zhaozhao.zz 77a65e82b2
support XREAD[GROUP] with BLOCK option in scripts (#12596)
In #11568 we removed the NOSCRIPT flag from commands and keep the BLOCKING flag.
Aiming to allow them in scripts and let them implicitly behave in the non-blocking way.

In that sense, the old behavior was to allow LPOP and reject BLPOP, and the new behavior,
is to allow BLPOP too, and fail it only in case it ends up blocking.
So likewise, so far we allowed XREAD and rejected XREAD BLOCK, and we will now allow
that too, and only reject it if it ends up blocking.
2023-10-12 10:54:50 +03:00

2235 lines
79 KiB

foreach is_eval {0 1} {
if {$is_eval == 1} {
proc run_script {args} {
r eval {*}$args
proc run_script_ro {args} {
r eval_ro {*}$args
proc run_script_on_connection {args} {
[lindex $args 0] eval {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc kill_script {args} {
r script kill
} else {
proc run_script {args} {
r function load replace [format "#!lua name=test\nredis.register_function('test', function(KEYS, ARGV)\n %s \nend)" [lindex $args 0]]
if {[r readingraw] eq 1} {
# read name
assert_equal {test} [r read]
r fcall test {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc run_script_ro {args} {
r function load replace [format "#!lua name=test\nredis.register_function{function_name='test', callback=function(KEYS, ARGV)\n %s \nend, flags={'no-writes'}}" [lindex $args 0]]
if {[r readingraw] eq 1} {
# read name
assert_equal {test} [r read]
r fcall_ro test {*}[lrange $args 1 end]
proc run_script_on_connection {args} {
set rd [lindex $args 0]
$rd function load replace [format "#!lua name=test\nredis.register_function('test', function(KEYS, ARGV)\n %s \nend)" [lindex $args 1]]
# read name
$rd read
$rd fcall test {*}[lrange $args 2 end]
proc kill_script {args} {
r function kill
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
test {Script - disallow write on OOM} {
r config set maxmemory 1
catch {[r eval "'set', 'x', 1)" 0]} e
assert_match {*command not allowed when used memory*} $e
r config set maxmemory 0
} {OK} {needs:config-maxmemory}
} ;# is_eval
test {EVAL - Does Lua interpreter replies to our requests?} {
run_script {return 'hello'} 0
} {hello}
test {EVAL - Return _G} {
run_script {return _G} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Return table with a metatable that raise error} {
run_script {local a = {}; setmetatable(a,{__index=function() foo() end}) return a} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Return table with a metatable that call redis} {
run_script {local a = {}; setmetatable(a,{__index=function()'set', 'x', '1') end}) return a} 1 x
# make sure x was not set
r get x
} {}
test {EVAL - Lua integer -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return 100.5} 0
} {100}
test {EVAL - Lua string -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return 'hello world'} 0
} {hello world}
test {EVAL - Lua true boolean -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return true} 0
} {1}
test {EVAL - Lua false boolean -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return false} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Lua status code reply -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return {ok='fine'}} 0
} {fine}
test {EVAL - Lua error reply -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
catch {
run_script {return {err='ERR this is an error'}} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {ERR this is an error}
test {EVAL - Lua table -> Redis protocol type conversion} {
run_script {return {1,2,3,'ciao',{1,2}}} 0
} {1 2 3 ciao {1 2}}
test {EVAL - Are the KEYS and ARGV arrays populated correctly?} {
run_script {return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}} 2 a{t} b{t} c{t} d{t}
} {a{t} b{t} c{t} d{t}}
test {EVAL - is Lua able to call Redis API?} {
r set mykey myval
run_script {return'get',KEYS[1])} 1 mykey
} {myval}
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
# eval sha is only relevant for is_eval Lua
test {EVALSHA - Can we call a SHA1 if already defined?} {
r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA_RO - Can we call a SHA1 if already defined?} {
r evalsha_ro fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA - Can we call a SHA1 in uppercase?} {
r evalsha FD758D1589D044DD850A6F05D52F2EEFD27F033F 1 mykey
} {myval}
test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on invalid SHA1?} {
catch {r evalsha NotValidShaSUM 0} e
set _ $e
test {EVALSHA - Do we get an error on non defined SHA1?} {
catch {r evalsha ffd632c7d33e571e9f24556ebed26c3479a87130 0} e
set _ $e
} ;# is_eval
test {EVAL - Redis integer -> Lua type conversion} {
r set x 0
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('incr',KEYS[1])
return {type(foo),foo}
} 1 x
} {number 1}
test {EVAL - Redis bulk -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('get',KEYS[1])
return {type(foo),foo}
} 1 mykey
} {string myval}
test {EVAL - Redis multi bulk -> Lua type conversion} {
r del mylist
r rpush mylist a
r rpush mylist b
r rpush mylist c
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('lrange',KEYS[1],0,-1)
return {type(foo),foo[1],foo[2],foo[3],# foo}
} 1 mylist
} {table a b c 3}
test {EVAL - Redis status reply -> Lua type conversion} {
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('set',KEYS[1],'myval')
return {type(foo),foo['ok']}
} 1 mykey
} {table OK}
test {EVAL - Redis error reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r set mykey myval
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('incr',KEYS[1])
return {type(foo),foo['err']}
} 1 mykey
} {table {ERR value is not an integer or out of range}}
test {EVAL - Redis nil bulk reply -> Lua type conversion} {
r del mykey
run_script {
local foo = redis.pcall('get',KEYS[1])
return {type(foo),foo == false}
} 1 mykey
} {boolean 1}
test {EVAL - Is the Lua client using the currently selected DB?} {
r set mykey "this is DB 9"
r select 10
r set mykey "this is DB 10"
run_script {return redis.pcall('get',KEYS[1])} 1 mykey
} {this is DB 10} {singledb:skip}
test {EVAL - SELECT inside Lua should not affect the caller} {
# here we DB 10 is selected
r set mykey "original value"
run_script {return redis.pcall('select','9')} 0
set res [r get mykey]
r select 9
set res
} {original value} {singledb:skip}
if 0 {
test {EVAL - Script can't run more than configured time limit} {
r config set lua-time-limit 1
catch {
run_script {
local i = 0
while true do i=i+1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*execution time*}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on blpop command} {
r lpush l 1
r lpop l
run_script {return redis.pcall('blpop','l',0)} 1 l
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on brpop command} {
r lpush l 1
r lpop l
run_script {return redis.pcall('brpop','l',0)} 1 l
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on brpoplpush command} {
r lpush empty_list1{t} 1
r lpop empty_list1{t}
run_script {return redis.pcall('brpoplpush','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}',0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on blmove command} {
r lpush empty_list1{t} 1
r lpop empty_list1{t}
run_script {return redis.pcall('blmove','empty_list1{t}', 'empty_list2{t}', 'LEFT', 'LEFT', 0)} 2 empty_list1{t} empty_list2{t}
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on bzpopmin command} {
r zadd empty_zset 10 foo
r zmpop 1 empty_zset MIN
run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmin','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on bzpopmax command} {
r zadd empty_zset 10 foo
r zmpop 1 empty_zset MIN
run_script {return redis.pcall('bzpopmax','empty_zset', 0)} 1 empty_zset
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on wait} {
run_script {return redis.pcall('wait','1','0')} 0
} {0}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on XREAD with BLOCK option} {
r del s
r xgroup create s g $ MKSTREAM
set res [run_script {return redis.pcall('xread','STREAMS','s','$')} 1 s]
assert {$res eq {}}
run_script {return redis.pcall('xread','BLOCK',0,'STREAMS','s','$')} 1 s
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on XREADGROUP with BLOCK option} {
set res [run_script {return redis.pcall('xreadgroup','group','g','c','STREAMS','s','>')} 1 s]
assert {$res eq {}}
run_script {return redis.pcall('xreadgroup','group','g','c','BLOCK',0,'STREAMS','s','>')} 1 s
} {}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on XREAD with BLOCK option -- non empty stream} {
r XADD s * a 1
set res [run_script {return redis.pcall('xread','BLOCK',0,'STREAMS','s','$')} 1 s]
assert {$res eq {}}
set res [run_script {return redis.pcall('xread','BLOCK',0,'STREAMS','s','0-0')} 1 s]
assert {[lrange [lindex $res 0 1 0 1] 0 1] eq {a 1}}
test {EVAL - Scripts do not block on XREADGROUP with BLOCK option -- non empty stream} {
r XADD s * b 2
set res [
run_script {return redis.pcall('xreadgroup','group','g','c','BLOCK',0,'STREAMS','s','>')} 1 s
assert {[llength [lindex $res 0 1]] == 2}
lindex $res 0 1 0 1
} {a 1}
test {EVAL - Scripts can run non-deterministic commands} {
set e {}
catch {
run_script {redis.pcall('randomkey'); return redis.pcall('set','x','ciao')} 1 x
} e
set e
} {*OK*}
test {EVAL - No arguments to is considered an error} {
set e {}
catch {run_script {return} 0} e
set e
} {*one argument*}
test {EVAL - variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
catch {
run_script "'nosuchcommand')" 0
} e
set e
} {*Unknown Redis*}
test {EVAL - variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
catch {
run_script "'get','a','b','c')" 0
} e
set e
} {*number of args*}
test {EVAL - variant raises a Lua error on Redis cmd error (1)} {
set e {}
r set foo bar
catch {
run_script {'lpush',KEYS[1],'val')} 1 foo
} e
set e
} {*against a key*}
test {EVAL - JSON string encoding a string larger than 2GB} {
run_script {
local s = string.rep("a", 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
return #cjson.encode(s..s..s)
} 0
} {3221225474} {large-memory} ;# length includes two double quotes at both ends
test {EVAL - JSON numeric decoding} {
# We must return the table as a string because otherwise
# Redis converts floats to ints and we get 0 and 1023 instead
# of 0.0003 and 1023.2 as the parsed output.
run_script {return
"[0.0, -5e3, -1, 0.3e-3, 1023.2, 0e10]"), " ")
} 0
} {0 -5000 -1 0.0003 1023.2 0}
test {EVAL - JSON string decoding} {
run_script {local decoded = cjson.decode('{"keya": "a", "keyb": "b"}')
return {decoded.keya, decoded.keyb}
} 0
} {a b}
test {EVAL - JSON smoke test} {
run_script {
local some_map = {
s1="Some string",
local encoded = cjson.encode(some_map)
local decoded = cjson.decode(encoded)
assert(table.concat(some_map) == table.concat(decoded))
encoded = cjson.encode(some_map)
decoded = cjson.decode(encoded)
assert(table.concat(some_map) == table.concat(decoded))
-- Table with numeric keys
local table1 = {one="one", [1]="one"}
encoded = cjson.encode(table1)
decoded = cjson.decode(encoded)
assert(decoded["one"] == table1["one"])
assert(decoded["1"] == table1[1])
-- Array
local array1 = {[1]="one", [2]="two"}
encoded = cjson.encode(array1)
decoded = cjson.decode(encoded)
assert(table.concat(array1) == table.concat(decoded))
-- Invalid keys
local invalid_map = {}
invalid_map[false] = "false"
local ok, encoded = pcall(cjson.encode, invalid_map)
assert(ok == false)
-- Max depth
ok, encoded = pcall(cjson.encode, some_map)
assert(ok == false)
ok, decoded = pcall(cjson.decode, '{"obj": {"array": [1,2,3,4]}}')
assert(ok == false)
-- Invalid numbers
ok, encoded = pcall(cjson.encode, {num1=0/0})
assert(ok == false)
ok, encoded = pcall(cjson.encode, {num1=0/0})
assert(ok == true)
-- Restore defaults
} 0
test {EVAL - cmsgpack can pack double?} {
run_script {local encoded = cmsgpack.pack(0.1)
local h = ""
for i = 1, #encoded do
h = h .. string.format("%02x",string.byte(encoded,i))
return h
} 0
} {cb3fb999999999999a}
test {EVAL - cmsgpack can pack negative int64?} {
run_script {local encoded = cmsgpack.pack(-1099511627776)
local h = ""
for i = 1, #encoded do
h = h .. string.format("%02x",string.byte(encoded,i))
return h
} 0
} {d3ffffff0000000000}
test {EVAL - cmsgpack pack/unpack smoke test} {
run_script {
local str_lt_32 = string.rep("x", 30)
local str_lt_255 = string.rep("x", 250)
local str_lt_65535 = string.rep("x", 65530)
local str_long = string.rep("x", 100000)
local array_lt_15 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
local array_lt_65535 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18}
local array_big = {}
for i=1, 100000 do
array_big[i] = i
local map_lt_15 = {a=1, b=2}
local map_big = {}
for i=1, 100000 do
map_big[tostring(i)] = i
local some_map = {
local encoded = cmsgpack.pack(some_map)
local decoded = cmsgpack.unpack(encoded)
assert(table.concat(some_map) == table.concat(decoded))
local offset, decoded_one = cmsgpack.unpack_one(encoded, 0)
assert(table.concat(some_map) == table.concat(decoded_one))
assert(offset == -1)
local encoded_multiple = cmsgpack.pack(str_lt_32, str_lt_255, str_lt_65535, str_long)
local offset, obj = cmsgpack.unpack_limit(encoded_multiple, 1, 0)
assert(obj == str_lt_32)
offset, obj = cmsgpack.unpack_limit(encoded_multiple, 1, offset)
assert(obj == str_lt_255)
offset, obj = cmsgpack.unpack_limit(encoded_multiple, 1, offset)
assert(obj == str_lt_65535)
offset, obj = cmsgpack.unpack_limit(encoded_multiple, 1, offset)
assert(obj == str_long)
assert(offset == -1)
} 0
test {EVAL - cmsgpack can pack and unpack circular references?} {
run_script {local a = {x=nil,y=5}
local b = {x=a}
a['x'] = b
local encoded = cmsgpack.pack(a)
local h = ""
-- cmsgpack encodes to a depth of 16, but can't encode
-- references, so the encoded object has a deep copy recursive
-- depth of 16.
for i = 1, #encoded do
h = h .. string.format("%02x",string.byte(encoded,i))
-- when unpacked, re.x.x != re because the unpack creates
-- individual tables down to a depth of 16.
-- (that's why the encoded output is so large)
local re = cmsgpack.unpack(encoded)
assert(re.x.x.y == re.y)
assert(re.x.x.x.x.y == re.y)
assert(re.x.x.x.x.x.x.y == re.y)
assert(re.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.y == re.y)
-- maximum working depth:
assert(re.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.y == re.y)
-- now the last x would be b above and has no y
-- so, the final x.x is at the depth limit and was assigned nil
assert(re.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x == nil)
return {h, re.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.y == re.y, re.y == 5}
} 0
} {82a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a17882a17905a17881a178c0 1 1}
test {EVAL - Numerical sanity check from bitop} {
run_script {assert(0x7fffffff == 2147483647, "broken hex literals");
assert(0xffffffff == -1 or 0xffffffff == 2^32-1,
"broken hex literals");
assert(tostring(-1) == "-1", "broken tostring()");
assert(tostring(0xffffffff) == "-1" or
tostring(0xffffffff) == "4294967295",
"broken tostring()")
} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Verify minimal bitop functionality} {
run_script {assert(bit.tobit(1) == 1);
assert( == 1);
assert(bit.bxor(1,2) == 3);
assert(bit.bor(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128) == 255)
} 0
} {}
test {EVAL - Able to parse trailing comments} {
run_script {return 'hello' --trailing comment} 0
} {hello}
test {EVAL_RO - Successful case} {
r set foo bar
assert_equal bar [run_script_ro {return'get', KEYS[1]);} 1 foo]
test {EVAL_RO - Cannot run write commands} {
r set foo bar
catch {run_script_ro {'del', KEYS[1]);} 1 foo} e
set e
} {ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts*}
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
# script command is only relevant for is_eval Lua
test {SCRIPTING FLUSH - is able to clear the scripts cache?} {
r set mykey myval
set v [r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey]
assert_equal $v myval
set e ""
r script flush
catch {r evalsha fd758d1589d044dd850a6f05d52f2eefd27f033f 1 mykey} e
set e
for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
r script load "return $j"
assert { [string match "*number_of_cached_scripts:100*" [r info Memory]] }
r script flush async
assert { [string match "*number_of_cached_scripts:0*" [r info Memory]] }
test {SCRIPT EXISTS - can detect already defined scripts?} {
r eval "return 1+1" 0
r script exists a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bd9 a27e7e8a43702b7046d4f6a7ccf5b60cef6b9bda
} {1 0}
test {SCRIPT LOAD - is able to register scripts in the scripting cache} {
list \
[r script load "return 'loaded'"] \
[r evalsha b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 0]
} {b534286061d4b9e4026607613b95c06c06015ae8 loaded}
test "SORT is normally not alpha re-ordered for the scripting engine" {
r del myset
r sadd myset 1 2 3 4 10
r eval {return'sort',KEYS[1],'desc')} 1 myset
} {10 4 3 2 1} {cluster:skip}
test "SORT BY <constant> output gets ordered for scripting" {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z aa aaa azz
r eval {return'sort',KEYS[1],'by','_')} 1 myset
} {a aa aaa azz b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v z} {cluster:skip}
test "SORT BY <constant> with GET gets ordered for scripting" {
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c
r eval {return'sort',KEYS[1],'by','_','get','#','get','_:*')} 1 myset
} {a {} b {} c {}} {cluster:skip}
} ;# is_eval
test "redis.sha1hex() implementation" {
list [run_script {return redis.sha1hex('')} 0] \
[run_script {return redis.sha1hex('Pizza & Mandolino')} 0]
} {da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 74822d82031af7493c20eefa13bd07ec4fada82f}
test {Globals protection reading an undeclared global variable} {
catch {run_script {return a} 0} e
set e
} {ERR *attempted to access * global*}
test {Globals protection setting an undeclared global*} {
catch {run_script {a=10} 0} e
set e
} {ERR *Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test {Test an example script DECR_IF_GT} {
set decr_if_gt {
local current
current ='get',KEYS[1])
if not current then return nil end
if current > ARGV[1] then
r set foo 5
set res {}
lappend res [run_script $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [run_script $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [run_script $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [run_script $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
lappend res [run_script $decr_if_gt 1 foo 2]
set res
} {4 3 2 2 2}
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
# random handling is only relevant for is_eval Lua
test {random numbers are random now} {
set rand1 [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
wait_for_condition 100 1 {
$rand1 ne [r eval {return tostring(math.random())} 0]
} else {
fail "random numbers should be random, now it's fixed value"
test {Scripting engine PRNG can be seeded correctly} {
set rand1 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 10]
set rand2 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 10]
set rand3 [r eval {
math.randomseed(ARGV[1]); return tostring(math.random())
} 0 20]
assert_equal $rand1 $rand2
assert {$rand2 ne $rand3}
} ;# is_eval
test {EVAL does not leak in the Lua stack} {
r script flush ;# reset Lua VM
r set x 0
# Use a non blocking client to speedup the loop.
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
run_script_on_connection $rd {return"incr",KEYS[1])} 1 x
for {set j 0} {$j < 10000} {incr j} {
$rd read
assert {[s used_memory_lua] < 1024*100}
$rd close
r get x
} {10000}
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
test {SPOP: We can call scripts rewriting client->argv from Lua} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
#this sadd operation is for external-cluster test. If myset doesn't exist, 'del myset' won't get propagated.
r sadd myset ppp
r del myset
r sadd myset a b c
assert {[r eval {return'spop', 'myset')} 0] ne {}}
assert {[r eval {return'spop', 'myset', 1)} 0] ne {}}
assert {[r eval {return'spop', KEYS[1])} 1 myset] ne {}}
# this one below should not be replicated
assert {[r eval {return'spop', KEYS[1])} 1 myset] eq {}}
r set trailingkey 1
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{sadd *}
{del *}
{sadd *}
{srem myset *}
{srem myset *}
{srem myset *}
{set *}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {MGET: mget shouldn't be propagated in Lua} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r mset a{t} 1 b{t} 2 c{t} 3 d{t} 4
#read-only, won't be replicated
assert {[r eval {return'mget', 'a{t}', 'b{t}', 'c{t}', 'd{t}')} 0] eq {1 2 3 4}}
r set trailingkey 2
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{mset *}
{set *}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {EXPIRE: We can call scripts rewriting client->argv from Lua} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
r set expirekey 1
#should be replicated as EXPIREAT
assert {[r eval {return'expire', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])} 1 expirekey 3] eq 1}
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set *}
{pexpireat expirekey *}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
test {INCRBYFLOAT: We can call scripts expanding client->argv from Lua} {
# coverage for scripts calling commands that expand the argv array
# an attempt to add coverage for a possible bug in luaArgsToRedisArgv
# this test needs a fresh server so that lua_argv_size is 0.
# glibc realloc can return the same pointer even when the size changes
# still this test isn't able to trigger the issue, but we keep it anyway.
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
set repl [attach_to_replication_stream]
# a command with 5 argsument
r eval {'hmget', KEYS[1], 1, 2, 3)} 1 key
# then a command with 3 that is replicated as one with 4
r eval {'incrbyfloat', KEYS[1], 1)} 1 key
# then a command with 4 args
r eval {'set', KEYS[1], '1', 'KEEPTTL')} 1 key
assert_replication_stream $repl {
{select *}
{set key 1 KEEPTTL}
{set key 1 KEEPTTL}
close_replication_stream $repl
} {} {needs:repl}
} ;# is_eval
test {Call Redis command with many args from Lua (issue #1764)} {
run_script {
local i
local x={}'del','mylist')
for i=1,100 do
} 1 mylist
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100}
test {Number conversion precision test (issue #1118)} {
run_script {
local value = 9007199254740991"set","foo",value)
} 1 foo
} {9007199254740991}
test {String containing number precision test (regression of issue #1118)} {
run_script {"set", "key", "12039611435714932082")
return"get", "key")
} 1 key
} {12039611435714932082}
test {Verify negative arg count is error instead of crash (issue #1842)} {
catch { run_script { return "hello" } -12 } e
set e
} {ERR Number of keys can't be negative}
test {Scripts can handle commands with incorrect arity} {
assert_error "ERR Wrong number of args calling Redis command from script*" {run_script "'set','invalid')" 0}
assert_error "ERR Wrong number of args calling Redis command from script*" {run_script "'incr')" 0}
test {Correct handling of reused argv (issue #1939)} {
run_script {
for i = 0, 10 do'SET', 'a{t}', '1')'MGET', 'a{t}', 'b{t}', 'c{t}')'EXPIRE', 'a{t}', 0)'GET', 'a{t}')'MGET', 'a{t}', 'b{t}', 'c{t}')
} 3 a{t} b{t} c{t}
test {Functions in the Redis namespace are able to report errors} {
catch {
run_script {
} 0
} e
set e
} {*wrong number*}
test {CLUSTER RESET can not be invoke from within a script} {
catch {
run_script {'cluster', 'reset', 'hard')
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*command is not allowed*}
test {Script with RESP3 map} {
set expected_dict [dict create field value]
set expected_list [list field value]
# Sanity test for RESP3 without scripts
r hset hash field value
set res [r hgetall hash]
assert_equal $res $expected_dict
# Test RESP3 client with script in both RESP2 and RESP3 modes
set res [run_script {redis.setresp(3); return'hgetall', KEYS[1])} 1 hash]
assert_equal $res $expected_dict
set res [run_script {redis.setresp(2); return'hgetall', KEYS[1])} 1 hash]
assert_equal $res $expected_list
# Test RESP2 client with script in both RESP2 and RESP3 modes
set res [run_script {redis.setresp(3); return'hgetall', KEYS[1])} 1 hash]
assert_equal $res $expected_list
set res [run_script {redis.setresp(2); return'hgetall', KEYS[1])} 1 hash]
assert_equal $res $expected_list
} {} {resp3}
if {!$::log_req_res} { # this test creates a huge nested array which python can't handle (RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison)
test {Script return recursive object} {
r readraw 1
set res [run_script {local a = {}; local b = {a}; a[1] = b; return a} 0]
# drain the response
while {true} {
if {$res == "-ERR reached lua stack limit"} {
assert_equal $res "*1"
set res [r read]
r readraw 0
# make sure the connection is still valid
assert_equal [r ping] {PONG}
test {Script check unpack with massive arguments} {
run_script {
local a = {}
for i=1,7999 do
a[i] = 1
return"lpush", "l", unpack(a))
} 1 l
} {7999}
test "Script read key with expiration set" {
r SET key value EX 10
assert_equal [run_script {
if"EXISTS", "key") then
return"GET", "key")
return"EXISTS", "key")
} 1 key] "value"
test "Script del key with expiration set" {
r SET key value EX 10
assert_equal [run_script {"DEL", "key")
return"EXISTS", "key")
} 1 key] 0
test "Script ACL check" {
r acl setuser bob on {>123} {+@scripting} {+set} {~x*}
assert_equal [r auth bob 123] {OK}
# Check permission granted
assert_equal [run_script {
return redis.acl_check_cmd('set','xx',1)
} 1 xx] 1
# Check permission denied unauthorised command
assert_equal [run_script {
return redis.acl_check_cmd('hset','xx','f',1)
} 1 xx] {}
# Check permission denied unauthorised key
# Note: we don't pass the "yy" key as an argument to the script so key acl checks won't block the script
assert_equal [run_script {
return redis.acl_check_cmd('set','yy',1)
} 0] {}
# Check error due to invalid command
assert_error {ERR *Invalid command passed to redis.acl_check_cmd()*} {run_script {
return redis.acl_check_cmd('invalid-cmd','arg')
} 0}
test "Binary code loading failed" {
assert_error {ERR *attempt to call a nil value*} {run_script {
return loadstring(string.dump(function() return 1 end))()
} 0}
test "Try trick global protection 1" {
catch {
run_script {
setmetatable(_G, {})
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick global protection 2" {
catch {
run_script {
local g = getmetatable(_G)
g.__index = {}
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick global protection 3" {
catch {
run_script {
redis = function() return 1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick global protection 4" {
catch {
run_script {
_G = {}
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick readonly table on redis table" {
catch {
run_script { = function() return 1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick readonly table on json table" {
catch {
run_script {
cjson.encode = function() return 1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick readonly table on cmsgpack table" {
catch {
run_script {
cmsgpack.pack = function() return 1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Try trick readonly table on bit table" {
catch {
run_script {
bit.lshift = function() return 1 end
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Attempt to modify a readonly table*}
test "Test loadfile are not available" {
catch {
run_script {
loadfile('some file')
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable 'loadfile'*}
test "Test dofile are not available" {
catch {
run_script {
dofile('some file')
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable 'dofile'*}
test "Test print are not available" {
catch {
run_script {
print('some data')
} 0
} e
set _ $e
} {*Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable 'print'*}
# Start a new server since the last test in this stanza will kill the
# instance at all.
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
test {Timedout read-only scripts can be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
run_script_on_connection $rd {while true do end} 0
after 200
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again...
assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
$rd close
test {Timedout read-only scripts can be killed by SCRIPT KILL even when use pcall} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
run_script_on_connection $rd {local f = function() while 1 do'ping') end end while 1 do pcall(f) end} 0
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[catch {r ping} e] == 1
} else {
fail "Can't wait for script to start running"
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[catch {r ping} e] == 0
} else {
fail "Can't wait for script to be killed"
assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
catch {$rd read} res
$rd close
assert_match {*killed by user*} $res
test {Timedout script does not cause a false dead client} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
# senging (in a pipeline):
# 1. eval "while 1 do'ping') end" 0
# 2. ping
if {$is_eval == 1} {
set buf "*3\r\n\$4\r\neval\r\n\$33\r\nwhile 1 do'ping') end\r\n\$1\r\n0\r\n"
append buf "*1\r\n\$4\r\nping\r\n"
} else {
set buf "*4\r\n\$8\r\nfunction\r\n\$4\r\nload\r\n\$7\r\nreplace\r\n\$97\r\n#!lua name=test\nredis.register_function('test', function() while 1 do'ping') end end)\r\n"
append buf "*3\r\n\$5\r\nfcall\r\n\$4\r\ntest\r\n\$1\r\n0\r\n"
append buf "*1\r\n\$4\r\nping\r\n"
$rd write $buf
$rd flush
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[catch {r ping} e] == 1
} else {
fail "Can't wait for script to start running"
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[catch {r ping} e] == 0
} else {
fail "Can't wait for script to be killed"
assert_equal [r ping] "PONG"
if {$is_eval == 0} {
# read the function name
assert_match {test} [$rd read]
catch {$rd read} res
assert_match {*killed by user*} $res
set res [$rd read]
assert_match {*PONG*} $res
$rd close
test {Timedout script link is still usable after Lua returns} {
r config set lua-time-limit 10
run_script {for i=1,100000 do'ping') end return 'ok'} 0
r ping
} {PONG}
test {Timedout scripts and unblocked command} {
# make sure a command that's allowed during BUSY doesn't trigger an unblocked command
# enable AOF to also expose an assertion if the bug would happen
r flushall
r config set appendonly yes
# create clients, and set one to block waiting for key 'x'
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
set r3 [redis_client]
$rd2 blpop x 0
wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
# hack: allow the script to use client list command so that we can control when it aborts
r DEBUG set-disable-deny-scripts 1
r config set lua-time-limit 10
run_script_on_connection $rd {
local clients'lpush',KEYS[1],'y');
while true do
clients ='client','list')
if string.find(clients, 'abortscript') ~= nil then break end
return clients
} 1 x
# wait for the script to be busy
after 200
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
# run cause the script to abort, and run a command that could have processed
# unblocked clients (due to a bug)
$r3 hello 2 setname abortscript
# make sure the script completed before the pop was processed
assert_equal [$rd2 read] {x z}
assert_match {*abortscript*} [$rd read]
$rd close
$rd2 close
$r3 close
r DEBUG set-disable-deny-scripts 0
} {OK} {external:skip needs:debug}
test {Timedout scripts that modified data can't be killed by SCRIPT KILL} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r config set lua-time-limit 10
run_script_on_connection $rd {'set',KEYS[1],'y'); while true do end} 1 x
after 200
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
catch {kill_script} e
assert_match {UNKILLABLE*} $e
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
} {} {external:skip}
# Note: keep this test at the end of this server stanza because it
# kills the server.
test {SHUTDOWN NOSAVE can kill a timedout script anyway} {
# The server should be still unresponding to normal commands.
catch {r ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
catch {r shutdown nosave}
# Make sure the server was killed
catch {set rd [redis_deferring_client]} e
assert_match {*connection refused*} $e
} {} {external:skip}
start_server {tags {"scripting repl needs:debug external:skip"}} {
start_server {} {
test "Before the replica connects we issue two EVAL commands" {
# One with an error, but still executing a command.
# SHA is: 67164fc43fa971f76fd1aaeeaf60c1c178d25876
catch {
run_script {'incr',KEYS[1]);'nonexisting')} 1 x
# One command is correct:
# SHA is: 6f5ade10a69975e903c6d07b10ea44c6382381a5
run_script {return'incr',KEYS[1])} 1 x
} {2}
test "Connect a replica to the master instance" {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 role] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [r -1 info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
test "Now use EVALSHA against the master, with both SHAs" {
# The server should replicate successful and unsuccessful
# commands as EVAL instead of EVALSHA.
catch {
r evalsha 67164fc43fa971f76fd1aaeeaf60c1c178d25876 1 x
r evalsha 6f5ade10a69975e903c6d07b10ea44c6382381a5 1 x
} {4}
test "'x' should be '4' for EVALSHA being replicated by effects" {
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 get x] eq {4}
} else {
fail "Expected 4 in x, but value is '[r -1 get x]'"
} ;# is_eval
test "Replication of script multiple pushes to list with BLPOP" {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd brpop a 0
run_script {"lpush",KEYS[1],"1");"lpush",KEYS[1],"2");
} 1 a
set res [$rd read]
$rd close
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 lrange a 0 -1] eq [r lrange a 0 -1]
} else {
fail "Expected list 'a' in replica and master to be the same, but they are respectively '[r -1 lrange a 0 -1]' and '[r lrange a 0 -1]'"
set res
} {a 1}
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
test "EVALSHA replication when first call is readonly" {
r del x
r eval {if tonumber(ARGV[1]) > 0 then'incr', KEYS[1]) end} 1 x 0
r evalsha 6e0e2745aa546d0b50b801a20983b70710aef3ce 1 x 0
r evalsha 6e0e2745aa546d0b50b801a20983b70710aef3ce 1 x 1
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 get x] eq {1}
} else {
fail "Expected 1 in x, but value is '[r -1 get x]'"
} ;# is_eval
test "Lua scripts using SELECT are replicated correctly" {
run_script {"set","foo1","bar1")"select","10")"incr","x")"select","11")"incr","z")
} 3 foo1 x z
run_script {"set","foo1","bar1")"select","10")"incr","x")"select","11")"incr","z")
} 3 foo1 x z
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[debug_digest -1] eq [debug_digest]
} else {
fail "Master-Replica desync after Lua script using SELECT."
} {} {singledb:skip}
start_server {tags {"scripting repl external:skip"}} {
start_server {overrides {appendonly yes aof-use-rdb-preamble no}} {
test "Connect a replica to the master instance" {
r -1 slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s -1 role] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [r -1 info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
# replicate_commands is the default on Redis Function
test "Redis.replicate_commands() can be issued anywhere now" {
r eval {'set','foo','bar');
return redis.replicate_commands();
} 0
} {1}
test "Redis.set_repl() can be issued before replicate_commands() now" {
catch {
r eval {
} 0
} e
set e
} {}
test "Redis.set_repl() don't accept invalid values" {
catch {
run_script {
} 0
} e
set e
} {*Invalid*flags*}
test "Test selective replication of certain Redis commands from Lua" {
r del a b c d
run_script {'set','a','1');
} 4 a b c d
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r -1 mget a b c d] eq {1 {} {} 4}
} else {
fail "Only a and d should be replicated to replica"
# Master should have everything right now
assert {[r mget a b c d] eq {1 2 3 4}}
# After an AOF reload only a, c and d should exist
r debug loadaof
assert {[r mget a b c d] eq {1 {} 3 4}}
test "PRNG is seeded randomly for command replication" {
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
# on is_eval Lua we need to call redis.replicate_commands() to get real randomization
set a [
run_script {
return math.random()*100000;
} 0
set b [
run_script {
return math.random()*100000;
} 0
} else {
set a [
run_script {
return math.random()*100000;
} 0
set b [
run_script {
return math.random()*100000;
} 0
assert {$a ne $b}
test "Using side effects is not a problem with command replication" {
run_script {'set','time','time')[1])
} 0
assert {[r get time] ne {}}
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[r get time] eq [r -1 get time]
} else {
fail "Time key does not match between master and replica"
if {$is_eval eq 1} {
start_server {tags {"scripting external:skip"}} {
r script debug sync
r eval {return 'hello'} 0
r eval {return 'hello'} 0
start_server {tags {"scripting needs:debug external:skip"}} {
test {Test scripting debug protocol parsing} {
r script debug sync
r eval {return 'hello'} 0
catch {r 'hello\0world'} e
assert_match {*Unknown Redis Lua debugger command*} $e
catch {r 'hello\0'} e
assert_match {*Unknown Redis Lua debugger command*} $e
catch {r '\0hello'} e
assert_match {*Unknown Redis Lua debugger command*} $e
catch {r '\0hello\0'} e
assert_match {*Unknown Redis Lua debugger command*} $e
test {Test scripting debug lua stack overflow} {
r script debug sync
r eval {return 'hello'} 0
set cmd "*101\r\n\$5\r\nredis\r\n"
append cmd [string repeat "\$4\r\ntest\r\n" 100]
r write $cmd
r flush
set ret [r read]
assert_match {*Unknown Redis command called from script*} $ret
# make sure the server is still ok
assert_equal [r ping] {PONG}
} ;# is_eval
start_server {tags {"scripting needs:debug"}} {
r debug set-disable-deny-scripts 1
for {set i 2} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {
for {set client_proto 2} {$client_proto <= 3} {incr client_proto} {
if {[lsearch $::denytags "resp3"] >= 0} {
if {$client_proto == 3} {continue}
} elseif {$::force_resp3} {
if {$client_proto == 2} {continue}
r hello $client_proto
set extra "RESP$i/$client_proto"
r readraw 1
test "test $extra big number protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'bignum')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {$37}
assert_equal [r read] {1234567999999999999999999999999999999}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {(1234567999999999999999999999999999999}
test "test $extra malformed big number protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "return {big_number='123\\r\\n123'}" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {$8}
assert_equal [r read] {123 123}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {(123 123}
test "test $extra map protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'map')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {*6}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {%3}
for {set j 0} {$j < 6} {incr j} {
r read
test "test $extra set protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'set')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {*3}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {~3}
for {set j 0} {$j < 3} {incr j} {
r read
test "test $extra double protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'double')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {$5}
assert_equal [r read] {3.141}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {,3.141}
test "test $extra null protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'null')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2} {
# null is a special case in which a Lua client format does not effect the reply to the client
assert_equal $ret {$-1}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {_}
} {}
test "test $extra verbatim protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'verbatim')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {$25}
assert_equal [r read] {This is a verbatim}
assert_equal [r read] {string}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {=29}
assert_equal [r read] {txt:This is a verbatim}
assert_equal [r read] {string}
test "test $extra true protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'true')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {:1}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {#t}
test "test $extra false protocol parsing" {
set ret [run_script "redis.setresp($i);return'debug', 'protocol', 'false')" 0]
if {$client_proto == 2 || $i == 2} {
# if either Lua or the client is RESP2 the reply will be RESP2
assert_equal $ret {:0}
} else {
assert_equal $ret {#f}
r readraw 0
r hello 2
# attribute is not relevant to test with resp2
test {test resp3 attribute protocol parsing} {
# attributes are not (yet) expose to the script
# So here we just check the parser handles them and they are ignored.
run_script "redis.setresp(3);return'debug', 'protocol', 'attrib')" 0
} {Some real reply following the attribute}
test "Script block the time during execution" {
assert_equal [run_script {"SET", "key", "value", "PX", "1")"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)
return"EXISTS", "key")
} 1 key] 1
assert_equal 0 [r EXISTS key]
test "Script delete the expired key" {
r DEBUG set-active-expire 0
r SET key value PX 1
after 2
# use DEBUG OBJECT to make sure it doesn't error (means the key still exists)
assert_equal [run_script {return'EXISTS', 'key')} 1 key] 0
assert_equal 0 [r EXISTS key]
r DEBUG set-active-expire 1
test "TIME command using cached time" {
set res [run_script {
local result1 = {"TIME")}"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)
local result2 = {"TIME")}
return {result1, result2}
} 0]
assert_equal [lindex $res 0] [lindex $res 1]
test "Script block the time in some expiration related commands" {
# The test uses different commands to set the "same" expiration time for different keys,
# and interspersed with "DEBUG SLEEP", to verify that time is frozen in script.
# The commands involved are [P]TTL / SET EX[PX] / [P]EXPIRE / GETEX / [P]SETEX / [P]EXPIRETIME
set res [run_script {"SET", "key1{t}", "value", "EX", 1)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SET", "key2{t}", "value", "PX", 1000)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SET", "key3{t}", "value")"EXPIRE", "key3{t}", 1)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SET", "key4{t}", "value")"PEXPIRE", "key4{t}", 1000)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SETEX", "key5{t}", 1, "value")"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"PSETEX", "key6{t}", 1000, "value")"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SET", "key7{t}", "value")"GETEX", "key7{t}", "EX", 1)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"SET", "key8{t}", "value")"GETEX", "key8{t}", "PX", 1000)"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)
local ttl_results = {"TTL", "key1{t}"),"TTL", "key2{t}"),"TTL", "key3{t}"),"TTL", "key4{t}"),"TTL", "key5{t}"),"TTL", "key6{t}"),"TTL", "key7{t}"),"TTL", "key8{t}")}
local pttl_results = {"PTTL", "key1{t}"),"PTTL", "key2{t}"),"PTTL", "key3{t}"),"PTTL", "key4{t}"),"PTTL", "key5{t}"),"PTTL", "key6{t}"),"PTTL", "key7{t}"),"PTTL", "key8{t}")}
local expiretime_results = {"EXPIRETIME", "key1{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key2{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key3{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key4{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key5{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key6{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key7{t}"),"EXPIRETIME", "key8{t}")}
local pexpiretime_results = {"PEXPIRETIME", "key1{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key2{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key3{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key4{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key5{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key6{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key7{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key8{t}")}
return {ttl_results, pttl_results, expiretime_results, pexpiretime_results}
} 8 key1{t} key2{t} key3{t} key4{t} key5{t} key6{t} key7{t} key8{t}]
# The elements in each list are equal.
assert_equal 1 [llength [lsort -unique [lindex $res 0]]]
assert_equal 1 [llength [lsort -unique [lindex $res 1]]]
assert_equal 1 [llength [lsort -unique [lindex $res 2]]]
assert_equal 1 [llength [lsort -unique [lindex $res 3]]]
# Then we check that the expiration time is set successfully.
assert_morethan [lindex $res 0] 0
assert_morethan [lindex $res 1] 0
assert_morethan [lindex $res 2] 0
assert_morethan [lindex $res 3] 0
test "RESTORE expired keys with expiration time" {
set res [run_script {"SET", "key1{t}", "value")
local encoded ="DUMP", "key1{t}")"RESTORE", "key2{t}", 1, encoded, "REPLACE")"DEBUG", "SLEEP", 0.01)"RESTORE", "key3{t}", 1, encoded, "REPLACE")
return {"PEXPIRETIME", "key2{t}"),"PEXPIRETIME", "key3{t}")}
} 3 key1{t} key2{t} key3{t}]
# Can get the expiration time and they are all equal.
assert_morethan [lindex $res 0] 0
assert_equal [lindex $res 0] [lindex $res 1]
r debug set-disable-deny-scripts 0
} ;# foreach is_eval
# Scripting "shebang" notation tests
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
test "Shebang support for lua engine" {
catch {
r eval {#!not-lua
return 1
} 0
} e
assert_match {*Unexpected engine in script shebang*} $e
assert_equal [r eval {#!lua
return 1
} 0] 1
test "Unknown shebang option" {
catch {
r eval {#!lua badger=data
return 1
} 0
} e
assert_match {*Unknown lua shebang option*} $e
test "Unknown shebang flag" {
catch {
r eval {#!lua flags=allow-oom,what?
return 1
} 0
} e
assert_match {*Unexpected flag in script shebang*} $e
test "allow-oom shebang flag" {
r set x 123
r config set maxmemory 1
# Fail to execute deny-oom command in OOM condition (backwards compatibility mode without flags)
assert_error {OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'*} {
r eval {'set','x',1)
return 1
} 1 x
# Can execute non deny-oom commands in OOM condition (backwards compatibility mode without flags)
assert_equal [
r eval {
} 1 x
] {123}
# Fail to execute regardless of script content when we use default flags in OOM condition
assert_error {OOM *} {
r eval {#!lua flags=
return 1
} 0
# Script with allow-oom can write despite being in OOM state
assert_equal [
r eval {#!lua flags=allow-oom'set','x',1)
return 1
} 1 x
] 1
# read-only scripts implies allow-oom
assert_equal [
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes'get','x')
return 1
} 0
] 1
assert_equal [
r eval_ro {#!lua flags=no-writes'get','x')
return 1
} 1 x
] 1
# Script with no shebang can read in OOM state
assert_equal [
r eval {'get','x')
return 1
} 1 x
] 1
# Script with no shebang can read in OOM state (eval_ro variant)
assert_equal [
r eval_ro {'get','x')
return 1
} 1 x
] 1
r config set maxmemory 0
} {OK} {needs:config-maxmemory}
test "no-writes shebang flag" {
assert_error {ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts*} {
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes'set','x',1)
return 1
} 1 x
start_server {tags {"external:skip"}} {
r -1 set x "some value"
test "no-writes shebang flag on replica" {
r replicaof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[s role] eq {slave} &&
[string match {*master_link_status:up*} [r info replication]]
} else {
fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica"
assert_equal [
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes
} 1 x
] "some value"
assert_error {READONLY You can't write against a read only replica.} {
r eval {#!lua
} 1 x
# test no-write inside multi-exec
r multi
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes'get','x')
return 1
} 1 x
assert_equal [r exec] 1
# test no shebang without write inside multi-exec
r multi
r eval {'get','x')
return 1
} 1 x
assert_equal [r exec] 1
# temporarily set the server to master, so it doesn't block the queuing
# and we can test the evaluation of the flags on exec
r replicaof no one
set rr [redis_client]
set rr2 [redis_client]
$rr multi
$rr2 multi
# test write inside multi-exec
# we don't need to do any actual write
$rr eval {#!lua
return 1
} 0
# test no shebang with write inside multi-exec
$rr2 eval {'set','x',1)
return 1
} 1 x
r replicaof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
assert_error {EXECABORT Transaction discarded because of: READONLY *} {$rr exec}
assert_error {READONLY You can't write against a read only replica. script: *} {$rr2 exec}
$rr close
$rr2 close
test "not enough good replicas" {
r set x "some value"
r config set min-replicas-to-write 1
assert_equal [
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes
} 1 x
] "some value"
assert_equal [
r eval {
} 1 x
] "some value"
assert_error {NOREPLICAS *} {
r eval {#!lua
} 1 x
assert_error {NOREPLICAS *} {
r eval {
return'set','x', 1)
} 1 x
r config set min-replicas-to-write 0
test "not enough good replicas state change during long script" {
r set x "pre-script value"
r config set min-replicas-to-write 1
r config set lua-time-limit 10
start_server {tags {"external:skip"}} {
# add a replica and wait for the master to recognize it's online
r slaveof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port]
wait_replica_online [srv -1 client]
# run a slow script that does one write, then waits for INFO to indicate
# that the replica dropped, and then runs another write
set rd [redis_deferring_client -1]
$rd eval {'set','x',"script value")
while true do
local info ='info','replication')
if (string.match(info, "connected_slaves:0")) then'set','x',info)
return 1
} 1 x
# wait for the script to time out and yield
wait_for_condition 100 100 {
[catch {r -1 ping} e] == 1
} else {
fail "Can't wait for script to start running"
catch {r -1 ping} e
assert_match {BUSY*} $e
# cause the replica to disconnect (triggering the busy script to exit)
r slaveof no one
# make sure the script was able to write after the replica dropped
assert_equal [$rd read] 1
assert_match {*connected_slaves:0*} [r -1 get x]
$rd close
r config set min-replicas-to-write 0
r config set lua-time-limit 5000
} {OK} {external:skip needs:repl}
test "allow-stale shebang flag" {
r config set replica-serve-stale-data no
r replicaof 1
assert_error {MASTERDOWN Link with MASTER is down and replica-serve-stale-data is set to 'no'.} {
r eval {
} 1 x
assert_error {MASTERDOWN Link with MASTER is down and replica-serve-stale-data is set to 'no'.} {
r eval {#!lua flags=no-writes
return 1
} 0
assert_equal [
r eval {#!lua flags=allow-stale,no-writes
return 1
} 0
] 1
assert_error {*Can not execute the command on a stale replica*} {
r eval {#!lua flags=allow-stale,no-writes
} 1 x
assert_match {foobar} [
r eval {#!lua flags=allow-stale,no-writes
} 0
# Test again with EVALSHA
set sha [
r script load {#!lua flags=allow-stale,no-writes
assert_match {foobar} [r evalsha $sha 0]
r replicaof no one
r config set replica-serve-stale-data yes
set _ {}
} {} {external:skip}
test "reject script do not cause a Lua stack leak" {
r config set maxmemory 1
for {set i 0} {$i < 50} {incr i} {
assert_error {OOM *} {r eval {#!lua
return 1
} 0}
r config set maxmemory 0
assert_equal [r eval {#!lua
return 1
} 0] 1
# Additional eval only tests
start_server {tags {"scripting"}} {
test "Consistent eval error reporting" {
r config resetstat
r config set maxmemory 1
# Script aborted due to Redis state (OOM) should report script execution error with detailed internal error
assert_error {OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'*} {
r eval {return'set','x','y')} 1 x
assert_equal [errorrstat OOM r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=0*rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat set r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat eval r]
# redis.pcall() failure due to Redis state (OOM) returns lua error table with Redis error message without '-' prefix
r config resetstat
assert_equal [
r eval {
local t = redis.pcall('set','x','y')
if t['err'] == "OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'." then
return 1
return 0
} 1 x
] 1
# error stats were not incremented
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {}
assert_equal [errorrstat OOM r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=0*rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat set r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat eval r]
# Returning an error object from lua is handled as a valid RESP error result.
r config resetstat
assert_error {OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'.} {
r eval { return redis.pcall('set','x','y') } 1 x
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {}
assert_equal [errorrstat OOM r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=0*rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat set r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat eval r]
r config set maxmemory 0
r config resetstat
# Script aborted due to error result of Redis command
assert_error {ERR DB index is out of range*} {
r eval {return'select',99)} 0
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat select r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat eval r]
# redis.pcall() failure due to error in Redis command returns lua error table with redis error message without '-' prefix
r config resetstat
assert_equal [
r eval {
local t = redis.pcall('select',99)
if t['err'] == "ERR DB index is out of range" then
return 1
return 0
} 0
] 1
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {count=1} ;
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat select r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat eval r]
# Script aborted due to scripting specific error state (write cmd with eval_ro) should report script execution error with detailed internal error
r config resetstat
assert_error {ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts*} {
r eval_ro {return'set','x','y')} 1 x
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=0*rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat set r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat eval_ro r]
# redis.pcall() failure due to scripting specific error state (write cmd with eval_ro) returns lua error table with Redis error message without '-' prefix
r config resetstat
assert_equal [
r eval_ro {
local t = redis.pcall('set','x','y')
if t['err'] == "ERR Write commands are not allowed from read-only scripts." then
return 1
return 0
} 1 x
] 1
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=0*rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat set r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0*} [cmdrstat eval_ro r]
r config resetstat
# make sure geoadd will failed
r set Sicily 1
assert_error {WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value*} {
r eval {return'GEOADD', 'Sicily', '13.361389', '38.115556', 'Palermo', '15.087269', '37.502669', 'Catania')} 1 x
assert_equal [errorrstat WRONGTYPE r] {count=1}
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] {1}
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat geoadd r]
assert_match {calls=1*rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat eval r]
} {} {cluster:skip}
test "LUA redis.error_reply API" {
r config resetstat
assert_error {MY_ERR_CODE custom msg} {
r eval {return redis.error_reply("MY_ERR_CODE custom msg")} 0
assert_equal [errorrstat MY_ERR_CODE r] {count=1}
test "LUA redis.error_reply API with empty string" {
r config resetstat
assert_error {ERR} {
r eval {return redis.error_reply("")} 0
assert_equal [errorrstat ERR r] {count=1}
test "LUA redis.status_reply API" {
r config resetstat
r readraw 1
assert_equal [
r eval {return redis.status_reply("MY_OK_CODE custom msg")} 0
] {+MY_OK_CODE custom msg}
r readraw 0
assert_equal [errorrstat MY_ERR_CODE r] {} ;# error stats were not incremented
test "LUA test pcall" {
assert_equal [
r eval {local status, res = pcall(function() return 1 end); return 'status: ' .. tostring(status) .. ' result: ' .. res} 0
] {status: true result: 1}
test "LUA test pcall with error" {
assert_match {status: false result:*Script attempted to access nonexistent global variable 'foo'} [
r eval {local status, res = pcall(function() return foo end); return 'status: ' .. tostring(status) .. ' result: ' .. res} 0
test "LUA test pcall with non string/integer arg" {
assert_error "ERR Lua redis lib command arguments must be strings or integers*" {
r eval {
local x={}
return"ping", x)
} 0
# run another command, to make sure the cached argv array survived
assert_equal [
r eval {
return"ping", "asdf")
} 0
] {asdf}
test "LUA test trim string as expected" {
# this test may fail if we use different memory allocator than jemalloc, as libc for example may keep the old size on realloc.
if {[string match {*jemalloc*} [s mem_allocator]]} {
# test that when using LUA cache mechanism, if there is free space in the argv array, the string is trimmed.
r set foo [string repeat "a" 45]
set expected_memory [r memory usage foo]
# Jemalloc will allocate for the requested 63 bytes, 80 bytes.
# We can't test for larger sizes because LUA_CMD_OBJCACHE_MAX_LEN is 64.
# This value will be recycled to be used in the next argument.
# We use SETNX to avoid saving the string which will prevent us to reuse it in the next command.
r eval {
return"SETNX", "foo", string.rep("a", 63))
} 0
# Jemalloc will allocate for the request 45 bytes, 56 bytes.
# we can't test for smaller sizes because OBJ_ENCODING_EMBSTR_SIZE_LIMIT is 44 where no trim is done.
r eval {
return"SET", "foo", string.rep("a", 45))
} 0
# Assert the string has been trimmed and the 80 bytes from the previous alloc were not kept.
assert { [r memory usage foo] <= $expected_memory};