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synced 2025-01-23 08:38:27 -05:00
Background: Redis 6.2 added ACL control for pubsub channels (#7993), which were supposed to be permissive by default to retain compatibility with redis 6.0 ACL. But due to a bug, only newly created users got this `acl-pubsub-default` applied, while overwritten (updated) users got reset to `resetchannels` (denied). Since the "default" user exists before loading the config file, any ACL change to it, results in an update / overwrite. So when a "default" user is loaded from config file or include ACL file with no channels related rules, the user will not have any permissions to any channels. But other users will have default permissions to any channels. When upgraded from 6.0 with config rewrite, this will lead to "default" user channels permissions lost. When users are loaded from include file, then call "acl load", users will also lost channels permissions. Similarly, the `reset` ACL rule, would have reset the user to be denied access to any channels, ignoring `acl-pubsub-default` and breaking compatibility with redis 6.0. The implication of this fix is that it regains compatibility with redis 6.0, but breaks compatibility with redis 6.2.0 and 2.0.1. e.g. after the upgrade, the default user will regain access to pubsub channels. Other changes: Additionally this commit rename server.acl_pubusub_default to server.acl_pubsub_default and fix typo in acl tests.
537 lines
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537 lines
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start_server {tags {"acl"}} {
test {Connections start with the default user} {
} {default}
test {It is possible to create new users} {
r ACL setuser newuser
test {New users start disabled} {
r ACL setuser newuser >passwd1
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} err
set err
test {Enabling the user allows the login} {
r ACL setuser newuser on +acl
r AUTH newuser passwd1
} {newuser}
test {Only the set of correct passwords work} {
r ACL setuser newuser >passwd2
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd2} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd3} e
set e
test {It is possible to remove passwords from the set of valid ones} {
r ACL setuser newuser <passwd1
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd1} e
set e
test {Test password hashes can be added} {
r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6
catch {r AUTH newuser passwd4} e
assert {$e eq "OK"}
test {Test password hashes validate input} {
# Validate Length
catch {r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e} e
# Validate character outside set
catch {r ACL setuser newuser #34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4eq} e
set e
} {*Error in ACL SETUSER modifier*}
test {ACL GETUSER returns the password hash instead of the actual password} {
set passstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] passwords]
assert_match {*34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6*} $passstr
assert_no_match {*passwd4*} $passstr
test {Test hashed passwords removal} {
r ACL setuser newuser !34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6
set passstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] passwords]
assert_no_match {*34344e4d60c2b6d639b7bd22e18f2b0b91bc34bf0ac5f9952744435093cfb4e6*} $passstr
test {By default users are not able to access any command} {
catch {r SET foo bar} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {By default users are not able to access any key} {
r ACL setuser newuser +set
catch {r SET foo bar} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*key*}
test {It's possible to allow the access of a subset of keys} {
r ACL setuser newuser allcommands ~foo:* ~bar:*
r SET foo:1 a
r SET bar:2 b
catch {r SET zap:3 c} e
r ACL setuser newuser allkeys; # Undo keys ACL
set e
} {*NOPERM*key*}
test {By default users are able to publish to any channel} {
r ACL setuser psuser on >pspass +acl +client +@pubsub
r AUTH psuser pspass
r PUBLISH foo bar
} {0}
test {By default users are able to subscribe to any channel} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
assert_match {subscribe foo 1} [$rd read]
$rd close
} {0}
test {By default users are able to subscribe to any pattern} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
assert_match {psubscribe bar\* 1} [$rd read]
$rd close
} {0}
test {It's possible to allow publishing to a subset of channels} {
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels &foo:1 &bar:*
assert_equal {0} [r PUBLISH foo:1 somemessage]
assert_equal {0} [r PUBLISH bar:2 anothermessage]
catch {r PUBLISH zap:3 nosuchmessage} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*channel*}
test {In transaction queue publish/subscribe/psubscribe to unauthorized channel will fail} {
r ACL setuser psuser +multi +discard
catch {r PUBLISH notexits helloworld} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
catch {r SUBSCRIBE notexits foo:1} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
catch {r PSUBSCRIBE notexits:* bar:*} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
test {It's possible to allow subscribing to a subset of channels} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
$rd SUBSCRIBE foo:1
assert_match {subscribe foo:1 1} [$rd read]
$rd SUBSCRIBE bar:2
assert_match {subscribe bar:2 2} [$rd read]
$rd SUBSCRIBE zap:3
catch {$rd read} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*channel*}
test {It's possible to allow subscribing to a subset of channel patterns} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
$rd PSUBSCRIBE foo:1
assert_match {psubscribe foo:1 1} [$rd read]
$rd PSUBSCRIBE bar:*
assert_match {psubscribe bar:\* 2} [$rd read]
$rd PSUBSCRIBE bar:baz
catch {$rd read} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*channel*}
test {Subscribers are killed when revoked of channel permission} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels &foo:1
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
$rd CLIENT SETNAME deathrow
$rd read
$rd SUBSCRIBE foo:1
$rd read
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels
assert_no_match {*deathrow*} [r CLIENT LIST]
$rd close
} {0}
test {Subscribers are killed when revoked of pattern permission} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels &bar:*
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
$rd CLIENT SETNAME deathrow
$rd read
$rd PSUBSCRIBE bar:*
$rd read
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels
assert_no_match {*deathrow*} [r CLIENT LIST]
$rd close
} {0}
test {Subscribers are pardoned if literal permissions are retained and/or gaining allchannels} {
set rd [redis_deferring_client]
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels &foo:1 &bar:*
$rd AUTH psuser pspass
$rd read
$rd CLIENT SETNAME pardoned
$rd read
$rd SUBSCRIBE foo:1
$rd read
$rd PSUBSCRIBE bar:*
$rd read
r ACL setuser psuser resetchannels &foo:1 &bar:* &baz:qaz &zoo:*
assert_match {*pardoned*} [r CLIENT LIST]
r ACL setuser psuser allchannels
assert_match {*pardoned*} [r CLIENT LIST]
$rd close
} {0}
test {Users can be configured to authenticate with any password} {
r ACL setuser newuser nopass
r AUTH newuser zipzapblabla
} {OK}
test {ACLs can exclude single commands} {
r ACL setuser newuser -ping
r INCR mycounter ; # Should not raise an error
catch {r PING} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACLs can include or exclude whole classes of commands} {
r ACL setuser newuser -@all +@set +acl
r SADD myset a b c; # Should not raise an error
r ACL setuser newuser +@all -@string
r SADD myset a b c; # Again should not raise an error
# String commands instead should raise an error
catch {r SET foo bar} e
r ACL setuser newuser allcommands; # Undo commands ACL
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACLs can include single subcommands} {
r ACL setuser newuser +@all -client
r ACL setuser newuser +client|id +client|setname
r CLIENT ID; # Should not fail
r CLIENT SETNAME foo ; # Should not fail
catch {r CLIENT KILL type master} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACLs set can include subcommands, if already full command exists} {
r ACL setuser bob +memory|doctor
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser bob] commands]
assert_equal {-@all +memory|doctor} $cmdstr
# Validate the commands have got engulfed to +memory.
r ACL setuser bob +memory
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser bob] commands]
assert_equal {-@all +memory} $cmdstr
# Appending to the existing access string of bob.
r ACL setuser bob +@all +client|id
# Validate the new commands has got engulfed to +@all.
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser bob] commands]
assert_equal {+@all} $cmdstr
r CLIENT ID; # Should not fail
r MEMORY DOCTOR; # Should not fail
# Note that the order of the generated ACL rules is not stable in Redis
# so we need to match the different parts and not as a whole string.
test {ACL GETUSER is able to translate back command permissions} {
# Subtractive
r ACL setuser newuser reset +@all ~* -@string +incr -debug +debug|digest
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] commands]
assert_match {*+@all*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-@string*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+incr*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-debug +debug|digest**} $cmdstr
# Additive
r ACL setuser newuser reset +@string -incr +acl +debug|digest +debug|segfault
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser newuser] commands]
assert_match {*-@all*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+@string*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*-incr*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+debug|digest*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+debug|segfault*} $cmdstr
assert_match {*+acl*} $cmdstr
# A regression test make sure that as long as there is a simple
# category defining the commands, that it will be used as is.
test {ACL GETUSER provides reasonable results} {
set categories [r ACL CAT]
# Test that adding each single category will
# result in just that category with both +@all and -@all
foreach category $categories {
# Test for future commands where allowed
r ACL setuser additive reset +@all "-@$category"
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser additive] commands]
assert_equal "+@all -@$category" $cmdstr
# Test for future commands where disallowed
r ACL setuser restrictive reset -@all "+@$category"
set cmdstr [dict get [r ACL getuser restrictive] commands]
assert_equal "-@all +@$category" $cmdstr
test {ACL #5998 regression: memory leaks adding / removing subcommands} {
r AUTH default ""
r ACL setuser newuser reset -debug +debug|a +debug|b +debug|c
r ACL setuser newuser -debug
# The test framework will detect a leak if any.
test {ACL LOG shows failed command executions at toplevel} {
r ACL setuser antirez >foo on +set ~object:1234
r ACL setuser antirez +eval +multi +exec
r ACL setuser antirez resetchannels +publish
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r GET foo}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {antirez}}
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {toplevel}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {command}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {get}}
test {ACL LOG is able to test similar events} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r GET foo}
catch {r GET foo}
catch {r GET foo}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry count] == 4}
test {ACL LOG is able to log keys access violations and key name} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r SET somekeynotallowed 1234}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {key}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {somekeynotallowed}}
test {ACL LOG is able to log channel access violations and channel name} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r PUBLISH somechannelnotallowed nullmsg}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {channel}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {somechannelnotallowed}}
test {ACL LOG RESET is able to flush the entries in the log} {
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] == 0}
test {ACL LOG can distinguish the transaction context (1)} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r EXEC}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {multi}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
test {ACL LOG can distinguish the transaction context (2)} {
set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]
r ACL SETUSER antirez +incr
r AUTH antirez foo
r INCR object:1234
$rd1 ACL SETUSER antirez -incr
$rd1 read
catch {r EXEC}
$rd1 close
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {multi}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
r ACL SETUSER antirez -incr
test {ACL can log errors in the context of Lua scripting} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r EVAL {redis.call('incr','foo')} 0}
r AUTH default ""
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {lua}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {incr}}
test {ACL LOG can accept a numerical argument to show less entries} {
r AUTH antirez foo
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
catch {r INCR foo}
r AUTH default ""
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] > 1}
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG 2]] == 2}
test {ACL LOG can log failed auth attempts} {
catch {r AUTH antirez wrong-password}
set entry [lindex [r ACL LOG] 0]
assert {[dict get $entry context] eq {toplevel}}
assert {[dict get $entry reason] eq {auth}}
assert {[dict get $entry object] eq {AUTH}}
assert {[dict get $entry username] eq {antirez}}
test {ACL LOG entries are limited to a maximum amount} {
r CONFIG SET acllog-max-len 5
r AUTH antirez foo
for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} {
catch {r SET obj:$j 123}
r AUTH default ""
assert {[llength [r ACL LOG]] == 5}
test {When default user is off, new connections are not authenticated} {
r ACL setuser default off
catch {set rd1 [redis_deferring_client]} e
r ACL setuser default on
set e
} {*NOAUTH*}
test {When default user has no command permission, hello command still works for other users} {
r ACL setuser secure-user >supass on +@all
r ACL setuser default -@all
r HELLO 2 AUTH secure-user supass
r ACL setuser default nopass +@all
r AUTH default ""
test {ACL HELP should not have unexpected options} {
catch {r ACL help xxx} e
assert_match "*Unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments*" $e
test {Delete a user that the client doesn't use} {
r ACL setuser not_used on >passwd
assert {[r ACL deluser not_used] == 1}
# The client is not closed
assert {[r ping] eq {PONG}}
test {Delete a user that the client is using} {
r ACL setuser using on +acl >passwd
r AUTH using passwd
# The client will receive reply normally
assert {[r ACL deluser using] == 1}
# The client is closed
catch {[r ping]} e
assert_match "*I/O error*" $e
set server_path [tmpdir "server.acl"]
exec cp -f tests/assets/user.acl $server_path
start_server [list overrides [list "dir" $server_path "aclfile" "user.acl"]] {
# user alice on allcommands allkeys >alice
# user bob on -@all +@set +acl ~set* >bob
# user default on nopass ~* +@all
test {default: load from include file, can access any channels} {
r PUBLISH hello world
test {default: with config acl-pubsub-default allchannels after reset, can access any channels} {
r ACL setuser default reset on nopass ~* +@all
r PUBLISH hello world
test {default: with config acl-pubsub-default resetchannels after reset, can not access any channels} {
r CONFIG SET acl-pubsub-default resetchannels
r ACL setuser default reset on nopass ~* +@all
catch {r SUBSCRIBE foo} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
catch {r PSUBSCRIBE bar*} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
catch {r PUBLISH hello world} e
assert_match {*NOPERM*} $e
r CONFIG SET acl-pubsub-default resetchannels
test {Alice: can execute all command} {
r AUTH alice alice
assert_equal "alice" [r acl whoami]
r SET key value
test {Bob: just execute @set and acl command} {
r AUTH bob bob
assert_equal "bob" [r acl whoami]
assert_equal "3" [r sadd set 1 2 3]
catch {r SET key value} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
test {ACL load and save} {
r ACL setuser eve +get allkeys >eve on
r ACL save
# ACL load will free user and kill clients
r ACL load
catch {r ACL LIST} e
assert_match {*I/O error*} $e
r AUTH alice alice
r SET key value
r AUTH eve eve
r GET key
catch {r SET key value} e
set e
} {*NOPERM*}
start_server {overrides {user "default on nopass ~* +@all"}} {
test {default: load from config file, can access any channels} {
r PUBLISH hello world