package Redis; use warnings; use strict; use IO::Socket::INET; use Data::Dump qw/dump/; use Carp qw/confess/; =head1 NAME Redis - perl binding for Redis database =cut our $VERSION = '0.08'; =head1 DESCRIPTION Pure perl bindings for L This version support git version 0.08 of Redis available at L This documentation lists commands which are exercised in test suite, but additinal commands will work correctly since protocol specifies enough information to support almost all commands with same peace of code with a little help of C. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 new my $r = Redis->new; =cut our $debug = $ENV{REDIS} || 0; our $sock; my $server = ''; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; bless($self, $class); warn "# opening socket to $server"; $sock ||= IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $server, Proto => 'tcp', ) || die $!; $self; } my $bulk_command = { set => 1, setnx => 1, rpush => 1, lpush => 1, lset => 1, lrem => 1, sadd => 1, srem => 1, sismember => 1, echo => 1, }; # we don't want DESTROY to fallback into AUTOLOAD sub DESTROY {} our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $command = $AUTOLOAD; $command =~ s/.*://; warn "## $command ",dump(@_) if $debug; my $send; if ( defined $bulk_command->{$command} ) { my $value = pop; $value = '' if ! defined $value; $send = uc($command) . ' ' . join(' ', @_) . ' ' . length( $value ) . "\r\n$value\r\n" ; } else { $send = uc($command) . ' ' . join(' ', @_) . "\r\n" ; } warn ">> $send" if $debug; print $sock $send; if ( $command eq 'quit' ) { close( $sock ) || die "can't close socket: $!"; return 1; } my $result = <$sock> || die "can't read socket: $!"; warn "<< $result" if $debug; my $type = substr($result,0,1); $result = substr($result,1,-2); if ( $command eq 'info' ) { my $hash; foreach my $l ( split(/\r\n/, __sock_read_bulk($result) ) ) { my ($n,$v) = split(/:/, $l, 2); $hash->{$n} = $v; } return $hash; } elsif ( $command eq 'keys' ) { my $keys = __sock_read_bulk($result); return split(/\s/, $keys) if $keys; return; } if ( $type eq '-' ) { confess $result; } elsif ( $type eq '+' ) { return $result; } elsif ( $type eq '$' ) { return __sock_read_bulk($result); } elsif ( $type eq '*' ) { return __sock_read_multi_bulk($result); } elsif ( $type eq ':' ) { return $result; # FIXME check if int? } else { confess "unknown type: $type", __sock_read_line(); } } sub __sock_read_bulk { my $len = shift; return undef if $len < 0; my $v; if ( $len > 0 ) { read($sock, $v, $len) || die $!; warn "<< ",dump($v),$/ if $debug; } my $crlf; read($sock, $crlf, 2); # skip cr/lf return $v; } sub __sock_read_multi_bulk { my $size = shift; return undef if $size < 0; $size--; my @list = ( 0 .. $size ); foreach ( 0 .. $size ) { $list[ $_ ] = __sock_read_bulk( substr(<$sock>,1,-2) ); } warn "## list = ", dump( @list ) if $debug; return @list; } 1; __END__ =head1 Connection Handling =head2 quit $r->quit; =head2 ping $r->ping || die "no server?"; =head1 Commands operating on string values =head2 set $r->set( foo => 'bar' ); $r->setnx( foo => 42 ); =head2 get my $value = $r->get( 'foo' ); =head2 mget my @values = $r->mget( 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ); =head2 incr $r->incr('counter'); $r->incrby('tripplets', 3); =head2 decr $r->decr('counter'); $r->decrby('tripplets', 3); =head2 exists $r->exists( 'key' ) && print "got key!"; =head2 del $r->del( 'key' ) || warn "key doesn't exist"; =head2 type $r->type( 'key' ); # = string =head1 Commands operating on the key space =head2 keys my @keys = $r->keys( '*glob_pattern*' ); =head2 randomkey my $key = $r->randomkey; =head2 rename my $ok = $r->rename( 'old-key', 'new-key', $new ); =head2 dbsize my $nr_keys = $r->dbsize; =head1 Commands operating on lists See also L for tie interface. =head2 rpush $r->rpush( $key, $value ); =head2 lpush $r->lpush( $key, $value ); =head2 llen $r->llen( $key ); =head2 lrange my @list = $r->lrange( $key, $start, $end ); =head2 ltrim my $ok = $r->ltrim( $key, $start, $end ); =head2 lindex $r->lindex( $key, $index ); =head2 lset $r->lset( $key, $index, $value ); =head2 lrem my $modified_count = $r->lrem( $key, $count, $value ); =head2 lpop my $value = $r->lpop( $key ); =head2 rpop my $value = $r->rpop( $key ); =head1 Commands operating on sets =head2 sadd $r->sadd( $key, $member ); =head2 srem $r->srem( $key, $member ); =head2 scard my $elements = $r->scard( $key ); =head2 sismember $r->sismember( $key, $member ); =head2 sinter $r->sinter( $key1, $key2, ... ); =head2 sinterstore my $ok = $r->sinterstore( $dstkey, $key1, $key2, ... ); =head1 Multiple databases handling commands =head2 select $r->select( $dbindex ); # 0 for new clients =head2 move $r->move( $key, $dbindex ); =head2 flushdb $r->flushdb; =head2 flushall $r->flushall; =head1 Sorting =head2 sort $r->sort("key BY pattern LIMIT start end GET pattern ASC|DESC ALPHA'); =head1 Persistence control commands =head2 save $r->save; =head2 bgsave $r->bgsave; =head2 lastsave $r->lastsave; =head2 shutdown $r->shutdown; =head1 Remote server control commands =head2 info my $info_hash = $r->info; =head1 AUTHOR Dobrica Pavlinusic, C<< >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Redis perldoc Redis::List perldoc Redis::Hash You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Dobrica Pavlinusic, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1; # End of Redis