# Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Redict Ltd. # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Redict Contributors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Salvatore Sanfilippo # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only package require Tcl 8.5 namespace eval response_transformers {} # Transform a map response into an array of tuples (tuple = array with 2 elements) # Used for XREAD[GROUP] proc transfrom_map_to_tupple_array {argv response} { set tuparray {} foreach {key val} $response { set tmp {} lappend tmp $key lappend tmp $val lappend tuparray $tmp } return $tuparray } # Transform an array of tuples to a flat array proc transfrom_tuple_array_to_flat_array {argv response} { set flatarray {} foreach pair $response { lappend flatarray {*}$pair } return $flatarray } # With HRANDFIELD, we only need to transform the response if the request had WITHVALUES # (otherwise the returned response is a flat array in both RESPs) proc transfrom_hrandfield_command {argv response} { foreach ele $argv { if {[string compare -nocase $ele "WITHVALUES"] == 0} { return [transfrom_tuple_array_to_flat_array $argv $response] } } return $response } # With some zset commands, we only need to transform the response if the request had WITHSCORES # (otherwise the returned response is a flat array in both RESPs) proc transfrom_zset_withscores_command {argv response} { foreach ele $argv { if {[string compare -nocase $ele "WITHSCORES"] == 0} { return [transfrom_tuple_array_to_flat_array $argv $response] } } return $response } # With ZPOPMIN/ZPOPMAX, we only need to transform the response if the request had COUNT (3rd arg) # (otherwise the returned response is a flat array in both RESPs) proc transfrom_zpopmin_zpopmax {argv response} { if {[llength $argv] == 3} { return [transfrom_tuple_array_to_flat_array $argv $response] } return $response } set ::trasformer_funcs { XREAD transfrom_map_to_tupple_array XREADGROUP transfrom_map_to_tupple_array HRANDFIELD transfrom_hrandfield_command ZRANDMEMBER transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZRANGE transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZRANGEBYSCORE transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZRANGEBYLEX transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZREVRANGE transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZREVRANGEBYSCORE transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZREVRANGEBYLEX transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZUNION transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZDIFF transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZINTER transfrom_zset_withscores_command ZPOPMIN transfrom_zpopmin_zpopmax ZPOPMAX transfrom_zpopmin_zpopmax } proc ::response_transformers::transform_response_if_needed {id argv response} { if {![::redict::should_transform_to_resp2 $id] || $::redict::readraw($id)} { return $response } set key [string toupper [lindex $argv 0]] if {![dict exists $::trasformer_funcs $key]} { return $response } set transform [dict get $::trasformer_funcs $key] return [$transform $argv $response] }