start_server {tags {"tracking"}} { # Create a deferred client we'll use to redirect invalidation # messages to. set rd1 [redis_deferring_client] $rd1 client id set redir [$rd1 read] $rd1 subscribe __redis__:invalidate $rd1 read ; # Consume the SUBSCRIBE reply. # Create another client as well in order to test NOLOOP set rd2 [redis_deferring_client] test {Clients are able to enable tracking and redirect it} { r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir } {*OK} test {The other connection is able to get invalidations} { r SET a 1 r GET a r INCR a r INCR b ; # This key should not be notified, since it wasn't fetched. set keys [lindex [$rd1 read] 2] assert {[llength $keys] == 1} assert {[lindex $keys 0] eq {a}} } test {The client is now able to disable tracking} { # Make sure to add a few more keys in the tracking list # so that we can check for leaks, as a side effect. r MGET a b c d e f g r CLIENT TRACKING off } test {Clients can enable the BCAST mode with the empty prefix} { r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir } {*OK*} test {The connection gets invalidation messages about all the keys} { r MSET a 1 b 2 c 3 set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {a b c}} } test {Clients can enable the BCAST mode with prefixes} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir PREFIX a: PREFIX b: r MULTI r INCR a:1 r INCR a:2 r INCR b:1 r INCR b:2 r EXEC # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different prefixes. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {a:1 a:2 b:1 b:2}} } test {Adding prefixes to BCAST mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir PREFIX c: r INCR c:1234 set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {c:1234}} } test {Tracking NOLOOP mode in standard mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir NOLOOP r MGET otherkey1 loopkey otherkey2 $rd2 SET otherkey1 1; # We should get this r SET loopkey 1 ; # We should not get this $rd2 SET otherkey2 1; # We should get this # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different prefixes. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {otherkey1 otherkey2}} } test {Tracking NOLOOP mode in BCAST mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir NOLOOP $rd2 SET otherkey1 1; # We should get this r SET loopkey 1 ; # We should not get this $rd2 SET otherkey2 1; # We should get this # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different prefixes. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {otherkey1 otherkey2}} } test {Tracking gets notification of expired keys} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir NOLOOP r SET mykey myval px 1 r SET mykeyotherkey myval ; # We should not get it after 1000 # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different prefixes. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd1 read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1]] assert {$keys eq {mykey}} } $rd1 close }