# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only # logreqres:skip because it seems many of these tests rely heavily on RESP2 start_server {tags {"tracking network logreqres:skip"}} { # Create a deferred client we'll use to redirect invalidation # messages to. set rd_redirection [redict_deferring_client] $rd_redirection client id set redir_id [$rd_redirection read] $rd_redirection subscribe __redict__:invalidate $rd_redirection read ; # Consume the SUBSCRIBE reply. # Create another client that's not used as a redirection client # We should always keep this client's buffer clean set rd [redict_deferring_client] # Client to be used for SET and GET commands # We don't read this client's buffer set rd_sg [redict_client] proc clean_all {} { uplevel { # We should make r TRACKING off first. If r is in RESP3, # r FLUSH ALL will send us tracking-redir-broken or other # info which will not be consumed. r CLIENT TRACKING off $rd QUIT $rd_redirection QUIT set rd [redict_deferring_client] set rd_redirection [redict_deferring_client] $rd_redirection client id set redir_id [$rd_redirection read] $rd_redirection subscribe __redict__:invalidate $rd_redirection read ; # Consume the SUBSCRIBE reply. r FLUSHALL r HELLO 2 r config set tracking-table-max-keys 1000000 } } test {Clients are able to enable tracking and redirect it} { r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id } {*OK} test {The other connection is able to get invalidations} { r SET a{t} 1 r SET b{t} 1 r GET a{t} r INCR b{t} ; # This key should not be notified, since it wasn't fetched. r INCR a{t} set keys [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {[llength $keys] == 1} assert {[lindex $keys 0] eq {a{t}}} } test {The client is now able to disable tracking} { # Make sure to add a few more keys in the tracking list # so that we can check for leaks, as a side effect. r MGET a{t} b{t} c{t} d{t} e{t} f{t} g{t} r CLIENT TRACKING off } {*OK} test {Clients can enable the BCAST mode with the empty prefix} { r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id } {*OK*} test {The connection gets invalidation messages about all the keys} { r MSET a{t} 1 b{t} 2 c{t} 3 set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {a{t} b{t} c{t}}} } test {Clients can enable the BCAST mode with prefixes} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id PREFIX a: PREFIX b: r MULTI r INCR a:1{t} r INCR a:2{t} r INCR b:1{t} r INCR b:2{t} # we should not get this key r INCR c:1{t} r EXEC # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different prefixes. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {a:1{t} a:2{t} b:1{t} b:2{t}}} } test {Adding prefixes to BCAST mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id PREFIX c: r INCR c:1234 set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {c:1234}} } test {Tracking NOLOOP mode in standard mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id NOLOOP r MGET otherkey1{t} loopkey{t} otherkey2{t} $rd_sg SET otherkey1{t} 1; # We should get this r SET loopkey{t} 1 ; # We should not get this $rd_sg SET otherkey2{t} 1; # We should get this # Because of the internals, we know we are going to receive # two separated notifications for the two different keys. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {otherkey1{t} otherkey2{t}}} } test {Tracking NOLOOP mode in BCAST mode works} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id NOLOOP $rd_sg SET otherkey1 1; # We should get this r SET loopkey 1 ; # We should not get this $rd_sg SET otherkey2 1; # We should get this # Because $rd_sg send command synchronously, we know we are # going to receive two separated notifications. set keys1 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys2 [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] set keys [lsort [list {*}$keys1 {*}$keys2]] assert {$keys eq {otherkey1 otherkey2}} } test {Tracking gets notification of expired keys} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id NOLOOP r SET mykey myval px 1 r SET mykeyotherkey myval ; # We should not get it after 1000 set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {mykey}} } test {Tracking gets notification of lazy expired keys} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST REDIRECT $redir_id NOLOOP # Use multi-exec to expose a race where the key gets an two invalidations # in the same event loop, once by the client so filtered by NOLOOP, and # the second one by the lazy expire r MULTI r SET mykey{t} myval px 1 r SET mykeyotherkey{t} myval ; # We should not get it r DEBUG SLEEP 0.1 r GET mykey{t} r EXEC set keys [lsort [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2]] assert {$keys eq {mykey{t}}} } {} {needs:debug} test {HELLO 3 reply is correct} { set reply [r HELLO 3] assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 3 } test {HELLO without protover} { set reply [r HELLO 3] assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 3 set reply [r HELLO] assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 3 set reply [r HELLO 2] assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 2 set reply [r HELLO] assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 2 # restore RESP3 for next test r HELLO 3 } test {RESP3 based basic invalidation} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg SET key1 2 r read } {invalidate key1} test {RESP3 tracking redirection} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg SET key1 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key1}} } test {Invalidations of previous keys can be redirected after switching to RESP3} { r HELLO 2 $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 r HELLO 3 $rd_sg SET key1 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key1}} } test {Invalidations of new keys can be redirected after switching to RESP3} { r HELLO 3 $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg SET key1 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key1}} } test {Invalid keys should not be tracked for scripts in NOLOOP mode} { $rd_sg CLIENT TRACKING off $rd_sg CLIENT TRACKING on NOLOOP $rd_sg HELLO 3 $rd_sg SET key1 1 assert_equal "1" [$rd_sg GET key1] # For write command in script, invalid key should not be tracked with NOLOOP flag $rd_sg eval "return redict.call('set', 'key1', '2')" 1 key1 assert_equal "2" [$rd_sg GET key1] $rd_sg CLIENT TRACKING off } test {Tracking only occurs for scripts when a command calls a read-only command} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on $rd_sg MSET key2{t} 1 key2{t} 1 # If a script doesn't call any read command, don't track any keys r EVAL "redict.call('set', 'key3{t}', 'bar')" 2 key1{t} key2{t} $rd_sg MSET key2{t} 2 key1{t} 2 assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # If a script calls a read command, just the read keys r EVAL "redict.call('get', 'key2{t}')" 2 key1{t} key2{t} $rd_sg MSET key2{t} 2 key3{t} 2 assert_equal {invalidate key2{t}} [r read] assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # RO variants work like the normal variants # If a RO script doesn't call any read command, don't track any keys r EVAL_RO "redict.call('ping')" 2 key1{t} key2{t} $rd_sg MSET key2{t} 2 key1{t} 2 assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] # If a RO script calls a read command, just the read keys r EVAL_RO "redict.call('get', 'key2{t}')" 2 key1{t} key2{t} $rd_sg MSET key2{t} 2 key3{t} 2 assert_equal {invalidate key2{t}} [r read] assert_equal "PONG" [r ping] } test {RESP3 Client gets tracking-redir-broken push message after cached key changed when rediretion client is terminated} { r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_redirection QUIT assert_equal OK [$rd_redirection read] $rd_sg SET key1 2 set MAX_TRIES 100 set res -1 for {set i 0} {$i <= $MAX_TRIES && $res < 0} {incr i} { set res [lsearch -exact [r PING] "tracking-redir-broken"] } assert {$res >= 0} # Consume PING reply assert_equal PONG [r read] # Reinstantiating after QUIT set rd_redirection [redict_deferring_client] $rd_redirection CLIENT ID set redir_id [$rd_redirection read] $rd_redirection SUBSCRIBE __redict__:invalidate $rd_redirection read ; # Consume the SUBSCRIBE reply } test {Different clients can redirect to the same connection} { r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id assert_equal OK [$rd read] ; # Consume the TRACKING reply $rd_sg MSET key1{t} 1 key2{t} 1 r GET key1{t} $rd GET key2{t} assert_equal 1 [$rd read] ; # Consume the GET reply $rd_sg INCR key1{t} $rd_sg INCR key2{t} set res1 [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] set res2 [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res1 eq {key1{t}}} assert {$res2 eq {key2{t}}} } test {Different clients using different protocols can track the same key} { $rd HELLO 3 set reply [$rd read] ; # Consume the HELLO reply assert_equal 3 [dict get $reply proto] $rd CLIENT TRACKING on assert_equal OK [$rd read] ; # Consume the TRACKING reply $rd_sg set key1 1 r GET key1 $rd GET key1 assert_equal 1 [$rd read] ; # Consume the GET reply $rd_sg INCR key1 set res1 [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] $rd PING ; # Non redirecting client has to talk to the server in order to get invalidation message set res2 [lindex [split [$rd read] " "] 1] assert_equal PONG [$rd read] ; # Consume the PING reply, which comes together with the invalidation message assert {$res1 eq {key1}} assert {$res2 eq {key1}} } test {No invalidation message when using OPTIN option} { r CLIENT TRACKING on OPTIN REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 ; # This key should not be notified, since OPTIN is on and CLIENT CACHING yes wasn't called $rd_sg SET key1 2 # Preparing some message to consume on $rd_redirection so we don't get blocked r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key2 1 r GET key2 ; # This key should be notified $rd_sg SET key2 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key2}} } test {Invalidation message sent when using OPTIN option with CLIENT CACHING yes} { r CLIENT TRACKING on OPTIN REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 3 r CLIENT CACHING yes r GET key1 $rd_sg SET key1 4 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key1}} } test {Invalidation message sent when using OPTOUT option} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on OPTOUT REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg SET key1 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key1}} } test {No invalidation message when using OPTOUT option with CLIENT CACHING no} { $rd_sg SET key1 1 r CLIENT CACHING no r GET key1 ; # This key should not be notified, since OPTOUT is on and CLIENT CACHING no was called $rd_sg SET key1 2 # Preparing some message to consume on $rd_redirection so we don't get blocked $rd_sg SET key2 1 r GET key2 ; # This key should be notified $rd_sg SET key2 2 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] assert {$res eq {key2}} } test {Able to redirect to a RESP3 client} { $rd_redirection UNSUBSCRIBE __redict__:invalidate ; # Need to unsub first before we can do HELLO 3 set res [$rd_redirection read] ; # Consume the UNSUBSCRIBE reply assert_equal {__redict__:invalidate} [lindex $res 1] $rd_redirection HELLO 3 set res [$rd_redirection read] ; # Consume the HELLO reply assert_equal [dict get $reply proto] 3 $rd_redirection SUBSCRIBE __redict__:invalidate set res [$rd_redirection read] ; # Consume the SUBSCRIBE reply assert_equal {__redict__:invalidate} [lindex $res 1] r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg INCR key1 set res [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 1] assert {$res eq {key1}} $rd_redirection HELLO 2 set res [$rd_redirection read] ; # Consume the HELLO reply assert_equal [dict get $res proto] 2 } test {After switching from normal tracking to BCAST mode, no invalidation message is produced for pre-BCAST keys} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST $rd_sg INCR key1 set inv_msg [r PING] set ping_reply [r read] assert {$inv_msg eq {invalidate key1}} assert {$ping_reply eq {PONG}} } test {BCAST with prefix collisions throw errors} { set r [redict_client] catch {$r CLIENT TRACKING ON BCAST PREFIX FOOBAR PREFIX FOO} output assert_match {ERR Prefix 'FOOBAR'*'FOO'*} $output catch {$r CLIENT TRACKING ON BCAST PREFIX FOO PREFIX FOOBAR} output assert_match {ERR Prefix 'FOO'*'FOOBAR'*} $output $r CLIENT TRACKING ON BCAST PREFIX FOO PREFIX BAR catch {$r CLIENT TRACKING ON BCAST PREFIX FO} output assert_match {ERR Prefix 'FO'*'FOO'*} $output catch {$r CLIENT TRACKING ON BCAST PREFIX BARB} output assert_match {ERR Prefix 'BARB'*'BAR'*} $output $r CLIENT TRACKING OFF } test {hdel deliver invalidate message after response in the same connection} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on r HSET myhash f 1 r HGET myhash f set res [r HDEL myhash f] assert_equal $res 1 set res [r read] assert_equal $res {invalidate myhash} } test {Tracking invalidation message is not interleaved with multiple keys response} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on # We need disable active expire, so we can trigger lazy expire r DEBUG SET-ACTIVE-EXPIRE 0 r MULTI r MSET x{t} 1 y{t} 2 r PEXPIRE y{t} 100 r GET y{t} r EXEC after 110 # Read expired key y{t}, generate invalidate message about this key set res [r MGET x{t} y{t}] assert_equal $res {1 {}} # Consume the invalidate message which is after command response set res [r read] assert_equal $res {invalidate y{t}} r DEBUG SET-ACTIVE-EXPIRE 1 } {OK} {needs:debug} test {Tracking invalidation message is not interleaved with transaction response} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on r MSET a{t} 1 b{t} 2 r GET a{t} # Start a transaction, make a{t} generate an invalidate message r MULTI r INCR a{t} r GET b{t} set res [r EXEC] assert_equal $res {2 2} set res [r read] # Consume the invalidate message which is after command response assert_equal $res {invalidate a{t}} } test {Tracking invalidation message of eviction keys should be before response} { # Get the current memory limit and calculate a new limit. r CLIENT TRACKING off r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on # make the previous test is really done before sampling used_memory wait_lazyfree_done r set used [expr {[s used_memory] - [s mem_not_counted_for_evict]}] set limit [expr {$used+100*1024}] set old_policy [lindex [r config get maxmemory-policy] 1] r config set maxmemory $limit # We set policy volatile-random, so only keys with ttl will be evicted r config set maxmemory-policy volatile-random # Add a volatile key and tracking it. r setex volatile-key 10000 x r get volatile-key # We use SETBIT here, so we can set a big key and get the used_memory # bigger than maxmemory. Next command will evict volatile keys. We # can't use SET, as SET uses big input buffer, so it will fail. r setbit big-key 1600000 0 ;# this will consume 200kb # volatile-key is evicted before response. set res [r getbit big-key 0] assert_equal $res {invalidate volatile-key} set res [r read] assert_equal $res 0 r config set maxmemory-policy $old_policy r config set maxmemory 0 } test {Unblocked BLMOVE gets notification after response} { r RPUSH list2{t} a $rd HELLO 3 $rd read $rd CLIENT TRACKING on $rd read # Tracking key list2{t} $rd LRANGE list2{t} 0 -1 $rd read # We block on list1{t} $rd BLMOVE list1{t} list2{t} left left 0 wait_for_blocked_clients_count 1 # unblock $rd, list2{t} gets element and generate invalidation message r rpush list1{t} foo assert_equal [$rd read] {foo} assert_equal [$rd read] {invalidate list2{t}} } test {Tracking gets notification on tracking table key eviction} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id NOLOOP r MSET key1{t} 1 key2{t} 2 # Let the server track the two keys for us r MGET key1{t} key2{t} # Force the eviction of all the keys but one: r config set tracking-table-max-keys 1 # Note that we may have other keys in the table for this client, # since we disabled/enabled tracking multiple time with the same # ID, and tracking does not do ID cleanups for performance reasons. # So we check that eventually we'll receive one or the other key, # otherwise the test will die for timeout. while 1 { set keys [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] if {$keys eq {key1{t}} || $keys eq {key2{t}}} break } # We should receive an expire notification for one of # the two keys (only one must remain) assert {$keys eq {key1{t}} || $keys eq {key2{t}}} } test {Invalidation message received for flushall} { clean_all r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg FLUSHALL set msg [$rd_redirection read] assert {[lindex msg 2] eq {} } } test {Invalidation message received for flushdb} { clean_all r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_sg FLUSHDB set msg [$rd_redirection read] assert {[lindex msg 2] eq {} } } test {Test ASYNC flushall} { clean_all r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id r GET key1 r GET key2 assert_equal [s 0 tracking_total_keys] 2 $rd_sg FLUSHALL ASYNC assert_equal [s 0 tracking_total_keys] 0 assert_equal [lindex [$rd_redirection read] 2] {} } test {flushdb tracking invalidation message is not interleaved with transaction response} { clean_all r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on r SET a{t} 1 r GET a{t} r MULTI r FLUSHDB set res [r EXEC] assert_equal $res {OK} # Consume the invalidate message which is after command response r read } {invalidate {}} # Keys are defined to be evicted 100 at a time by default. # If after eviction the number of keys still surpasses the limit # defined in tracking-table-max-keys, we increases eviction # effort to 200, and then 300, etc. # This test tests this effort incrementation. test {Server is able to evacuate enough keys when num of keys surpasses limit by more than defined initial effort} { clean_all set NUM_OF_KEYS_TO_TEST 250 set TRACKING_TABLE_MAX_KEYS 1 r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id for {set i 0} {$i < $NUM_OF_KEYS_TO_TEST} {incr i} { $rd_sg SET key$i $i r GET key$i } r config set tracking-table-max-keys $TRACKING_TABLE_MAX_KEYS # If not enough keys are evicted, we won't get enough invalidation # messages, and "$rd_redirection read" will block. # If too many keys are evicted, we will get too many invalidation # messages, and the assert will fail. for {set i 0} {$i < $NUM_OF_KEYS_TO_TEST - $TRACKING_TABLE_MAX_KEYS} {incr i} { $rd_redirection read } $rd_redirection PING assert {[$rd_redirection read] eq {pong {}}} } test {Tracking info is correct} { clean_all r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 $rd_sg SET key2 2 r GET key1 r GET key2 $rd CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST PREFIX prefix: assert [string match *OK* [$rd read]] $rd_sg SET prefix:key1 1 $rd_sg SET prefix:key2 2 set info [r info] regexp "\r\ntracking_total_items:(.*?)\r\n" $info _ total_items regexp "\r\ntracking_total_keys:(.*?)\r\n" $info _ total_keys regexp "\r\ntracking_total_prefixes:(.*?)\r\n" $info _ total_prefixes regexp "\r\ntracking_clients:(.*?)\r\n" $info _ tracking_clients assert {$total_items == 2} assert {$total_keys == 2} assert {$total_prefixes == 1} assert {$tracking_clients == 2} } test {CLIENT GETREDIR provides correct client id} { set res [r CLIENT GETREDIR] assert_equal $redir_id $res r CLIENT TRACKING off set res [r CLIENT GETREDIR] assert_equal -1 $res r CLIENT TRACKING on set res [r CLIENT GETREDIR] assert_equal 0 $res } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking off} { r CLIENT TRACKING off set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {off} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal {-1} $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking on} { r CLIENT TRACKING on set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal {0} $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking on with options} { r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id noloop set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on noloop} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal $redir_id $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking optin} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on optin set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on optin} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal {0} $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes r CLIENT CACHING yes set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on optin caching-yes} $flags } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking optout} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on optout set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on optout} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal {0} $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes r CLIENT CACHING no set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on optout caching-no} $flags } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking bcast mode} { r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST PREFIX foo PREFIX bar set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on bcast} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal {0} $redirect set prefixes [lsort [dict get $res prefixes]] assert_equal {bar foo} $prefixes r CLIENT TRACKING off r CLIENT TRACKING on BCAST set res [r client trackinginfo] set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {{}} $prefixes } test {CLIENT TRACKINGINFO provides reasonable results when tracking redir broken} { clean_all r HELLO 3 r CLIENT TRACKING on REDIRECT $redir_id $rd_sg SET key1 1 r GET key1 $rd_redirection QUIT assert_equal OK [$rd_redirection read] $rd_sg SET key1 2 set res [lsearch -exact [r read] "tracking-redir-broken"] assert {$res >= 0} set res [r client trackinginfo] set flags [dict get $res flags] assert_equal {on broken_redirect} $flags set redirect [dict get $res redirect] assert_equal $redir_id $redirect set prefixes [dict get $res prefixes] assert_equal {} $prefixes } test {Regression test for #11715} { # This issue manifests when a client invalidates keys through the max key # limit, which invalidates keys to get Redict below the limit, but no command is # then executed. This can occur in several ways but the simplest is through # multi-exec which queues commands. clean_all r config set tracking-table-max-keys 2 # The cron will invalidate keys if we're above the limit, so disable it. r debug pause-cron 1 # Set up a client that has listened to 2 keys and start a multi, this # sets up the crash for later. $rd HELLO 3 $rd read $rd CLIENT TRACKING on assert_match "OK" [$rd read] $rd mget "1{tag}" "2{tag}" assert_match "{} {}" [$rd read] $rd multi assert_match "OK" [$rd read] # Reduce the tracking table keys to 1, this doesn't immediately take affect, but # instead will apply on the next command. r config set tracking-table-max-keys 1 # This command will get queued, so make sure this command doesn't crash. $rd ping $rd exec # Validate we got some invalidation message and then the command was queued. assert_match "invalidate *{tag}" [$rd read] assert_match "QUEUED" [$rd read] assert_match "PONG" [$rd read] r debug pause-cron 0 } {OK} {needs:debug} foreach resp {3 2} { test "RESP$resp based basic invalidation with client reply off" { # This entire test is mostly irrelevant for RESP2, but we run it anyway just for some extra coverage. clean_all $rd hello $resp $rd read $rd client tracking on $rd read $rd_sg set foo bar $rd get foo $rd read $rd client reply off $rd_sg set foo bar2 if {$resp == 3} { assert_equal {invalidate foo} [$rd read] } elseif {$resp == 2} { } ;# Just coverage # Verify things didn't get messed up and no unexpected reply was pushed to the client. $rd client reply on assert_equal {OK} [$rd read] $rd ping assert_equal {PONG} [$rd read] } } test {RESP3 based basic redirect invalidation with client reply off} { clean_all set rd_redir [redict_deferring_client] $rd_redir hello 3 $rd_redir read $rd_redir client id set rd_redir_id [$rd_redir read] $rd client tracking on redirect $rd_redir_id $rd read $rd_sg set foo bar $rd get foo $rd read $rd_redir client reply off $rd_sg set foo bar2 assert_equal {invalidate foo} [$rd_redir read] # Verify things didn't get messed up and no unexpected reply was pushed to the client. $rd_redir client reply on assert_equal {OK} [$rd_redir read] $rd_redir ping assert_equal {PONG} [$rd_redir read] $rd_redir close } test {RESP3 based basic tracking-redir-broken with client reply off} { clean_all $rd hello 3 $rd read $rd client tracking on redirect $redir_id $rd read $rd_sg set foo bar $rd get foo $rd read $rd client reply off $rd_redirection quit $rd_redirection read $rd_sg set foo bar2 set res [lsearch -exact [$rd read] "tracking-redir-broken"] assert_morethan_equal $res 0 # Verify things didn't get messed up and no unexpected reply was pushed to the client. $rd client reply on assert_equal {OK} [$rd read] $rd ping assert_equal {PONG} [$rd read] } $rd_redirection close $rd_sg close $rd close } # Just some extra coverage for --log-req-res, because we do not # run the full tracking unit in that mode start_server {tags {"tracking network"}} { test {Coverage: Basic CLIENT CACHING} { set rd_redirection [redict_deferring_client] $rd_redirection client id set redir_id [$rd_redirection read] assert_equal {OK} [r CLIENT TRACKING on OPTIN REDIRECT $redir_id] assert_equal {OK} [r CLIENT CACHING yes] r CLIENT TRACKING off } {OK} test {Coverage: Basic CLIENT REPLY} { r CLIENT REPLY on } {OK} test {Coverage: Basic CLIENT TRACKINGINFO} { r CLIENT TRACKINGINFO } {flags off redirect -1 prefixes {}} test {Coverage: Basic CLIENT GETREDIR} { r CLIENT GETREDIR } {-1} }