# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only proc log_file_matches {log pattern} { set fp [open $log r] set content [read $fp] close $fp string match $pattern $content } start_server {tags {"repl network external:skip"}} { set slave [srv 0 client] set slave_host [srv 0 host] set slave_port [srv 0 port] set slave_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] # Configure the master in order to hang waiting for the BGSAVE # operation, so that the slave remains in the handshake state. $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 1000 # Start the replication process... $slave slaveof $master_host $master_port test {Slave enters handshake} { wait_for_condition 50 1000 { [string match *handshake* [$slave role]] } else { fail "Replica does not enter handshake state" } } test {Slave enters wait_bgsave} { wait_for_condition 50 1000 { [string match *state=wait_bgsave* [$master info replication]] } else { fail "Replica does not enter wait_bgsave state" } } # Use a short replication timeout on the slave, so that if there # are no bugs the timeout is triggered in a reasonable amount # of time. $slave config set repl-timeout 5 # But make the master unable to send # the periodic newlines to refresh the connection. The slave # should detect the timeout. $master debug sleep 10 test {Slave is able to detect timeout during handshake} { wait_for_condition 50 1000 { [log_file_matches $slave_log "*Timeout connecting to the MASTER*"] } else { fail "Replica is not able to detect timeout" } } } } start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { set A [srv 0 client] set A_host [srv 0 host] set A_port [srv 0 port] start_server {} { set B [srv 0 client] set B_host [srv 0 host] set B_port [srv 0 port] test {Set instance A as slave of B} { $A slaveof $B_host $B_port wait_for_condition 50 100 { [lindex [$A role] 0] eq {slave} && [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$A info replication]] } else { fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica" } } test {INCRBYFLOAT replication, should not remove expire} { r set test 1 EX 100 r incrbyfloat test 0.1 wait_for_ofs_sync $A $B assert_equal [$A debug digest] [$B debug digest] } test {GETSET replication} { $A config resetstat $A config set loglevel debug $B config set loglevel debug r set test foo assert_equal [r getset test bar] foo wait_for_condition 500 10 { [$A get test] eq "bar" } else { fail "getset wasn't propagated" } assert_equal [r set test vaz get] bar wait_for_condition 500 10 { [$A get test] eq "vaz" } else { fail "set get wasn't propagated" } assert_match {*calls=3,*} [cmdrstat set $A] assert_match {} [cmdrstat getset $A] } test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, when blocking against empty list} { $A config resetstat set rd [redict_deferring_client] $rd brpoplpush a b 5 r lpush a foo wait_for_condition 50 100 { [$A debug digest] eq [$B debug digest] } else { fail "Master and replica have different digest: [$A debug digest] VS [$B debug digest]" } assert_match {*calls=1,*} [cmdrstat rpoplpush $A] assert_match {} [cmdrstat lmove $A] } test {BRPOPLPUSH replication, list exists} { $A config resetstat set rd [redict_deferring_client] r lpush c 1 r lpush c 2 r lpush c 3 $rd brpoplpush c d 5 after 1000 assert_equal [$A debug digest] [$B debug digest] assert_match {*calls=1,*} [cmdrstat rpoplpush $A] assert_match {} [cmdrstat lmove $A] } foreach wherefrom {left right} { foreach whereto {left right} { test "BLMOVE ($wherefrom, $whereto) replication, when blocking against empty list" { $A config resetstat set rd [redict_deferring_client] $rd blmove a b $wherefrom $whereto 5 r lpush a foo wait_for_condition 50 100 { [$A debug digest] eq [$B debug digest] } else { fail "Master and replica have different digest: [$A debug digest] VS [$B debug digest]" } assert_match {*calls=1,*} [cmdrstat lmove $A] assert_match {} [cmdrstat rpoplpush $A] } test "BLMOVE ($wherefrom, $whereto) replication, list exists" { $A config resetstat set rd [redict_deferring_client] r lpush c 1 r lpush c 2 r lpush c 3 $rd blmove c d $wherefrom $whereto 5 after 1000 assert_equal [$A debug digest] [$B debug digest] assert_match {*calls=1,*} [cmdrstat lmove $A] assert_match {} [cmdrstat rpoplpush $A] } } } test {BLPOP followed by role change, issue #2473} { set rd [redict_deferring_client] $rd blpop foo 0 ; # Block while B is a master # Turn B into master of A $A slaveof no one $B slaveof $A_host $A_port wait_for_condition 50 100 { [lindex [$B role] 0] eq {slave} && [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$B info replication]] } else { fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica" } # Push elements into the "foo" list of the new replica. # If the client is still attached to the instance, we'll get # a desync between the two instances. $A rpush foo a b c after 100 wait_for_condition 50 100 { [$A debug digest] eq [$B debug digest] && [$A lrange foo 0 -1] eq {a b c} && [$B lrange foo 0 -1] eq {a b c} } else { fail "Master and replica have different digest: [$A debug digest] VS [$B debug digest]" } assert_match {*calls=1,*,rejected_calls=0,failed_calls=1*} [cmdrstat blpop $B] } } } start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { r set mykey foo start_server {} { test {Second server should have role master at first} { s role } {master} test {SLAVEOF should start with link status "down"} { r multi r slaveof [srv -1 host] [srv -1 port] r info replication r exec } {*master_link_status:down*} test {The role should immediately be changed to "replica"} { s role } {slave} wait_for_sync r test {Sync should have transferred keys from master} { r get mykey } {foo} test {The link status should be up} { s master_link_status } {up} test {SET on the master should immediately propagate} { r -1 set mykey bar wait_for_condition 500 100 { [r 0 get mykey] eq {bar} } else { fail "SET on master did not propagated on replica" } } test {FLUSHDB / FLUSHALL should replicate} { # we're attaching to a sub-replica, so we need to stop pings on the real master r -1 config set repl-ping-replica-period 3600 set repl [attach_to_replication_stream] r -1 set key value r -1 flushdb r -1 set key value2 r -1 flushall wait_for_ofs_sync [srv 0 client] [srv -1 client] assert_equal [r -1 dbsize] 0 assert_equal [r 0 dbsize] 0 # DB is empty. r -1 flushdb r -1 flushdb r -1 eval {redict.call("flushdb")} 0 # DBs are empty. r -1 flushall r -1 flushall r -1 eval {redict.call("flushall")} 0 # add another command to check nothing else was propagated after the above r -1 incr x # Assert that each FLUSHDB command is replicated even the DB is empty. # Assert that each FLUSHALL command is replicated even the DBs are empty. assert_replication_stream $repl { {set key value} {flushdb} {set key value2} {flushall} {flushdb} {flushdb} {flushdb} {flushall} {flushall} {flushall} {incr x} } close_replication_stream $repl } test {ROLE in master reports master with a slave} { set res [r -1 role] lassign $res role offset slaves assert {$role eq {master}} assert {$offset > 0} assert {[llength $slaves] == 1} lassign [lindex $slaves 0] master_host master_port slave_offset assert {$slave_offset <= $offset} } test {ROLE in slave reports slave in connected state} { set res [r role] lassign $res role master_host master_port slave_state slave_offset assert {$role eq {slave}} assert {$slave_state eq {connected}} } } } foreach mdl {no yes} { foreach sdl {disabled swapdb} { start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"} overrides {save {}}} { set master [srv 0 client] $master config set repl-diskless-sync $mdl $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 5 $master config set repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas 3 set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] set slaves {} start_server {overrides {save {}}} { lappend slaves [srv 0 client] start_server {overrides {save {}}} { lappend slaves [srv 0 client] start_server {overrides {save {}}} { lappend slaves [srv 0 client] test "Connect multiple replicas at the same time (issue #141), master diskless=$mdl, replica diskless=$sdl" { # start load handles only inside the test, so that the test can be skipped set load_handle0 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 9 100000000] set load_handle1 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 11 100000000] set load_handle2 [start_bg_complex_data $master_host $master_port 12 100000000] set load_handle3 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 8] set load_handle4 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 4] after 5000 ;# wait for some data to accumulate so that we have RDB part for the fork # Send SLAVEOF commands to slaves [lindex $slaves 0] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl [lindex $slaves 1] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl [lindex $slaves 2] config set repl-diskless-load $sdl [lindex $slaves 0] slaveof $master_host $master_port [lindex $slaves 1] slaveof $master_host $master_port [lindex $slaves 2] slaveof $master_host $master_port # Wait for all the three slaves to reach the "online" # state from the POV of the master. set retry 500 while {$retry} { set info [r -3 info] if {[string match {*slave0:*state=online*slave1:*state=online*slave2:*state=online*} $info]} { break } else { incr retry -1 after 100 } } if {$retry == 0} { error "assertion:Slaves not correctly synchronized" } # Wait that slaves acknowledge they are online so # we are sure that DBSIZE and DEBUG DIGEST will not # fail because of timing issues. wait_for_condition 500 100 { [lindex [[lindex $slaves 0] role] 3] eq {connected} && [lindex [[lindex $slaves 1] role] 3] eq {connected} && [lindex [[lindex $slaves 2] role] 3] eq {connected} } else { fail "Slaves still not connected after some time" } # Stop the write load stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle0 stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle1 stop_bg_complex_data $load_handle2 stop_write_load $load_handle3 stop_write_load $load_handle4 # Make sure no more commands processed wait_load_handlers_disconnected -3 wait_for_ofs_sync $master [lindex $slaves 0] wait_for_ofs_sync $master [lindex $slaves 1] wait_for_ofs_sync $master [lindex $slaves 2] # Check digests set digest [$master debug digest] set digest0 [[lindex $slaves 0] debug digest] set digest1 [[lindex $slaves 1] debug digest] set digest2 [[lindex $slaves 2] debug digest] assert {$digest ne 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000} assert {$digest eq $digest0} assert {$digest eq $digest1} assert {$digest eq $digest2} } } } } } } } start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"} overrides {save {}}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] start_server {overrides {save {}}} { test "Master stream is correctly processed while the replica has a script in -BUSY state" { set load_handle0 [start_write_load $master_host $master_port 3] set slave [srv 0 client] $slave config set lua-time-limit 500 $slave slaveof $master_host $master_port # Wait for the slave to be online wait_for_condition 500 100 { [lindex [$slave role] 3] eq {connected} } else { fail "Replica still not connected after some time" } # Wait some time to make sure the master is sending data # to the slave. after 5000 # Stop the ability of the slave to process data by sendig # a script that will put it in BUSY state. $slave eval {for i=1,3000000000 do end} 0 # Wait some time again so that more master stream will # be processed. after 2000 # Stop the write load stop_write_load $load_handle0 # number of keys wait_for_condition 500 100 { [$master debug digest] eq [$slave debug digest] } else { fail "Different datasets between replica and master" } } } } # Diskless load swapdb when NOT async_loading (different master replid) foreach testType {Successful Aborted} { start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set replica_host [srv 0 host] set replica_port [srv 0 port] set replica_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] # Set master and replica to use diskless replication on swapdb mode $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 $master config set save "" $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb $replica config set save "" # Put different data sets on the master and replica # We need to put large keys on the master since the replica replies to info only once in 2mb $replica debug populate 200 slave 10 $master debug populate 1000 master 100000 $master config set rdbcompression no # Set a key value on replica to check status on failure and after swapping db $replica set mykey myvalue switch $testType { "Aborted" { # Set master with a slow rdb generation, so that we can easily intercept loading # 10ms per key, with 1000 keys is 10 seconds $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000 # Start the replication process $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port test {Diskless load swapdb (different replid): replica enter loading} { # Wait for the replica to start reading the rdb wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 loading] eq 1 } else { fail "Replica didn't get into loading mode" } assert_equal [s -1 async_loading] 0 } # Make sure that next sync will not start immediately so that we can catch the replica in between syncs $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 5 # Kill the replica connection on the master set killed [$master client kill type replica] # Wait for loading to stop (fail) wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 loading] eq 0 } else { fail "Replica didn't disconnect" } test {Diskless load swapdb (different replid): old database is exposed after replication fails} { # Ensure we see old values from replica assert_equal [$replica get mykey] "myvalue" # Make sure amount of replica keys didn't change assert_equal [$replica dbsize] 201 } # Speed up shutdown $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 0 } "Successful" { # Start the replication process $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # Let replica finish sync with master wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 master_link_status] eq "up" } else { fail "Master <-> Replica didn't finish sync" } test {Diskless load swapdb (different replid): new database is exposed after swapping} { # Ensure we don't see anymore the key that was stored only to replica and also that we don't get LOADING status assert_equal [$replica GET mykey] "" # Make sure amount of keys matches master assert_equal [$replica dbsize] 1000 } } } } } } # Diskless load swapdb when async_loading (matching master replid) foreach testType {Successful Aborted} { start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set replica_host [srv 0 host] set replica_port [srv 0 port] set replica_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] # Set master and replica to use diskless replication on swapdb mode $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 $master config set save "" $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb $replica config set save "" # Set replica writable so we can check that a key we manually added is served # during replication and after failure, but disappears on success $replica config set replica-read-only no # Initial sync to have matching replids between master and replica $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # Let replica finish initial sync with master wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 master_link_status] eq "up" } else { fail "Master <-> Replica didn't finish sync" } # Put different data sets on the master and replica # We need to put large keys on the master since the replica replies to info only once in 2mb $replica debug populate 2000 slave 10 $master debug populate 2000 master 100000 $master config set rdbcompression no # Set a key value on replica to check status during loading, on failure and after swapping db $replica set mykey myvalue # Set a function value on replica to check status during loading, on failure and after swapping db $replica function load {#!lua name=test redict.register_function('test', function() return 'hello1' end) } # Set a function value on master to check it reaches the replica when replication ends $master function load {#!lua name=test redict.register_function('test', function() return 'hello2' end) } # Remember the sync_full stat before the client kill. set sync_full [s 0 sync_full] if {$testType == "Aborted"} { # Set master with a slow rdb generation, so that we can easily intercept loading # 10ms per key, with 2000 keys is 20 seconds $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000 } # Force the replica to try another full sync (this time it will have matching master replid) $master multi $master client kill type replica # Fill replication backlog with new content $master config set repl-backlog-size 16384 for {set keyid 0} {$keyid < 10} {incr keyid} { $master set "$keyid string_$keyid" [string repeat A 16384] } $master exec # Wait for sync_full to get incremented from the previous value. # After the client kill, make sure we do a reconnect, and do a FULL SYNC. wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s 0 sync_full] > $sync_full } else { fail "Master <-> Replica didn't start the full sync" } switch $testType { "Aborted" { test {Diskless load swapdb (async_loading): replica enter async_loading} { # Wait for the replica to start reading the rdb wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 async_loading] eq 1 } else { fail "Replica didn't get into async_loading mode" } assert_equal [s -1 loading] 0 } test {Diskless load swapdb (async_loading): old database is exposed while async replication is in progress} { # Ensure we still see old values while async_loading is in progress and also not LOADING status assert_equal [$replica get mykey] "myvalue" # Ensure we still can call old function while async_loading is in progress assert_equal [$replica fcall test 0] "hello1" # Make sure we're still async_loading to validate previous assertion assert_equal [s -1 async_loading] 1 # Make sure amount of replica keys didn't change assert_equal [$replica dbsize] 2001 } test {Busy script during async loading} { set rd_replica [redict_deferring_client -1] $replica config set lua-time-limit 10 $rd_replica eval {while true do end} 0 after 200 assert_error {BUSY*} {$replica ping} $replica script kill after 200 ; # Give some time to Lua to call the hook again... assert_equal [$replica ping] "PONG" $rd_replica close } test {Blocked commands and configs during async-loading} { assert_error {LOADING*} {$replica config set appendonly no} assert_error {LOADING*} {$replica REPLICAOF no one} } # Make sure that next sync will not start immediately so that we can catch the replica in between syncs $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 5 # Kill the replica connection on the master set killed [$master client kill type replica] # Wait for loading to stop (fail) wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 async_loading] eq 0 } else { fail "Replica didn't disconnect" } test {Diskless load swapdb (async_loading): old database is exposed after async replication fails} { # Ensure we see old values from replica assert_equal [$replica get mykey] "myvalue" # Ensure we still can call old function assert_equal [$replica fcall test 0] "hello1" # Make sure amount of replica keys didn't change assert_equal [$replica dbsize] 2001 } # Speed up shutdown $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 0 } "Successful" { # Let replica finish sync with master wait_for_condition 100 100 { [s -1 master_link_status] eq "up" } else { fail "Master <-> Replica didn't finish sync" } test {Diskless load swapdb (async_loading): new database is exposed after swapping} { # Ensure we don't see anymore the key that was stored only to replica and also that we don't get LOADING status assert_equal [$replica GET mykey] "" # Ensure we got the new function assert_equal [$replica fcall test 0] "hello2" # Make sure amount of keys matches master assert_equal [$replica dbsize] 2010 } } } } } } test {diskless loading short read} { start_server {tags {"repl"} overrides {save ""}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set replica_host [srv 0 host] set replica_port [srv 0 port] start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] # Set master and replica to use diskless replication $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set rdbcompression no $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb $master config set hz 500 $replica config set hz 500 $master config set dynamic-hz no $replica config set dynamic-hz no # Try to fill the master with all types of data types / encodings set start [clock clicks -milliseconds] # Set a function value to check short read handling on functions r function load {#!lua name=test redict.register_function('test', function() return 'hello1' end) } for {set k 0} {$k < 3} {incr k} { for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { r set "$k int_$i" [expr {int(rand()*10000)}] r expire "$k int_$i" [expr {int(rand()*10000)}] r set "$k string_$i" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]] r hset "$k hash_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] 0[string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] r hset "$k hash_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10000)}]] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]] r sadd "$k set_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] r sadd "$k set_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]] r zadd "$k zset_small" [expr {rand()}] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] r zadd "$k zset_large" [expr {rand()}] [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]] r lpush "$k list_small" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*10)}]] r lpush "$k list_large" [string repeat A [expr {int(rand()*1000000)}]] for {set j 0} {$j < 10} {incr j} { r xadd "$k stream" * foo "asdf" bar "1234" } r xgroup create "$k stream" "mygroup_$i" 0 r xreadgroup GROUP "mygroup_$i" Alice COUNT 1 STREAMS "$k stream" > } } if {$::verbose} { set end [clock clicks -milliseconds] set duration [expr $end - $start] puts "filling took $duration ms (TODO: use pipeline)" set start [clock clicks -milliseconds] } # Start the replication process... set loglines [count_log_lines -1] $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # kill the replication at various points set attempts 100 if {$::accurate} { set attempts 500 } for {set i 0} {$i < $attempts} {incr i} { # wait for the replica to start reading the rdb # using the log file since the replica only responds to INFO once in 2mb set res [wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 2000 1] set loglines [lindex $res 1] # add some additional random sleep so that we kill the master on a different place each time after [expr {int(rand()*50)}] # kill the replica connection on the master set killed [$master client kill type replica] set res [wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Internal error in RDB*" "*Finished with success*" "*Successful partial resynchronization*"} $loglines 500 10] if {$::verbose} { puts $res } set log_text [lindex $res 0] set loglines [lindex $res 1] if {![string match "*Internal error in RDB*" $log_text]} { # force the replica to try another full sync $master multi $master client kill type replica $master set asdf asdf # fill replication backlog with new content $master config set repl-backlog-size 16384 for {set keyid 0} {$keyid < 10} {incr keyid} { $master set "$keyid string_$keyid" [string repeat A 16384] } $master exec } # wait for loading to stop (fail) # After a loading successfully, next loop will enter `async_loading` wait_for_condition 1000 1 { [s -1 async_loading] eq 0 && [s -1 loading] eq 0 } else { fail "Replica didn't disconnect" } } if {$::verbose} { set end [clock clicks -milliseconds] set duration [expr $end - $start] puts "test took $duration ms" } # enable fast shutdown $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 0 } } } {} {external:skip} # get current stime and utime metrics for a thread (since it's creation) proc get_cpu_metrics { statfile } { if { [ catch { set fid [ open $statfile r ] set data [ read $fid 1024 ] ::close $fid set data [ split $data ] ;## number of jiffies it has been scheduled... set utime [ lindex $data 13 ] set stime [ lindex $data 14 ] } err ] } { error "assertion:can't parse /proc: $err" } set mstime [clock milliseconds] return [ list $mstime $utime $stime ] } # compute %utime and %stime of a thread between two measurements proc compute_cpu_usage {start end} { set clock_ticks [exec getconf CLK_TCK] # convert ms time to jiffies and calc delta set dtime [ expr { ([lindex $end 0] - [lindex $start 0]) * double($clock_ticks) / 1000 } ] set utime [ expr { [lindex $end 1] - [lindex $start 1] } ] set stime [ expr { [lindex $end 2] - [lindex $start 2] } ] set pucpu [ expr { ($utime / $dtime) * 100 } ] set pscpu [ expr { ($stime / $dtime) * 100 } ] return [ list $pucpu $pscpu ] } # test diskless rdb pipe with multiple replicas, which may drop half way start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"} overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 5 $master config set repl-diskless-sync-max-replicas 2 set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] set master_pid [srv 0 pid] # put enough data in the db that the rdb file will be bigger than the socket buffers # and since we'll have key-load-delay of 100, 20000 keys will take at least 2 seconds # we also need the replica to process requests during transfer (which it does only once in 2mb) $master debug populate 20000 test 10000 $master config set rdbcompression no # If running on Linux, we also measure utime/stime to detect possible I/O handling issues set os [catch {exec uname}] set measure_time [expr {$os == "Linux"} ? 1 : 0] foreach all_drop {no slow fast all timeout} { test "diskless $all_drop replicas drop during rdb pipe" { set replicas {} set replicas_alive {} # start one replica that will read the rdb fast, and one that will be slow start_server {overrides {save ""}} { lappend replicas [srv 0 client] lappend replicas_alive [srv 0 client] start_server {overrides {save ""}} { lappend replicas [srv 0 client] lappend replicas_alive [srv 0 client] # start replication # it's enough for just one replica to be slow, and have it's write handler enabled # so that the whole rdb generation process is bound to that set loglines [count_log_lines -2] [lindex $replicas 0] config set repl-diskless-load swapdb [lindex $replicas 0] config set key-load-delay 100 ;# 20k keys and 100 microseconds sleep means at least 2 seconds [lindex $replicas 0] replicaof $master_host $master_port [lindex $replicas 1] replicaof $master_host $master_port # wait for the replicas to start reading the rdb # using the log file since the replica only responds to INFO once in 2mb wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} 0 1500 10 if {$measure_time} { set master_statfile "/proc/$master_pid/stat" set master_start_metrics [get_cpu_metrics $master_statfile] set start_time [clock seconds] } # wait a while so that the pipe socket writer will be # blocked on write (since replica 0 is slow to read from the socket) after 500 # add some command to be present in the command stream after the rdb. $master incr $all_drop # disconnect replicas depending on the current test if {$all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "fast"} { exec kill [srv 0 pid] set replicas_alive [lreplace $replicas_alive 1 1] } if {$all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "slow"} { exec kill [srv -1 pid] set replicas_alive [lreplace $replicas_alive 0 0] } if {$all_drop == "timeout"} { $master config set repl-timeout 2 # we want the slow replica to hang on a key for very long so it'll reach repl-timeout pause_process [srv -1 pid] after 2000 } # wait for rdb child to exit wait_for_condition 500 100 { [s -2 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 0 } else { fail "rdb child didn't terminate" } # make sure we got what we were aiming for, by looking for the message in the log file if {$all_drop == "all"} { wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, last replica dropped, killing fork child*"} $loglines 1 1 } if {$all_drop == "no"} { wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, done reading from pipe, 2 replicas still up*"} $loglines 1 1 } if {$all_drop == "slow" || $all_drop == "fast"} { wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, done reading from pipe, 1 replicas still up*"} $loglines 1 1 } if {$all_drop == "timeout"} { wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Disconnecting timedout replica (full sync)*"} $loglines 1 1 wait_for_log_messages -2 {"*Diskless rdb transfer, done reading from pipe, 1 replicas still up*"} $loglines 1 1 # master disconnected the slow replica, remove from array set replicas_alive [lreplace $replicas_alive 0 0] # release it resume_process [srv -1 pid] } # make sure we don't have a busy loop going thought epoll_wait if {$measure_time} { set master_end_metrics [get_cpu_metrics $master_statfile] set time_elapsed [expr {[clock seconds]-$start_time}] set master_cpu [compute_cpu_usage $master_start_metrics $master_end_metrics] set master_utime [lindex $master_cpu 0] set master_stime [lindex $master_cpu 1] if {$::verbose} { puts "elapsed: $time_elapsed" puts "master utime: $master_utime" puts "master stime: $master_stime" } if {!$::no_latency && ($all_drop == "all" || $all_drop == "slow" || $all_drop == "timeout")} { assert {$master_utime < 70} assert {$master_stime < 70} } if {!$::no_latency && ($all_drop == "none" || $all_drop == "fast")} { assert {$master_utime < 15} assert {$master_stime < 15} } } # verify the data integrity foreach replica $replicas_alive { # Wait that replicas acknowledge they are online so # we are sure that DBSIZE and DEBUG DIGEST will not # fail because of timing issues. wait_for_condition 150 100 { [lindex [$replica role] 3] eq {connected} } else { fail "replicas still not connected after some time" } # Make sure that replicas and master have same # number of keys wait_for_condition 50 100 { [$master dbsize] == [$replica dbsize] } else { fail "Different number of keys between master and replicas after too long time." } # Check digests set digest [$master debug digest] set digest0 [$replica debug digest] assert {$digest ne 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000} assert {$digest eq $digest0} } } } } } } test "diskless replication child being killed is collected" { # when diskless master is waiting for the replica to become writable # it removes the read event from the rdb pipe so if the child gets killed # the replica will hung. and the master may not collect the pid with waitpid start_server {tags {"repl"} overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] set master_pid [srv 0 pid] $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 # put enough data in the db that the rdb file will be bigger than the socket buffers $master debug populate 20000 test 10000 $master config set rdbcompression no start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set loglines [count_log_lines 0] $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb $replica config set key-load-delay 1000000 $replica config set loading-process-events-interval-bytes 1024 $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # wait for the replicas to start reading the rdb wait_for_log_messages 0 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 1500 10 # wait to be sure the replica is hung and the master is blocked on write after 500 # simulate the OOM killer or anyone else kills the child set fork_child_pid [get_child_pid -1] exec kill -9 $fork_child_pid # wait for the parent to notice the child have exited wait_for_condition 50 100 { [s -1 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 0 } else { fail "rdb child didn't terminate" } # Speed up shutdown $replica config set key-load-delay 0 } } } {} {external:skip} foreach mdl {yes no} { test "replication child dies when parent is killed - diskless: $mdl" { # when master is killed, make sure the fork child can detect that and exit start_server {tags {"repl"} overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] set master_pid [srv 0 pid] $master config set repl-diskless-sync $mdl $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 # create keys that will take 10 seconds to save $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 1000 $master debug populate 10000 start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set replica [srv 0 client] $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # wait for rdb child to start wait_for_condition 5000 10 { [s -1 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1 } else { fail "rdb child didn't start" } set fork_child_pid [get_child_pid -1] # simulate the OOM killer or anyone else kills the parent exec kill -9 $master_pid # wait for the child to notice the parent died have exited wait_for_condition 500 10 { [process_is_alive $fork_child_pid] == 0 } else { fail "rdb child didn't terminate" } } } } {} {external:skip} } test "diskless replication read pipe cleanup" { # In diskless replication, we create a read pipe for the RDB, between the child and the parent. # When we close this pipe (fd), the read handler also needs to be removed from the event loop (if it still registered). # Otherwise, next time we will use the same fd, the registration will be fail (panic), because # we will use EPOLL_CTL_MOD (the fd still register in the event loop), on fd that already removed from epoll_ctl start_server {tags {"repl"} overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] set master_pid [srv 0 pid] $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 # put enough data in the db, and slowdown the save, to keep the parent busy at the read process $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 100000 $master debug populate 20000 test 10000 $master config set rdbcompression no start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set loglines [count_log_lines 0] $replica config set repl-diskless-load swapdb $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # wait for the replicas to start reading the rdb wait_for_log_messages 0 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} $loglines 1500 10 set loglines [count_log_lines -1] # send FLUSHALL so the RDB child will be killed $master flushall # wait for another RDB child process to be started wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Background RDB transfer started by pid*"} $loglines 800 10 # make sure master is alive $master ping } } } {} {external:skip} test {replicaof right after disconnection} { # this is a rare race condition that was reproduced sporadically by the psync2 unit. # see details in #7205 start_server {tags {"repl"} overrides {save ""}} { set replica1 [srv 0 client] set replica1_host [srv 0 host] set replica1_port [srv 0 port] set replica1_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set replica2 [srv 0 client] set replica2_host [srv 0 host] set replica2_port [srv 0 port] set replica2_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {overrides {save ""}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] $replica1 replicaof $master_host $master_port $replica2 replicaof $master_host $master_port wait_for_condition 50 100 { [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica1 info replication]] && [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica2 info replication]] } else { fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica" } set rd [redict_deferring_client -1] $rd debug sleep 1 after 100 # when replica2 will wake up from the sleep it will find both disconnection # from it's master and also a replicaof command at the same event loop $master client kill type replica $replica2 replicaof $replica1_host $replica1_port $rd read wait_for_condition 50 100 { [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$replica2 info replication]] } else { fail "role change failed." } # make sure psync succeeded, and there were no unexpected full syncs. assert_equal [status $master sync_full] 2 assert_equal [status $replica1 sync_full] 0 assert_equal [status $replica2 sync_full] 0 } } } } {} {external:skip} test {Kill rdb child process if its dumping RDB is not useful} { start_server {tags {"repl"}} { set slave1 [srv 0 client] start_server {} { set slave2 [srv 0 client] start_server {} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} { $master set $i $i } # Generating RDB will cost 10s(10 * 1s) $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 1000000 $master config set repl-diskless-sync no $master config set save "" $slave1 slaveof $master_host $master_port $slave2 slaveof $master_host $master_port # Wait for starting child wait_for_condition 50 100 { ([s 0 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1) && ([string match "*wait_bgsave*" [s 0 slave0]]) && ([string match "*wait_bgsave*" [s 0 slave1]]) } else { fail "rdb child didn't start" } # Slave1 disconnect with master $slave1 slaveof no one # Shouldn't kill child since another slave wait for rdb after 100 assert {[s 0 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1} # Slave2 disconnect with master $slave2 slaveof no one # Should kill child wait_for_condition 100 10 { [s 0 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] eq 0 } else { fail "can't kill rdb child" } # If have save parameters, won't kill child $master config set save "900 1" $slave1 slaveof $master_host $master_port $slave2 slaveof $master_host $master_port wait_for_condition 50 100 { ([s 0 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1) && ([string match "*wait_bgsave*" [s 0 slave0]]) && ([string match "*wait_bgsave*" [s 0 slave1]]) } else { fail "rdb child didn't start" } $slave1 slaveof no one $slave2 slaveof no one after 200 assert {[s 0 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1} catch {$master shutdown nosave} } } } } {} {external:skip} start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { set master1_host [srv 0 host] set master1_port [srv 0 port] r set a b start_server {} { set master2 [srv 0 client] set master2_host [srv 0 host] set master2_port [srv 0 port] # Take 10s for dumping RDB $master2 debug populate 10 master2 10 $master2 config set rdb-key-save-delay 1000000 start_server {} { set sub_replica [srv 0 client] start_server {} { # Full sync with master1 r slaveof $master1_host $master1_port wait_for_sync r assert_equal "b" [r get a] # Let sub replicas sync with me $sub_replica slaveof [srv 0 host] [srv 0 port] wait_for_sync $sub_replica assert_equal "b" [$sub_replica get a] # Full sync with master2, and then kill master2 before finishing dumping RDB r slaveof $master2_host $master2_port wait_for_condition 50 100 { ([s -2 rdb_bgsave_in_progress] == 1) && ([string match "*wait_bgsave*" [s -2 slave0]]) } else { fail "full sync didn't start" } catch {$master2 shutdown nosave} test {Don't disconnect with replicas before loading transferred RDB when full sync} { assert ![log_file_matches [srv -1 stdout] "*Connection with master lost*"] # The replication id is not changed in entire replication chain assert_equal [s master_replid] [s -3 master_replid] assert_equal [s master_replid] [s -1 master_replid] } test {Discard cache master before loading transferred RDB when full sync} { set full_sync [s -3 sync_full] set partial_sync [s -3 sync_partial_ok] # Partial sync with master1 r slaveof $master1_host $master1_port wait_for_sync r # master1 accepts partial sync instead of full sync assert_equal $full_sync [s -3 sync_full] assert_equal [expr $partial_sync+1] [s -3 sync_partial_ok] # Since master only partially sync replica, and repl id is not changed, # the replica doesn't disconnect with its sub-replicas assert_equal [s master_replid] [s -3 master_replid] assert_equal [s master_replid] [s -1 master_replid] assert ![log_file_matches [srv -1 stdout] "*Connection with master lost*"] # Sub replica just has one full sync, no partial resync. assert_equal 1 [s sync_full] assert_equal 0 [s sync_partial_ok] } } } } } test {replica can handle EINTR if use diskless load} { start_server {tags {"repl"}} { set replica [srv 0 client] set replica_log [srv 0 stdout] start_server {} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] $master debug populate 100 master 100000 $master config set rdbcompression no $master config set repl-diskless-sync yes $master config set repl-diskless-sync-delay 0 $replica config set repl-diskless-load on-empty-db # Construct EINTR error by using the built in watchdog $replica config set watchdog-period 200 # Block replica in read() $master config set rdb-key-save-delay 10000 # set speedy shutdown $master config set save "" # Start the replication process... $replica replicaof $master_host $master_port # Wait for the replica to start reading the rdb set res [wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*Loading DB in memory*"} 0 200 10] set loglines [lindex $res 1] # Wait till we see the watchgod log line AFTER the loading started wait_for_log_messages -1 {"*WATCHDOG TIMER EXPIRED*"} $loglines 200 10 # Make sure we're still loading, and that there was just one full sync attempt assert ![log_file_matches [srv -1 stdout] "*Reconnecting to MASTER*"] assert_equal 1 [s 0 sync_full] assert_equal 1 [s -1 loading] } } } {} {external:skip} start_server {tags {"repl" "external:skip"}} { test "replica do not write the reply to the replication link - SYNC (_addReplyToBufferOrList)" { set rd [redict_deferring_client] set lines [count_log_lines 0] $rd sync $rd ping catch {$rd read} e if {$::verbose} { puts "SYNC _addReplyToBufferOrList: $e" } assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # Check we got the warning logs about the PING command. verify_log_message 0 "*Replica generated a reply to command 'ping', disconnecting it: *" $lines $rd close waitForBgsave r } test "replica do not write the reply to the replication link - SYNC (addReplyDeferredLen)" { set rd [redict_deferring_client] set lines [count_log_lines 0] $rd sync $rd xinfo help catch {$rd read} e if {$::verbose} { puts "SYNC addReplyDeferredLen: $e" } assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # Check we got the warning logs about the XINFO HELP command. verify_log_message 0 "*Replica generated a reply to command 'xinfo|help', disconnecting it: *" $lines $rd close waitForBgsave r } test "replica do not write the reply to the replication link - PSYNC (_addReplyToBufferOrList)" { set rd [redict_deferring_client] set lines [count_log_lines 0] $rd psync replicationid -1 assert_match {FULLRESYNC * 0} [$rd read] $rd get foo catch {$rd read} e if {$::verbose} { puts "PSYNC _addReplyToBufferOrList: $e" } assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # Check we got the warning logs about the GET command. verify_log_message 0 "*Replica generated a reply to command 'get', disconnecting it: *" $lines verify_log_message 0 "*== CRITICAL == This master is sending an error to its replica: *" $lines verify_log_message 0 "*Replica can't interact with the keyspace*" $lines $rd close waitForBgsave r } test "replica do not write the reply to the replication link - PSYNC (addReplyDeferredLen)" { set rd [redict_deferring_client] set lines [count_log_lines 0] $rd psync replicationid -1 assert_match {FULLRESYNC * 0} [$rd read] $rd slowlog get catch {$rd read} e if {$::verbose} { puts "PSYNC addReplyDeferredLen: $e" } assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # Check we got the warning logs about the SLOWLOG GET command. verify_log_message 0 "*Replica generated a reply to command 'slowlog|get', disconnecting it: *" $lines $rd close waitForBgsave r } test "PSYNC with wrong offset should throw error" { # It used to accept the FULL SYNC, but also replied with an error. assert_error {ERR value is not an integer or out of range} {r psync replicationid offset_str} set logs [exec tail -n 100 < [srv 0 stdout]] assert_match {*Replica * asks for synchronization but with a wrong offset} $logs assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] } } start_server {tags {"repl external:skip"}} { set master [srv 0 client] set master_host [srv 0 host] set master_port [srv 0 port] $master debug SET-ACTIVE-EXPIRE 0 start_server {} { set slave [srv 0 client] $slave debug SET-ACTIVE-EXPIRE 0 $slave slaveof $master_host $master_port test "Test replication with lazy expire" { # wait for replication to be in sync wait_for_condition 50 100 { [lindex [$slave role] 0] eq {slave} && [string match {*master_link_status:up*} [$slave info replication]] } else { fail "Can't turn the instance into a replica" } $master sadd s foo $master pexpire s 1 after 10 $master sadd s foo assert_equal 1 [$master wait 1 0] assert_equal "set" [$master type s] assert_equal "set" [$slave type s] } } }