
set has_special_chars false
foreach i [split $s {}] {
scan $i %c int
# non printable characters, including space and excluding: " \ $ { }
if {$int < 32 || $int > 122 || $int == 34 || $int == 36 || $int == 92} {
set has_special_chars true
# TCL8.5 has issues mixing \x notation and normal chars in the same
# source code string, so we'll convert the entire string.
append res \\x[format %02X $int]
if {!$has_special_chars} {
return $s
set res "\"$res\""
return $res
# Calculation value of Chi-Square Distribution. By this value
# we can verify the random distribution sample confidence.
# Based on the following wiki:
# param res Random sample list
# return Value of Chi-Square Distribution
# x2_value: return of chi_square_value function
# df: Degrees of freedom, Number of independent values minus 1
# By using x2_value and df to back check the cardinality table,
# we can know the confidence of the random sample.
proc chi_square_value {res} {
unset -nocomplain mydict
foreach key $res {
dict incr mydict $key 1
set x2_value 0
set p [expr [llength $res] / [dict size $mydict]]
foreach key [dict keys $mydict] {
set value [dict get $mydict $key]
# Aggregate the chi-square value of each element
set v [expr {pow($value - $p, 2) / $p}]
set x2_value [expr {$x2_value + $v}]
return $x2_value
#subscribe to Pub/Sub channels
proc consume_subscribe_messages {client type channels} {
set numsub -1
set counts {}
for {set i [llength $channels]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} {
set msg [$client read]
assert_equal $type [lindex $msg 0]
# when receiving subscribe messages the channels names
# are ordered. when receiving unsubscribe messages
# they are unordered
set idx [lsearch -exact $channels [lindex $msg 1]]
if {[string match "*unsubscribe" $type]} {
assert {$idx >= 0}
} else {
assert {$idx == 0}
set channels [lreplace $channels $idx $idx]
# aggregate the subscription count to return to the caller
lappend counts [lindex $msg 2]
# we should have received messages for channels
assert {[llength $channels] == 0}
return $counts
proc subscribe {client channels} {
$client subscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client subscribe $channels
proc ssubscribe {client channels} {
$client ssubscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client ssubscribe $channels
proc unsubscribe {client {channels {}}} {
$client unsubscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client unsubscribe $channels
proc sunsubscribe {client {channels {}}} {
$client sunsubscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client sunsubscribe $channels
proc psubscribe {client channels} {
$client psubscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client psubscribe $channels
proc punsubscribe {client {channels {}}} {
$client punsubscribe {*}$channels
consume_subscribe_messages $client punsubscribe $channels
proc debug_digest_value {key} {
if {[lsearch $::denytags "needs:debug"] >= 0 || $::ignoredigest} {
return "dummy-digest-value"
r debug digest-value $key
proc debug_digest {{level 0}} {
if {[lsearch $::denytags "needs:debug"] >= 0 || $::ignoredigest} {
return "dummy-digest"
r $level debug digest
proc wait_for_blocked_client {} {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s blocked_clients] ne 0
} else {
fail "no blocked clients"
proc wait_for_blocked_clients_count {count {maxtries 100} {delay 10}} {
wait_for_condition $maxtries $delay {
[s blocked_clients] == $count
} else {
fail "Timeout waiting for blocked clients"
proc read_from_aof {fp} {
# Input fp is a blocking binary file descriptor of an opened AOF file.
if {[gets $fp count] == -1} return ""
set count [string range $count 1 end]
# Return a list of arguments for the command.
set res {}
for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
read $fp 1
set arg [::redis::redis_bulk_read $fp]
if {$j == 0} {set arg [string tolower $arg]}
lappend res $arg
return $res
proc assert_aof_content {aof_path patterns} {
set fp [open $aof_path r]
fconfigure $fp -translation binary
fconfigure $fp -blocking 1
for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $patterns]} {incr j} {
assert_match [lindex $patterns $j] [read_from_aof $fp]
proc config_set {param value {options {}}} {
set mayfail 0
foreach option $options {
switch $option {
"mayfail" {
set mayfail 1
default {
error "Unknown option $option"
if {[catch {r config set $param $value} err]} {
if {!$mayfail} {
error $err
} else {
if {$::verbose} {
puts "Ignoring CONFIG SET $param $value failure: $err"
proc config_get_set {param value {options {}}} {
set config [lindex [r config get $param] 1]
config_set $param $value $options
return $config
proc delete_lines_with_pattern {filename tmpfilename pattern} {
set fh_in [open $filename r]
set fh_out [open $tmpfilename w]
while {[gets $fh_in line] != -1} {
if {![regexp $pattern $line]} {
puts $fh_out $line
close $fh_in
close $fh_out
file rename -force $tmpfilename $filename
proc get_nonloopback_addr {} {
set addrlist [list {}]
catch { set addrlist [exec hostname -I] }
return [lindex $addrlist 0]
proc get_nonloopback_client {} {
return [redis [get_nonloopback_addr] [srv 0 "port"] 0 $::tls]
# The following functions and variables are used only when running large-memory
# tests. We avoid defining them when not running large-memory tests because the
# global variables takes up lots of memory.
proc init_large_mem_vars {} {
if {![info exists ::str500]} {
set ::str500 [string repeat x 500000000] ;# 500mb
set ::str500_len [string length $::str500]
# Utility function to write big argument into redis client connection
proc write_big_bulk {size {prefix ""} {skip_read no}} {
assert {[string length prefix] <= $size}
r write "\$$size\r\n"
r write $prefix
incr size -[string length $prefix]
while {$size >= 500000000} {
r write $::str500
incr size -500000000
if {$size > 0} {
r write [string repeat x $size]
r write "\r\n"
if {!$skip_read} {
r flush
r read
# Utility to read big bulk response (work around Tcl limitations)
proc read_big_bulk {code {compare no} {prefix ""}} {
r readraw 1
set resp_len [uplevel 1 $code] ;# get the first line of the RESP response
assert_equal [string range $resp_len 0 0] "$"
set resp_len [string range $resp_len 1 end]
set prefix_len [string length $prefix]
if {$compare} {
assert {$prefix_len <= $resp_len}
assert {$prefix_len <= $::str500_len}
set remaining $resp_len
while {$remaining > 0} {
set l $remaining
if {$l > $::str500_len} {set l $::str500_len} ; # can't read more than 2gb at a time, so read 500mb so we can easily verify read data
set read_data [r rawread $l]
set nbytes [string length $read_data]
if {$compare} {
set comp_len $nbytes
# Compare prefix part
if {$remaining == $resp_len} {
assert_equal $prefix [string range $read_data 0 [expr $prefix_len - 1]]
set read_data [string range $read_data $prefix_len $nbytes]
incr comp_len -$prefix_len
# Compare rest of data, evaluate and then assert to avoid huge print in case of failure
set data_equal [expr {$read_data == [string range $::str500 0 [expr $comp_len - 1]]}]
assert $data_equal
incr remaining -$nbytes
assert_equal [r rawread 2] "\r\n"
r readraw 0
return $resp_len
proc prepare_value {size} {
set _v "c"
for {set i 1} {$i < $size} {incr i} {
append _v 0
return $_v
proc memory_usage {key} {
set usage [r memory usage $key]
if {![string match {*jemalloc*} [s mem_allocator]]} {
# libc allocator can sometimes return a different size allocation for the same requested size
# this makes tests that rely on MEMORY USAGE unreliable, so instead we return a constant 1
set usage 1
return $usage
# forward compatibility, lmap missing in TCL 8.5
proc lmap args {
set body [lindex $args end]
set args [lrange $args 0 end-1]
set n 0
set pairs [list]
foreach {varnames listval} $args {
set varlist [list]
foreach varname $varnames {
upvar 1 $varname var$n
lappend varlist var$n
incr n
lappend pairs $varlist $listval
set temp [list]
foreach {*}$pairs {
lappend temp [uplevel 1 $body]
set temp