Binbin e792653753
Add printing for LATENCY related tests (#12514)
This test failed several times:
*** [err]: LATENCY GRAPH can output the event graph in tests/unit/latency-monitor.tcl
Expected '478' to be more than or equal to '500' (context: type eval
line 8 cmd {assert_morethan_equal $high 500} proc ::test)

Not sure why, adding some verbose printing that'll print the command
result on the next time.
2023-08-27 11:42:55 +03:00

190 lines
6.3 KiB

start_server {tags {"latency-monitor needs:latency"}} {
# Set a threshold high enough to avoid spurious latency events.
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 200
r latency reset
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM with empty histogram} {
r config resetstat
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram]]
# Config resetstat is recorded
assert_equal [dict size $histo] 1
assert_match {*config|resetstat*} $histo
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM all commands} {
r config resetstat
r set a b
r set c d
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram]]
assert_match {calls 2 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo set]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo "config|resetstat"]
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM sub commands} {
r config resetstat
r client id
r client list
# parent command reply with its sub commands
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram client]]
assert {[dict size $histo] == 2}
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo "client|id"]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo "client|list"]
# explicitly ask for one sub-command
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram "client|id"]]
assert {[dict size $histo] == 1}
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo "client|id"]
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM with a subset of commands} {
r config resetstat
r set a b
r set c d
r get a
r hset f k v
r hgetall f
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram set hset]]
assert_match {calls 2 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo set]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo hset]
assert_equal [dict size $histo] 2
set histo [dict create {*}[r latency histogram hgetall get zadd]]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo hgetall]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [dict get $histo get]
assert_equal [dict size $histo] 2
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM command} {
r config resetstat
r set a b
r get a
assert {[llength [r latency histogram set get]] == 4}
test {LATENCY HISTOGRAM with wrong command name skips the invalid one} {
r config resetstat
assert {[llength [r latency histogram blabla]] == 0}
assert {[llength [r latency histogram blabla blabla2 set get]] == 0}
r set a b
r get a
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [lindex [r latency histogram blabla blabla2 set get] 1]
assert_match {calls 1 histogram_usec *} [lindex [r latency histogram blabla blabla2 set get] 3]
assert {[string length [r latency histogram blabla set get]] > 0}
tags {"needs:debug"} {
set old_threshold_value [lindex [r config get latency-monitor-threshold] 1]
test {Test latency events logging} {
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 200
r latency reset
r debug sleep 0.3
after 1100
r debug sleep 0.4
after 1100
r debug sleep 0.5
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 0
assert {[r latency history command] >= 3}
test {LATENCY HISTORY output is ok} {
set res [r latency history command]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "LATENCY HISTORY data:"
puts $res
set min 250
set max 450
foreach event $res {
lassign $event time latency
if {!$::no_latency} {
assert {$latency >= $min && $latency <= $max}
incr min 100
incr max 100
set last_time $time ; # Used in the next test
test {LATENCY LATEST output is ok} {
set res [r latency latest]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "LATENCY LATEST data:"
puts $res
foreach event $res {
lassign $event eventname time latency max
assert {$eventname eq "command"}
if {!$::no_latency} {
assert {$max >= 450 & $max <= 650}
assert {$time == $last_time}
test {LATENCY GRAPH can output the event graph} {
set res [r latency graph command]
if {$::verbose} {
puts "LATENCY GRAPH data:"
puts $res
assert_match {*command*high*low*} $res
# These numbers are taken from the "Test latency events logging" test.
# (debug sleep 0.3) and (debug sleep 0.5), using range to prevent timing issue.
regexp "command - high (.*?) ms, low (.*?) ms" $res -> high low
assert_morethan_equal $high 500
assert_morethan_equal $low 300
r config set latency-monitor-threshold $old_threshold_value
} ;# tag
test {LATENCY of expire events are correctly collected} {
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 20
r flushdb
if {$::valgrind} {set count 100000} else {set count 1000000}
r eval {
local i = 0
while (i < tonumber(ARGV[1])) do'sadd',KEYS[1],i)
i = i+1
} 1 mybigkey $count
r pexpire mybigkey 50
wait_for_condition 5 100 {
[r dbsize] == 0
} else {
fail "key wasn't expired"
assert_match {*expire-cycle*} [r latency latest]
test {LATENCY GRAPH can output the expire event graph} {
assert_match {*expire-cycle*high*low*} [r latency graph expire-cycle]
r config set latency-monitor-threshold 200
test {LATENCY HISTORY / RESET with wrong event name is fine} {
assert {[llength [r latency history blabla]] == 0}
assert {[r latency reset blabla] == 0}
test {LATENCY DOCTOR produces some output} {
assert {[string length [r latency doctor]] > 0}
test {LATENCY RESET is able to reset events} {
assert {[r latency reset] > 0}
assert {[r latency latest] eq {}}
test {LATENCY HELP should not have unexpected options} {
catch {r LATENCY help xxx} e
assert_match "*wrong number of arguments for 'latency|help' command" $e