Chen Tianjie f9cc25c1dd
Add metric to INFO CLIENTS: pubsub_clients. (#12849)
In INFO CLIENTS section, we already have blocked_clients and
tracking_clients. We should add a new metric showing the number of
pubsub connections, which helps performance monitoring and trouble
2023-12-13 13:44:13 +08:00

406 lines
18 KiB

proc cmdstat {cmd} {
return [cmdrstat $cmd r]
proc errorstat {cmd} {
return [errorrstat $cmd r]
proc latency_percentiles_usec {cmd} {
return [latencyrstat_percentiles $cmd r]
start_server {tags {"info" "external:skip"}} {
start_server {} {
test {latencystats: disable/enable} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking no
r set a b
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r set a b
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
test {latencystats: configure percentiles} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r SET a b
r GET a
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec get]
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "0.0 50.0 100.0"
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] {latency-tracking-info-percentiles {0 50 100}}
assert_match {*p0=*,p50=*,p100=*} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
assert_match {*p0=*,p50=*,p100=*} [latency_percentiles_usec get]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [latency_percentiles_usec set]
test {latencystats: bad configure percentiles} {
r config resetstat
set configlatencyline [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles]
catch {r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "10.0 50.0 a"} e
assert_match {ERR CONFIG SET failed*} $e
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] $configlatencyline
catch {r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "10.0 50.0 101.0"} e
assert_match {ERR CONFIG SET failed*} $e
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
assert_match [r config get latency-tracking-info-percentiles] $configlatencyline
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {latencystats: blocking commands} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0 99.0 99.9"
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r del list1{t}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r lpush list1{t} a
assert_equal [$rd read] {list1{t} a}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r lpush list1{t} b
assert_equal [$rd read] {list1{t} b}
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec blpop]
$rd close
test {latencystats: subcommands} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0 99.0 99.9"
r client id
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec client\\|id]
assert_match {*p50=*,p99=*,p99.9=*} [latency_percentiles_usec config\\|set]
test {latencystats: measure latency} {
r config resetstat
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking yes
r CONFIG SET latency-tracking-info-percentiles "50.0"
r DEBUG sleep 0.05
r SET k v
set latencystatline_debug [latency_percentiles_usec debug]
set latencystatline_set [latency_percentiles_usec set]
regexp "p50=(.+\..+)" $latencystatline_debug -> p50_debug
regexp "p50=(.+\..+)" $latencystatline_set -> p50_set
assert {$p50_debug >= 50000}
assert {$p50_set >= 0}
assert {$p50_debug >= $p50_set}
} {} {needs:debug}
test {errorstats: failed call authentication error} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
catch {r auth k} e
assert_match {ERR AUTH*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat auth]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: failed call within MULTI/EXEC} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
r multi
r set a b
r auth a
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {ERR AUTH*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat auth]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat exec]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
# MULTI/EXEC command errors should still be pinpointed to him
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {ERR EXEC without MULTI} $e
assert_match {*calls=2,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat exec]
assert_match {*count=2*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
test {errorstats: failed call within LUA} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
catch {r eval {redis.pcall('XGROUP', 'CREATECONSUMER', 's1', 'mygroup', 'consumer') return } 0} e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat xgroup\\|createconsumer]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat eval]
# EVAL command errors should still be pinpointed to him
catch {r eval a} e
assert_match {ERR wrong*} $e
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat eval]
assert_match {*count=2*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
test {errorstats: failed call NOSCRIPT error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
catch {r evalsha NotValidShaSUM 0} e
assert_match {NOSCRIPT*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat evalsha]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOSCRIPT]
test {errorstats: failed call NOGROUP error} {
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOGROUP]
r del mystream
r XADD mystream * f v
catch {r XGROUP CREATECONSUMER mystream mygroup consumer} e
assert_match {NOGROUP*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOGROUP]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat xgroup\\|createconsumer]
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOGROUP]
test {errorstats: rejected call unknown command} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
catch {r asdf} e
assert_match {ERR unknown*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: rejected call within MULTI/EXEC} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
r multi
catch {r set} e
assert_match {ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command} $e
catch {r exec} e
assert_match {EXECABORT*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat EXECABORT]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat multi]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat exec]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 2
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
test {errorstats: rejected call due to wrong arity} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat ERR]
catch {r set k} e
assert_match {ERR wrong number of arguments for 'set' command} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat ERR]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
# ensure that after a rejected command, valid ones are counted properly
r set k1 v1
r set k2 v2
assert_match {calls=2,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
test {errorstats: rejected call by OOM error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat OOM]
r config set maxmemory 1
catch {r set a b} e
assert_match {OOM*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat OOM]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat OOM]
r config set maxmemory 0
test {errorstats: rejected call by authorization error} {
r config resetstat
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 0
assert_match {} [errorstat NOPERM]
r ACL SETUSER alice on >p1pp0 ~cached:* +get +info +config
r auth alice p1pp0
catch {r set a b} e
assert_match {NOPERM*} $e
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat NOPERM]
assert_match {*calls=0,*,rejected_calls=1,failed_calls=0} [cmdstat set]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
r config resetstat
assert_match {} [errorstat NOPERM]
r auth default ""
test {errorstats: blocking commands} {
r config resetstat
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd client id
set rd_id [$rd read]
r del list1{t}
$rd blpop list1{t} 0
r client unblock $rd_id error
assert_error {UNBLOCKED*} {$rd read}
assert_match {*count=1*} [errorstat UNBLOCKED]
assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1} [cmdstat blpop]
assert_equal [s total_error_replies] 1
$rd close
test {stats: eventloop metrics} {
set info1 [r info stats]
set cycle1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_cycles]
set el_sum1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_sum]
set cmd_sum1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_cmd_sum]
assert_morethan $cycle1 0
assert_morethan $el_sum1 0
assert_morethan $cmd_sum1 0
after 110 ;# default hz is 10, wait for a cron tick.
set info2 [r info stats]
set cycle2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_cycles]
set el_sum2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_sum]
set cmd_sum2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_cmd_sum]
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics cycle1: $cycle1, cycle2: $cycle2" }
assert_morethan $cycle2 $cycle1
assert_lessthan $cycle2 [expr $cycle1+10] ;# we expect 2 or 3 cycles here, but allow some tolerance
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics el_sum1: $el_sum1, el_sum2: $el_sum2" }
assert_morethan $el_sum2 $el_sum1
assert_lessthan $el_sum2 [expr $el_sum1+30000] ;# we expect roughly 100ms here, but allow some tolerance
if {$::verbose} { puts "eventloop metrics cmd_sum1: $cmd_sum1, cmd_sum2: $cmd_sum2" }
assert_morethan $cmd_sum2 $cmd_sum1
assert_lessthan $cmd_sum2 [expr $cmd_sum1+15000] ;# we expect about tens of ms here, but allow some tolerance
test {stats: instantaneous metrics} {
r config resetstat
set retries 0
for {set retries 1} {$retries < 4} {incr retries} {
after 1600 ;# hz is 10, wait for 16 cron tick so that sample array is fulfilled
set value [s instantaneous_eventloop_cycles_per_sec]
if {$value > 0} break
assert_lessthan $retries 4
if {$::verbose} { puts "instantaneous metrics instantaneous_eventloop_cycles_per_sec: $value" }
assert_morethan $value 0
assert_lessthan $value [expr $retries*15] ;# default hz is 10
set value [s instantaneous_eventloop_duration_usec]
if {$::verbose} { puts "instantaneous metrics instantaneous_eventloop_duration_usec: $value" }
assert_morethan $value 0
assert_lessthan $value [expr $retries*22000] ;# default hz is 10, so duration < 1000 / 10, allow some tolerance
test {stats: debug metrics} {
# make sure debug info is hidden
set info [r info]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info eventloop_duration_aof_sum] {}
set info_all [r info all]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info_all eventloop_duration_aof_sum] {}
set info1 [r info debug]
set aof1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_aof_sum]
assert {$aof1 >= 0}
set cron1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_cron_sum]
assert {$cron1 > 0}
set cycle_max1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_cmd_per_cycle_max]
assert {$cycle_max1 > 0}
set duration_max1 [getInfoProperty $info1 eventloop_duration_max]
assert {$duration_max1 > 0}
after 110 ;# hz is 10, wait for a cron tick.
set info2 [r info debug]
set aof2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_aof_sum]
assert {$aof2 >= $aof1} ;# AOF is disabled, we expect $aof2 == $aof1, but allow some tolerance.
set cron2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_cron_sum]
assert_morethan $cron2 $cron1
set cycle_max2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_cmd_per_cycle_max]
assert {$cycle_max2 >= $cycle_max1}
set duration_max2 [getInfoProperty $info2 eventloop_duration_max]
assert {$duration_max2 >= $duration_max1}
test {stats: client input and output buffer limit disconnections} {
r config resetstat
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_query_buffer_limit_disconnections] {0}
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_output_buffer_limit_disconnections] {0}
# set qbuf limit to minimum to test stat
set org_qbuf_limit [lindex [r config get client-query-buffer-limit] 1]
r config set client-query-buffer-limit 1048576
catch {r set key [string repeat a 1048576]}
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_query_buffer_limit_disconnections] {1}
r config set client-query-buffer-limit $org_qbuf_limit
# set outbuf limit to just 10 to test stat
set org_outbuf_limit [lindex [r config get client-output-buffer-limit] 1]
r config set client-output-buffer-limit "normal 10 0 0"
r set key [string repeat a 100000] ;# to trigger output buffer limit check this needs to be big
catch {r get key}
set info [r info stats]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info client_output_buffer_limit_disconnections] {1}
r config set client-output-buffer-limit $org_outbuf_limit
} {OK} {logreqres:skip} ;# same as obuf-limits.tcl, skip logreqres
test {clients: pubsub clients} {
set info [r info clients]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info pubsub_clients] {0}
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
set rd2 [redis_deferring_client]
# basic count
assert_equal {1} [ssubscribe $rd1 {chan1}]
assert_equal {1} [subscribe $rd2 {chan2}]
set info [r info clients]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info pubsub_clients] {2}
# unsubscribe non existing channel
assert_equal {1} [unsubscribe $rd2 {non-exist-chan}]
set info [r info clients]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info pubsub_clients] {2}
# count change when client unsubscribe all channels
assert_equal {0} [unsubscribe $rd2 {chan2}]
set info [r info clients]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info pubsub_clients] {1}
# non-pubsub clients should not be involved
assert_equal {0} [unsubscribe $rd2 {non-exist-chan}]
set info [r info clients]
assert_equal [getInfoProperty $info pubsub_clients] {1}
# close all clients
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
wait_for_condition 100 50 {
[getInfoProperty [r info clients] pubsub_clients] eq {0}
} else {
fail "pubsub clients did not clear"