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synced 2025-01-22 08:08:53 -05:00
912 lines
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912 lines
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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo <antirez at gmail dot com>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
start_server {tags {"introspection"}} {
test "PING" {
assert_equal {PONG} [r ping]
assert_equal {redict} [r ping redict]
assert_error {*wrong number of arguments for 'ping' command} {r ping hello redict}
test {CLIENT LIST} {
r client list
} {id=* addr=*:* laddr=*:* fd=* name=* age=* idle=* flags=N db=* sub=0 psub=0 ssub=0 multi=-1 watch=0 qbuf=26 qbuf-free=* argv-mem=* multi-mem=0 rbs=* rbp=* obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=* events=r cmd=client|list user=* redir=-1 resp=*}
test {CLIENT LIST with IDs} {
set myid [r client id]
set cl [split [r client list id $myid] "\r\n"]
assert_match "id=$myid * cmd=client|list *" [lindex $cl 0]
test {CLIENT INFO} {
r client info
} {id=* addr=*:* laddr=*:* fd=* name=* age=* idle=* flags=N db=* sub=0 psub=0 ssub=0 multi=-1 watch=0 qbuf=26 qbuf-free=* argv-mem=* multi-mem=0 rbs=* rbp=* obl=0 oll=0 omem=0 tot-mem=* events=r cmd=client|info user=* redir=-1 resp=*}
test {CLIENT KILL with illegal arguments} {
assert_error "ERR wrong number of arguments for 'client|kill' command" {r client kill}
assert_error "ERR syntax error*" {r client kill id 10 wrong_arg}
assert_error "ERR *greater than 0*" {r client kill id str}
assert_error "ERR *greater than 0*" {r client kill id -1}
assert_error "ERR *greater than 0*" {r client kill id 0}
assert_error "ERR Unknown client type*" {r client kill type wrong_type}
assert_error "ERR No such user*" {r client kill user wrong_user}
assert_error "ERR syntax error*" {r client kill skipme yes_or_no}
assert_error "ERR *not an integer or out of range*" {r client kill maxage str}
assert_error "ERR *not an integer or out of range*" {r client kill maxage 9999999999999999999}
assert_error "ERR *greater than 0*" {r client kill maxage -1}
test {CLIENT KILL maxAGE will kill old clients} {
# This test is very likely to do a false positive if the execute time
# takes longer than the max age, so give it a few more chances. Go with
# 3 retries of increasing sleep_time, i.e. start with 2s, then go 4s, 8s.
set sleep_time 2
for {set i 0} {$i < 3} {incr i} {
set rd1 [redict_deferring_client]
r debug sleep $sleep_time
set rd2 [redict_deferring_client]
r acl setuser dummy on nopass +ping
$rd1 auth dummy ""
$rd1 read
$rd2 auth dummy ""
$rd2 read
# Should kill rd1 but not rd2
set max_age [expr $sleep_time / 2]
set res [r client kill user dummy maxage $max_age]
if {$res == 1} {
} else {
# Clean up and try again next time
set sleep_time [expr $sleep_time * 2]
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
} ;# for
if {$::verbose} { puts "CLIENT KILL maxAGE will kill old clients test attempts: $i" }
assert_equal $res 1
# rd2 should still be connected
$rd2 ping
assert_equal "PONG" [$rd2 read]
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
} {0} {"needs:debug"}
test {CLIENT KILL SKIPME YES/NO will kill all clients} {
# Kill all clients except `me`
set rd1 [redict_deferring_client]
set rd2 [redict_deferring_client]
set connected_clients [s connected_clients]
assert {$connected_clients >= 3}
set res [r client kill skipme yes]
assert {$res == $connected_clients - 1}
# Kill all clients, including `me`
set rd3 [redict_deferring_client]
set rd4 [redict_deferring_client]
set connected_clients [s connected_clients]
assert {$connected_clients == 3}
set res [r client kill skipme no]
assert_equal $res $connected_clients
# After killing `me`, the first ping will throw an error
assert_error "*I/O error*" {r ping}
assert_equal "PONG" [r ping]
$rd1 close
$rd2 close
$rd3 close
$rd4 close
test {CLIENT command unhappy path coverage} {
assert_error "ERR*wrong number of arguments*" {r client caching}
assert_error "ERR*when the client is in tracking mode*" {r client caching maybe}
assert_error "ERR*syntax*" {r client no-evict wrongInput}
assert_error "ERR*syntax*" {r client reply wrongInput}
assert_error "ERR*syntax*" {r client tracking wrongInput}
assert_error "ERR*syntax*" {r client tracking on wrongInput}
assert_error "ERR*when the client is in tracking mode*" {r client caching off}
assert_error "ERR*when the client is in tracking mode*" {r client caching on}
assert_error "ERR*syntax*" {r client caching on}
r CLIENT TRACKING off optout
assert_error "ERR*when the client is in tracking mode*" {r client caching on}
assert_error "ERR*No such*" {r client kill 000.123.321.567:0000}
assert_error "ERR*No such*" {r client kill}
assert_error "ERR*timeout is not an integer*" {r client pause abc}
assert_error "ERR timeout is negative" {r client pause -1}
test "CLIENT KILL close the client connection during bgsave" {
# Start a slow bgsave, trigger an active fork.
r flushall
r set k v
r config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000000
r bgsave
wait_for_condition 1000 10 {
[s rdb_bgsave_in_progress] eq 1
} else {
fail "bgsave did not start in time"
# Kill (close) the connection
r client kill skipme no
# In the past, client connections needed to wait for bgsave
# to end before actually closing, now they are closed immediately.
assert_error "*I/O error*" {r ping} ;# get the error very quickly
assert_equal "PONG" [r ping]
# Make sure the bgsave is still in progress
assert_equal [s rdb_bgsave_in_progress] 1
# Stop the child before we proceed to the next test
r config set rdb-key-save-delay 0
r flushall
wait_for_condition 1000 10 {
[s rdb_bgsave_in_progress] eq 0
} else {
fail "bgsave did not stop in time"
} {} {needs:save}
test "CLIENT REPLY OFF/ON: disable all commands reply" {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
# These replies were silenced.
$rd client reply off
$rd ping pong
$rd ping pong2
$rd client reply on
assert_equal {OK} [$rd read]
$rd ping pong3
assert_equal {pong3} [$rd read]
$rd close
test "CLIENT REPLY SKIP: skip the next command reply" {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
# The first pong reply was silenced.
$rd client reply skip
$rd ping pong
$rd ping pong2
assert_equal {pong2} [$rd read]
$rd close
test "CLIENT REPLY ON: unset SKIP flag" {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd client reply skip
$rd client reply on
assert_equal {OK} [$rd read] ;# OK from CLIENT REPLY ON command
$rd ping
assert_equal {PONG} [$rd read]
$rd close
test {MONITOR can log executed commands} {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd monitor
assert_match {*OK*} [$rd read]
r set foo bar
r get foo
set res [list [$rd read] [$rd read]]
$rd close
set _ $res
} {*"set" "foo"*"get" "foo"*}
test {MONITOR can log commands issued by the scripting engine} {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd monitor
$rd read ;# Discard the OK
r eval {redis.call('set',KEYS[1],ARGV[1])} 1 foo bar
assert_match {*eval*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*lua*"set"*"foo"*"bar"*} [$rd read]
$rd close
test {MONITOR can log commands issued by functions} {
r function load replace {#!lua name=test
redis.register_function('test', function() return redis.call('set', 'foo', 'bar') end)
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd monitor
$rd read ;# Discard the OK
r fcall test 0
assert_match {*fcall*test*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*lua*"set"*"foo"*"bar"*} [$rd read]
$rd close
test {MONITOR supports redacting command arguments} {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd monitor
$rd read ; # Discard the OK
r migrate [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port] key 9 5000
r migrate [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port] key 9 5000 AUTH user
r migrate [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port] key 9 5000 AUTH2 user password
catch {r auth not-real} _
catch {r auth not-real not-a-password} _
assert_match {*"key"*"9"*"5000"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"key"*"9"*"5000"*"(redacted)"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"key"*"9"*"5000"*"(redacted)"*"(redacted)"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"auth"*"(redacted)"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"auth"*"(redacted)"*"(redacted)"*} [$rd read]
foreach resp {3 2} {
if {[lsearch $::denytags "resp3"] >= 0} {
if {$resp == 3} {continue}
} elseif {$::force_resp3} {
if {$resp == 2} {continue}
catch {r hello $resp AUTH not-real not-a-password} _
assert_match "*\"hello\"*\"$resp\"*\"AUTH\"*\"(redacted)\"*\"(redacted)\"*" [$rd read]
$rd close
} {0} {needs:repl}
test {MONITOR correctly handles multi-exec cases} {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd monitor
$rd read ; # Discard the OK
# Make sure multi-exec statements are ordered
# correctly
r multi
r set foo bar
r exec
assert_match {*"multi"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"set"*"foo"*"bar"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"exec"*} [$rd read]
# Make sure we close multi statements on errors
r multi
catch {r syntax error} _
catch {r exec} _
assert_match {*"multi"*} [$rd read]
assert_match {*"exec"*} [$rd read]
$rd close
test {MONITOR log blocked command only once} {
# need to reconnect in order to reset the clients state
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
set bc [redict_deferring_client]
r del mylist
$rd monitor
$rd read ; # Discard the OK
$bc blpop mylist 0
wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1
r lpush mylist 1
wait_for_blocked_clients_count 0
r lpush mylist 2
# we expect to see the blpop on the monitor first
assert_match {*"blpop"*"mylist"*"0"*} [$rd read]
# we scan out all the info commands on the monitor
set monitor_output [$rd read]
while { [string match {*"info"*} $monitor_output] } {
set monitor_output [$rd read]
# we expect to locate the lpush right when the client was unblocked
assert_match {*"lpush"*"mylist"*"1"*} $monitor_output
# we scan out all the info commands
set monitor_output [$rd read]
while { [string match {*"info"*} $monitor_output] } {
set monitor_output [$rd read]
# we expect to see the next lpush and not duplicate blpop command
assert_match {*"lpush"*"mylist"*"2"*} $monitor_output
$rd close
$bc close
test {CLIENT GETNAME should return NIL if name is not assigned} {
r client getname
} {}
test {CLIENT GETNAME check if name set correctly} {
r client setname testName
r client getName
} {testName}
test {CLIENT LIST shows empty fields for unassigned names} {
r client list
} {*name= *}
test {CLIENT SETNAME does not accept spaces} {
catch {r client setname "foo bar"} e
set e
} {ERR*}
test {CLIENT SETNAME can assign a name to this connection} {
assert_equal [r client setname myname] {OK}
r client list
} {*name=myname*}
test {CLIENT SETNAME can change the name of an existing connection} {
assert_equal [r client setname someothername] {OK}
r client list
} {*name=someothername*}
test {After CLIENT SETNAME, connection can still be closed} {
set rd [redict_deferring_client]
$rd client setname foobar
assert_equal [$rd read] "OK"
assert_match {*foobar*} [r client list]
$rd close
# Now the client should no longer be listed
wait_for_condition 50 100 {
[string match {*foobar*} [r client list]] == 0
} else {
fail "Client still listed in CLIENT LIST after SETNAME."
test {CLIENT SETINFO can set a library name to this connection} {
r CLIENT SETINFO lib-name redict.py
r CLIENT SETINFO lib-ver 1.2.3
r client info
} {*lib-name=redict.py lib-ver=1.2.3*}
test {CLIENT SETINFO invalid args} {
assert_error {*wrong number of arguments*} {r CLIENT SETINFO lib-name}
assert_error {*cannot contain spaces*} {r CLIENT SETINFO lib-name "redict py"}
assert_error {*newlines*} {r CLIENT SETINFO lib-name "redict.py\n"}
assert_error {*Unrecognized*} {r CLIENT SETINFO badger hamster}
# test that all of these didn't affect the previously set values
r client info
} {*lib-name=redict.py lib-ver=1.2.3*}
test {RESET does NOT clean library name} {
r reset
r client info
} {*lib-name=redict.py*} {needs:reset}
test {CLIENT SETINFO can clear library name} {
r CLIENT SETINFO lib-name ""
r client info
} {*lib-name= *}
test {CONFIG save params special case handled properly} {
# No "save" keyword - defaults should apply
start_server {config "minimal.conf"} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {3600 1 300 100 60 10000}}
# First "save" keyword overrides hard coded defaults
start_server {config "minimal.conf" overrides {save {100 100}}} {
# Defaults
assert_match [r config get save] {save {100 100}}
# First "save" keyword appends default from config file
start_server {config "default.conf" overrides {save {900 1}} args {--save 100 100}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {900 1 100 100}}
# Empty "save" keyword resets all
start_server {config "default.conf" overrides {save {900 1}} args {--save {}}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
} {} {external:skip}
test {CONFIG sanity} {
# Skip immutable configs, one with no get, and other complicated configs
set skip_configs {
if {!$::tls} {
append skip_configs {
set configs {}
foreach {k v} [r config get *] {
if {[lsearch $skip_configs $k] != -1} {
dict set configs $k $v
# try to set the config to the same value it already has
r config set $k $v
set newconfigs {}
foreach {k v} [r config get *] {
if {[lsearch $skip_configs $k] != -1} {
dict set newconfigs $k $v
dict for {k v} $configs {
set vv [dict get $newconfigs $k]
if {$v != $vv} {
fail "config $k mismatch, expecting $v but got $vv"
# Do a force-all config rewrite and make sure we're able to parse
# it.
test {CONFIG REWRITE sanity} {
# Capture state of config before
set configs {}
foreach {k v} [r config get *] {
dict set configs $k $v
# Rewrite entire configuration, restart and confirm the
# server is able to parse it and start.
assert_equal [r debug config-rewrite-force-all] "OK"
restart_server 0 true false
wait_done_loading r
# Verify no changes were introduced
dict for {k v} $configs {
assert_equal $v [lindex [r config get $k] 1]
} {} {external:skip}
test {CONFIG REWRITE handles save and shutdown properly} {
r config set save "3600 1 300 100 60 10000"
r config set shutdown-on-sigterm "nosave now"
r config set shutdown-on-sigint "save"
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get save] {save {3600 1 300 100 60 10000}}
assert_equal [r config get shutdown-on-sigterm] {shutdown-on-sigterm {nosave now}}
assert_equal [r config get shutdown-on-sigint] {shutdown-on-sigint save}
r config set save ""
r config set shutdown-on-sigterm "default"
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_equal [r config get shutdown-on-sigterm] {shutdown-on-sigterm default}
start_server {config "minimal.conf"} {
assert_equal [r config get save] {save {3600 1 300 100 60 10000}}
r config set save ""
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get save] {save {}}
} {} {external:skip}
test {CONFIG SET with multiple args} {
set some_configs {maxmemory 10000001 repl-backlog-size 10000002 save {3000 5}}
# Backup
set backups {}
foreach c [dict keys $some_configs] {
lappend backups $c [lindex [r config get $c] 1]
# multi config set and veirfy
assert_equal [eval "r config set $some_configs"] "OK"
dict for {c val} $some_configs {
assert_equal [lindex [r config get $c] 1] $val
# Restore backup
assert_equal [eval "r config set $backups"] "OK"
test {CONFIG SET rollback on set error} {
# This test passes an invalid percent value to maxmemory-clients which should cause an
# input verification failure during the "set" phase before trying to apply the
# configuration. We want to make sure the correct failure happens and everything
# is rolled back.
# backup maxmemory config
set mm_backup [lindex [r config get maxmemory] 1]
set mmc_backup [lindex [r config get maxmemory-clients] 1]
set qbl_backup [lindex [r config get client-query-buffer-limit] 1]
# Set some value to maxmemory
assert_equal [r config set maxmemory 10000002] "OK"
# Set another value to maxmeory together with another invalid config
assert_error "ERR CONFIG SET failed (possibly related to argument 'maxmemory-clients') - percentage argument must be less or equal to 100" {
r config set maxmemory 10000001 maxmemory-clients 200% client-query-buffer-limit invalid
# Validate we rolled back to original values
assert_equal [lindex [r config get maxmemory] 1] 10000002
assert_equal [lindex [r config get maxmemory-clients] 1] $mmc_backup
assert_equal [lindex [r config get client-query-buffer-limit] 1] $qbl_backup
# Make sure we revert back to the previous maxmemory
assert_equal [r config set maxmemory $mm_backup] "OK"
test {CONFIG SET rollback on apply error} {
# This test tries to configure a used port number in redict. This is expected
# to pass the `CONFIG SET` validity checking implementation but fail on
# actual "apply" of the setting. This will validate that after an "apply"
# failure we rollback to the previous values.
proc dummy_accept {chan addr port} {}
set some_configs {maxmemory 10000001 port 0 client-query-buffer-limit 10m}
# On Linux we also set the oom score adj which has an apply function. This is
# used to verify that even successful applies are rolled back if some other
# config's apply fails.
set oom_adj_avail [expr {!$::external && [exec uname] == "Linux"}]
if {$oom_adj_avail} {
proc get_oom_score_adj {} {
set pid [srv 0 pid]
set fd [open "/proc/$pid/oom_score_adj" "r"]
set val [gets $fd]
close $fd
return $val
set some_configs [linsert $some_configs 0 oom-score-adj yes oom-score-adj-values {1 1 1}]
set read_oom_adj [get_oom_score_adj]
# Backup
set backups {}
foreach c [dict keys $some_configs] {
lappend backups $c [lindex [r config get $c] 1]
set used_port [find_available_port $::baseport $::portcount]
dict set some_configs port $used_port
# Run a dummy server on used_port so we know we can't configure redict to
# use it. It's ok for this to fail because that means used_port is invalid
# anyway
catch {socket -server dummy_accept -myaddr $used_port} e
if {$::verbose} { puts "dummy_accept: $e" }
# Try to listen on the used port, pass some more configs to make sure the
# returned failure message is for the first bad config and everything is rolled back.
assert_error "ERR CONFIG SET failed (possibly related to argument 'port') - Unable to listen on this port*" {
eval "r config set $some_configs"
# Make sure we reverted back to previous configs
dict for {conf val} $backups {
assert_equal [lindex [r config get $conf] 1] $val
if {$oom_adj_avail} {
assert_equal [get_oom_score_adj] $read_oom_adj
# Make sure we can still communicate with the server (on the original port)
set r1 [redict_client]
assert_equal [$r1 ping] "PONG"
$r1 close
test {CONFIG SET duplicate configs} {
assert_error "ERR *duplicate*" {r config set maxmemory 10000001 maxmemory 10000002}
test {CONFIG SET set immutable} {
assert_error "ERR *immutable*" {r config set daemonize yes}
test {CONFIG GET hidden configs} {
set hidden_config "key-load-delay"
# When we use a pattern we shouldn't get the hidden config
assert {![dict exists [r config get *] $hidden_config]}
# When we explicitly request the hidden config we should get it
assert {[dict exists [r config get $hidden_config] "$hidden_config"]}
test {CONFIG GET multiple args} {
set res [r config get maxmemory maxmemory* bind *of]
# Verify there are no duplicates in the result
assert_equal [expr [llength [dict keys $res]]*2] [llength $res]
# Verify we got both name and alias in result
assert {[dict exists $res slaveof] && [dict exists $res replicaof]}
# Verify pattern found multiple maxmemory* configs
assert {[dict exists $res maxmemory] && [dict exists $res maxmemory-samples] && [dict exists $res maxmemory-clients]}
# Verify we also got the explicit config
assert {[dict exists $res bind]}
test {redict-server command line arguments - error cases} {
# Take '--invalid' as the option.
catch {exec src/redict-server --invalid} err
assert_match {*Bad directive or wrong number of arguments*} $err
catch {exec src/redict-server --port} err
assert_match {*'port'*wrong number of arguments*} $err
catch {exec src/redict-server --port 6380 --loglevel} err
assert_match {*'loglevel'*wrong number of arguments*} $err
# Take `6379` and `6380` as the port option value.
catch {exec src/redict-server --port 6379 6380} err
assert_match {*'port "6379" "6380"'*wrong number of arguments*} $err
# Take `--loglevel` and `verbose` as the port option value.
catch {exec src/redict-server --port --loglevel verbose} err
assert_match {*'port "--loglevel" "verbose"'*wrong number of arguments*} $err
# Take `--bla` as the port option value.
catch {exec src/redict-server --port --bla --loglevel verbose} err
assert_match {*'port "--bla"'*argument couldn't be parsed into an integer*} $err
# Take `--bla` as the loglevel option value.
catch {exec src/redict-server --logfile --my--log--file --loglevel --bla} err
assert_match {*'loglevel "--bla"'*argument(s) must be one of the following*} $err
# Using MULTI_ARG's own check, empty option value
catch {exec src/redict-server --shutdown-on-sigint} err
assert_match {*'shutdown-on-sigint'*argument(s) must be one of the following*} $err
catch {exec src/redict-server --shutdown-on-sigint "now force" --shutdown-on-sigterm} err
assert_match {*'shutdown-on-sigterm'*argument(s) must be one of the following*} $err
# Something like `redict-server --some-config --config-value1 --config-value2 --loglevel debug` would break,
# because if you want to pass a value to a config starting with `--`, it can only be a single value.
catch {exec src/redict-server --replicaof abc} err
assert_match {*'replicaof "" "abc"'*Invalid master port*} $err
catch {exec src/redict-server --replicaof -- abc} err
assert_match {*'replicaof "--" "abc"'*Invalid master port*} $err
catch {exec src/redict-server --replicaof -- --abc} err
assert_match {*'replicaof "--"'*wrong number of arguments*} $err
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - allow passing option name and option value in the same arg} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {"--maxmemory 700mb" "--maxmemory-policy volatile-lru"}} {
assert_match [r config get maxmemory] {maxmemory 734003200}
assert_match [r config get maxmemory-policy] {maxmemory-policy volatile-lru}
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - wrong usage that we support anyway} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {loglevel verbose "--maxmemory '700mb'" "--maxmemory-policy 'volatile-lru'"}} {
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
assert_match [r config get maxmemory] {maxmemory 734003200}
assert_match [r config get maxmemory-policy] {maxmemory-policy volatile-lru}
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - allow option value to use the `--` prefix} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--proc-title-template --my--title--template --loglevel verbose}} {
assert_match [r config get proc-title-template] {proc-title-template --my--title--template}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - option name and option value in the same arg and `--` prefix} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {"--proc-title-template --my--title--template" "--loglevel verbose"}} {
assert_match [r config get proc-title-template] {proc-title-template --my--title--template}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - save with empty input} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--save --loglevel verbose}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--loglevel verbose --save}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--save {} --loglevel verbose}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--loglevel verbose --save {}}} {
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--proc-title-template --save --save {} --loglevel verbose}} {
assert_match [r config get proc-title-template] {proc-title-template --save}
assert_match [r config get save] {save {}}
assert_match [r config get loglevel] {loglevel verbose}
} {} {external:skip}
test {redict-server command line arguments - take one bulk string with spaces for MULTI_ARG configs parsing} {
start_server {config "default.conf" args {--shutdown-on-sigint nosave force now --shutdown-on-sigterm "nosave force"}} {
assert_match [r config get shutdown-on-sigint] {shutdown-on-sigint {nosave now force}}
assert_match [r config get shutdown-on-sigterm] {shutdown-on-sigterm {nosave force}}
} {} {external:skip}
# Config file at this point is at a weird state, and includes all
# known keywords. Might be a good idea to avoid adding tests here.
start_server {tags {"introspection external:skip"} overrides {enable-protected-configs {no} enable-debug-command {no}}} {
test {cannot modify protected configuration - no} {
assert_error "ERR *protected*" {r config set dir somedir}
assert_error "ERR *DEBUG command not allowed*" {r DEBUG HELP}
} {} {needs:debug}
start_server {config "minimal.conf" tags {"introspection external:skip"} overrides {protected-mode {no} enable-protected-configs {local} enable-debug-command {local}}} {
test {cannot modify protected configuration - local} {
# verify that for local connection it doesn't error
r config set dbfilename somename
# Get a non-loopback address of this instance for this test.
set myaddr [get_nonloopback_addr]
if {$myaddr != "" && ![string match {127.*} $myaddr]} {
# Non-loopback client should fail
set r2 [get_nonloopback_client]
assert_error "ERR *protected*" {$r2 config set dir somedir}
assert_error "ERR *DEBUG command not allowed*" {$r2 DEBUG HELP}
} {} {needs:debug}
test {config during loading} {
start_server [list overrides [list key-load-delay 50 loading-process-events-interval-bytes 1024 rdbcompression no save "900 1"]] {
# create a big rdb that will take long to load. it is important
# for keys to be big since the server processes events only once in 2mb.
# 100mb of rdb, 100k keys will load in more than 5 seconds
r debug populate 100000 key 1000
restart_server 0 false false
# make sure it's still loading
assert_equal [s loading] 1
# verify some configs are allowed during loading
r config set loglevel debug
assert_equal [lindex [r config get loglevel] 1] debug
# verify some configs are forbidden during loading
assert_error {LOADING*} {r config set dir asdf}
# make sure it's still loading
assert_equal [s loading] 1
# no need to keep waiting for loading to complete
exec kill [srv 0 pid]
} {} {external:skip}
test {CONFIG REWRITE handles rename-command properly} {
start_server {tags {"introspection"} overrides {rename-command {flushdb badger}}} {
assert_error {ERR unknown command*} {r flushdb}
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_error {ERR unknown command*} {r flushdb}
} {} {external:skip}
test {CONFIG REWRITE handles alias config properly} {
start_server {tags {"introspection"} overrides {hash-max-listpack-entries 20 hash-max-ziplist-entries 21}} {
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-listpack-entries] {hash-max-listpack-entries 21}
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-ziplist-entries] {hash-max-ziplist-entries 21}
r config set hash-max-listpack-entries 100
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-listpack-entries] {hash-max-listpack-entries 100}
# test the order doesn't matter
start_server {tags {"introspection"} overrides {hash-max-ziplist-entries 20 hash-max-listpack-entries 21}} {
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-listpack-entries] {hash-max-listpack-entries 21}
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-ziplist-entries] {hash-max-ziplist-entries 21}
r config set hash-max-listpack-entries 100
r config rewrite
restart_server 0 true false
assert_equal [r config get hash-max-listpack-entries] {hash-max-listpack-entries 100}
} {} {external:skip}