YaacovHazan a56d4533b7
Adding ACL support for modules (#9309)
This commit introduced a new flag to the RM_Call:
'C' - Check if the command can be executed according to the ACLs associated with it.

Also, three new API's added to check if a command, key, or channel can be executed or accessed
by a user, according to the ACLs associated with it.
- RM_ACLCheckCommandPerm
- RM_ACLCheckKeyPerm
- RM_ACLCheckChannelPerm

The user for these API's is a RedisModuleUser object, that for a Module user returned by the RM_CreateModuleUser API, or for a general ACL user can be retrieved by these two new API's:
- RM_GetCurrentUserName - Retrieve the user name of the client connection behind the current context.
- RM_GetModuleUserFromUserName - Get a RedisModuleUser from a user name

As a result of getting a RedisModuleUser from name, it can now also access the general ACL users (not just ones created by the module).
This mean the already existing API RM_SetModuleUserACL(), can be used to change the ACL rules for such users.
2021-09-23 08:52:56 +03:00

67 lines
2.4 KiB

set testmodule [file normalize tests/modules/]
start_server {tags {"modules acl"}} {
r module load $testmodule
test {test module check acl for command perm} {
# by default all commands allowed
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd set x 5] OK
# block SET command for user
r acl setuser default -set
catch {r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd set x 5} e
assert_match {*DENIED CMD*} $e
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {set}}
test {test module check acl for key perm} {
# give permission for SET and block all keys but x
r acl setuser default +set resetkeys ~x
assert_equal [r aclcheck.set.check.key x 5] OK
catch {r aclcheck.set.check.key y 5} e
set e
test {test module check acl for module user} {
# the module user has access to all keys
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call.check.cmd.module.user set y 5] OK
test {test module check acl for channel perm} {
# block all channels but ch1
r acl setuser default resetchannels &ch1
assert_equal [r ch1 msg] 0
catch {r ch2 msg} e
set e
test {test module check acl in rm_call} {
# rm call check for key permission (x can be accessed)
assert_equal [r aclcheck.rm_call set x 5] OK
# rm call check for key permission (y can't be accessed)
catch {r aclcheck.rm_call set y 5} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {y}}
# rm call check for command permission
r acl setuser default -set
catch {r aclcheck.rm_call set x 5} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
# verify that new log entry added
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {default}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {module}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {set}}