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synced 2025-01-22 16:18:28 -05:00
When we register notification or server event in RedisModule_OnLoad, but RedisModule_OnLoad eventually fails, triggering notification or server event will cause the server to crash. If the loading fails on a later stage of moduleLoad, we do call moduleUnload which handles all un-registration, but when it fails on the RedisModule_OnLoad call, we only un-register several specific things and these were missing: - moduleUnsubscribeNotifications - moduleUnregisterFilters - moduleUnsubscribeAllServerEvents Refactored the code to reuse the code from moduleUnload. Fixes #12808.
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119 lines
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set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/keyspace_events.so]
tags "modules" {
start_server [list overrides [list loadmodule "$testmodule"]] {
test {Test loaded key space event} {
r set x 1
r hset y f v
r lpush z 1 2 3
r sadd p 1 2 3
r zadd t 1 f1 2 f2
r xadd s * f v
r debug reload
assert_equal {1 x} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded x]
assert_equal {1 y} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded y]
assert_equal {1 z} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded z]
assert_equal {1 p} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded p]
assert_equal {1 t} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded t]
assert_equal {1 s} [r keyspace.is_key_loaded s]
test {Nested multi due to RM_Call} {
r del multi
r del lua
r set x 1
r set x_copy 1
r keyspace.del_key_copy x
r keyspace.incr_case1 x
r keyspace.incr_case2 x
r keyspace.incr_case3 x
assert_equal {} [r get multi]
assert_equal {} [r get lua]
r get x
} {3}
test {Nested multi due to RM_Call, with client MULTI} {
r del multi
r del lua
r set x 1
r set x_copy 1
r multi
r keyspace.del_key_copy x
r keyspace.incr_case1 x
r keyspace.incr_case2 x
r keyspace.incr_case3 x
r exec
assert_equal {1} [r get multi]
assert_equal {} [r get lua]
r get x
} {3}
test {Nested multi due to RM_Call, with EVAL} {
r del multi
r del lua
r set x 1
r set x_copy 1
r eval {
redis.pcall('keyspace.del_key_copy', KEYS[1])
redis.pcall('keyspace.incr_case1', KEYS[1])
redis.pcall('keyspace.incr_case2', KEYS[1])
redis.pcall('keyspace.incr_case3', KEYS[1])
} 1 x
assert_equal {} [r get multi]
assert_equal {1} [r get lua]
r get x
} {3}
test {Test module key space event} {
r keyspace.notify x
assert_equal {1 x} [r keyspace.is_module_key_notified x]
test "Keyspace notifications: module events test" {
r config set notify-keyspace-events Kd
r del x
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
assert_equal {1} [psubscribe $rd1 *]
r keyspace.notify x
assert_equal {pmessage * __keyspace@9__:x notify} [$rd1 read]
$rd1 close
test {Test expired key space event} {
set prev_expired [s expired_keys]
r set exp 1 PX 10
wait_for_condition 100 10 {
[s expired_keys] eq $prev_expired + 1
} else {
fail "key not expired"
assert_equal [r get testkeyspace:expired] 1
test "Unload the module - testkeyspace" {
assert_equal {OK} [r module unload testkeyspace]
test "Verify RM_StringDMA with expiration are not causing invalid memory access" {
assert_equal {OK} [r set x 1 EX 1]
start_server {} {
test {OnLoad failure will handle un-registration} {
catch {r module load $testmodule noload}
r set x 1
r hset y f v
r lpush z 1 2 3
r sadd p 1 2 3
r zadd t 1 f1 2 f2
r xadd s * f v
r ping